336 research outputs found

    Distribution of discontinuous mudstone beds within wave-dominated shallow-marine deposits : Star Point Sandstone and Blackhawk Formation, Eastern Utah

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    Acknowledgements Funding for this study was provided from the Research Council of Norway through the Petromaks project 193059 and the FORCE Safari Project. The lidar data was collected by Julien Vallet and Samuel Pitiot of Helimap Systems SA. Riegl LMS GmbH is acknowledged for software support. The first author would like to thank Oliver Severin Tynes for assistance in the field. Tore Grane Klausen and Gijs Allard Henstra are thanked for invaluable discussions. The authors would also like to thank Janok Bhattacharya, Cornel Olariu and one anonymous revier for their insightful comments which improved this paper, and Frances Witehurst for his editorial comments.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Sedimentology and reservoir properties of tabular and erosive offshore transition deposits in wave-dominated, shallow-marine strata : Book cliffs, USA

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    Acknowledgements and Funding Funding for this study was provided from the Research Council of Norway (Petromaks project 193059) and the FORCE Safari project. The helicopter-LiDAR data was collected by J. Valet and S. Pitiot of Helimap System SA. Riegl LMS GmbH is acknowledged for software support for the outcrop models, and ROXAR is acknowledged for use of their RMS reservoir modelling package. A. Rittersbacher is acknowledged for processing the heli-LiDAR model. The first author would like to thank O. S. Mulelid-Tynes and G. Henstra for assistance in the field and for valuable discussions. G. Hampson is thanked for insightful comments that significantly improved this manuscriptPeer reviewedPostprin

    Seismic interpretation of sill complexes in sedimentary basins : implications for the sub-sill imaging problem

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    Acknowledgements: We thank reviewers Craig Magee and Murray Hoggett for considerate and insightful reviews that considerably improved this manuscript. The LIDAR data were acquired by Julien Vallet and Samuel Pitiot of Helimap Systems. We acknowledge NORSAR for an academic licence of the seismic modelling software SeisRoX, which was used to generate synthetic seismograms in this study, and NORSAR-2D, which was used for analysis of seismic propagation through the overburden models. The virtual outcrop was visualized and interpreted using LIME (http://virtualoutcrop.com/lime). We also acknowledge Tore Aadland for writing invaluable scripts used for import of the outcrop models to seismic modelling software, and Gijs A. Henstra and Björn Nyberg for assistance in the field. Funding: Funding for data acquisition was provided from the Research Council of Norway through the PETROMAKS project 193059 and the FORCE Safari project. Funding for data analysis and modelling was provided from PETROMAKS through the Trias North project (234152).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Management Joy

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    An artist monograph that brings together three bodies of Beagles & Ramsay artwork made between 2018 - 2019, along with two essays by Dr Stephen Wilson and Simon Buckley

    Facies model for a coarse-grained, tide-influenced delta : Gule Horn Formation (Early Jurassic), Jameson Land, Greenland

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    Acknowledgements: Funding for this project was provided from the Research Council of Norway through the Petromaks project 193059 and the FORCE Safari Project. Arild Andresen (University of Oslo) and Aka Lynge (POLOG) are thanked for logistical support, Björn Nyberg (Uni Research CIPR and University of Bergen) for assistance in the field, Arve Næss (Statoil) for providing data and assistance during the planning phase, Julien Vallet and Huges Fournier (Helimap Systems SA) for data acquisition. Riegl LMS GmbH is acknowledged for software support. We thank Brian Willis and an anonymous reviewer for their insightful and thorough reviews and Mariano Marzo for editorial comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    LIME : Software for 3-D visualization, interpretation, and communication of virtual geoscience models

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    Parts of LIME have been developed to address research requirements in projects funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) through the Petromaks and Petromaks 2 programs. The following grants are acknowledged: 153264 (VOG [Virtual Outcrop Geology]; with Statoil ASA), 163316 (Carbonate Reservoir Geomodels [IRIS (International Research Institute of Stavanger)]), 176132 (Paleokarst Reservoirs [Uni Research CIPR]), 193059 (EUSA; with FORCE Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Group), 234152 (Trias North [University of Oslo]; with Deutsche Erdoel AG, Edison, Lundin, Statoil, and Tullow), 234111 (VOM2MPS [Uni Research CIPR]; with FORCE Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Group), as well as SkatteFUNN (RCN) project 266740. In addition, the SAFARI project consortium (http://safaridb.com) is thanked for its continued support. The OSG and wxWidgets communities are acknowledged for ongoing commitment to providing mature and powerful software libraries. All authors thank colleagues past and present for studies culminating in the presented figures: Kristine Smaadal and Aleksandra Sima (Figs. 1 and 4); Colm Pierce (Fig. 2A); Eivind Bastesen, Roy Gabrielsen and Haakon Fossen (Fig. 3); Christian Haug Eide (Fig. 7); Ivar Grunnaleite and Gunnar Sælen (Fig. 8); and Magda Chmielewska (Fig. 9). Isabelle Lecomte contributed to discussions on geospatial-geophysical data fusion. Bowei Tong and Joris Vanbiervliet are acknowledged for internal discussions during article revision. The lead author thanks Uni Research for providing a base funding grant to refine some of the presented features. Finally, authors Buckley and Dewez are grateful to Institut Carnot BRGM for the RADIOGEOM mobility grant supporting the writing of this paper. Corbin Kling and one anonymous reviewer helped improve the final manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Predictable patterns in stacking and distribution of channelized fluvial sand bodies linked to channel mobility and avulsion processes

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF 50310-DNI8), the University of New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (no. 707404) is thankfully acknowledged. We thank Martin Gibling, Mike Blum, and Jeffrey Nittrouer for constructive and critical reviews.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Software for Spatial Statistics

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    We give an overview of the papers published in this special issue on spatial statistics, of the Journal of Statistical Software. 21 papers address issues covering visualization (micromaps, links to Google Maps or Google Earth), point pattern analysis, geostatistics, analysis of areal aggregated or lattice data, spatio-temporal statistics, Bayesian spatial statistics, and Laplace approximations. We also point to earlier publications in this journal on the same topic

    Evaluating the effects of an exercise program (Staying UpRight) for older adults in long-term care on rates of falls: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Falls are two to four times more frequent amongst older adults living in long-term care (LTC) than community-dwelling older adults and have deleterious consequences. It is hypothesised that a progressive exercise program targeting balance and strength will reduce fall rates when compared to a seated exercise program and do so cost effectively. Methods/design: This is a single blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial with blinded assessment of outcome and intention-to-treat analysis. LTC residents (age ≥ 65 years) will be recruited from LTC facilities in New Zealand. Participants (n = 528 total, with a 1:1 allocation ratio) will be randomly assigned to either a novel exercise program (Staying UpRight), comprising strength and balance exercises designed specifically for LTC and acceptable to people with dementia (intervention group), or a seated exercise program (control group). The intervention and control group classes will be delivered for 1 h twice weekly over 1 year. The primary outcome is rate of falls (per 1000 person years) within the intervention period. Secondary outcomes will be risk of falling (the proportion of fallers per group), fall rate relative to activity exposure, hospitalisation for fall-related injury, change in gait variability, volume and patterns of ambulatory activity and change in physical performance assessed at baseline and after 6 and 12 months. Cost-effectiveness will be examined using intervention and health service costs. The trial commenced recruitment on 30 November 2018. Discussion: This study evaluates the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a progressive strength and balance exercise program for aged care residents to reduce falls. The outcomes will aid development of evidenced-based exercise programmes for this vulnerable population. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12618001827224. Registered on 9 November 2018. Universal trial number U1111-1217-7148

    Macrosystems ecology: Understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales

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    Macrosystems ecology is the study of diverse ecological phenomena at the scale of regions to continents and their interactions with phenomena at other scales. This emerging subdiscipline addresses ecological questions and environmental problems at these broad scales. Here, we describe this new field, show how it relates to modern ecological study, and highlight opportunities that stem from taking a macrosystems perspective. We present a hierarchical framework for investigating macrosystems at any level of ecological organization and in relation to broader and finer scales. Building on well-established theory and concepts from other subdisciplines of ecology, we identify feedbacks, linkages among distant regions, and interactions that cross scales of space and time as the most likely sources of unexpected and novel behaviors in macrosystems. We present three examples that highlight the importance of this multiscaled systems perspective for understanding the ecology of regions to continents