10 research outputs found

    Chlamydia trachomatis Strains Show Specific Clustering for Men Who Have Sex with Men Compared to Heterosexual Populations in Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States

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    High-resolution genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis improves the characterization of strains infecting different patient groups and sexual networks. In this study, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and ompA sequence determination were used for an analysis of C. trachomatis strains from 203 men who have sex with men (MSM) from Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States. The results obtained were compared with data from 153 heterosexual women from Sweden and the Netherlands. The overlap in MLST/ompA profiles between MSM from Sweden and the Netherlands was 68%, while the overlap between heterosexual populations from these countries was only 18%. The distribution of genotypes in MSM from the United States was less similar to that in MSM from the European countries, with 45% and 46% overlaps for MSM in Sweden and the Netherlands, respectively. Minimum-spanning-tree analysis of MLST/ompA sequence types identified two large clusters that contained almost exclusively samples from MSM and comprised 74% of all MSM samples. Three other clusters were predominated by samples from women but also contained MSM specimens. Of 19 detected variants of the MLST target CT144, three variants were highly associated with MSM. Our study supports the hypotheses of both tissue tropism as well as epidemiological network structures as explanations for the linkage between specific genetic variants and sexual orientation

    An in-depth study on why middle and late adults join and maintain their membership in an organization

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    The study seeks to find out the reasons why middle and late adults join and maintain their membership in their organization. An interview guide was developed to assist the researchers in facilitating the data gathering. A non-probability sampling was used for researchers aimed at interviewing active members of organizations in Metro Manila particularly in Quezon City. The subjects age ranges from 40-83 years old. There were 14 retirees and 12 non-retirees that comprised the 26 subjects. The subjects were then interviewed. The data was content analyzed. The results showed that there are 6 categories of reasons for joining namely: for self-enrichment, for relaxation, for companionship, for spiritual needs, for civic purposes, and for career opportunities. Most of the respondents, both retirees and female adults, the reason for joining organizations is for companionship. Non-retirees and male adults\u27 primary reason is for self-enrichment. There are also 6 categories of reasons for staying which was also the categories for reasons for joining. For both the retirees and female adults, companionship is the primary reason for staying in their respective organization. As for non-retirees, relaxation topped the reason while for male adults, staying in their respective organization is for the reason of self-enrichment and companionship

    News and ReportsNotes on the Observations of Brown Water Discolouration off the Light House Beach, Lagos, Nigeria

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    Investigations into the brown water discoloration of the sea off the light house beach in Lagos, Nigeria were made. The slightly alkaline marine environment experienced high surface water temperatures (>31.0°C), high total suspended solid and total dissolved solid values (80, 85mgl-1). Phosphate and nitrate values were higher (>2.52 mgl-1) during the bloom period while heavy metal values were low ( 0.02mgl-1). The causative agent Bellerochia malleus (Brightwelli) Van Heurck occurred in large numbers (> 317,680 160 cells ml -1) with Asterionella glacialis Castracane as a sub dominant species (31; PO4 > 2.81 mg l-1; NO3>2.01 mgl-1 ) or wave action which may have concentrated species at the water front. Key Words: water discoloration, green alga, marine environment, Bellerochia malleus, Asterionella glacialis, heavy metal, suspended solid, dissolved solid, Nigeria Rsum Des recherches sur les causes de la coloration brune des eaux maritimes sur la balise d\'clairage autour de l\'embarcadre de Lagos au Nigeria ont t menes. L\'environnement marin lgrement alcalin est soumis l\'action des tempratures leves (31,0°C) des eaux de surface, des grandes teneurs en matires solides dissoutes et des matires solides en suspension (80, 85mg/litre). Les teneurs des eaux en phosphate et en nitrate taient trs leves (2,52 mg/litre) au printemps tandis que les valeurs en mtaux lourds taient basses ( ???? 0,02mg/litr e). L\'algue Bellerochia malleus (Brightwelli) Van Heurck, agent causal principal d\'une telle coloration prdominait (317, 680 160 cellules/ml), tandis que Asterionella glacialis Castracane venait en second lieu ( 31 °C, PO4 >2,81 mg/litre; NO3 >2,01 mg/litre) ou l\'action des vagues qui aurait pu concentrer l\'espce dans les eaux de front. Mots-cls: coloration des eaux, algue verte, environnement marin, Bellerochia malleus, Asterionella glacialis, matires suspendues, matires dissoutes, Nigeria Discovery and Innovation Vol. 16 (3/4) 2004: 111-11

    Genotyping markers used for multi locus VNTR analysis with ompA (MLVA-ompA) and multi sequence typing (MST) retain stability in Chlamydia trachomatis

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    We aimed to evaluate the stability of the Chlamydia trachomatis multi locus VNTR analysis (MLVA-ompA) and multi sequence typing (MST) systems through multiple passages in tissue culture. Firstly, we analyzed the stability of these markers through adaptation of C. trachomatis to tissue culture and secondly, we examined the stability of a four-locus MLVA-ompA and a five-locus MST system after multiple passages in tissue culture. Marker sequences were monitored through successive chlamydial developmental cycles to evaluate the stability of the individual DNA markers through many bacterial divisions and this, in turn, informed us of the usefulness of using such typing systems for short and long-term molecular epidemiology. Southampton genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic isolates from endocervical swabs collected from C. trachomatis positive women were passaged through tissue culture. MLVA-ompA typing was applied to primary swab samples and to the same samples after C. trachomatis had been passaged through cell culture (eight passages). Sequence data from time-zero and passage-eight isolates were aligned with reference sequences to determine the stability of the markers. The Swedish new variant (nvCT) underwent 72 passages in cell culture and the markers of the two schemes were similarly analyzed. Analysis of genetic markers of the MLVA-ompA typing system before and after the isolates were introduced to tissue culture showed no change in the dominant sequence. The nvCT that had been passaged 72 times over the duration of a year also showed no variation in the dominant sequence for both the genotyping schemes. MLVA-ompA and MST markers are stable upon adaptation of C. trachomatis to tissue culture following isolation of strains from primary endocervical swab samples. These markers remain stable throughout multiple rounds of cell-division in tissue culture, concomitant with the incubation period and appearance of symptoms normally associated with host-infection. Both genotyping schemes are, therefore, suitable for epidemiology of C. trachomatis.<br/

    Workforce Resources for Health in Developing Countries

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    With increased globalization and interdependence among countries, sustained health worker migration and the complex threats of rapidly spreading infectious diseases, as well as changing lifestyles, a strong health workforce is essential. Building the human resources for health should not only include healthcare professionals like physicians and nurses, but must take into consideration community health workers, mid-level workers and strengthened primary healthcare systems to increase coverage and address the basic health needs of societies. This is especially true in low and middle-income countries where healthcare access is a critical challenge. There is a global crisis in the health workforce, expressed in acute shortages and maldistribution of health workers, geographically and professionally. This massive global shortage, though imprecise quantitatively, is estimated at more than 4 million workers. To respond to this crisis, policies and actions are needed to address the dynamics of the health labour market and the production and management of the health workforce, and to strengthen the performance of existing health systems. Schools of public health need to develop the range of capacity and leadership in addition to the traditional training of healthcare managers and researchers. Countries should first identify their health problems in order to properly address their health worker needs, retention, recruitment and training, if they are to come close to reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for health

    Chlamydia trachomatis In Vivo to In Vitro Transition Reveals Mechanisms of Phase Variation and Down-Regulation of Virulence Factors

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