7 research outputs found

    Koncentracije serumskog prokalcitonina i C-reaktivnog proteina u pasa s degenerativnom bolešću mitralnog zaliska i infektivnim endokarditisom

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    This study aimed to investigate the clinical significance of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) concentrations in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) and infective endocarditis. It also aimed to evaluate whether there is a relationship between the degree of disease and serum PCT and CRP concentrations. A total of 100 dogs with MVD were prospectively recruited into the study. According to clinical/laboratory signs and echocardiography, the dogs were divided into infective and degenerative groups. The degenerative group was also classified into four stages based on the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) guidelines (Stages A-D). Serum PCT and CRP concentrations were determined with dog-specific commercial test kits. The serum CRP (P<0.05) and PCT (P<0.001) concentrations in the infective group were significantly higher than the degenerative group. In the degenerative group, the serum CRP concentration of stage D dogs was significantly higher than the other stages (P<0.001), and the degree of disease correlated significantly positively with serum CRP concentration (r=0.531 P=0.000). In conclusion, serum CRP and PCT concentrations may aid traditional diagnostic techniques to differentiate infective and degenerative mitral valve disease. This study also demonstrated that serum CRP concentrations were elevated in Stage D dogs, and that there is a positive correlation between the degree of disease and serum CRP concentration. This can be useful in determining the severity of the inflammatory state in dogs with DMVD.Cilj rada bio je istražiti kliničku važnost serumskih koncentracija C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP) i prokalcitonina (PCT) u pasa s degenerativnom bolešću mitralnog zaliska (DMVD) i infektivnim endokarditisom. Također, cilj je bio i procijeniti postoji li povezanost između stupnja bolesti i serumskih koncentracija PCT-a i CRP-a. U prospektivno istraživanje uključeno je ukupno je 100 pasa s MVD-om. Prema kliničko laboratorijskim znakovima i ehokardiografiji psi su podijeljeni u skupinu s infektivnom i skupinu s degenerativnom bolešću. Psi s degenerativnom bolešću razvrstani su u četiri stadija (A-D) prema smjernicama American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM). Koncentracije serumskog PCT-a i CRP-a određene su komercijalnim testnim setovima specifičnima za pse. Koncentracije serumskog CRP-a i PCT-a u skupini pasa s infektivnom bolešću bile su znakovito više (P<0,05 i P<0,001) nego one u skupini pasa s degenerativnom bolešću. U skupini s degenerativnom bolešću serumske koncentracije CRP-a u pasa sa stadijem D bile su znakovito više nego u pasa s ostalim stadijima (P<0,001). Stupanj bolesti bio je u znakovitoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa serumskim koncentracijama CRP-a (r = 0,531, P=0,000). Zaključno, serumske koncentracije CRP-a i PCT-a mogu pomoći tradicionalnim dijagnostičkim metodama u razlikovanju infektivne i degenerativne bolesti mitralnog zaliska. Istraživanje je pokazalo i povišene serumske koncentracije CRP-a u pasa sa stadijem D te pozitivnu korelaciju između stupnja bolesti i koncentracije CRP-a. Navedeno može biti korisno pri procjeni težine upalnog stanja u pasa s DMVD-om

    Spatial distribution of vector borne disease agents in dogs in Aegean region, Turkey

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    Objective. Assess the spatial distribution of seroprevalence of infection with or exposure to 4 vector-borne pathogens Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi and Dirofilaria immitis, across the coastal states of the Aegean region with special reference to clinical signs and haematological variances related to disease condition. Materials and methods. A convenience sample, targeting blood from at least 10 pet dogs from İzmir, Aydin, Denizli, Mugla and Manisa cities involved was evaluated using a canine point-of-care ELISA kit. Results. Out of 307 dogs tested the overall seroprevalence was highest for E. canis (24.42%), followed by E. canis + A. phagocytophilum co-infection (10.42%), A. phagocytophilum (7.49%) and D. immitis (2.28%). Only 2 cases were seropositive to B. burgdorferi albeit 10 dogs were co-infected with more than 2 agents. For both dogs infected with E. canis and co-infected with E. canis and A. phagocytophilum, anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis, were more commonly detected, whereas thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis were significant finding in dogs infected with A. phagocytophilum or D. immitis, respectively. Variance analysis showed significant differences for mean RBC, Hb, PCV and PLT values (p<0.01) among control group and other groups. Conclusions. Seropositivity for vector-borne pathogens other than B. burgdorferi, is moderately to widely distributed in dogs residing in the Aegean region in Turkey

    Aflatoksikoza u rotvajlera nakon uzimanja pljesnive hrane: kliničkopatološki nalazi i učinkovita terapija tetrasulfatom.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical, hematologic, gross, histopathologic and toxicologic findings and to report effective therapy application for aflatoxicosis in dogs, ascribed to the ingestion of moldy wet bread contaminated with aflatoxin. A prospective case series of 10 client-owned dogs from the same household developed toxicological signs after eating moldy bread treated with water that had been stored for an undetermined period, fully covered with a grey-green mold. All dogs exhibited vomiting followed by excessive salivation and hyperaesthesia. Among the surviving dogs (n = 7), three of them presented with diarrhea, depression, abdominal pain and two others showed icterus. One of the dead dogs was found on the initial referral. Two others were dead following initial diagnosis and prior to therapy application. The most common gross findings in the dogs were generalized icterus, mucosal or submucosal edema and petechial, to ecchymotic hemorrhages in the organs. Histopathological findings included focal necrotic areas extending from the periacinar to centroacinar regions in the liver, biliary hyperplasia, cholestasis and multifocal hemorrhages in the kidneys and lungs. Due to the sudden onset of clinical signs, the lack of exposure to other toxins, and the confirmed evidence of ingestion of moldy bread, the results of analysis of liver samples and the histopathological signs, the definitive diagnosis was mycotoxicosis. Therapeutic applications included tetrasulphate (an antidote) given orally, and supportive treatment with balanced electrolyte solutions, antiemetics and H2 receptor antagonist. All treated dogs (7/7) made a full recovery over 18-24 hours. The results of the present study reported here describe the clinicopathological features of aflatoxicosis in Rottweilers, suggesting that the use of tetrasulphate solution as an inexpensive and available therapy may have helped the survival of the dogs and might reverse the adverse health effects of mycotoxins.Svrha je ovog rada iznijeti kliničke, hematološke, patoanatomske, patohistološke i toksikološke nalaze te izvijestiti o uspješnom liječenju pasa koji su jeli pljesnivu i vlažnu hranu što je sadržavala aflatoksin. U 10 pasa jednog vlasnika primijećeni su znakovi otrovanja nakon što su jeli pljesniv kruh namočen u vodu koji je prethodno bio čuvan neodređeno vrijeme, a u potpunosti je bio prekriven sivo-zelenom plijesni. Svi su psi povraćali uz obilno slinjenje i hiperesteziju. Od sedam preživjelih pasa, tri su imala proljev, bili su potišteni te su pokazivali bol u trbuhu, a dva su imala i žuticu. Jedan od uginulih pasa na početku je upućivao na toksikozu. Dva su uginula nakon postavljene dijagnoze, a prije početka liječenja. Patoanatomski je ustanovljena generalizirana žutica, edem sluznice ili submukoze te petehijalna do ekhimotična krvarenja po organima. Patohistološki su ustanovljena nekrotična žarišna područja pružajući se od periacinarnih do centroacinarnih područja u jetri, zatim bilijarna hiperplazija, kolestaza i multifokalna krvarenja po bubrezima i plućima. Na osnovi nagle pojave kliničkih znakova, nedostatka dokaza izloženosti drugim toksinima, potvrđenog dokaza uzimanja pljesnivog kruha, rezultata analize uzoraka jetre i patohistoloških nalaza postavljena je konačna dijagnoza mikotoksikoze. Za liječenje je peroralno bio primijenjen tetrasulfat(antidot) i uravnotežena otopina elektrolita, zatim antiemetici i antagonisti H 2 receptora. Svi liječeni psi (7/7) u potpunosti su se oporavili za 18 do 24 sata. Prikazani rezultati opisuju kliničke i patološke značajke aflatoksikoze u rotvajlera i upućuju na zaključak da se ona može liječiti otopinom tetrasulfata kao jeftinim i pristupačnim lijekom koji može pomoći u preživljavanju pasa te smanjiti štetne učinke mikotoksina na zdravlj

    Single dose of secnidazole treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in Sakiz lambs

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    ABSTRACT Objective. The purposes of this study were to determine whether secnidazole administered at a single dose of 10 mg/kg, orally, lessens or eliminates Giardia cyst shedding, and to validate the benefit of secnidazole treatment on clinical signs and faecal consistency in lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 12 weeks of age lambs were selected and randomly assigned into two groups based on placebo (group C, n=7 untreated control group) or treatment (group S, n=10 lambs treated with a single dose of secnidazole at 10 mg/kg). Results. On days 0 and 10, before and after treatment, respectively, reduction in cyst excretion was determined. The faecal consistency and general health were recorded at each sampling day. Conclusions. During the study there was a high (99.98%) reduction in cyst excretion in the secnidazol treatment group compared to the positive control group on day 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making secnidazole highly effective treatment option

    Successful treatment of late-onset pulmonary hypertension after atrial septal defect operation with macitentan: Our center experience

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    Background: Macitentan significantly improves pulmonary hemodynamics and survival in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH). Its beneficial effect, however, may be blunted due to the adverse impacts such as anemia and peripheral edema. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a significant consequence of congenital heart disease (CHD). Its presence and severity are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. We tried to evaluate that the effectiveness of the macitentan in patients with late-onset pulmonary hypertension after atrial septal defect operation in our center. Methods: The effect of a single dose of macitentan (10 mg) on pulmonary hemodynamics, functional capacity was examined in four patients with late-onset pulmonary hypertension after atrial septal defect operation. Results: The macitentan significantly improved mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP), cardiac output (CO), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), right ventricle systolic wave(RVS&rsquo;), 6-minute walking test and NT-proBNP levels compared with before treatment. Conclusions: Macitentan can be used in patients with late-onset pulmonary hypertension after shunt operation especially atrial septal defect

    Single dose of secnidazole treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in Sakiz lambs

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    Objetive. The purposes of this study were to determine whether secnidazole administered at a single dose of 10 mg/kg, orally, lessens or eliminates Giardia cyst shedding, and to validate the benefit of secnidazole treatment on clinical signs and faecal consistency in lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 12 weeks of age lambs were selected and randomly assigned into two groups based on placebo (group C, n=7 untreated control group) or treatment (group S, n=10 lambs treated with a single dose of secnidazole at 10 mg/kg). Results. On days 0 and 10, before and after treatment, respectively, reduction in cyst excretion was determined. The faecal consistency and general health were recorded at each sampling day. Conclusions. During the study there was a high (99.98%) reduction in cyst excretion in the secnidazol treatment group compared to the positive control group on day 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making secnidazole highly effective treatment option.Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la administración oral de una dosis única de secnidazol de 10mh/kg reduce o elimina la presencia de quistes de Giardia y validar el beneficio del tratamiento con secnidazol en los signos clínicos y la consistencia fecal de corderos infectados naturalmente con Giardia duodenalis. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron corderos destetados de 12 semanas de edad que fueron asignados al azar a dos grupos con base a placebo (grupo C, n=7, grupo de control sin tratar) o tratamiento (grupo S, n=10 corderos con tratamiento de dosis única de secnidazol de 10 mg/kg). Resultados. En los días 0 y 10, antes y después del tratamiento, respectivamente, se determinó una merma en la excreción de quistes. La consistencia de la materia fecal y el estado general de salud fue registrado en cada muestreo diario. Conclusiones. Durante el estudio hubo una alta reducción en la excreción de quistes (99.98%) en el grupo tratado con secnidazol comparado con el grupo control positivo en el día 10, resultando en una disminución significativa (p<0.001), haciendo del tratamiento con secnizadol una opción altamente efectiva

    Biopsy-proven BK virus nephropathy in renal transplant recipients: A multi-central study from Turkey (BK-TURK STUDY).

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    Aim: BK polyomavirus infection is a challenging complication of renal transplantation. The management is not standardized and is based on reports from transplantation centers' experiences, usually with small sample sizes. Therefore, we aimed to present our countrywide experience with BK virus nephropathy (BKVN) in renal transplant recipients. Materials and methods: Our study was carried out with the participation of 30 transplantation centers from all regions of Turkey. Only cases with allograft biopsy-proven BKVN were included in the study. Results: 13,857 patients from 30 transplantation centers were screened, and 207 BK nephropathy cases were included. The mean age was 46.4 +/- 13.1 years, and 146 (70.5%) patients were male. The mean time to diagnosis of BK nephropathy was 15.8 +/- 22.2 months after transplantation. At diagnosis, the mean creatinine level was 1.8 +/- 0.7 mg/dL, and the mean estimated glomerular filtration rate was 45.8 +/- 19.6 mL/min/1.73m2. 2 . In addition to dose reduction or discontinuation of immunosuppressive drugs, 18 patients were treated with cidofovir, 11 patients with leflunomide, 17 patients with quinolones, 15 patients with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), 5 patients with cidofovir plus IVIG, and 12 patients with leflunomide plus IVIG. None of the patients receiving leflunomide or leflunomide plus IVIG had allograft loss. During follow-up, allograft loss occurred in 32 (15%) out of 207 patients with BK nephropathy. Conclusion: BKVN is still a frequent cause of allograft loss in kidney transplantation and is not fully elucidated. The results of our study suggest that leflunomide treatment is associated with more favorable allograft outcomes