32 research outputs found

    Mercury in human brain, blood, muscle and toenails in relation to exposure: an autopsy study

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    Background: The main forms of mercury (Hg) exposure in the general population are methylmercury (MeHg) from seafood, inorganic mercury (I-Hg) from food, and mercury vapor (Hg0) from dental amalgam restorations. While the distribution of MeHg in the body is described by a one compartment model, the distribution of I-Hg after exposure to elemental mercury is more complex, and there is no biomarker for I-Hg in the brain. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationships between on the one hand MeHg and I-Hg in human brain and other tissues, including blood, and on the other Hg exposure via dental amalgam in a fish-eating population. In addition, the use of blood and toenails as biological indicator media for inorganic and organic mercury (MeHg) in the tissues was evaluated. Methods: Samples of blood, brain (occipital lobe cortex), pituitary, thyroid, abdominal muscle and toenails were collected at autopsy of 30 deceased individuals, age from 47 to 91 years of age. Concentrations of total-Hg and I-Hg in blood and brain cortex were determined by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry and total-Hg in other tissues by sector field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS). Results: The median concentrations of MeHg (total-Hg minus I-Hg) and I-Hg in blood were 2.2 and 1.0 ÎŒg/L, and in occipital lobe cortex 4 and 5 ÎŒg/kg, respectively. There was a significant correlation between MeHg in blood and occipital cortex. Also, total-Hg in toenails correlated with MeHg in both blood and occipital lobe. I-Hg in both blood and occipital cortex, as well as total-Hg in pituitary and thyroid were strongly associated with the number of dental amalgam surfaces at the time of death. Conclusion: In a fish-eating population, intake of MeHg via the diet has a marked impact on the MeHg concentration in the brain, while exposure to dental amalgam restorations increases the I-Hg concentrations in the brain. Discrimination between mercury species is necessary to evaluate the impact on Hg in the brain of various sources of exposure, in particular, dental amalgam exposure

    Breast-feeding Protects against Arsenic Exposure in Bangladeshi Infants

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic arsenic exposure causes a wide range of health effects, but little is known about critical windows of exposure. Arsenic readily crosses the placenta, but the few available data on postnatal exposure to arsenic via breast milk are not conclusive. AIM: Our goal was to assess the arsenic exposure through breast milk in Bangladeshi infants, living in an area with high prevalence of arsenic-rich tube-well water. METHODS: We analyzed metabolites of inorganic arsenic in breast milk and infant urine at 3 months of age and compared them with detailed information on breast-feeding practices and maternal arsenic exposure, as measured by concentrations in blood, urine, and saliva. RESULTS: Arsenic concentrations in breast-milk samples were low (median, 1 microg/kg; range, 0.25-19 microg/kg), despite high arsenic exposures via drinking water (10-1,100 microg/L in urine and 2-40 microg/L in red blood cells). Accordingly, the arsenic concentrations in urine of infants whose mothers reported exclusive breast-feeding were low (median, 1.1 microg/L; range, 0.3-29 microg/L), whereas concentrations for those whose mothers reported partial breast-feeding ranged from 0.4 to 1,520 microg/L (median 1.9 microg/L). The major part of arsenic in milk was inorganic. Still, the infants had a high fraction (median, 87%) of the dimethylated arsenic metabolite in urine. Arsenic in breast milk was associated with arsenic in maternal blood, urine, and saliva. CONCLUSION: Very little arsenic is excreted in breast milk, even in women with high exposure from drinking water. Thus, exclusive breast-feeding protects the infant from exposure to arsenic

    Inter-individual variations of human mercury exposure biomarkers: a cross-sectional assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Biomarkers for mercury (Hg) exposure have frequently been used to assess exposure and risk in various groups of the general population. We have evaluated the most frequently used biomarkers and the physiology on which they are based, to explore the inter-individual variations and their suitability for exposure assessment. METHODS: Concentrations of total Hg (THg), inorganic Hg (IHg) and organic Hg (OHg, assumed to be methylmercury; MeHg) were determined in whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, hair and urine from Swedish men and women. An automated multiple injection cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry analytical system for Hg analysis was developed, which provided high sensitivity, accuracy, and precision. The distribution of the various mercury forms in the different biological media was explored. RESULTS: About 90% of the mercury found in the red blood cells was in the form of MeHg with small inter-individual variations, and part of the IHg found in the red blood cells could be attributed to demethylated MeHg. THg in plasma was associated with both IHg and MeHg, with large inter-individual variations in the distribution between red blood cells and plasma. THg in hair reflects MeHg exposure at all exposure levels, and not IHg exposure. The small fraction of IHg in hair is most probably emanating from demethylated MeHg. The inter-individual variation in the blood to hair ratio was very large. The variability seemed to decrease with increasing OHg in blood, most probably due to more frequent fish consumption and thereby blood concentrations approaching steady state. THg in urine reflected IHg exposure, also at very low IHg exposure levels. CONCLUSION: The use of THg concentration in whole blood as a proxy for MeHg exposure will give rise to an overestimation of the MeHg exposure depending on the degree of IHg exposure, why speciation of mercury forms is needed. THg in RBC and hair are suitable proxies for MeHg exposure. Using THg concentration in plasma as a measure of IHg exposure can lead to significant exposure misclassification. THg in urine is a suitable proxy for IHg exposure

    Kvicksilverexponering hos kvinnor med högt fiskintag

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    Den övergripande mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen med den hĂ€lsorelaterade miljöövervakningen (HÄMI) Ă€r att följa exponering för miljöföroreningar över tid, speciellt hos kĂ€nsliga och riskutsatta grupper, och att sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som möjligt identifiera de huvudsakliga exponeringskĂ€llorna för att möjliggöra en effektiv exponeringsreduktion. Det specifika syftet med föreliggande projekt var att belĂ€gga exponeringsnivĂ„er för kvicksilver, framförallt metylk vicksilver (MeHg), hos kvinnor i barnafödande Ă„lder med hög fiskkonsumtion. De utgör en potentiell riskgrupp i den allmĂ€nna befolkningen eftersom fostret Ă€r speciellt kĂ€nsligt för MeHg. Kvicksilverhalter i blod och hĂ„r utvĂ€rderas i relation till fiskintag (sort och mĂ€ngd). Tidigare undersökningar inom den hĂ€lsorelaterade miljöövervakningen har pĂ„visat stor variation i exponeringen för MeHg Ă€ven bland kvinnor med mĂ„ttlig fiskkonsumtion. Genom denna studie och upprepade undersökningar kan eventuella förĂ€ndringar i exponering över tid detekteras. Resultaten frĂ„n studien jĂ€mförs med resultat frĂ„n tidigare projekt inom HÄMI och andra svenska studier. PĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt Ă€r förhoppningen att exponeringen sjunker till en nivĂ„ som medför att kostrekommendationerna för fiskintag kan tas bort. Detta Ă€r i linje med det nationella miljömĂ„let ”giftfri miljĂ¶â€ som regering och riksdag beslutat om. Föreliggande undersökning har utförts i samarbete mellan Institutet för Miljömedicin (IMM), Karolinska Institutet och Livsmedelsverket pĂ„ uppdrag av NaturvĂ„rdsverket

    Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2006. Subreport 2: 1,5,9-cyklododecatriene

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    As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, IVL has during 2006/2007 performed a 'Screening Study' of 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene. The screening programme included measurements in background areas and in the vicinity of potential point sources. Measurements were also done in urban areas reflecting diffuse emission pathways from society. Sample types were air, soil, sediment, sludge and biota (fish). A total of 55 samples were included. CDDT was not found in any of the samples. The reported detection limits were 0.04 - 0.05 ng/m3 in air, 10 ng/g DW in sediment and soil, 20 ng/g DW in sludge and 1-4 ng/g WW in fish. The overall conclusion is that 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene is generally not present in the Swedish environment in concentration that is of environmental concern. The substance is thus not recommended as a candidate to be included in regular monitoring.As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, IVL has during 2006/2007 performed a 'Screening Study' of 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene. The screening programme included measurements in background areas and in the vicinity of potential point sources. Measurements were also done in urban areas reflecting diffuse emission pathways from society. Sample types were air, soil, sediment, sludge and biota (fish). A total of 55 samples were included. CDDT was not found in any of the samples. The reported detection limits were 0.04 - 0.05 ng/m3 in air, 10 ng/g DW in sediment and soil, 20 ng/g DW in sludge and 1-4 ng/g WW in fish. The overall conclusion is that 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene is generally not present in the Swedish environment in concentration that is of environmental concern. The substance is thus not recommended as a candidate to be included in regular monitoring

    Metaller i miljön - riskfaktorer under graviditet och amning

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    Sammanfattning Vid studier av metallkoncentrationer i blod hos gravida Àr det viktigt att beakta den fysiologiska utspÀdning av blodkropparna som sker och Àr som mest uttalad i början av tredje trimestern. Belastningen av kadmium förefaller öka efter genomgÄngen graviditet, vilket till stor del kan förklaras av en ökad absorption av kadmium i tarmen pÄ grund av samtidigt ökad jÀrnabsorption. Hos kvinnor som sammantaget fött flera barn var ökning av urinkadmium med stigande Älder mer uttalad Àn för de kvinnor som fött inget eller ett barn. Metylkvicksilver utgjorde 75% av den gravida kvinnans totalkvicksilver i blod och var dessutom nÀstan dubbelt sÄ hög i navelstrÀngsblod som i moderns före förlossning. Halten av metylkvicksilver i navelstrÀngsblod var relaterat till moderns fiskintag medan halten av oorgansikt kvicksilver hos barnet var relaterat till antalet amalgamfyllningar hos modern. Halten oorganiskt kvicksilver i blod sjönk under och efter amningsperioden vilket kan förklaras av en utsöndring till modersmjölken. Koncentrationen av bly i navelstrÀngsblod var lika hög som hos modern fyra veckor före förlossning. Blodblyhalten hos modern efter genomgÄngen graviditet föreföll öka vilket kanske kan förklaras av en högre benomsÀttning under amningsperioden Àn under graviditeten, och dÀrmed en frisÀttning av bly frÄn benvÀvnad. Detta kommer senare att utvÀrderas i förhÄllande till markörer för benomsÀttning.Abstract When investigating metal concentrations during pregnancy, it is important to consider the physiological hemodilution of the maternal blood that occurs, and which is most prominent in the beginning of the third trimester. The cadmium load seemed to increase after a terminated pregnancy. This can, to a large extent, be explained by an increased absorption of cadmium in the intestine due to a concomitant increased absorption of iron. In women with two or more children the increase in urinary cadmium with increasing age was more pronounced than in women with none or one previous child. Methyl mercury constituted about 75% of the total amount of mercury in the maternal blood. Moreover, it was almost twice as high in the cord blood compared to the maternal blood in late gestation. The concentration of methyl mercury in cord blood was related to the maternal intake of fresh water fish, while the level of inorganic mercury was related to the maternal number of amalgam fillings. The level of inorganic mercury decreased during and after lactation which can be explained by an elimination to the milk. The levels of lead in cord blood was similar to that of the mother four weeks before delivery. The concentration of maternal blood lead seemed to increase after the terminated pregnancy. This may partly be explained by a higher bone turn over during lactation than during pregnancy, and thereby an increased release of lead from bone tissue. This will be further evaluated in relation to markers of bone metabolism

    High-Level Exposure to Lithium, Boron, Cesium, and Arsenic via Drinking Water in the Andes of Northern Argentina.

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    Elevated concentrations of arsenic in drinking water are common worldwide, however, little is known about the presence of other potentially toxic elements. We analyzed 31 different elements in drinking water collected in San Antonio de los Cobres and five surrounding Andean villages in Argentina, and in urine of the inhabitants, using ICP-MS. Besides confirmation of elevated arsenic concentrations in the drinking water (up to 210 mug/L), we found remarkably high concentrations of lithium (highest 1000 mug/L), cesium (320 mug/L), rubidium (47 mug/L), and boron (5950 mug/L). Similarly elevated concentrations of arsenic, lithium, cesium, and boron were found in urine of the studied women (N = 198): village median values ranged from 26 to 266 mug/L of arsenic, 340 to 4550 mug/L of lithium, 34 to 531 mug/L of cesium, and 2980 to 16 560 mug/L of boron. There is an apparent risk of toxic effects of long-term exposure to several of the elements, and studies on associations with adverse human health effects are warranted, particularly considering the combined, life-long exposure. Because of the observed wide range of concentrations, all water sources used for drinking water should be screened for a large number of elements; obviously, this applies to all drinking water sources globally

    Metals and trace element concentrations inbreast milk of first time healthy mothers: abiological monitoring study

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    Background: Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the newborn infant. However, since all infants cannot be breast-fed, there is a need for background data for setting adequate daily intakes. Previously, concentration data on major essential elements and some toxic elements in breast milk, based on different analytical techniques, have been published. There is no recent study on a large number of metals and trace elements in breast milk, using a sensitive analytical method for determination of low element concentrations. Methods: Breast milk concentrations of 32 metals and elements in early lactation (days 14–21) were determined in a random sample of first time Swedish mothers (n = 60) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). Results: There were small inter-individual concentration variations in the macroelements Ca, K, Mg, P and S, and striking similarities across studies and over time, supporting a tight regulation of these elements in breast milk. Large inter-individual and over time differences were detected for Na concentrations, which may reflect an increase in salt consumption in Swedish women. Large inter-individual differences were also detected for the microelements Co, Cr, Mn and Mo, and the toxic metals As, Cd, Pb, Sb and V. Arsenic and B were positively correlated with fish consumption, indicating influence of maternal intake on breast milk concentrations. Observed differences in breast milk element concentrations across studies and over time could be attributed to the timing of sampling and a general decline over time of lactation (Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn), a possible lack of regulation of certain elements in breast milk (As, B, Co, Mn, Se) and time trends in environmental exposure (Pb), or in some cases to differences in analytical performance (Cr, Fe). Conclusions: This study provides reliable updated information on a number of metals and elements in breast milk, of which some have not previously been reported. Keywords: Breast milk, Toxic metals, Trace elements, Infant exposure, Microelements, Macroelement

    Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2006 : Subreport 1: Phthalates

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    IVL har pĂ„ uppdrag av NaturvĂ„rdsverket genomfört en screening av ftalater. De tvĂ„ substanser som ursprungligen ingick i studien var di-isononylftalat (DINP) och di-isodecylftalat (DIDP). Dessa Ă€r de tvĂ„ ftalater som Ă€r vanligast förekommande som mjukgörare i EU idag. De Ă€r högmolekylĂ€ra och har relativ hög persistens och antas vara ganska orörliga i miljön. Som grupp hör dock inte ftalater till de mest lĂ„nglivade kemikalierna. Vissa studier indikerar Ă€ven carcinogena effekter av DINP, men det Ă€r inte helt klarlagt. Tillsammans med di-n-oktylftalat (DNOP) fĂ„r DINP och DIDP inte förekomma i barnleksaker som kan stoppas i munnen i halter över 0.1 % (summan av de tre). Utöver DINP och DIDP inkluderades Ă€ven di-(2-etyl)hexylftalat (DEHP) som jĂ€mförelsesubstans. Denna var tidigare den mest anvĂ€nda ftalaten men har till stor del ersatts av de tvĂ„ förstnĂ€mnda. Även adipaten di-(2-ethyl)hexyladipat (DEHA) inkluderades i mĂ€tningarna. Denna ingick i ett tidigare screeningprogram (Remberger et al., 2005) och Ă€r en mjukgörare som i mĂ„nga fall ersatt DEHP. I luftproverna analyserades ytterliggare fyra ftalater; di-etylftalat (DEP), di-iso-butylftalat (DIBP), di-n-butylftalat (DBP) samt butylbensylftalat (BBzP), dĂ„ dessa Ă€mnen tidigare bestĂ€mts i luftprover och analysmetoden fanns utvecklad. Det huvudsakliga syftet med föreliggande screeningstudie var att bestĂ€mma koncentrationer av ftalater i olika matriser i miljön, att belysa viktiga transportvĂ€gar samt att bedöma sannolikheten för pĂ„gĂ„ende emissioner i Sverige. Ytterligare syften var att utreda förekomsten av atmosfĂ€risk transport samt upptag i biota och i mĂ€nniskor. En provtagningsstrategi utarbetades utifrĂ„n en kartlĂ€ggning om möjliga kĂ€llor. UtifrĂ„n denna valdes provplatser som representerade punktkĂ€llor, diffusa kĂ€llor (reningsverk, urban miljö) samt bakgrundsomrĂ„den. För att kartlĂ€gga mĂ€nsklig exponering insamlades livsmedel samt urinprover. Totalt bestĂ€mdes ftalater i 66 prover av luft, sediment, slam, fisk, livsmedel samt urin. 11 av dessa 66 prover utgjordes av regionala prover (10 slamprover samt ett sedimentprov) som skickats in frĂ„n tre deltagande lĂ€nsstyrelser. Urvalet av regionala prover baserades pĂ„ olika strategier, de utgör antingen ett komplement till andra regionala övervakningsprogram, eller kommer ifrĂ„n lokala misstĂ€nkta punktkĂ€llor. De flesta regionala prover kom frĂ„n kommunala reningsverk, med syfte att fĂ„ en uppfattning om den diffusa belastningen i lĂ€net. DEHP var den substans som oftast detekterades. Iso-ftalaterna Ă„terfanns i samtliga slamprover, men de Ă„terfanns ocksĂ„ i de flesta andra matriser med undantag för urin och biota. MĂ€tningarna indikerar tydligt att iso-ftalater slĂ€pps ut i den svenska miljön idag. LĂ„ga halter av ftalater förekom generellt i prover insamlade i bakgrundsomrĂ„dena varför lĂ„ngvĂ€ga atmosfĂ€risk transport av ftalater inte torde vara nĂ„got stort problem. Halterna i luft av iso-ftalater Ă€r fortfarande i allmĂ€nhet nĂ„got lĂ€gre Ă€n halterna av DEHP, med undantag av urban luft, dĂ€r DIDP dominerar. Vad detta beror pĂ„ Ă€r oklart, eftersom anvĂ€ndningen av DIDP Ă€r cirka hĂ€lften sĂ„ stor som anvĂ€ndningen av DINP, och den Ă€r inte heller mer flyktig Ă€n DINP. Vi rekommenderar dĂ€rför ytterligare mĂ€tningar av iso-ftalater i urban luft och möjligen i anslutning till punktkĂ€llor, för att vidare utreda frĂ„gan. I sediment och slam Ă€r nivĂ„erna av DINP i samma storleksordning eller högre Ă€n DEHP. För sediment gĂ€ller detta Ă€ven för DIDP, medan denna i slam motsvarar ca 50 % av uppmĂ€tta halter av DEHP. Upptag av iso-ftalater i biota tycks vara begrĂ€nsat, dĂ„ de ej Ă„terfunnits i fisk. Den relativa fördelningen av ftalathalter i miljön tycks reflektera konsumtionsmönstret för ca 5 Ă„r sedan – vilket indikerar en tidsförskjutning som kan förklaras av att stora mĂ€ngder DEHP trots den minskade anvĂ€ndningen fortfarande finns lagrade i teknosfĂ€ren och ger upphov till sekundĂ€ra emissioner. Monoestrar av iso-ftalater kunde inte detekteras i urin, vilket indikerar en lĂ„g human exponering. PĂ„ grund av den relativt höga detektionsgrĂ€nsen (50 ÎŒg/l) gĂ„r det inte att jĂ€mföra denna exponering med exempelvis exponering för DEHP. Halterna av iso-ftalater i livsmedel Ă€r lĂ€gre Ă€n halterna av DEHP vilket tyder pĂ„ lĂ€gre exponering genom föda. Det finns dock betydligt fler exponeringsvĂ€gar som kan vara av betydelse, exempelvis inandning av inomhusluft vilket inte ingick i denna undersökning. Eftersom det inte finns nĂ„gra bestĂ€mda risknivĂ„er (PNEC-vĂ€rden) och dĂ„ toxicitetsdata gĂ€llande iso-ftalater Ă€r motsĂ€gelsefulla Ă€r det inte möjligt att göra nĂ„gon riskbedömning avseende dessa Ă€mnens förekomst i miljön