76 research outputs found

    Modelling the impact of preventive measures on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools in the Netherlands

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    Het model onderzoekt het effect op het aantal besmettingen in scholen (docenten en leerlingen) en vaccinatie (van docenten en leerlingen) bij halve en bij volledige bezetting van de school. Het model beschrijft een gemiddelde school in het voortgezet onderwijs

    Determinants of Rotavirus Transmission A Lag Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

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    Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Determinants of Rotavirus Transmission A Lag Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

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    Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Updated cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit analysis of two infant rotavirus vaccination strategies in a high-income, low-endemic setting.

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    Since 2013, a biennial rotavirus pattern has emerged in the Netherlands with alternating high and low endemic years and a nearly 50% reduction in rotavirus hospitalization rates overall, while infant rotavirus vaccination has remained below 1% throughout. As the rotavirus vaccination cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit ratio in high-income settings is highly influenced by the total rotavirus disease burden, we re-evaluated two infant vaccination strategies, taking into account this recent change in rotavirus epidemiology

    Роль православної церкви у формуванні та функціонуванні політичної системи України в 90-і роки ХХ ст.

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    У статті зроблено спробу аналізу місця та ролі православної церкви у процесах формування та функціонування політичної системи України у 90-і роки ХХ ст. Доведено, що українські православні церкви відігравали значну роль у політичному житті країни, не тільки агітуючи віруючих за певну політичну силу, а й балотуючи своїх представників до місцевих органів влади. Українські політики використовували церкву заради досягнення власних цілей, що ще більше загострювало міжконфесійні взаємини і посилювало політизацію церковного життя.В статье сделана попытка анализа места и роли православной церкви в процессе формирования и функционирования политической системы Украины в 90-е годы ХХ ст. Доказано, что украинские православные церкви играли значительную роль в политической жизни страны, не только агитируя верующих за определенную политическую силу, но и баллотируя своих представителей в местные органы власти. Украинские политики использовали церковь ради достижения собственных целей, что еще больше обостряло межконфессиональные отношения и усиливало политизацию церковной жизни.In the article the attempt of analysis of place and role of orthodox church in the process of forming and functioning of the political system of Ukraine in the 90 th ys of the XX ct is done. It is proved, that the Ukrainian orthodox churches acted considerable part in the political life of country, not only agitating believers for definite political force, but also voting the representatives in local authorities. The Ukrainian politicians used a church for achievement of own purposes, that yet more intensified the interconfession relations reinforced the political impact on the church life

    Childhood infection burden, recent antibiotic exposure and vascular phenotypes in preschool children

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    BACKGROUND: Severe childhood infection has a dose-dependent association with adult cardiovascular events and with adverse cardiometabolic phenotypes. The relationship between cardiovascular outcomes and less severe childhood infections is unclear. AIM: To investigate the relationship between common, non-hospitalised infections, antibiotic exposure, and preclinical vascular phenotypes in young children. DESIGN: A Dutch prospective population-derived birth cohort study. METHODS: Participants were from the Wheezing-Illnesses-Study-Leidsche-Rijn (WHISTLER) birth cohort. We collected data from birth to 5 years on antibiotic prescriptions, general practitioner (GP)-diagnosed infections, and monthly parent-reported febrile illnesses (0-1 years). At 5 years, carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), carotid artery distensibility, and blood pressure (BP) were measured. General linear regression models were adjusted for age, sex, smoke exposure, birth weight z-score, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. RESULTS: Recent antibiotic exposure was associated with adverse cardiovascular phenotypes; each antibiotic prescription in the 3 and 6 months prior to vascular assessment was associated with an 18.1 μm (95% confidence interval, 4.5-31.6, p = 0.01) and 10.7 μm (0.8-20.5, p = 0.03) increase in CIMT, respectively. Each additional antibiotic prescription in the preceding 6 months was associated with an 8.3 mPa-1 decrease in carotid distensibility (-15.6- -1.1, p = 0.02). Any parent-reported febrile episode (compared to none) showed weak evidence of association with diastolic BP (1.6 mmHg increase, 0.04-3.1, p = 0.04). GP-diagnosed infections were not associated with vascular phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Recent antibiotics are associated with adverse vascular phenotypes in early childhood. Mechanistic studies may differentiate antibiotic-related from infection-related effects and inform preventative strategies

    The Value of Warning Signs From the WHO 2009 Dengue Classification in Detecting Severe Dengue in Children

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    BACKGROUND: World Health Organization proposed 7 warning signs to identify the risk of severe dengue in 2009. This study aimed to evaluate the value of these warning signs in detecting severe dengue in children. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted utilizing data of children with clinical dengue infection obtained from medical records between January 2009 and December 2018 in Jakarta. Children with confirmed dengue were analyzed and stratified into 3 age groups: infants less than 1 year old, children 1-14 years and adolescents 15-18 years of age. Positive predictive value, negative predictive value (NPV), sensitivity and specificity of each warning sign present or absent on admission in detecting severe dengue were computed. RESULTS: Six hundred ninety-nine children with clinical dengue infection were enrolled, among whom 614 (87.8%) had confirmed dengue infection, either by antigen or antibody serological tests. Severe dengue occurred in 211/614 (34.4%) cases. In infants, important warning signs on admission to detect or exclude severe dengue were liver enlargement (NPV 80.8%) and clinical fluid accumulation (NPV 75%). In children and adolescents, warning sign with highest NPV (in children 76.6% and in adolescents 91.9%) was increase in hematocrit concurrent with a rapid decrease in platelet count. Other warning signs with high NPV values in children were abdominal pain (72%), vomiting (70%), clinical fluid accumulation (69.3%), and in adolescents' abdominal pain (80.7%), vomiting (75.7%), clinical fluid accumulation (82.7%). NPVs increase with more than 1 warning sign in all age groups. CONCLUSION: In infants, liver enlargement or clinical fluid accumulation are important warning signs for severe dengue, when both are absent, severe dengue is unlikely. In older children and adolescents, an increase in hematocrit with the concurrent rapid decrease in platelet count is most discriminative; followed by the absence of abdominal pain, vomiting or fluid accumulation are unlikely severe dengue

    Design of the EPIGENEC Study: Assessing the EPIdemiology and GENetics of Escherichia coli in the Netherlands

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    Background: Infections caused by E. coli cause considerable disease burden and range from frequently occurring and relatively innocent urinary tract infection (UTI) to severe bloodstream infection (BSI). The incidence of infections caused by ESBL-producing E. coli (ESBL-PEc) is increasing, justifying surveillance and development of preventive strategies in several domains. Faecal carriage is universal and believed to be the most important reservoir for E. coli from which infections can originate. It is currently unknown to what extent Dutch E. coli carriage strains in the community reflect isolates causing disease. In this study, we will perform comparative genomics to infer the population structures of human-derived ESBL-PEc from community- and hospital-acquired infections and from community-based faecal carriage samples in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we will describe the molecular epidemiology of E. coli isolates causing invasive disease (BSI). Methods: This study uses four different microbiological data sources: 1) ESBL-PEc from patients with community-acquired UTI tested in primary care between May and November 2017, 2) ESBL-PEc from urine cultures obtained from patients hospitalized between January 2014 and December 2016, 3) E. coli from blood cultures obtained from patients hospitalized between January 2014 and December 2016, and 4) ESBL-PEc from faecal samples collected in a national population- prevalence study performed between January 2014 and January 2017. Clinical epidemiological data was collected from all patients and all isolates were subjected to whole genome sequencing. Discussion: The EPIGENEC study (EPIdemiology and GENetics of E. coli) will describe the molecular epidemiology of E. coli BSI and assess the genomic population structure of ESBL-PEc strains from community-acquired and nosocomial infections, and of ESBL-PEc reflecting community-based faecal carriage. Information from these studies may assist in optimizing surveillance strategies and determining targets and potential impact of future new preventive measures