1,256 research outputs found

    The high-redshift Universe with the International X-ray Observatory

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    We discuss some of the main open issues related to the light-up and evolution of the first accreting sources powering high redshift luminous quasars. We discuss the perspectives of future deep X-ray surveys with the International X-ray Observatory and possible synergies with the Wide Field X-ray Telescope.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of "The Wide Field X-ray Telescope Workshop", held in Bologna, Italy, Nov. 25-26 2009. To appear in Memorie della Societ\`a Astronomica Italiana 2010 (arXiv:1010.5889

    Relevance of lactate level detection in migrane and fibromyalgia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the blood lactate levels in healthy and pathological subjects, particularly with migraine and fibromyalgia. Moreover we investigated the possible correlation between lactate concentration, postural stability and balance disorders; the composition of the groups were: migraine (n = 25; age 49.7 +/- 12.5), fibromyalgia (n = 10; age 43.7 +/- 21.2), control group (n = 16 age 28.52 +/- 2.4). The results showed that patients with fibromyalgia (FG) had higher lactate levels compared to migraine (MG) and control group (CG) (mean +/- sd: FG = 1.78 +/- 0.9 mmol/L; MG = 1.45 +/- 1 mmol/L; CG = 0,85 +/- 0,07 mmol/L). The same situation was highlighted about the sway path length with eyes closed (FG = 518 +/- 195 mm; MG = 465 +/- 165 mm; CG = 405 +/- 94,72 mm) and with eyes open (FG = 430 +/- 220 mm; MG = 411 +/- 143 mm; CG = 389 +/- 107 mm). This can be explained by the fact that energy-intensive postural strategies must be used to optimize both static and dynamic coordination, in particular with repeated contractions of tonic oxidative muscle cells responsible for postural control

    Obscured accreting black holes at high redshift

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    A significant fraction of the accreting black holes powering high redshift AGN are obscured by large columns of dust and gas. For this reason, luminous type 2 quasars can be efficiently discovered combining hard X-ray and near-infrared observations. We will briefly discuss the most recent results.Comment: 6 pages, contributed paper to Proceedings of the Conference "Growing Black Holes" held in Garching, Germany, June 21-25, 2004, edited by A. Merloni, S. Nayakshin and R. Sunyaev, Springer-Verlag series of "ESO Astrophysics Symposia

    Is there any evidence that ionised outflows quench star formation in type 1 quasars at z<1?

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    The aim of this paper is to test the basic model of negative AGN feedback. According to this model, once the central black hole accretes at the Eddington limit and reaches a certain critical mass, AGN driven outflows blow out gas, suppressing star formation in the host galaxy and self-regulating black hole growth. We consider a sample of 224 quasars selected from the SDSS at z<1 observed in the infrared band by Herschel. We evaluate the star formation rate in relation to several outflow signatures traced by the [OIII]4959,5007 and [OII]3726,3729 emission lines in about half of the sample with high quality spectra. Most of the quasars show asymmetric and broad wings in [OIII], which we interpret as outflow signatures. We separate the quasars in two groups, ``weakly'' and ``strongly'' outflowing, using three different criteria. When we compare the mean star formation rate in five redshift bins in the two groups, we find that the SFRs are comparable or slightly larger in the strongly outflowing quasars. We estimate the stellar mass from SED fitting and the quasars are distributed along the star formation main sequence, although with a large scatter. The scatter from this relation is uncorrelated with respect to the kinematic properties of the outflow. Moreover, for quasars dominated in the infrared by starburst or by AGN emission, we do not find any correlation between the star formation rate and the velocity of the outflow, a trend previously reported in the literature for pure starburst galaxies. We conclude that the basic AGN negative feedback scenario seems not to agree with our results. Although we use a large sample of quasars, we did not find any evidence that the star formation rate is suppressed in the presence of AGN driven outflows on large scale. A possibility is that feedback is effective over much longer timescales than those of single episodes of quasar activity.Comment: 18 pages, new version that implements the suggestions of the referee and matches the AA published versio

    Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Orthogonal Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    Bearing is a crucial component of industrial equipment, since any fault occurring in this system usually affects the functionality of the whole machine. To manage this problem, some currently available technologies enable the remote prognosis and diagnosis of bearings, before that faults compromise the system function and safety, respectively. A system for the in-service monitoring of bearing, to detect any inner fault or damage of components and material, allows preventing undesired machine stops. Moreover, it even helps in performing an out-monitoring action, aimed at revealing any anomalous behaviour of the system hosting bearings, through their dynamic response. The in-monitoring can be based on the vibration signal measurement and exploited to detect the presence of defects in material. In this paper, the orthogonal empirical mode decomposition is analysed and tested to investigate how it could be effectively exploited in a lean in-service monitoring operation and remote diagnosis. The proposed approach is validated on a test rig, where an elementary power transmission line was set up. The activity highlights some main properties and practical issues of the technological implementation, as well as the precision of the Orthogonal Empirical Mode Decomposition, as a compact approach for an effective detection of bearing faults in operation

    The obscured X-ray source population in the HELLAS2XMM survey: the Spitzer view

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    Recent X-ray surveys have provided a large number of high-luminosity, obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), the so-called Type 2 quasars. Despite the large amount of multi-wavelength supporting data, the main parameters related to the black holes harbored in such AGN are still poorly known. Here we present the results obtained for a sample of eight Type 2 quasars in the redshift range 0.9-2.1 selected from the HELLAS2XMM survey, for which we used Ks-band, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS data at 24 micron to estimate bolometric corrections, black hole masses, and Eddington ratios.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Progenitors: Theory vs Observations" (Cefalu, Sicily, June 2006). Eds. L. Burderi et al. (New York: AIP

    How to promote vaccinations: a pilot study in the North-West of Italy

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    Background: vaccines are one of the greatest medical discoveries. In various countries, pharmacists are authorised to administer vaccines directly in pharmacies; thus, leading to an increase in the immunisation rate and a notable gain in consensus amongst the population. The main objective was to evaluate the opinion of pharmacy customers regarding the proposal to authorise pharmacies to administer vaccines. Results: 85% of the respondents were in favour of the introduction of a vaccinating pharmacist. The data show more positive attitudes to the introduction of this service amongst subjects with an elderly dependant relative (PR = 1,10; p = 0.025). Furthermore, it can be noticed a higher probability of positive attitudes to the establishment of the vaccinating pharmacist amongst those with positive attitudes to vaccines (PR = 1,15; p = 0.039). Moreover, the pharmacist is seen as a reference on the subject of vaccines by only 8% of interviewees. Discussion: The data highlight the particularly positive feedback regarding the subject of pharmacists being authorised to administer vaccines. This service may, however, encounter obstacles such as economic problems and opposition from other health professionals. Materials and methods: Data were gathered through a face-to-face interview by means of questionnaires in eight pharmacies in the north-west of Piedmont (Italy). Descriptive statistics were performed. The comparison between the proportions and average values was performed by χ2 and t-test. The indicator used for the associations was the Prevalence Ratio (PR). The PR was calculated using a modified Poisson regression with robust standard errors. The level of significance was fixed at 0.05; IC at 95%

    Advanced, Guided Procedure for the Calibration and Generalization of Neural Network-Based Models of Combustion and Knock Indexes

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    In the last few years, the artificial neural networks have been widely used in the field of engine modeling. Some of the main reasons for this are, their compatibility with the real-time systems, higher accuracy, and flexibility if compared to other data-driven approaches. One of the main difficulties of using this approach is the calibration of the network itself. It is very difficult to find in the literature procedures that guide the user to completely define a network. Typically, the very last steps (like the choice of the number of neurons) must be selected by the user on the base of his sensitivity to the problem. This work proposes an automatic calibration procedure for the artificial neural networks, considering all the main hyper-parameters of the network such as the training algorithms, the activation functions, the number of the neurons, the number of epochs, and the number of hidden layers, for modeling various combustion indexes in a modern internal combustion engine. However, the proposed procedure can be applied to the training of any neural network-based model. The automatic calibration procedure outputs a configuration of the network, giving the optimal combination in terms of hyper-parameters. The decision of the optimal configuration of the neural network is based on a self-developed formula, which gives a rank of all the possible hyper-parameter combinations using some statistical parameters obtained comparing the simulated and the experimental values. In the end, the lowest rank is selected as the optimal one as it represents the combination having the lowest error. Following the definition of this rank, high accuracy on the results has been achieved in terms of the root mean square error index, for example, on the combustion phase model, the error is 0.139°CA under steady-state conditions. On the maximum in-cylinder pressure model, the error is 1.682 bar, while the knock model has an error of 0.457 bar for the same test that covers the whole engine operating field
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