12 research outputs found

    The role of Azospirillum spp. like nitrofixing asociative bacteria

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    Rizobakterije stimulativno djeluju na rast biljaka, te smanjuju ili Å”tite biljke od bolesti, a najčeŔće se označavaju kao PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). U prirodi postoji kružni tok duÅ”ika gdje je atmosfera izvor duÅ”ika kojega u tlo transformiraju mikroorganizmi prilikom procesa koji se naziva fiksacija duÅ”ika. BioloÅ”ka fiksacija duÅ”ika je proces u kojem posebne skupine mikroorganizama usvajaju elementarni duÅ”ik iz atmosfere i reduciraju do amonijaka. Asocijativni fiksatori aktivni su na povrÅ”ini korijena, a ovim fiksatorima pripadaju bakterije roda Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bakterije roda Azospirillum imaju važnu ulogu kao nitrofiksatori. Svojom aktivnoŔću potiču rast biljaka, poboljÅ”avaju rast i razvoj korijena, povećavaju usvajanje vode i mineralnih hraniva, utječu na mikrobioloÅ”ke procese u tlu. Također utječu na produkciju bioloÅ”kih tvari.Rhizobacteria stimulate plant growth, and reduce or protect plants from disease, most often referred as PGPR ( Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria ). In nature there is a roundabout where the nitrogen source is a nitrogen atmosphere in which the microorganisms in the soil transform process called nitrogen fixation. Biological nitrogen fixation is a process in which specific groups of microorganisms adopt elemental nitrogen from the atmosphere and reduced to ammonia. Associative fixators are active on the surface of the root, and the fixators belong to bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum play an important role as nitrofixing. Its activities stimulate the growth of plants, enhance the growth and development of roots, increasing the adoption of water and mineral nutrients, affect the microbiological processes in soil. Also affect the production of biological substances

    Prinos poznavanju morfologije balkanskog vijuna, Cobitis elongata Heckel & Kner, 1858 u Hrvatskoj

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    In Croatia, the Balkan loach, Cobitis elongata inhabits the Sava River basin. We found significant morphological differences between specimens inhabiting the Kupa River and those from its right tributary the Petrinjčica River. Results of ANOVA analysis were statistically significant for 17 measurements and all statistically significant parameters were considerably higher at the Petrinjčica River sites. These differences are probably caused by the spatial isolation of these two populations due to artificial and natural barriers on the Petrinjčica River and different ecological features of habitats in the Kupa and the Petrinjčica River.U Hrvatskoj balkanski vijun Cobitis elongata naseljava sliv rijeke Save. PronaÅ”li smo signifikantne morfoloÅ”ke razlike između primjeraka prikupljenih u rijeci Kupi i njenoj pritoci rijeci Petrinjčici. Rezultati ANOVA analize su statistički signifikantni za 17 mjera i svi statistički signifikantni parametri su značajno viÅ”i kod rijeke Petrinjčice. Razlike su vjerojatno uzrokovane izolacijom između tih dviju populacija uvjetovane umjetnim i prirodnim barijerama na rijeci Petrinjčici ali i različitim ekoloÅ”kim značajkama staniÅ”ta u rijekama Kupi i Petrinjčici

    Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti riječnog glavočića, Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na ekologiju i prateće riblje vrste

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    The invasive fish species Neogobius fluviatilis was recorded at one locality on each of the two investigated rivers, Una and Kupa. The expansion of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina is presented, as well as the habitat characteristics of the locality on the Una River. Additionally, a list of the associated fish fauna at both localities is given: 18 and 29 additional fish species were recorded for the Una and Kupa Rivers, respectively.Tijekom istraživanja ihtiofaune nizinskih rijeka Hrvatske, na jednom lokalitetu istraživanog područja rijeke Une i jednom lokalitetu područja rijeke Kupe zabilježena je invanzivna riblja vrsta, Neogobius fluviatilis. Daje se osvrt na Å”irenje te vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj te značajke staniÅ”ta na rijeci Uni na kojoj je zabilježena. Također, daje se popis utvrđenih vrsta riba na oba lokaliteta, za rijeku Unu 18, a za rijeku Kupu 29 vrsta

    Sterol, triterpen dialcohol and fatty acid profile of less- and well-known Istrian monovarietal olive oil

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    The aim of this study was to characterize monovarietal olive oils obtained from two less known autochthonous cultivars (Bova and Buža puntoža) on the basis of sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids profile for the first time, and three monovarietal olive oils obtained from the most widespread autochthonous cultivars (Buža, Istarska bjelica and Rosinjola) grown in Istria, Croatia. Ī²-sitosterol, Ī”-5-avenasterol and campesterol were the most abundant sterols in all samples. Campesterol, Ī²-sitosterol and Ī”-5-avenasterol most significantly differentiated investigated oils. Bova oil had the highest amount of total sterols (2964 Ā± 458 mg/kg). Istarska bjelica oil had a peculiar sterol composition with exceptionally low Ī²-sitosterol (67%), high Ī”-5-avenasterol (27%) and the highest triterpene dialcohols percentages. Rosinjola and Istarska bjelica oils had the highest monounsaturated fatty acids level, Buža oil had the highest polyunsaturated fatty acids level, while Bova oil showed the highest level of saturated fatty acids. Tested oils obtained from the most abundant cultivars fulfilled all the demands of the current EU regulation required for virgin olive oil regarding sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids, but Bova and Buža puntoža oil slightly exceeded the upper limit for linolenic acid. Since cultivar is the source of natural variation of sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids in virgin olive oils, the knowledge about the content of these particular compounds in different monovarietal oils from autochthonous cultivars is important to determine possible disagreements with the demands of the current legislation required for virgin olive oils, in order to anticipate possible false results indicating adulteration

    Prinos poznavanju morfologije balkanskog vijuna, Cobitis elongata Heckel & Kner, 1858 u Hrvatskoj

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    In Croatia, the Balkan loach, Cobitis elongata inhabits the Sava River basin. We found significant morphological differences between specimens inhabiting the Kupa River and those from its right tributary the Petrinjčica River. Results of ANOVA analysis were statistically significant for 17 measurements and all statistically significant parameters were considerably higher at the Petrinjčica River sites. These differences are probably caused by the spatial isolation of these two populations due to artificial and natural barriers on the Petrinjčica River and different ecological features of habitats in the Kupa and the Petrinjčica River.U Hrvatskoj balkanski vijun Cobitis elongata naseljava sliv rijeke Save. PronaÅ”li smo signifikantne morfoloÅ”ke razlike između primjeraka prikupljenih u rijeci Kupi i njenoj pritoci rijeci Petrinjčici. Rezultati ANOVA analize su statistički signifikantni za 17 mjera i svi statistički signifikantni parametri su značajno viÅ”i kod rijeke Petrinjčice. Razlike su vjerojatno uzrokovane izolacijom između tih dviju populacija uvjetovane umjetnim i prirodnim barijerama na rijeci Petrinjčici ali i različitim ekoloÅ”kim značajkama staniÅ”ta u rijekama Kupi i Petrinjčici

    The role of Azospirillum spp. like nitrofixing asociative bacteria

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    Rizobakterije stimulativno djeluju na rast biljaka, te smanjuju ili Å”tite biljke od bolesti, a najčeŔće se označavaju kao PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). U prirodi postoji kružni tok duÅ”ika gdje je atmosfera izvor duÅ”ika kojega u tlo transformiraju mikroorganizmi prilikom procesa koji se naziva fiksacija duÅ”ika. BioloÅ”ka fiksacija duÅ”ika je proces u kojem posebne skupine mikroorganizama usvajaju elementarni duÅ”ik iz atmosfere i reduciraju do amonijaka. Asocijativni fiksatori aktivni su na povrÅ”ini korijena, a ovim fiksatorima pripadaju bakterije roda Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bakterije roda Azospirillum imaju važnu ulogu kao nitrofiksatori. Svojom aktivnoŔću potiču rast biljaka, poboljÅ”avaju rast i razvoj korijena, povećavaju usvajanje vode i mineralnih hraniva, utječu na mikrobioloÅ”ke procese u tlu. Također utječu na produkciju bioloÅ”kih tvari.Rhizobacteria stimulate plant growth, and reduce or protect plants from disease, most often referred as PGPR ( Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria ). In nature there is a roundabout where the nitrogen source is a nitrogen atmosphere in which the microorganisms in the soil transform process called nitrogen fixation. Biological nitrogen fixation is a process in which specific groups of microorganisms adopt elemental nitrogen from the atmosphere and reduced to ammonia. Associative fixators are active on the surface of the root, and the fixators belong to bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum play an important role as nitrofixing. Its activities stimulate the growth of plants, enhance the growth and development of roots, increasing the adoption of water and mineral nutrients, affect the microbiological processes in soil. Also affect the production of biological substances

    The role of Azospirillum spp. like nitrofixing asociative bacteria

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    Rizobakterije stimulativno djeluju na rast biljaka, te smanjuju ili Å”tite biljke od bolesti, a najčeŔće se označavaju kao PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). U prirodi postoji kružni tok duÅ”ika gdje je atmosfera izvor duÅ”ika kojega u tlo transformiraju mikroorganizmi prilikom procesa koji se naziva fiksacija duÅ”ika. BioloÅ”ka fiksacija duÅ”ika je proces u kojem posebne skupine mikroorganizama usvajaju elementarni duÅ”ik iz atmosfere i reduciraju do amonijaka. Asocijativni fiksatori aktivni su na povrÅ”ini korijena, a ovim fiksatorima pripadaju bakterije roda Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bakterije roda Azospirillum imaju važnu ulogu kao nitrofiksatori. Svojom aktivnoŔću potiču rast biljaka, poboljÅ”avaju rast i razvoj korijena, povećavaju usvajanje vode i mineralnih hraniva, utječu na mikrobioloÅ”ke procese u tlu. Također utječu na produkciju bioloÅ”kih tvari.Rhizobacteria stimulate plant growth, and reduce or protect plants from disease, most often referred as PGPR ( Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria ). In nature there is a roundabout where the nitrogen source is a nitrogen atmosphere in which the microorganisms in the soil transform process called nitrogen fixation. Biological nitrogen fixation is a process in which specific groups of microorganisms adopt elemental nitrogen from the atmosphere and reduced to ammonia. Associative fixators are active on the surface of the root, and the fixators belong to bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum play an important role as nitrofixing. Its activities stimulate the growth of plants, enhance the growth and development of roots, increasing the adoption of water and mineral nutrients, affect the microbiological processes in soil. Also affect the production of biological substances

    Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti riječnog glavočića, Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na ekologiju i prateće riblje vrste

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    The invasive fish species Neogobius fluviatilis was recorded at one locality on each of the two investigated rivers, Una and Kupa. The expansion of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina is presented, as well as the habitat characteristics of the locality on the Una River. Additionally, a list of the associated fish fauna at both localities is given: 18 and 29 additional fish species were recorded for the Una and Kupa Rivers, respectively.Tijekom istraživanja ihtiofaune nizinskih rijeka Hrvatske, na jednom lokalitetu istraživanog područja rijeke Une i jednom lokalitetu područja rijeke Kupe zabilježena je invanzivna riblja vrsta, Neogobius fluviatilis. Daje se osvrt na Å”irenje te vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj te značajke staniÅ”ta na rijeci Uni na kojoj je zabilježena. Također, daje se popis utvrđenih vrsta riba na oba lokaliteta, za rijeku Unu 18, a za rijeku Kupu 29 vrsta

    Oljka, suŔne razmere, tla in deficitno namakanje

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    Monografija obsega pregled znanja na področju prilagoditve oljk na suŔne razmere ter pregled tehnologij namakanja oljk. Res je, da je oljka manj zahtevna vrsta, saj lahko uspeva v izjemno skeletnih tleh in je zelo dobro prilagojena na pomanjkanje vode v njih, a kljub fizioloŔkim prilagoditvam, lahko suŔne razmere negativno vplivajo na rast, razvoj in pridelek oljk. SuŔni stres lahko pri oljkah blažimo z deficitnim namakanjem. Deficitni način namakanja je oblika nadgradnje namakanja, saj z nadzorovanim primanjkljajem vode zagotovimo kakovost pridelka, obstoj rastline ter hkrati zmanjŔamo porabo vode in energije. Deficitni način namakanja, temelji na načelu, da obrok vode dodamo takrat, ko ga rastlina najbolj gospodarno uporabi. Pri tem je ključnega pomena poznavanje rastlinske vrste, njenih anatomskih in morfoloŔkih značilnosti, fizioloŔkih prilagoditev na suŔo, biokemijski odziv na stresne dejavnike in s tem vpliv na kakovost plodov in olja. Poleg tega je potrebno tudi poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na pridelovalne sposobnosti oljk, kot so lastnosti tal s svojimi vodno zadrževalnimi sposobnostmi ter dostopna voda v tleh. Ob skrbnem upoŔtevanju potreb rastline in okoljskih razmer z ustreznim delovanjem namakalnega sistema lahko dosežemo usklajeno razmerje med kakovostjo in količino pridelka o hkratnem varovanju potencialov naravnih virov