1,086 research outputs found

    Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Event Simulation Models

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    Many systems in logistics can be adequately modeled using stochastic discrete event simulation models. Often these models are used to find a good or optimal configuration of the system. This implies that optimization algorithms have to be coupled with the models. Optimization of stochastic simulation models is a challenging research topic since the approaches should be efficient, reliable and should provide some guarantee to find at least in the limiting case with a runtime going to infinite the optimal solution with a probability converging to 1. The talk gives an overview on the state of the art in simulation optimization. It shows that hybrid algorithms combining global and local optimization methods are currently the best class of optimization approaches in the area and it outlines the need for the development of software tools including available algorithms

    Religious Foundations of Group Identity in Prehistoric Europe: The Germanic Peoples

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of  myth as a foundation for group identity in Germanic societies. Religious foundations of group identity can, in the Germanic field in any case, only be proven with the help of written sources, and at best further confirmed or illustrated by archaeological and pictorial material

    Structure functions of the 2d O(n) non-linear sigma models

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    We investigate structure functions in the 2-dimensional (asymptotically free) non-linear O(n) sigma-models using the non-perturbative S-matrix bootstrap program. In particular the exact small (Bjorken) x behavior is derived. Structure functions in the special case of the n=3 model are accurately computed over the whole x range for q2/M2<105-q^2/M^2<10^5, and some moments are compared with results from renormalized perturbation theory. Some results concerning the structure functions in the 1/n approximation are also presented.Comment: 57 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Multi-Objective Approaches to Markov Decision Processes with Uncertain Transition Parameters

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) are a popular model for performance analysis and optimization of stochastic systems. The parameters of stochastic behavior of MDPs are estimates from empirical observations of a system; their values are not known precisely. Different types of MDPs with uncertain, imprecise or bounded transition rates or probabilities and rewards exist in the literature. Commonly, analysis of models with uncertainties amounts to searching for the most robust policy which means that the goal is to generate a policy with the greatest lower bound on performance (or, symmetrically, the lowest upper bound on costs). However, hedging against an unlikely worst case may lead to losses in other situations. In general, one is interested in policies that behave well in all situations which results in a multi-objective view on decision making. In this paper, we consider policies for the expected discounted reward measure of MDPs with uncertain parameters. In particular, the approach is defined for bounded-parameter MDPs (BMDPs) [8]. In this setting the worst, best and average case performances of a policy are analyzed simultaneously, which yields a multi-scenario multi-objective optimization problem. The paper presents and evaluates approaches to compute the pure Pareto optimal policies in the value vector space.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, preprint for VALUETOOLS 201

    Wealth inequality in Europe and the delusive egalitarianism of Scandinavian countries

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    Past sociological inequality research focused on (labor) market outcomes, while neglecting the even more important role of wealth. In our study we investigate the distribution of wealth among the elderly across Europe within the framework of Esping-Andersen’s typology of welfare states. Using SHARE data, our analyses suggest (1) that there is strong variation in the distribution of wealth between European countries, and (2) that patterns of wealth inequality differ strongly from patterns of income inequality. Surprisingly high levels of wealth disparity were found in the social democratic welfare regimes commonly known as very egalitarian societies. We conclude that Esping-Andersen’s scheme requires reconsideration because it is based on a one-sided understanding of social stratification not accounting for the central role of wealth in the stratification process.Inequality, wealth, net worth, income, SHARE, stratification, welfare state, Europe

    A simplified version of local predicativity

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    A multi-objective approach for PH-graphs with applications to stochastic shortest paths

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    Stochastic shortest path problems (SSPPs) have many applications in practice and are subject of ongoing research for many years. This paper considers a variant of SSPPs where times or costs to pass an edge in a graph are, possibly correlated, random variables. There are two general goals one can aim for, the minimization of the expected costs to reach the destination or the maximization of the probability to reach the destination within a given budget. Often one is interested in policies that build a compromise between different goals which results in multi-objective problems. In this paper, an algorithm to compute the convex hull of Pareto optimal policies that consider expected costs and probabilities of falling below given budgets is developed. The approach uses the recently published class of PH-graphs that allow one to map SSPPs, even with generally distributed and correlated costs associated to edges, on Markov decision processes (MDPs) and apply the available techniques for MDPs to compute optimal policies

    Block SOR for Kronecker structured representations

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    Hierarchical Markovian Models (HMMs) are composed of multiple low level models (LLMs) and high level model (HLM) that defines the interaction among LLMs. The essence of the HMM approach is to model the system at hand in the form of interacting components so that its (larger) underlying continous-time Markov chain (CTMC) is not generated but implicitly represented as a sum of Kronecker products of (smaller) component matrices. The Kronecker structure of an HMM induces nested block partitionings in its underlying CTMC. These partitionings may be used in block versions of classical iterative methods based on splittings, such as block SOR (BSOR), to solve the underlying CTMC for its stationary vector. Therein the problem becomes that of solving multiple nonsingular linear systems whose coefficient matrices are the diagonal blocks of a particular partitioning. This paper shows that in each HLM state there may be diagonal blocks with identical off-diagonal parts and diagonals differing from each other by a multiple of the identity matrix. Such diagonal blocks are named candidate blocks. The paper explains how candidate blocks can be detected and how the can mutually benefit from a single real Schur factorization. It gives sufficient conditions for the existence of diagonal blocks with real eigenvalues and shows how these conditions can be checked using component matrices. It describes how the sparse real Schur factors of candidate blocks satisfying these conditions can be constructed from component matrices and their real Schur factors. It also demonstrates how fill in- of LU factorized (non-candidate) diagonal blocks can be reduced by using the column approximate minimum degree algorithm (COLAMD). Then it presents a three-level BSOR solver in which the diagonal blocks at the first level are solved using block Gauss-Seidel (BGS) at the second and the methods of real Schur and LU factorizations at the third level. Finally, on a set of numerical experiments it shows how these ideas can be used to reduce the storage required by the factors of the diagonal blocks at the third level and to improve the solution time compared to an all LU factorization implementation of the three-level BSOR solver