3,573 research outputs found

    Heart-Throbs : Waltzes

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    A Comparison of Mexican American Adolescent Educational and Career Decision-making and Perceived Influences

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    Previous research has considered Mexican Americans as a homogeneous group in studies relating to education and career decision-making of adolescents. In a study of 22 Mexican American adolescents, using an interview format, results report similarities between lower and middle income Mexican American youth in occupational expectations and in value-orientations which are not characteristic of traditionalism. Findings indicate differences between the two groups in educational expectations, degree of certainty, effects of the familial environment, and in hope of success for the future. Both lower and middle income youth respond to parental influence no matter how close the relationship, but parental expectations, possibly affected by perceptions of inaccessible mobility, are. lower for lower income youth. Responses from youth in both groups indicate their counseling needs, in particular those related to the world of work, are not presently being met in public schools

    Automatic Detection of Seizures with Applications

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    There are an estimated two million people with epilepsy in the United States. Many of these people do not respond to anti-epileptic drug therapy. Two devices can be developed to assist in the treatment of epilepsy. The first is a microcomputer-based system designed to process massive amounts of electroencephalogram (EEG) data collected during long-term monitoring of patients for the purpose of diagnosing seizures, assessing the effectiveness of medical therapy, or selecting patients for epilepsy surgery. Such a device would select and display important EEG events. Currently many such events are missed. A second device could be implanted and would detect seizures and initiate therapy. Both of these devices require a reliable seizure detection algorithm. A new algorithm is described. It is believed to represent an improvement over existing seizure detection algorithms because better signal features were selected and better standardization methods were used

    Ear, nose and throat manifestations of Lyme disease

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    The manifestations of Lyme disease as they may present to the ENT surgeon are discussed. The most important ENT symptom is facial palsy. Particularly when combined with other cranial palsies, systemic illness or signs of meningeal irritation, the diagnosis must be considered. Three case reports are used to illustrate the presentation and diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. The characteristics of the disease are reviewed and the limitations of serological testing outlined. The literature has concentrated on bilateral or relapsing facial palsy. A review of palsies in Zurich that presented to the ENT clinic found only unilateral and partial palsies. The diagnosis should be considered in every case of facial palsy of unknown aetiology especially in childre

    On Animals: An extended review of David Clough’s two-volume work

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordDavid Clough’s two-volume work On Animals claims to be the first systematic Christian theological reflection on the place of nonhuman animals within creation which also provides an ethical reflection on what that might mean for our relationship with nonhuman animals in contemporary (Western) society. In this extended review, we provide a summary of the cumulative arguments across both volumes of On Animals before offering our reflections. While we agree with many though not all of Clough’s theological conclusions, we ultimately conclude that Clough’s ethical solutions are too radical in places, and too optimistic without economic and systemic changes as to how humans relate to the nonhuman world

    Collective Behaviour in Video Viewing: A Thermodynamic Analysis of Gaze Position

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    Videos and commercials produced for large audiences can elicit mixed opinions. We wondered whether this diversity is also reflected in the way individuals watch the videos. To answer this question, we presented 65 commercials with high production value to 25 individuals while recording their eye movements, and asked them to provide preference ratings for each video. We find that gaze positions for the most popular videos are highly correlated. To explain the correlations of eye movements, we model them as ªinteractionsº between individuals. A thermodynamic analysis of these interactions shows that they approach a ªcritical º point such that any stronger interaction would put all viewers into lock-step and any weaker interaction would fully randomise patterns. At this critical point, groups with similar collective behaviour in viewing patterns emerge while maintaining diversity between groups. Our results suggest that popularity of videos is already evident in the way we look at them, and that we maintain diversity in viewing behaviour even as distinct patterns of groups emerge. Our results can be used to predict popularity of videos and commercials at the population level from the collective behaviour of the eye movements of a few viewers

    Mixed-Mode Surveys Compared with Single Mode Surveys: Trends in Responses and Methods to Improve Completion

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    This article reviews recent trends in modes of conducting surveys and presents results from a series of experiments comparing different approaches for collecting survey data and improving response rates in general population studies. The modes examined include the telephone, mail, and a mixed-mode method which combines mail with Web data collection. A series of studies were conducted by the Oregon State University Survey Research Center from 2006-2014 using probability samples of Oregon residents. Response rates and the percent of respondents completing the questionnaires by Web were compared. The results showed that response rates were increased by modifying the cover letter to emphasize the cost savings of an online response, adding a fifth contact, and limiting instructions for respondents. A mixed-mode approach, providing only a Web link, resulted in more respondents replying by Web as compared with individuals given an option of completing the questionnaire by Web or mail. The demographics of the respondents, as compared with the general population, varied across each mode

    Acute unilateral hearing loss as an unusual presentation of cholesteatoma

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    BACKGROUND: Cholesteatomas are epithelial cysts that contain desquamated keratin. Patients commonly present with progressive hearing loss and a chronically discharging ear. We report an unusual presentation of the disease with an acute hearing loss suffered immediately after prolonged use of a pneumatic drill. CASE PRESENTATION: A 41 year old man with no previous history of ear problems presented with a sudden loss of hearing in his right ear immediately following the prolonged use of a pneumatic drill on concrete. The cause was found to be a fractured long process of incus which had been eroded by the presence of an attic cholesteatoma. A tympanomastoidectomy and ossiculoplasty was performed with good result. CONCLUSION: Cholesteatomas may be asymptomatic and insidious in their onset. This case illustrates the point that an indolent disease such as this may present in unusual ways and the clinician must always have a high index of suspicion combined with thorough assessment and examination of every patient

    The ATLAS tile calorimeter digitizer

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    The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter digitizer system samples photomultiplier signals from the scintillating tiles of the hadronic calorimeter. For each channel a pair of 10-bit ADCs digitize high and low gain signals at 40.08 MHz to provide the necessary 16-bit dynamic range. The sampled data is temporarily stored in digital pipelines for up to 6.375 \mu­s, awaiting a level-1 accept. For each accept received, the corresponding sampled pulse is transferred to a derandomizer buffer for subsequent readout to the data acquisition system (DAQ). The main functionality of the digitizer is implemented in radiation tolerant ASICs, using a fault tolerant architecture to minimize the consequences of radiation induced faults
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