66 research outputs found

    Gas-phase oxygen abundances and radial metallicity gradients in the two nearby spiral galaxies NGC7793 and NGC4945

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    Gas-phase abundances in HII regions of two spiral galaxies, NGC7793 and NGC4945, have been studied to determine their radial metallicity gradients. We used the strong-line method to derive oxygen abundances from spectra acquired with GMOS-S, the multi-object spectrograph on the 8m- Gemini South telescope. We found that NGC7793 has a well-defined gas-phase radial oxygen gradient of -0.321 ±\pm 0.112 dex R251_{\rm 25}^{-1} (or -0.054 ±\pm 0.019 dex kpc1^{-1}) in the galactocentric range 0.17<<RG_{\rm G}/R25_{\rm 25} << 0.82, not dissimilar from gradients calculated with direct abundance methods in galaxies of similar mass and morphology. We also determined a shallow radial oxygen gradient in NGC4945, -0.253 ±\pm 0.149 dex R251_{\rm 25}^{-1} (or -0.019 ±\pm 0.011 dex kpc1^{-1}) for 0.04<<RG_{\rm G}/R25_{\rm 25} << 0.51, where the larger relative uncertainty derives mostly from the larger inclination of this galaxy. NGC7793 and NGC4945 have been selected for this study because they are similar, in mass and morphology, to M33 and the Milky Way, respectively. Since at zeroth order we expect the radial metallicity gradients to depend on mass and galaxy type, we compared our galaxies in the framework of radial metallicity models best suited for M33 and the Galaxy. We found a good agreement between M33 and NGC7793, pointing toward similar evolution for the two galaxies. We notice instead differences between NGC4945 and the radial metallicity gradient model that best fits the Milky Way. We found that these differences are likely related to the presence of an AGN combined with a bar in the central regions of NGC4945, and to its interacting environment.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    The radial metallicity gradient and the history of elemental enrichment in M81 through emission-line probes

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    We present a new set of weak-line abundances of HII regions in M81, based on Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) observations. The aim is to derive plasma and abundance analysis for a sizable set of emission-line targets to study the galactic chemical contents in the framework of galactic metallicity gradients. We used the weak-line abundance approach by deriving electron density and temperatures for several HII regions in M81. Gradient analysis is based on oxygen abundances.Together with a set of HII region abundances determined similarly by us with Multi-Mirror Telescope (MMT) spectra, the new data yield to a radial oxygen gradient of -0.088±\pm0.013 dex kpc1^{-1}, which is steeper than the metallicity gradient obtained for planetary nebulae (-0.044±\pm0.007 dex kpc1^{-1}). This result could be interpreted as gradient evolution with time: Models of galactic evolution with inside-out disk formation associated to pre-enriched gas infall would produce such difference of gradients, although stellar migration effects would also induce a difference in the metallicity gradients between the old and young populations. By comparing the M81 metallicity gradients with those of other spiral galaxies, all consistently derived from weak-line analysis, we can infer that similar gradient difference is common among spirals. The metallicity gradient slopes for HII regions and PNe seem to be steeper in M81 than in other galactic disks, which is likely due to the fact that M81 belongs to a galaxy group. We also found that M81 has experienced an average oxygen enrichment of 0.14±\pm0.08 dex in the spatial domain defined by the observations. Our data are compatible with a break in the radial oxygen gradient slope around R25_{25} as inferred by other authors both in M81 and in other galaxies.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    The resolved star-formation relation in nearby active galactic nuclei

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    We present an analysis of the relation between star formation rate (SFR) surface density (sigmasfr) and mass surface density of molecular gas (sigmahtwo), commonly referred to as the Kennicutt-Schmidt (K-S) relation, at its intrinsic spatial scale, i.e. the size of giant molecular clouds (10-150 pc), in the central, high-density regions of four nearby low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN). We used interferometric IRAM CO(1-0) and CO(2-1), and SMA CO(3-2) emission line maps to derive sigmahtwo and HST-Halpha images to estimate sigmasfr. Each galaxy is characterized by a distinct molecular SF relation at spatial scales between 20 to 200 pc. The K-S relations can be sub-linear, but also super-linear, with slopes ranging from 0.5 to 1.3. Depletion times range from 1 and 2Gyr, compatible with results for nearby normal galaxies. These findings are valid independently of which transition, CO(1-0), CO(2-1), or CO(3-2), is used to derive sigmahtwo. Because of star-formation feedback, life-time of clouds, turbulent cascade, or magnetic fields, the K-S relation might be expected to degrade on small spatial scales (<100 pc). However, we find no clear evidence for this, even on scales as small as 20 pc, and this might be because of the higher density of GMCs in galaxy centers which have to resist higher shear forces. The proportionality between sigmahtwo and sigmasfr found between 10 and 100 Msun/pc2 is valid even at high densities, 10^3 Msun/pc2. However, by adopting a common CO-to-H2 conversion factor (alpha_CO), the central regions of the galaxies have higher sigmasfr for a given gas column than those expected from the models, with a behavior that lies between the mergers/high-redshift starburst systems and the more quiescent star-forming galaxies, assuming that the first ones require a lower value of alpha_CO.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Molecular gas and nuclear activity in early-type galaxies: any link with radio-loudness?

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    Aims. We want to study the amount of molecular gas in a sample of nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) which host low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We look for possible differences between the radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ) AGN. Methods. We observed the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) spectral lines with the IRAM 30m and NRO 45m telescopes for eight galaxies. They belong to a large sample of 37 local ETGs which host both RQ and RL AGN. We gather data from the literature for the entire sample. Results. We report the new detection of CO(1-0) emission in four galaxies (UGC0968, UGC5617, UGC6946, and UGC8355) and CO(2-1) emission in two of them (UGC0968 and UGC5617). The CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) ratio in these sources is 0.7±0.2\sim0.7\pm0.2. Considering both the new observations and the literature, the detection rate of CO in our sample is 55 ±\pm 9%, with no statistically significant difference between the hosts of RL and RQ AGNs. For all the detected galaxies we converted the CO luminosities into the molecular masses, MH2M_{H_2}, that range from 106.5^{6.5} to 108.5^{8.5} M_{\odot}, without any statistically significant differences between RL and RQ galaxies. This suggests that the amount of molecular gas does not likely set the radio-loudness of the AGN. Furthermore, despite the low statistical significance, the presence of a weak trend between the H2_{2} mass with various tracers of nuclear activity (mainly [O III] emission line nuclear power) cannot be excluded.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Ancient stellar populations in the outskirts of nearby grand-design spirals: Investigation of their star formation histories

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    The main sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) is the tight relation between the galaxy stellar mass and its star formation rate (SFR) and was observed up to z ~ 6. The MS relation can be used as a reference for understanding the differences among galaxies, characterised by different rates of stellar production (starbursts, SFGs, and passive galaxies), and those inside a galaxy made up of different components (bulge, disk, and halo). To investigate peculiar features found in our sample galaxies, we focus here on their star formation history (SFH). We performed a spectral energy distribution fitting procedure that accounted for the energetic balance between UV and far-IR radiation on a sample of eight nearby face-on spiral galaxies from the DustPedia sample. This approach allowed us to study the spatially resolved MS of the sample and to recover the past SFH. By exploiting the BAGPIPES code, we constrained the SFHs for each galaxy with a delayed exponentially declining model to derive their mass-weighted age (tMW). A central old region (tMW up to~7Gyr, consistent with the presence of a bulge for various systems) is followed by younger regions in which the disks are still forming stars (tMW~4Gyr). At larger distances, tMW increases mildly in general. Strikingly, in two galaxies (NGC4321 and NGC5194), we found a steep increase in tMW that reached levels similar to those of the bulge. These old stellar populations in the very galaxy outskirts are unexpected. We discuss their potential origin by considering the different gas phases of the source with the most prominent quenched ring, NGC4321, and argue for two main possibilities: 1) some environmental effect (e.g. starvation) or 2) the circumgalactic medium of sources outside of high-density clusters might have stopped to supply pristine gas to the galaxy (e.g. if its specific angular moment is too high for being accreted).Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    AGN impact on the molecular gas in galactic centers as probed by CO lines

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    We present a detailed analysis of the X-ray, infrared, and carbon monoxide (CO) emission for a sample of 35 local (z0.15z \leq 0.15), active (LX1042L_X \geq 10^{42} erg s1^{-1}) galaxies. Our goal is to infer the contribution of far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation from star formation (SF), and X-ray radiation from the active galactic nuclei (AGN), respectively producing photodissociation regions (PDRs) and X-ray dominated regions (XDRs), to the molecular gas heating. To this aim, we exploit the CO spectral line energy distribution (CO SLED) as traced by Herschel, complemented with data from single-dish telescopes for the low-J lines, and high-resolution ALMA images of the mid-J CO emitting region. By comparing our results to the Schmidt-Kennicutt relation, we find no evidence for AGN influence on the cold and low-density gas on kpc-scales. On nuclear (r = 250 pc) scales, we find weak correlations between the CO line ratios and either the FUV or X-ray fluxes: this may indicate that neither SF nor AGN radiation dominates the gas excitation, at least at r = 250 pc. From a comparison of the CO line ratios with PDR and XDR models, we find that PDRs can reproduce observations only in presence of extremely high gas densities (n>105n > 10^5 cm3^{-3}). In the XDR case, instead, the models suggest moderate densities (n1024n \approx 10^{2-4} cm3^{-3}). We conclude that a mix of the two mechanisms (PDR for the mid-J, XDR or possibly shocks for the high-J) is necessary to explain the observed CO excitation in active galaxies

    Synergies between SKA and ALMA: observations of Nearby Galaxies

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    The past decade has seen amazing advances in radioastronomy, which led to the construction of brand-new instruments such as LOFAR and ALMA, and the updating of existing ones, e. g. JVLA and e-MERLIN. The SKA will be the spearhead of a future technological development and it will change the way astrophysical topics have been studied so far by opening up new frequency windows with unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity. The SKA location in the southern hemisphere makes it particularly suitable to complement ALMA, which is already giving exciting results both on the local and the more distant Universe. Among the possible synergies between SKA and ALMA, we focus on the observations of nearby star forming galaxies. Star formation processes in galaxies involve all the components of the interstellar medium, so the only way to have a complete picture of them is through multifrequency observations. ALMA observes gas and dust emission, while the SKA will trace both the free-free thermal and the non-thermal synchrotron emission. The spatial comparison between these components gives information about the contribution to star formation processes provided by magnetic fields and cosmic rays. The high spatial resolution achievable with ALMA and SKA will make it possible to compare these emissions on very small spatial scales, by resolving single molecular clouds in nearby galaxies. By the time the SKA will start observing, ALMA will have already imaged many nearby galaxies in the southern hemisphere, for which no low frequency data at comparably high spatial resolution will be available. The SKA will fill this gap, and have a profound impact on the studies of nearby galaxies, making valuable contributions to our understanding of star formation processes, and of the role of magnetic fields and cosmic rays in them

    Probing the spectral shape of dust emission with the DustPedia galaxy sample

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    The objective of this paper is to understand the variance of the far-infrared (FIR) spectral energy distribution (SED) of the DustPedia galaxies, and its link with the stellar and dust properties. An interesting aspect of the dust emission is the inferred FIR colours which could inform us about the dust content of galaxies, and how it varies with the physical conditions within galaxies. However, the inherent complexity of dust grains as well as the variety of physical properties depending on dust, hinder our ability to utilise their maximum potential. We use principal component analysis (PCA) to explore new hidden correlations with many relevant physical properties such as the dust luminosity, dust temperature, dust mass, bolometric luminosity, star-formation rate (SFR), stellar mass, specific SFR, dust-to-stellar mass ratio, the fraction of absorbed stellar luminosity by dust (f_abs), and metallicity. We find that 95% of the variance in our sample can be described by two principal components (PCs). The first component controls the wavelength of the peak of the SED, while the second characterises the width. The physical quantities that correlate better with the coefficients of the first two PCs, and thus control the shape of the FIR SED are: the dust temperature, the dust luminosity, the SFR, and f_abs. Finally, we find a weak tendency for low-metallicity galaxies to have warmer and broader SEDs, while on the other hand high-metallicity galaxies have FIR SEDs that are colder and narrower

    The AGN fuelling/feedback cycle in nearby radio galaxies - IV. Molecular gas conditions and jet-ISM interaction in NGC 3100

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    This is the fourth paper of a series investigating the AGN fuelling/feedback processes in a sample of 11 nearby low-excitation radio galaxies (LERGs). In this paper, we present follow-up Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of one source, NGC 3100, targeting the 12CO(1-0), 12CO(3-2), HCO+(4-3), SiO(3-2), and HNCO(6-5) molecular transitions. 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(3-2) lines are nicely detected and complement our previous 12CO(2-1) data. By comparing the relative strength of these three CO transitions, we find extreme gas excitation conditions (i.e. Tex ≳ 50 K) in regions that are spatially correlated with the radio lobes, supporting the case for a jet–ISM interaction. An accurate study of the CO kinematics demonstrates that although the bulk of the gas is regularly rotating, two distinct non-rotational kinematic components can be identified in the inner gas regions: one can be associated to inflow/outflow streaming motions induced by a two-armed spiral perturbation; the second one is consistent with a jet-induced outflow with vmax ≈ 200 km s−1 and M˙≲0.12 M⊙ yr−1. These values indicate that the jet-CO coupling ongoing in NGC 3100 is only mildly affecting the gas kinematics, as opposed to what expected from existing simulations and other observational studies of (sub-)kpc scale jet–cold gas interactions. HCO+(4-3) emission is tentatively detected in a small area adjacent to the base of the northern radio lobe, possibly tracing a region of jet-induced gas compression. The SiO(3-2) and HNCO(6-5) shock tracers are undetected: this – along with the tentative HCO+(4-3) detection – may be consistent with a deficiency of very dense (i.e. ncrit > 106 cm−3) cold gas in the central regions of NGC 3100