82 research outputs found

    Determination of master recession curve of spring Ruda, Jadro, Zrnovnica, Vrljika and Ombla : Master's Thesis

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    Prikazan je postupak određivanja krivulja recesije hidrograma otjecanja te pripadajuće glavne krivulje recesije izvora Ruda, Jadra, Žrnovnice, Vrljike i Omble za razdoblje od 2000. do 2004. godine. Koeficijenti recesije su određeni pomoću četiri metode te su međusobno uspoređeni.Procedure of determination of recession curve and its master recession curve for springs Ruda, Jadro, Zrnovnica, Vrljika, Ombla during the period from 2000. till 2004. are given in this study. The recession coefficients will be defined using four methods

    The effect of fullerene C60 on the level of aflatoxins in an Aspergillus flavus growth medium

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    Nanočestice fulerena se zbog svojih specifičnih svojstava sve više uvode u proizvode široke potrošnje zbog čega postoji i velika vjerojatnost njihovog ispuštanja u okoliš, pa tako i interakcije sa sveprisutnom plijesni Aspergillus flavus. Najmanje istraženo područje antimikrobnog učinka nC60 je na plijesni koje proizvode mikotoksine. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj nanočestica fulerena C60 na produkciju aflatoksina kod plijesni Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3251. Plijesan je uzgojena u tekućoj YES podlozi, u tami, pri temperaturi od 29 °C tijekom 168 sati. Nanočestice fulerena dodane su u koncentracijama od 10 i 100 ng mL-1. Rezultati su pokazali da obje koncentracije nanočestica fulerena imaju antiaflatoksikogeni učinak na plijesan A. flavus. Uočeni antiaflatoksikogeni utjecaj mogao bi se pripisati sniženju razine oksidativnog stresa u stanicama plijesni.Fullerene nanoparticles are increasingly being used in commercial products because of their specific characteristics, which is why there is a great possibility of their environmental release where they could interact with the ubiquitous fungi Aspergillus flavus. The least researched field of antimicrobial influence of nC60 involves mycotoxin producing fungi. The aim of this graduate thesis was to examine the influence of fullerene C60 nanoparticles on the production of aflatoxins by Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3251. The fungi was grown in liquid YES media during 168 hours at 29 °C in the dark. Fullerene nanoparticles were added at concentrations of 10 and 100 ng mL-1. The results indicated that both concentrations of fullerene nanoparticles had an antiaflatoxicogenic influence on A. flavus, which might be due to the decrease of oxidative stress in the fungal cells


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    Brzo širenje infekcije novim koronavirusom (COVID-19) i primjena preventivnih mjera uvjetovali su brzu prilagodbu i širu primjenu digitalnih tehnologija u psihoterapijskoj praksi. Unatoč znatnim prednostima primjene on-line terapije, još uvijek se vode rasprave oko kvalitete, sigurnosti i povjerljivosti ovakvog načina rada. Prelazak na on-line način rada zapravo je promjena settinga. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati prednost primjene tehnoloških dostignuća u vrijeme krize i utjecaj promjene settinga na članove grupe i terapeuta. Također, cilj je ukazati na superviziju kao važnu sastavnicu psihoterapijskog procesa.The rapid spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the implementation of preventive measures have led to the rapid adaptation and wider application of digital technologies in psychotherapeutic practice. Although there are significant benefits to using online therapy, there are still disputes about the quality, safety, and confidentiality of this way of working. Switching to online mode is, in fact, a change of setting. The aim of this paper is to show the advantage of using technological advances in times of crisis and the impact of setting change on group members and therapists. It also aims to point out the supervision as an important component of the psychotherapeutic process

    Determination of master recession curve of spring Ruda, Jadro, Zrnovnica, Vrljika and Ombla : Master's Thesis

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    Prikazan je postupak određivanja krivulja recesije hidrograma otjecanja te pripadajuće glavne krivulje recesije izvora Ruda, Jadra, Žrnovnice, Vrljike i Omble za razdoblje od 2000. do 2004. godine. Koeficijenti recesije su određeni pomoću četiri metode te su međusobno uspoređeni.Procedure of determination of recession curve and its master recession curve for springs Ruda, Jadro, Zrnovnica, Vrljika, Ombla during the period from 2000. till 2004. are given in this study. The recession coefficients will be defined using four methods

    The effect of fullerene C60 on the level of aflatoxins in an Aspergillus flavus growth medium

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    Nanočestice fulerena se zbog svojih specifičnih svojstava sve više uvode u proizvode široke potrošnje zbog čega postoji i velika vjerojatnost njihovog ispuštanja u okoliš, pa tako i interakcije sa sveprisutnom plijesni Aspergillus flavus. Najmanje istraženo područje antimikrobnog učinka nC60 je na plijesni koje proizvode mikotoksine. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj nanočestica fulerena C60 na produkciju aflatoksina kod plijesni Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3251. Plijesan je uzgojena u tekućoj YES podlozi, u tami, pri temperaturi od 29 °C tijekom 168 sati. Nanočestice fulerena dodane su u koncentracijama od 10 i 100 ng mL-1. Rezultati su pokazali da obje koncentracije nanočestica fulerena imaju antiaflatoksikogeni učinak na plijesan A. flavus. Uočeni antiaflatoksikogeni utjecaj mogao bi se pripisati sniženju razine oksidativnog stresa u stanicama plijesni.Fullerene nanoparticles are increasingly being used in commercial products because of their specific characteristics, which is why there is a great possibility of their environmental release where they could interact with the ubiquitous fungi Aspergillus flavus. The least researched field of antimicrobial influence of nC60 involves mycotoxin producing fungi. The aim of this graduate thesis was to examine the influence of fullerene C60 nanoparticles on the production of aflatoxins by Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3251. The fungi was grown in liquid YES media during 168 hours at 29 °C in the dark. Fullerene nanoparticles were added at concentrations of 10 and 100 ng mL-1. The results indicated that both concentrations of fullerene nanoparticles had an antiaflatoxicogenic influence on A. flavus, which might be due to the decrease of oxidative stress in the fungal cells

    Evaluation of bioadhesive properties of melatonin-loaded lechitin/chitosan nanoparticles

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    Topikalna primjena glavni je put primjene oftalmičkih lijekova, budući da je zbog jednostavnosti i neinvazivnosti najbolje prihvaćena od bolesnika. Istodobno, barijere prednjeg segmenta oka ograničavaju vrijeme zadržavanja pripravka na površini oka te brzinu i obim apsorpcije, rezultirajući malom bioraspoloživošću lijeka u oku. Suvremena istraživanja usmjerena su na razvoj terapijskih nanosustava za topikalnu oftalmičku primjenu s ciljem produljenja kontakta sustava s površinom oka, kontroliranja kinetike oslobađanja lijeka iz sustava i poboljšanja bioraspoloživosti lijeka u oku. U ovom radu pripravljene su lecitinsko-kitozanske nanočestice kao terapijski sustav namijenjen za oftalmičku primjenu melatonina. Melatonin je hormon epifize kojemu je jedna od brojnih funkcija i sniženje povišenog očnog tlaka. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati bioadhezivnost lecitinsko-kitozanskih nanočestica s melatoninom in vitro, odnosno procijeniti njihov potencijal da produlje vrijeme zadržavanja melatonina u prekornealnom području i osiguraju njegovu veću bioraspoloživost u oku. Lecitinsko-kitozanske nanočestice srednjeg promjera od 252,2 ± 2,7 nm, pozitivnog zeta-potencijala (24,6 ± 1,1 mV) te zadovoljavajućeg sadržaja melatonina (5,4 ± 0,2 %) uspješno su pripravljene ionskom interakcijom lecitina i kitozana. Srednji promjer lecitinskih nanočestica bio je značajno manji (94,6 ± 2,8 nm) od promjera odgovarajućih lecitinsko-kitozanskih nanočestica, dok im je zeta-potencijal bio negativan (-35,0 ± 3,9 mV). Bioadhezivnost nanočestica ispitana je određivanjem njihovog prianjanja na konfluentni sloj imortaliziranih stanica humanog epitela rožnice (HCE-T). Uočena je znatno veća bioadhezivnost lecitinsko-kitozanskih nanočestica s melatoninom u odnosu na bioadhezivnost lecitinskih nanočestica, koja proizlazi iz razlike u njihovom površinskom naboju. Dobiveni rezultati podupiru potencijalnu topikalnu oftalmičku primjenu lecitinsko-kitozanskih nanočestica kao nosača melatonina s ciljem osiguranja veće bioraspoloživosti melatonina u oku i boljeg terapijskog učinka na povišeni očni tlak.Ophthalmic drugs are mostly applied by topical route of administration, since, being simple and non-invasive, it represents the most convenient route for the patients. However, barriers of the anterior segment of the eye limit the retention time of the formulation at the surface of the eye, as well as the rate and extent of absorption, resulting in low eye-related drug bioavailability. Current investigations are focused on the development of ophthalmic drug delivery systems for topical administration, with the aim to ensure prolonged drug contact with the surface of the eye, controlled drug release kinetics and improved eye-related bioavailability. In this study, lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles as ophthalmic delivery system for melatonin topical administration were prepared. Melatonin is pineal hormone with pleiotropic effects among which is the regulation of increased intraocular pressure. The aim of this study was to investigate bioadhesion of melatonin-loaded lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles in vitro, in order to assess their potential to prolong melatonin retention time at the precorneal area and to ensure melatonin improved eye-related bioavailability. Lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles with mean diameter of 252.2 ± 2.7 nm, positive zeta potential (24.6 ± 1.1 mV) and appropriate melatonin content (5.4 ± 0.2 %) were successfully prepared by ionic interaction between lecithin and chitosan. Mean diameter of lecithin nanoparticles was significantly lower (94.6 ± 2.8 nm) than the mean diameter of corresponding lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles, and their zeta potential was negative (-35.0 ± 3.9 mV). Bioadhesion of nanoparticles was assessed by monitoring their adhesion to confluent monolayer of immortalised human corneal epithelial cells (HCE-T). Significantly higher extent of bioadhesion was observed in case of melatonin-loaded lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles compared to lecithin nanoparticles, which was ascribed to the difference in their surface charge. The results obtained support the potential topical ophthalmic administration of lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles as melatonin nanocarriers, with the aim to ensure improved eye-related melatonin bioavailability and improved regulation of increased intraocular pressure


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    U analitičkom procesu vrlo je bitno da je analitičar sposoban uočiti i prepoznati vlastite nesvjesne osjećaje koje je pacijent u njemu probudio, tj. svoj kontratransfer. Jedan od načina razumijevanja kontratransfera temelji se na analitičarevoj interpretaciji vlastitih nesvjesnih osjećaja samome sebi, tj. interpretaciji svojega transfera. Sve reakcije analitičara moraju biti proživljene u njegovu emocionalnom biću i biti odraz njegovih pravih osjećaja. Preduvjet je za to dobro prorađen i pročišćen kontratransfer, ostvaren ljudski i profesionalni identitet, empatijski kapacitet, tj. zrelost analitičara. U postojanje institucionalnog kontratransfera treba se posumnjati ako terapeut vjeruje da pacijentu ne može biti važan ili djelovati terapijski na pacijenta zbog njegova odnosa s institucijom. Neizravni kontratransfer podrazumijeva nametanje treće strane, nekoga izvan sobe za terapiju, tko ima središnju ulogu i utječe na osjećaje terapeuta „ovdje i sada“ prema pacijentu. Supervizija je nužan dio u psihoterapiji da bi se razumjelo transferno-kontratransferne elemente, načine na koje sama institucija ili različite druge interferencije svojom dinamikom djeluju na terapijske i rehabilitacijske aktivnosti terapijskog tima.In the analytical process it is very important that the analyst is capable to perceive and to recognize his own unconscious feelings that the patient is provoked in him, his countertransference. One way of understanding of countertransference is based on interpretation of analyst of their own unconscious feelings to himself, interpretation of transference. All reactions of analysts must be endured in his emotional and be a reflection of his true feelings. The condition for this is well worked through and purified countertransference, achieved human and professional identity, empathy, which means maturity of analyst. In the existence of institutional countertransference should be suspected if the therapist believes that he cannot be important or have therapeutic effect on the patient due to his relationship with the institution. Indirect countertransference involves the imposition of a third party, someone outside of therapy room who has a central role and influence on the therapist’s here and now feelings towards the patient. Supervision is necessary part in psychotherapy in order to understand the countertransference elements, the ways in which the institution itself or various other interference with its dynamics operating in therapeutic and rehabilitation activities of the therapeutic team