10,807 research outputs found

    Exploring Household Saving and Consumption-Smoothing in the Philippines

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    This paper explores whether or not the saving behavior of Filipino households fits the life-cycle hypothesis. Using pseudo-panels, which are constructed from the public use data files of the Family Income and Expenditures Survey of 1988 to 2000, it shows that consumption rises with the age of the household head and that the consumption profile has been rising for younger cohorts. The regressions indicate that the cohort-independent age effects on consumption simply track those on income across all ages, suggesting that Filipino households do not behave as the life-cycle hypothesis prescribes, possibly because they are liquidity constrained or impatient.consumption smoothing, household savings, household consumption

    Exploring Household Saving and Consumption-Smoothing in the Philippines

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    This paper explores whether or not the saving behavior of Filipino households fits the life-cycle hypothesis. Using pseudo-panels, which are constructed from the public use data files of the Family Income and Expenditures Survey of 1988 to 2000, it shows that consumption rises with the age of the household head and that the consumption profile has been rising for younger cohorts. The regressions indicate that the cohort-independent age effects on consumption simply track those on income across all ages, suggesting that Filipino households do not behave as the life-cycle hypothesis prescribes, possibly because they are liquidity constrained or impatient.consumption smoothing, household savings, household consumption

    Spacetime Defects: von K\'arm\'an vortex street like configurations

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    A special arrangement of spinning strings with dislocations similar to a von K\'arm\'an vortex street is studied. We numerically solve the geodesic equations for the special case of a test particle moving along twoinfinite rows of pure dislocations and also discuss the case of pure spinning defects.Comment: 9 pages, 2figures, CQG in pres

    On the gravitational field of static and stationary axial symmetric bodies with multi-polar structure

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    We give a physical interpretation to the multi-polar Erez-Rozen-Quevedo solution of the Einstein Equations in terms of bars. We find that each multi-pole correspond to the Newtonian potential of a bar with linear density proportional to a Legendre Polynomial. We use this fact to find an integral representation of the γ\gamma function. These integral representations are used in the context of the inverse scattering method to find solutions associated to one or more rotating bodies each one with their own multi-polar structure.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Enriched Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Facial Micro-Expression Recognition

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    Facial micro-expression (ME) recognition has posed a huge challenge to researchers for its subtlety in motion and limited databases. Recently, handcrafted techniques have achieved superior performance in micro-expression recognition but at the cost of domain specificity and cumbersome parametric tunings. In this paper, we propose an Enriched Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Network (ELRCN) that first encodes each micro-expression frame into a feature vector through CNN module(s), then predicts the micro-expression by passing the feature vector through a Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) module. The framework contains two different network variants: (1) Channel-wise stacking of input data for spatial enrichment, (2) Feature-wise stacking of features for temporal enrichment. We demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to achieve reasonably good performance, without data augmentation. In addition, we also present ablation studies conducted on the framework and visualizations of what CNN "sees" when predicting the micro-expression classes.Comment: Published in Micro-Expression Grand Challenge 2018, Workshop of 13th IEEE Facial & Gesture 201

    Time-scales of close-in exoplanet radio emission variability

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    We investigate the variability of exoplanetary radio emission using stellar magnetic maps and 3D field extrapolation techniques. We use a sample of hot Jupiter hosting stars, focusing on the HD 179949, HD 189733 and tau Boo systems. Our results indicate two time-scales over which radio emission variability may occur at magnetised hot Jupiters. The first is the synodic period of the star-planet system. The origin of variability on this time-scale is the relative motion between the planet and the interplanetary plasma that is co-rotating with the host star. The second time-scale is the length of the magnetic cycle. Variability on this time-scale is caused by evolution of the stellar field. At these systems, the magnitude of planetary radio emission is anticorrelated with the angular separation between the subplanetary point and the nearest magnetic pole. For the special case of tau Boo b, whose orbital period is tidally locked to the rotation period of its host star, variability only occurs on the time-scale of the magnetic cycle. The lack of radio variability on the synodic period at tau Boo b is not predicted by previous radio emission models, which do not account for the co-rotation of the interplanetary plasma at small distances from the star.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted in MNRA

    Less is More: Micro-expression Recognition from Video using Apex Frame

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    Despite recent interest and advances in facial micro-expression research, there is still plenty room for improvement in terms of micro-expression recognition. Conventional feature extraction approaches for micro-expression video consider either the whole video sequence or a part of it, for representation. However, with the high-speed video capture of micro-expressions (100-200 fps), are all frames necessary to provide a sufficiently meaningful representation? Is the luxury of data a bane to accurate recognition? A novel proposition is presented in this paper, whereby we utilize only two images per video: the apex frame and the onset frame. The apex frame of a video contains the highest intensity of expression changes among all frames, while the onset is the perfect choice of a reference frame with neutral expression. A new feature extractor, Bi-Weighted Oriented Optical Flow (Bi-WOOF) is proposed to encode essential expressiveness of the apex frame. We evaluated the proposed method on five micro-expression databases: CAS(ME)2^2, CASME II, SMIC-HS, SMIC-NIR and SMIC-VIS. Our experiments lend credence to our hypothesis, with our proposed technique achieving a state-of-the-art F1-score recognition performance of 61% and 62% in the high frame rate CASME II and SMIC-HS databases respectively.Comment: 14 pages double-column, author affiliations updated, acknowledgment of grant support adde

    A new orthogonalization procedure with an extremal property

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    Various methods of constructing an orthonomal set out of a given set of linearly independent vectors are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the Gram-Schmidt and the Schweinler-Wigner orthogonalization procedures. A new orthogonalization procedure which, like the Schweinler- Wigner procedure, is democratic and is endowed with an extremal property is suggested.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figures, To appear in J. Phys

    Investigation of the transient fuel preburner manifold and combustor

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with finite rate reactions, FDNS, was developed to study the start transient of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) fuel preburner (FPB). FDNS is a time accurate, pressure based CFD code. An upwind scheme was employed for spatial discretization. The upwind scheme was based on second and fourth order central differencing with adaptive artificial dissipation. A state of the art two-equation k-epsilon (T) turbulence model was employed for the turbulence calculation. A Pade' Rational Solution (PARASOL) chemistry algorithm was coupled with the point implicit procedure. FDNS was benchmarked with three well documented experiments: a confined swirling coaxial jet, a non-reactive ramjet dump combustor, and a reactive ramjet dump combustor. Excellent comparisons were obtained for the benchmark cases. The code was then used to study the start transient of an axisymmetric SSME fuel preburner. Predicted transient operation of the preburner agrees well with experiment. Furthermore, it was also found that an appreciable amount of unburned oxygen entered the turbine stages
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