284 research outputs found

    Penetration of sodium chloride during prolonged salting of fish

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    This work deals with adsorption of salt and expulsion of moisture in Synagris japonicus, Sciaenids sp. and Lactarius lactarius during prolonged salting. The fish used in this study were procured fresh and handled immediately. They were gutted, gilled, cleaned well and salted. Results indicated that larger salt proportions and higher temperature of salting both accelerate the rates of absorption of salt and shedding of moisture by fish muscle during salt curing

    Clustering Software Components for Program Restructuring and Component Reuse Using Hybrid XNOR Similarity Function

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    AbstractComponent based software development has gained a lot of practical importance in the field of software engineering from academic researchers and also from industry perspective. Finding components for efficient software reuse is one of the important problems aimed by researchers. Clustering reduces the search space of components by grouping similar entities together thus ensuring reduced time complexity as it reduces the search time for component retrieval. In this research, we instigate a generalized approach for clustering a given set of documents or software components by defining a similarity function called hybrid XNOR function to find degree of similarity between two document sets or software components. A similarity matrix is obtained for a given set of documents or components by applying hybrid XNOR function. We define and design the algorithm for component or document clustering which has the input as similarity matrix and output being set of clusters. The output is a set of highly cohesive pattern groups or components

    Defensive Approaches on SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

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    SQL Injection attacks are the most common attacks on the web applications Statistical analysis says that so many web sites which interact with the database are prone to SQL Injection XSS attacks Different kinds of vulnerability detection system and attack detection systems exist there is no efficient system for detecting these kinds of attacks SQL Injection attacks are possible due to the design drawbacks of the websites which interact with back-end databases Successful attacks may damage more The state-of-art web application input validation echniques fails to identify the proper SQL XSS Vulnerabilities accurately because of the systems correctness of sanity checking capability proper placement of valuators on the applications The systems fail while processing HTTP Parameter pollution attacks An extensive survey on the SQL Injection attacks is conducted to present various detection and prevension mechanism

    The Effect of Particle Drag and Wall Absorption on Mass Transfer in Concentric Annulus Flows

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    The effects of the irreversible boundary reaction and the particle drag on mass transfer are studied analytically in concentric annulus flows. The solution of mathematical model, based on the generalized dispersion model brings out the mass transport following by the insertion of catheter on an artery in terms of the three effective transport coefficients, viz., the exchange, convection and diffusion coefficient. A general expression is derived which shows clearly the time dependent nature of the coefficients in the dispersive model. The complete time dependent expression for the exchange coefficient is obtained explicitly and independent of velocity distribution in the flow; however it does depend on the initial solute distribution. Because of the complexity of the problem only asymptotic large time evaluations are made for the convective and diffusion coefficients, but these are sufficient to give the physical insight into the nature of the problem of the effects of drag and absorption parameters. It is found that as absorption parameter increases exchange and convection coefficients will be enhanced, but diffusion coefficient will be reduced. After certain period of time exchange coefficient will be constant for different values annular gap. As the drag parameter increases convection and diffusion coefficients will be reduced. With the enhancement of catheter radius i.e., the annular gap will be reduced then the convection and diffusion coefficients will be decreased

    Key Authentication Scheme-based on Discrete Logarithms and Chinese Remainder Theorem

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    Public key cryptosystems are secure only when the authenticity of the public key is assured. Shao proposeda new scheme to overcome the problems of the existing schemes, which suffers from two major drawbacks. Thefirst drawback is the availability of users’ passwords in plaintext format in key server which are prone to attacksby ill-minded users. The second one is depending on the key server blindly for certificate generation, withoutfurther verification by the user. To overcome these severe drawbacks, we proposed an improved key authenticationscheme based on Chinese remainder theorem and discrete logarithms. Our scheme allows the user to generate his/her certificate without the help of any trusted third party. This scheme is intended for online services, military anddefense applications to exchange keys securely.

    Genetics of Starch Content and its Correlations with Agro-morphological Traits in Sorghum

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    Sorghum can be an alternative to corn for industrial uses, especially in drought prone areas of the world. Sorghum cultivars with high potential of grain and starch yields are needed to continuously meet the industrial demands. We have studied the genetics of grain yield and starch content of sorghum to decide the breeding procedure to develop suitable cultivars for starch industry. The genetic material from 8 × 8 diallel (28 F1 and 8 parents) was grown in a randomized complete block design, with three replications at Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India. Observations were recorded on seven agro-morphological and two grain quality traits including grain yield and starch content. Correlation studies revealed that the grain hardness was negatively correlated to starch and positively correlated to grain yield, panicle weight and days to flowering. Variance due to specific combining ability effects was greater in magnitude for both starch content and grain yield. Bi-parental crossing in F2 will help in getting pure lines with high starch content and high grain yield. The parents chosen for breeding program need to be good combiners for starch and grain yields to obtain superior hybrid. One MS line, 422B was a good combiner for grain yield, high starch content and 100 grain weight, and had good per se performance

    Characterization of 1-3 piezoelectric polymer composites -- a numerical and analytical evaluation procedure for thickness mode vibrations

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    Biomedical transducers widely employ piezoceramic polymer composites with 1-3 connectivity. The research is aimed at determining the effective material properties of these composites in the micrometer scale by simulation. Volume fraction of piezoceramic in the composite plays an important role in composite material properties as studied by several researchers. It is also noted that the fiber aspect ratio (a/l) also affects the composite material properties. Therefore it is intended to determine the effective material properties both analytically and by simulation using computer simulation software program ANSYS which implements finite element method (FEM). In the present work piezoelectric fiber composites are modeled, analyzed and then the results are verified by using analytical equations. Important conclusions are drawn to select the piezocomposite materials for transducer applications

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableIt is reported that about 41 compounds are found in substantial quantities to enable the smoker to perceive their impact on smoke flavour. With the objective of analysing neutral volatile compounds responsible for smoke flavour in FCV tobacco grown in Northern Light Soils (NLS), Karnataka Light Soils (KLS) & Southern Light Soils (SLS), steam volatile compounds were extracted and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was carried out. As authentic standards of the compounds are not available for quantification, the area normalization method was adopted and the proportion of a particular compound in the total neutral volatile fraction was calculated. Composition of the neutral volatile fraction varied in tobacco samples from different agro-climatic zones. Higher proportion of neophytadiene (40.8%), megastigmatrienone isomers (10.1%), thunbergol (7.2%), 3- hydroxysolavetivone (6.7%), solavetivone (4.6%) and duvatriendiol (4.1%) was observed in NLS samples. Neophytadiene (21.0%), dibutyl phthalate (21.5%), viridiflorol (13.9%), 3-hydroxysolavetivone (12.3%), 1-nonadecene (12.0%), thunbergol (11.3%), solavetivone (8.1%), cembrene (6.3%) and megastigmatrienone isomers (5.9%) were the important compounds in the fraction in KLS samples. These differences could be attributed to the climatic conditions and agronomic practices, the variety Kanchan being common. In the samples from SLS region, the proportion of neophytadiene (28.4%), thunbergol (23.5%), viridiflorol (17.2%), caryophyllene oxide (9.6%), duvatrienediol (9.2%) and megastigmatrienone isomers (8.9%) was high, thus implying the varietal effect, as Hema and Siri are predominantly cultivated in the region. Identification of compounds viz., rishitin, solavetivone, nerolidol, farnesol and linalool necessitates further investigations on their role in insect-pest management.Not Availabl

    Pigeonpea perspective in India

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    Pigeonpea occupies a prominent place in Indian rainfed agriculture. It is an integral component of in various agro ecologies of the country mainly inter cropped with cereals, pulses and oilseeds and millets. It is the second most important pulse crop next to chickpea, covering an area of around 4.42 m ha (occupying about 14.5% of area under pulses) and production of 2.86 MT (contributing to 16% of total pulse production) and productivity of about 707 kg/ha. It is mainly consumed as dry split dhal throughout the country besides several other uses of various parts of pigeonpea plant. Enhancing the productivity of the crop assumes specific significance in India mainly to combat protein malnutrition as it is the main source of protein to the predominant vegetarian population. Based on the crop duration and climatic condition the crop is grouped under four agro ecological zones with varied plant type requirements and location specific constraints for each zone. Systematic crop improvement efforts were launched at ICRSIAT since its inception in 1972. It focused during first decade (1972 to 1980) on collection, evaluation, maintenance and sharing of germplasm and yield enhancement research. During 1980 to 2000 ICRISAT research priorities were development of stable sources of resistance for wilt and Sterility Mosaic Diseases which are highly devastating and endemic in India in almost all the agro ecologies of pigeonpea cultivation. From 2000, concerted efforts are in progress on CGMS based hybrid development. Spectacular achievement by ICRISAT in recent past in the crop is deciphering its genome sequence and it has ushered pigeonpea in to genomic era. Subsequently lot of genomic information is in the process of development through molecular approaches like Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), Nested Association Mapping (NAM). Multiparent Advance Generation Inter Crosses (MAGIC) and Introgression Libraries (IL) etc. These approaches are under process of utilization for crop improvement