84 research outputs found

    Chloroplast HCF101 is a scaffold protein for [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly

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    Oxygen-evolving chloroplasts possess their own iron-sulfur cluster assembly proteins including members of the SUF (sulfur mobilization) and the NFU family. Recently, the chloroplast protein HCF101 (high chlorophyll fluorescence 101) has been shown to be essential for the accumulation of the membrane complex Photosystem I and the soluble ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductases, both containing [4Fe-4S] clusters. The protein belongs to the FSC-NTPase ([4Fe-4S]-cluster-containing P-loop NTPase) superfamily, several members of which play a crucial role in Fe/S cluster biosynthesis. Although the C-terminal ISC-binding site, conserved in other members of the FSC-NTPase family, is not present in chloroplast HCF101 homologues using Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy, we provide evidence that HCF101 binds a [4Fe-4S] cluster. 55Fe incorporation studies of mitochondrially targeted HCF101 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae confirmed the assembly of an Fe/S cluster in HCF101 in an Nfs1-dependent manner. Site-directed mutagenesis identified three HCF101-specific cysteine residues required for assembly and/or stability of the cluster. We further demonstrate that the reconstituted cluster is transiently bound and can be transferred from HCF101 to a [4Fe-4S] apoprotein. Together, our findings suggest that HCF101 may serve as a chloroplast scaffold protein that specifically assembles [4Fe-4S] clusters and transfers them to the chloroplast membrane and soluble target proteins

    NBP35 interacts with DRE2 in the maturation of cytosolic iron-sulfur proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Proteins of the cytosolic pathway for iron-sulfur (FeS) cluster assembly are conserved, except that plants lack a gene for CFD1 (Cytosolic FeS cluster Deficient 1). This poses the question of how NBP35 (Nucleotide-Binding Protein 35 kDa), the heteromeric partner of CFD1 in metazoa, functions on its own in plants. Firstly, we created viable mutant alleles of NBP35 in Arabidopsis to overcome embryo lethality of previously reported knockout mutations. RNAi knockdown lines with less than 30% NBP35 protein surprisingly showed no developmental or biochemical differences to wild type. Substitution of Cys14 to Ala, which destabilized the N-terminal Fe4S4 cluster in vitro, caused mild growth defects and a significant decrease in the activity of cytosolic FeS enzymes such as aconitase and aldehyde oxidases. The DNA glycosylase ROS1 was only partially decreased in activity and xanthine dehydrogenase not at all. Plants with strongly depleted NBP35 protein in combination with Cys14 to Ala substitution had distorted leaf development and decreased FeS enzyme activities. To find protein interaction partners of NBP35, a yeast two-hybrid screen was carried out which identified NBP35 and DRE2 (Derepressed for Ribosomal protein S14 Expression). NBP35 is known to form a dimer, and DRE2 acts upstream in the cytosolic FeS protein assembly pathway. The NBP35-DRE2 interaction was not disrupted by Cys14 to Ala substitution. Our results show that NBP35 has a function in the maturation of FeS proteins that is conserved in plants, and is closely allied to the function of DRE2

    Pathogenic mutations in NUBPL affect complex I activity and cold tolerance in the yeast model Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Complex I deficiency is a common cause of mitochondrial disease, resulting from mutations in genes encoding structural subunits, assembly factors or defects in mitochondrial gene expression. Advances in genetic diagnostics and sequencing have led to identification of several variants in NUBPL (nucleotide binding protein-like), encoding an assembly factor of complex I, which are potentially pathogenic. To help assign pathogenicity and learn more about the function of NUBPL, amino acid substitutions were recreated in the homologous Ind1 protein of the yeast model Yarrowia lipolytica. Leu102Pro destabilized the Ind1 protein, leading to a null-mutant phenotype. Asp103Tyr, Leu191Phe and Gly285Cys affected complex I assembly to varying degrees, whereas Gly136Asp substitution in Ind1 did not impact on complex I levels nor dNADH:ubiquinone activity. Blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunolabelling of the structural subunits NUBM and NUCM revealed that all Ind1 variants accumulated a Q module intermediate of complex I. In the Ind1 Asp103Tyr variant, the matrix arm intermediate was virtually absent, indicating a dominant effect. Dysfunction of Ind1, but not absence of complex I, rendered Y. lipolytica sensitive to cold. The Ind1 Gly285Cys variant was able to support complex I assembly at 28°C, but not at 10°C. Our results indicate that Ind1 is required for progression of assembly from the Q module to the full matrix arm. Cold sensitivity could be developed as a phenotype assay to demonstrate pathogenicity of NUBPL mutations and other complex I defects

    Evolution of the Cytosolic Iron/Sulfur cluster Assembly machinery in Blastocystis sp. and other microbial eukaryotes

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    The Cytosolic Iron/Sulfur cluster Assembly (CIA) machinery is responsible for the assembly of cytosolic and nuclear iron/sulfur clusters, cofactors that are vital for all living cells. This machinery is uniquely found in eukaryotes and consists of at least eight proteins in opisthokont lineages such as animals and yeast. We sought to identify and characterize homologues of the CIA system proteins in the anaerobic stramenopile parasite Blastocystis sp. NandII strain. We identified transcripts encoding six of the components - Cia1, Cia2, MMS19, Nbp35, Nar1, and a putative Tah18 - and showed that the last three of them localized to the cytoplasm of the cell using immuno-fluorescence microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy and subcellular fractionation. We then used comparative genomic and phylogenetic approaches to investigate the evolutionary history of these proteins. While most Blastocystis homologues branch with their eukaryotic counterparts, the putative Blastocystis Tah18 seems to have a separate evolutionary origin and therefore possibly a different function. Furthermore, our phylogenomic analyses revealed that all eight CIA components described in opisthokonts originated before the diversification of extant eukaryotic lineages and were likely already present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA). Nbp35, Nar1 Cia1 and Cia2 proteins have been conserved during the subsequent evolutionary diversification of eukaryotes and are present in virtually all extant lineages, whereas the other CIA proteins have patchy phylogenetic distributions. Cia2 appears to be homologous to SufT, a component of the prokaryotic SUF system, making this the first reported evolutionary link between the CIA and any other Fe/S biogenesis pathway. All of our results suggest that the CIA machinery is an ubiquitous biosynthetic pathway in eukaryotes, but its apparent plasticity in composition raises questions regarding how it functions in non-model organisms and how it interfaces with various iron/sulfur cluster systems (i.e., ISC, NIF and/or SUF) found in eukaryotic cells

    Enigmatic presence of mitochondrial complex I in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms

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    The presence of mitochondrial respiratory complex I in the pathogenic bloodstream stages of Trypanosoma brucei has been vigorously debated: increased expression of mitochondrially encoded functional complex I mRNAs is countered by low levels of enzymatic activity that show marginal inhibition by the specific inhibitor rotenone. We now show that epitope-tagged versions of multiple complex I subunits assemble into α and β subcomplexes in the bloodstream stage and that these subcomplexes require the mitochondrial genome for their assembly. Despite the presence of these large (740- and 855-kDa) multisubunit complexes, the electron transport activity of complex I is not essential under experimental conditions since null mutants of two core genes (NUBM and NUKM) showed no growth defect in vitro or in mouse infection. Furthermore, the null mutants showed no decrease in NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity, suggesting that the observed activity is not contributed by complex I. This work conclusively shows that despite the synthesis and assembly of subunit proteins, the enzymatic function of the largest respiratory complex is neither significant nor important in the bloodstream stage. This situation appears to be in striking contrast to that for the other respiratory complexes in this parasite, where physical presence in a life-cycle stage always indicates functional significance

    The Minimal Proteome in the Reduced Mitochondrion of the Parasitic Protist Giardia intestinalis

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    The mitosomes of Giardia intestinalis are thought to be mitochondria highly-reduced in response to the oxygen-poor niche. We performed a quantitative proteomic assessment of Giardia mitosomes to increase understanding of the function and evolutionary origin of these enigmatic organelles. Mitosome-enriched fractions were obtained from cell homogenate using Optiprep gradient centrifugation. To distinguish mitosomal proteins from contamination, we used a quantitative shot-gun strategy based on isobaric tagging of peptides with iTRAQ and tandem mass spectrometry. Altogether, 638 proteins were identified in mitosome-enriched fractions. Of these, 139 proteins had iTRAQ ratio similar to that of the six known mitosomal markers. Proteins were selected for expression in Giardia to verify their cellular localizations and the mitosomal localization of 20 proteins was confirmed. These proteins include nine components of the FeS cluster assembly machinery, a novel diflavo-protein with NADPH reductase activity, a novel VAMP-associated protein, and a key component of the outer membrane protein translocase. None of the novel mitosomal proteins was predicted by previous genome analyses. The small proteome of the Giardia mitosome reflects the reduction in mitochondrial metabolism, which is limited to the FeS cluster assembly pathway, and a simplicity in the protein import pathway required for organelle biogenesis

    Human Iron−Sulfur Cluster Assembly, Cellular Iron Homeostasis, and Disease†

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    ABSTRACT: Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins contain prosthetic groups consisting of two or more iron atoms bridged by sulfur ligands, which facilitate multiple functions, including redox activity, enzymatic function, and maintenance of structural integrity. More than 20 proteins are involved in the biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters in eukaryotes. Defective Fe-S cluster synthesis not only affects activities of many iron-sulfur enzymes, such as aconitase and succinate dehydrogenase, but also alters the regulation of cellular iron homeostasis, causing both mitochondrial iron overload and cytosolic iron deficiency. In this work, we review human Fe-S cluster biogenesis and human diseases that are caused by defective Fe-S cluster biogenesis. Fe-S cluster biogenesis takes place essentially in every tissue of humans, and products of human disease genes, including frataxin, GLRX5, ISCU, and ABCB7, have important roles in the process. However, the human diseases, Friedreich ataxia, glutaredoxin 5-deficient sideroblastic anemia, ISCU myopathy, and ABCB7 sideroblastic anemia/ataxia syndrome, affect specific tissues, while sparing others. Here we discuss the phenotypes caused by mutations in these different disease genes, and we compare the underlying pathophysiology and discuss the possible explanations for tissue-specific pathology in these diseases caused by defective Fe-S cluster biogenesis. HUMAN CELLULAR IRON HOMEOSTASI

    Regulation of the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase

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    The implementation of aquafitness in the swimming training program of students of higher educational institutions

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    Доступные и эффективные формы двигательной активности, специально организованной в рамках программ физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий в ВУЗах, выполняемых под руководством преподавательского состава кафедр физического воспитания, особенно востребованы с учетом того, что за последние годы в Украине резко ухудшилось состояние здоровья современной молодежи. В этой ситуации инновационные физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии в физическом воспитании студентов ВУЗов являются основным средством укрепления и сохранения здоровья.Available and effective forms of physical activity, especially organized within the framework of programs of fitness classes at Universities, carried out under the supervision of the teaching staff of the departments of physical education, particularly demand in view of the fact that in Ukraine in recent years has sharply deteriorated state of health of the modern youth are presented in the paper. In this situation, the innovative sports and health technologies of physical education of academy students are the main means of strengthening and preservation of health