26 research outputs found

    Urinary Incontinence - Encouraging Women to Seek Help

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    Impact single versus double layer uterine closure in caesarean section to uterine rupture

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    Caesarean section (CS) is one of the most frequent delivery methods in the world whereas the rates of CS were varied according to developing (from 3.5 to 29.2%) and developed countries (21.1%). The study aims to known the impact of single versus double layer uterine closure to uterine rupture in the history of cesarean section (CS). In this case report, the clinical question is single versus double-layer uterine closure on the previous CS, gives better outcome to reduce the risk of uterine rupture. To answer this question, we search the evidence from Pub Med and Cochrane database with the keywords: “cesarean section" and "uterine rupture" and “uterine closure”. The inclusion criteria are written in English and focused comparing single and double layer uterine closure to uterine rupture in the previous CS. From the searching literature, we found 3 systematic reviews and 23 articles which were relevant to the topic. After screening the abstract and language, we got 2 systematic reviews and 4 articles. At the end, only 4 articles consisting of 1 systematic review and 3 articles were included to be appraised. Based on evidences, single layer uterine closure did not increase the risk of uterine rupture. Apart from that, shorter operative times and lower estimated blood loss became the superiority of single-layer uterine closure

    The Impact of Health Education Using Online Learning on Adolescent Knowledge of Anaemia

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    Anaemia is currently still a global health problem. About 26.8% of Indonesian adolescents suffer from anaemia. Most of them do not realize that they suffer from anaemia, neither do they understand the effects of it; this, therefore, warrants a need for health education by utilizing online technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of health education through online learning on the knowledge level of adolescents about anaemia. This study is quasi-experiment research with a pretest–posttest using a control-group design. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling, with a total of 36 respondents who were divided into control and intervention groups. The respondents were screened using the Haemoglobin Test Strip Monitoring System and data were collected using a questionnaire. Data analysis in this study used the Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney tests. The results showed that there was an increase in the mean knowledge value of anaemic adolescents (p < 0.05) based on the Wilcoxon test results, while based on the Mann–Whitney test, there was no difference between the intervention and control groups (p > 0.05). Health education through online learning media can be given to adolescents because through these media, adolescents can quickly get information related to anaemia anywhere and anytime, and there is a need for active interaction during activities. Keywords: online learning, health education, anaemia, adolescent

    Validation test of Indonesian pelvic floor distress inventory-20 (Indonesian PFDI-20)

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    The pelvic floor distress inventory-20 (PFDI-20) questionnaire is one of the questionnaires used to help find out complaints of pelvic floor dysfunction. The questionnaire is also frequently used in studies related to pelvic floor dysfunction. The validation test results of the questionnaire have not been obtained from Indonesian population.This study aimed to obtain an Indonesian PFDI-20 questionnaire that is in accordance with the original questionnaire and valid as well as reliable use for the Indonesian population.The validation test series were conducted through several stages: forward translation, back-translation, expert panel, pre-testing, and cognitive interviewing, final version and documentation. Data of 77 female respondents of reproductive age in the Yogyakarta Special Region were collected from January to March 2018.The statistical test result of questionnaire validity from the corrected item-total correlation of each question item has value more than 0.30 (0.385-0.781) indicating that the Indonesian PFDI-20 questionnaire was valid. Test reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach’s alpha with a high significant result of 0.911 (0.902-0.913)> r table was obtained. In conclusion, the Indonesian PFDI-20 questionnaire is valid and reliable, thereforeit can be used in Indonesian population

    Is Zuspan Regimen Adequate for Preventing Eclampsia?: A Case Report

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    Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) is believed to treat preeclampsia and eclampsia for more than a century with a total dose of MgSO4 varying from 2 to 5g per 24 hours. Zuspan and Pritchard are two internationally recommended regimens that are accepted as the standard regimen. In this case report, we presented a 41 year old woman with puerperal preeclampsia prescribed with a complete Zuspan regimen. She had eclamptic seizure after completing Zuspan regimen with Mg SO4 level of 4.3 mg/dL. In this case, the possibility of eclamptic seizures might be due to a lack of MgSO4 dose. The administration of MgSO4 for preeclampsia with severe features and prophylactic of eclampsia should be adjusted

    Peran Paklobutrazol dan Pupuk dalam Mengendalikan Tinggi Tanaman dan Kualitas Bunga Krisan Pot

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of paklopbutrazol concentration and fertilizer on plant height and flower quality of potted chrysanthemum. The experimental method was used with factorial design. The first factor was paklobutrazol with the concentration as follow:  0, 100, 200, and 300 ppm. The second factors were cow, chicken, and goat manure. Parameters observed were plant height, time of flowers emerging, flower diameter and freshness. The results showed that certain concentration of paklobutrazol might inhibited plant height, time of flowers emerging, and shortening of flowers freshness, while chicken manure fertilizer spurred flower diameter

    Potential Maternal Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight in Indonesia: A Systematic Review

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    This review was conducted with the aim of summarizing the articles on the potential maternal risk factors for Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Indonesia. All observational studies conducted in Indonesia between 2010 and 2022 were thoroughly reviewed in this study. The articles were retrieved from "PubMed", "ScienceDirect", "Web of Science", and "Garuda". The retrieval was supplemented by snowball sampling technique. This review was constructed according to the PRISMA guidelines and the quality of the articles was assessed according to the STROBE guidelines. Of the 129 articles, only 12 articles met the inclusion criteria. Maternal variables such as education (50%), household wealth (33.3%), nutritional status (33.3%), age (25%), pregnancy complications (25%), marital age (16.7%), gestational weight gain (16.7%), ANC visit (16.7%), weight at third trimester (16.7%), twin birth (16.7%), birth interval (16.7%), iron supplementation (8.3%), parity (8.3%), and anemia status (8.3%) were found to be the risk factors for LBW incidence. This review found that almost all potential maternal risk factors contributing to LBW are preventable. It may help policy makers to design a more effective LBW prevention intervention and early risk identification for pregnant women. Appropriate follow-up by health workers for clinical intervention will also help to improve their pregnancy outcomes

    Analisis Status Hidrasi dan Asupan Zat Gizi Serta Air pada Ibu Hamil

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    Pregnancy is a specific physiological period, which is the nutritional requirements increase more than thoseof normal condition. About 50-70% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, it was affects to the lack ofnutrient intake for mothers and infants. The sustainability of mother’s condition can cause an imbalance of body fluidwhich has impact on the mother’s hydration status. The aims of this study were to analyze the relationship between characteristics,socio-economic, nutritional status, nutritional intake and water with hydration status. This study was a crosssectional study, conducted on the area of primary of public health at Kebon Jeruk Regency, West Jakarta. The subjectwere pregnant women who in the second trimester, examined pregnancy in the study area amounted to 107 subjects.Independent t-test and chi-square test were used to analyzed the data. Subjects were divided into two groups based onhydration status from urin osmolality concentration; normal and hypohydrated. The average of urine osmolality in thehypohydration group and normal, were 838.78±172.35 mOsm/Kg and 268.05±116.64 mOsm/Kg, respectively. Subject’scharacteristics (age, gestational age, body weight, height, nutritional status before pregnancy, upper arm circumference,waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure) did not differ between two groups (p≥0.05). There were no relationshipbetween edu- cation of mothers and fathers, employment status of mothers and fathers, household expenditure,and mother’s know-ledge (p≥0.05). There were differences of energy, carbohydrate and zinc intake between two groups(p<0.05), but didn’t found differences intake of (protein, fat, calcium, iron, folic acid) and water between two groups(p≥0.05). However, the mother should more attention to fulfil their nutrients and water intakes to support the foetusgrowth