3,807 research outputs found

    Evocative computing – creating meaningful lasting experiences in connecting with the past

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    We present an approach – evocative computing – that demonstrates how ‘at hand’ technologies can be ‘picked up’ and used by people to create meaningful and lasting experiences, through connecting and interacting with the past. The approach is instantiated here through a suite of interactive technologies configured for an indoor-outdoor setting that enables groups to explore, discover and research the history and background of a public cemetery. We report on a two-part study where different groups visited the cemetery and interacted with the digital tools and resources. During their activities serendipitous uses of the technology led to connections being made between personal memo-ries and ongoing activities. Furthermore, these experiences were found to be long-lasting; a follow-up study, one year later, showed them to be highly memorable, and in some cases leading participants to take up new directions in their work. We discuss the value of evocative computing for enriching user experiences and engagement with heritage practices

    Theory of high harmonic generation in relativistic laser interaction with overdense plasma

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    High harmonic generation due to the interaction of a short ultra relativistic laser pulse with overdense plasma is studied analytically and numerically. On the basis of the ultra relativistic similarity theory we show that the high harmonic spectrum is universal, i.e. it does not depend on the interaction details. The spectrum includes the power law part Inn8/3I_n\propto n^{-8/3} for n<8αγmax3n<\sqrt{8\alpha}\gamma_{\max}^3, followed by exponential decay. Here γmax\gamma_{\max} is the largest relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface and α\alpha is the second derivative of the surface velocity at this moment. The high harmonic cutoff at γmax3\propto \gamma_{\max}^3 is parametrically larger than the 4γmax24 \gamma_{\max}^2 predicted by the ``oscillating mirror'' model based on the Doppler effect. The cornerstone of our theory is the new physical phenomenon: spikes in the relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface. These spikes define the high harmonic spectrum and lead to attosecond pulses in the reflected radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Bond percolation on isoradial graphs: criticality and universality

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    In an investigation of percolation on isoradial graphs, we prove the criticality of canonical bond percolation on isoradial embeddings of planar graphs, thus extending celebrated earlier results for homogeneous and inhomogeneous square, triangular, and other lattices. This is achieved via the star-triangle transformation, by transporting the box-crossing property across the family of isoradial graphs. As a consequence, we obtain the universality of these models at the critical point, in the sense that the one-arm and 2j-alternating-arm critical exponents (and therefore also the connectivity and volume exponents) are constant across the family of such percolation processes. The isoradial graphs in question are those that satisfy certain weak conditions on their embedding and on their track system. This class of graphs includes, for example, isoradial embeddings of periodic graphs, and graphs derived from rhombic Penrose tilings.Comment: In v2: extended title, and small changes in the tex

    Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in four dimensions

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    We treat the probability distributions for quadratic quantum fields, averaged with a Lorentzian test function, in four-dimensional Minkowski vacuum. These distributions share some properties with previous results in two-dimensional spacetime. Specifically, there is a lower bound at a finite negative value, but no upper bound. Thus arbitrarily large positive energy density fluctuations are possible. We are not able to give closed form expressions for the probability distribution, but rather use calculations of a finite number of moments to estimate the lower bounds, the asymptotic forms for large positive argument, and possible fits to the intermediate region. The first 65 moments are used for these purposes. All of our results are subject to the caveat that these distributions are not uniquely determined by the moments. However, we also give bounds on the cumulative distribution function that are valid for any distribution fitting these moments.We apply the asymptotic form of the electromagnetic energy density distribution to estimate the nucleation rates of black holes and of Boltzmann brains.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    ‘Eigenlijk is mijn hele vak daar gewoon voor.’ Een empirische studie naar motivatie van professionals in de ambulante GGZ om al dan niet aandacht te geven aan spiritualiteit/zingeving in hun zorg.

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    Mensen die worden geconfronteerd met een psychiatrische aandoening hebben vaak zingevingsvragen. In psychiatrische klinieken kunnen patiënten terecht bij geestelijk verzorgers voor begeleiding op het gebied van spiritualiteit/zingeving. Geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ) wordt echter steeds vaker in de thuissituatie aangeboden. Omdat geestelijk verzorgers er niet voor alle thuiswonende patiënten kunnen zijn, is het belangrijk dat ook ambulante GGZ-professionals aandacht voor spiritualiteit/zingeving hebben. Inzicht in motivaties van ambulante GGZ-professionals om al dan niet aandacht aan spiritualiteit/zingeving te geven draagt bij aan deskundigheidsbevordering aan hen. Het gaat om zowel professionele als persoonlijke motivaties. De persoonlijke spiritualiteit/zingeving van de professionals speelt namelijk een rol. Daarnaast worden motivaties naast een competentieprofiel over spiritualiteit/zingeving gelegd. In dit onderzoek worden voor- en diepte-interviews met en observaties van ambulante professionals op kwalitatief-interpretatieve wijze geanalyseerd. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat aandacht voor spiritualiteit/zingeving volgens de onderzochte professionals een (heel) belangrijk onderdeel is van hun beroep. Wat professionals hieronder verstaan, hangt samen met hun persoonlijke spiritualiteit/zingeving. Naast competentie is er ook handelingsverlegenheid zichtbaar. Bevordering van structurele aandacht voor spiritualiteit/zingeving in de behandeling is nodig. Nu hangt het namelijk af van de persoonlijke affiniteit van de professional of spiritualiteit/zingeving in de volle breedte aan bod komt bij patiënten die psychiatrische zorg thuis ontvangen

    Gait stability at early stages of multiple sclerosis using different data sources

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    Background: People at early stages of multiple sclerosis have subtle balance problems that may affect gait stability. However, differences in methods of determining stability such as sensor type and placements, may lead to different results and affect their interpretation when comparing to controls and other studies. Questions: Do people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) exhibit lower gait stability? Do location and type of data used to calculate stability metrics affect comparisons? Methods: 30 PwMS with no walking impairments as clinically measured and 15 healthy controls walked on a treadmill at 1.2 ms−1 while 3D acceleration data was obtained from sacrum, shoulder and cervical markers and from an accelerometer placed at the sacrum. The local divergence exponent was calculated for the four data sources. An ANOVA with group (multiple sclerosis and control) and data source as main factors was used to determine the effect of disease, data source and their interaction on stability metrics. Results: PwMS walked with significantly less stability according to all sensors (no interaction). A significant effect of data source on stability was also found, indicating that the local divergence exponent derived from sacrum accelerometer was lower than that derived from the other 3 sensor locations. Significance: PwMS with no evident gait impairments are less stable than healthy controls when walking on a treadmill. Although different data sources can be used to determine MS-related stability deterioration, a consensus about location and data source is needed. The local divergence exponent can be a useful measure of progression of gait instability at early stages of MS

    Methods and tools supporting urban resilience planning: experiences from Cork, Ireland

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    To prevent flood disasters, policymakers call for resilient cities which are better able to cope with flood hazards. However, actual adoption of resilience measures in urban planning is still limited, partly because it is not sufficiently clear how and to what extent resilience should and can be enhanced. To develop resilience strategies, information on the current resilience and on the effects of measures should be available. Since cities are complex systems, an assessment of resilience requires the input of different actors. To obtain and combine this input, a comprehensive approach which brings together many actors is required. Furthermore, resilience must be integrated in planning frameworks in order to enhance adoption by city policy makers. Tools which support and structure the contribution of different disciplines and actors will help to obtain information on the current resilience and to develop a shared vision on measures to enhance urban resilience. We illustrate our view with an example on Cork, Ireland

    <i>Daphnia magna</i>'s Favorite Snack: Biofouled Plastics

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    The influence of biofouling on zooplankton ingestion rates of plastics in freshwater environments has received limited attention. We investigated how biofouling of microplastics in wastewater effluent and in fresh surface water influences Daphnia magna's microplastic consumption. The differences in ingestion of the biofouled as compared with the virgin microplastics were higher for the surface water by a factor of seven compared with a factor of two for the effluent. The intake of biofouled microplastics by D. magna was higher compared with virgin plastics, but the reason for this preference should be further investigated. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;41:1977–1981. © 2022 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC

    Recurrent Neutrino Emission from Supermassive Black Hole Mergers

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    The recent detection of possible neutrino emission from the blazar TXS 0506+056 was the first high-energy neutrino associated with an astrophysical source, making this special type of active galaxies promising neutrino emitters. The fact that two distinct episodes of neutrino emission were detected with a separation of around 3 years suggests that emission could be periodic. Periodic emission is expected from supermassive binary black hole systems due to jet precession close to the binary's merger. Here we show that if TXS 0506+056 is a binary source then the next neutrino flare could occur before the end of 2021. We derive the binary properties that would lead to the detection of gravitational waves from this system by LISA. Our results for the first time quantify the time scale of these correlations for the example of TXS 0506+056, providing clear predictions for both the neutrino and gravitational-wave signatures of such sources.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Integrable theory of quantum transport in chaotic cavities

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    The problem of quantum transport in chaotic cavities with broken time-reversal symmetry is shown to be completely integrable in the universal limit. This observation is utilised to determine the cumulants and the distribution function of conductance for a cavity with ideal leads supporting an arbitrary number nn of propagating modes. Expressed in terms of solutions to the fifth Painlev\'e transcendent and/or the Toda lattice equation, the conductance distribution is further analysed in the large-nn limit that reveals long exponential tails in the otherwise Gaussian curve.Comment: 4 pages; final version to appear in Physical Review Letter