2,127 research outputs found

    Endovascular treatment of renal artery thrombosis caused by umbilical artery catheterization

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    AbstractRenal arterial thrombosis, usually in association with aortic thrombosis, has been reported as a result of prolonged neonatal umbilical artery catheterization. A case of renal artery thrombosis attributable to umbilical artery catheterization, resulting in malignant renovascular hypertension, in a 15-day-old neonate, treated by catheter-directed thrombolysis through the involuting umbilical artery, was studied. Resolution of systemic hypertension and partial return of right renal function followed rapid thrombus dissolution. (J Vasc Surg 1998;28:949-53.

    A Comparison of Esomeprazole and Lansoprazole for Control of Intragastric pH in Patients With Symptoms of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Background: Intragastric acid suppression is the most direct measure of the pharmacodynamic efficacy of proton pump inhibitors, which are the most effective drugs for acid-related diseases. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of once and twice daily dosing of lansoprazole and esomeprazole in controlling intragastric acidity ( target gastric pH \u3e 4.0) over a 24-hour period. Methods: In an open-label, two-way crossover study, 45 Helicobacter pylori-negative patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease were randomized to receive one of two regimens: 30 mg lansoprazole or esomeprazole 40 mg once daily. Intragastric pH was assessed by 24-hour pH monitoring on day 5 of each regimen. Dosing was increased to twice daily and pH was re-assessed on day 10. Following a 14-day washout, patients were crossed over to the other medication and the dosage regimens and pH assessments were repeated. Results: Data were analysed from 35 patients who completed all scheduled assessments and had 24-hour monitoring for each end-point. Mean time pH \u3e 4.0 and mean 24-hour pH were highest for esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily, followed by lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily, esomeprazole 40 mg once daily and lansoprazole 30 mg once daily. Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily provided superior control of intragastric pH compared with either once or twice daily dosing of lansoprazole and once daily dosing of esomeprazole (P \u3c 0.01). Esomeprazole 40 mg once daily was comparable with lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily and both were superior to lansoprazole 30 mg once daily (P \u3c 0.01). Conclusions: Response to acid suppression treatment depends on the treatment selected. Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily provided better control of intragastric pH than all other regimens evaluated. Esomeprazole 40 mg daily, however, was comparable with lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily and superior to lansoprazole 30 mg once daily

    Predicting functional responses in agro-ecosystems from animal movement data to improve management of invasive pests

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    Functional responses describe how changing resource availability affects con- sumer resource use, thus providing a mechanistic approach to prediction of the invasibility and potential damage of invasive alien species (IAS). However, functional responses can be context dependent, varying with resource characteristics and availability, consumer attributes, and environmental variables. Identifying context dependencies can allow invasion and damage risk to be predicted across different ecoregions. Understanding how ecological factors shape the functional response in agro-ecosystems can improve predictions of hotspots of highest impact and inform strategies to mitigate damage across locations with varying crop types and avail- ability. We linked heterogeneous movement data across different agro-ecosystems to predict ecologically driven variability in the functional responses. We applied our approach to wild pigs (Sus scrofa), one of the most successful and detrimental IAS worldwide where agricultural resource depredation is an important driver of spread and establishment. We used continental- scale movement data within agro-ecosystems to quantify the functional response of agricul- tural resources relative to availability of crops and natural forage. We hypothesized that wild pigs would selectively use crops more often when natural forage resources were low. We also examined how individual attributes such as sex, crop type, and resource stimulus such as dis- tance to crops altered the magnitude of the functional response. There was a strong agricul- tural functional response where crop use was an accelerating function of crop availability at low density (Type III) and was highly context dependent. As hypothesized, there was a reduced response of crop use with increasing crop availability when non-agricultural resources were more available, emphasizing that crop damage levels are likely to be highly heterogeneous depending on surrounding natural resources and temporal availability of crops. We found sig- nificant effects of crop type and sex, with males spending 20% more time and visiting crops 58% more often than females, and both sexes showing different functional responses depend- ing on crop type. Our application demonstrates how commonly collected animal movement data can be used to understand context dependencies in resource use to improve our under- standing of pest foraging behavior, with implications for prioritizing spatiotemporal hotspots of potential economic loss in agro-ecosystems

    First survey of centimeter-scale AC-LGAD strip sensors with a 120 GeV proton beam

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    We present the first beam test results with centimeter-scale AC-LGAD strip sensors, using the Fermilab Test Beam Facility and sensors manufactured by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Sensors of this type are envisioned for applications that require large-area precision 4D tracking coverage with economical channel counts, including timing layers for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC), and space-based particle experiments. A survey of sensor designs is presented, with the aim of optimizing the electrode geometry for spatial resolution and timing performance. Several design considerations are discussed towards maintaining desirable signal characteristics with increasingly larger electrodes. The resolutions obtained with several prototypes are presented, reaching simultaneous 18 micron and 32 ps resolutions from strips of 1 cm length and 500 micron pitch. With only slight modifications, these sensors would be ideal candidates for a 4D timing layer at the EIC

    The Gaseous Environment of High-z Galaxies: Precision Measurements of Neutral Hydrogen in the Circumgalactic Medium of z ~ 2-3 Galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey

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    We present results from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS), a unique spectroscopic survey designed to explore the connection between galaxies and intergalactic baryons. The KBSS is optimized for the redshift range z ~ 2-3, combining S/N ~ 100 Keck/HIRES spectra of 15 hyperluminous QSOs with densely sampled galaxy redshift surveys surrounding each QSO sightline. We perform Voigt profile decomposition of all 6000 HI absorbers within the full Lya forest in the QSO spectra. Here we present the distribution, column density, kinematics, and absorber line widths of HI surrounding 886 star-forming galaxies with 2.0 < z < 2.8 and within 3 Mpc of a QSO sightline. We find that N_HI and the multiplicity of HI components increase rapidly near galaxies. The strongest HI absorbers within ~ 100 physical kpc of galaxies have N_HI ~ 3 dex higher than those near random locations in the IGM. The circumgalactic zone of most enhanced HI absorption (CGM) is found within 300 kpc and 300 km/s of galaxies. Nearly half of absorbers with log(N_HI) > 15.5 are found within the CGM of galaxies meeting our photometric selection, while their CGM occupy only 1.5% of the cosmic volume. The spatial covering fraction, multiplicity of absorption components, and characteristic N_HI remain elevated to transverse distances of 2 physical Mpc. Absorbers with log(N_HI) > 14.5 are tightly correlated with the positions of galaxies, while absorbers with lower N_HI are correlated only on Mpc scales. Redshift anisotropies on Mpc scales indicate coherent infall toward galaxies, while on scales of ~100 physical kpc peculiar velocities of 260 km/s are indicated. The median Doppler widths of absorbers within 1-3 virial radii of galaxies are ~50% larger than randomly chosen absorbers of the same N_HI, suggesting higher gas temperatures and/or increased turbulence likely caused by accretion shocks and/or galactic winds.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Characterization of BNL and HPK AC-LGAD sensors with a 120 GeV proton beam

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    We present measurements of AC-LGADs performed at the Fermilab's test beam facility using 120 GeV protons. We studied the performance of various strip and pad AC-LGAD sensors that were produced by BNL and HPK. The measurements are performed with our upgraded test beam setup that utilizes a high precision telescope tracker, and a simultaneous readout of up to 7 channels per sensor, which allows detailed studies of signal sharing characteristics. These measurements allow us to assess the differences in designs between different manufacturers, and optimize them based on experimental performance. We then study several reconstruction algorithms to optimize position and time resolutions that utilize the signal sharing properties of each sensor. We present a world's first demonstration of silicon sensors in a test beam that simultaneously achieve better than 6-10 micron position and 30 ps time resolution. This represents a substantial improvement to the spatial resolution than would be obtained with binary readout of sensors with similar pitch

    Quality target negotiation in health care : evidence from the English NHS

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    We examine how public sector third-party purchasers and hospitals negotiate quality targets when a fixed proportion of hospital revenue is required to be linked to quality. We develop a bargaining model linking the number of quality targets to purchaser and hospital characteristics. Using data extracted from 153 contracts for acute hospital services in England in 2010/11, we find that the number of quality targets is associated with the purchaser’s population health and its budget, the hospital type, whether the purchaser delegated negotiation to an agency, and the quality targets imposed by the supervising regional health authority

    Room-temperature cycling of metal fluoride electrodes: Liquid electrolytes for high-energy fluoride ion cells

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    Fluoride ion batteries are potential “next-generation” electrochemical storage devices that offer high energy density. At present, such batteries are limited to operation at high temperatures because suitable fluoride ion–conducting electrolytes are known only in the solid state. We report a liquid fluoride ion–conducting electrolyte with high ionic conductivity, wide operating voltage, and robust chemical stability based on dry tetraalkylammonium fluoride salts in ether solvents. Pairing this liquid electrolyte with a copper–lanthanum trifluoride (Cu@LaF_3) core-shell cathode, we demonstrate reversible fluorination and defluorination reactions in a fluoride ion electrochemical cell cycled at room temperature. Fluoride ion–mediated electrochemistry offers a pathway toward developing capacities beyond that of lithium ion technology
