9 research outputs found

    Mc Neil's Nebula in Orion: The Outburst History

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    We present a sequence of I-band images obtained at the Venezuela 1m Schmidt telescope during the outburst of the nebula recently discovered by J.W. McNeil in the Orion L1630 molecular cloud. We derive photometry spanning the pre-outburst state and the brightening itself, a unique record including 14 epochs and spanning a time scale of ~5 years. We constrain the beginning of the outburst at some time between Oct. 28 and Nov. 15, 2003. The light curve of the object at the vertex of the nebula, the likely exciting source of the outburst, reveals that it has brightened ~5 magnitudes in about 4 months. The time scale for the nebula to develop is consistent with the light travel time, indicating that we are observing light from the central source scattered by the ambient cloud into the line of sight. We also show recent FLWO optical spectroscopy of the exciting source and of the nearby HH 22. The spectrum of the source is highly reddened; in contrast, the spectrum of HH 22 shows a shock spectrum superimposed on a continuum, most likely due to reflected light from the exciting source reaching the HH object through a much less reddened path. The blue portion of this spectrum is consistent with an early B spectral type, similar to the early outburst spectrum of the FU Ori variable V1057 Cyg; we estimate a luminosity of L ~219 Lsun. The eruptive behavior of the McNeil nebula source, its spectroscopic characteristics and luminosity, suggest we may be witnessing an FU Ori event on its way to maximum. Further monitoring of this object will decide whether it qualifies as a member of this rare class of objects.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    TIC 278956474: Two Close Binaries in One Young Quadruple System Identified by TESS

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    We have identified a quadruple system with two close eclipsing binaries in Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data. The object is unresolved in Gaia and appears as a single source at parallax 1.08 ± 0.01 mas. Both binaries have observable primary and secondary eclipses and were monitored throughout TESS Cycle 1 (sectors 1-13), falling within the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone. In one eclipsing binary (P = 5.488 days), the smaller star is completely occluded by the larger star during the secondary eclipse; in the other (P = 5.674 days) both eclipses are grazing. Using these data, spectroscopy, speckle photometry, spectral energy distribution analysis, and evolutionary stellar tracks, we have constrained the masses and radii of the four stars in the two eclipsing binaries. The Li i equivalent width indicates an age of 10-50 Myr and, with an outer period of 858+7-5 days, our analysis indicates this is one of the most compact young 2 + 2 quadruple systems known

    Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission

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    We report the discovery of two intermediate-mass transiting brown dwarfs (BDs), TOI-569b and TOI-1406b, from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission. TOI-569b has an orbital period of P=.55604±0.00016 days, a mass of Mb = 64.1±1.9 MJ, and a radius of Rb = 0.75±0.02 RJ. Its host star, TOI-569, has a mass of Må = 1.21±0.05 M, a radius of Rå = 1.47±0.03 R, [Fe H 0.29 0.09] = + dex, and an effective temperature of Teff = 5768±10K. TOI-1406b has an orbital period of P=10.57415±0.00063 days, a mass of Mb = 46.0± 2.7 MJ, and a radius of Rb = 0.86±0.03 RJ. The host star for this BD has a mass of Må = 1.18±0.09 M, a radius of Rå = 1.35±0.03 R, [Fe/H] =-0.08± 0.09 dex, and an effective temperature of Teff = 6290±100 K. Both BDs are in circular orbits around their host stars and are older than 3 Gyr based on stellar isochrone models of the stars. TOI-569 is one of two slightly evolved stars known to host a transiting BD (the other being KOI-415). TOI-1406b is one of three known transiting BDs to occupy the mass range of 40-50 MJ and one of two to have a circular orbit at a period near 10 days (with the first being KOI-205b). Both BDs have reliable ages from stellar isochrones, in addition to their well-constrained masses and radii, making them particularly valuable as tests for substellar isochrones in the BD mass-radius diagram

    TOI 122b and TOI 237b: Two Small Warm Planets Orbiting Inactive M Dwarfs Found by TESS

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    We report the discovery and validation of TOI 122b and TOI 237b, two warm planets transiting inactive M dwarfs observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Our analysis shows that TOI 122b has a radius of 2.72 ± 0.18 R ⊕ and receives 8.8 ± 1.0 times Earth's bolometric insolation, and TOI 237b has a radius of 1.44±0.12 R ⊕ and receives 3.7 ± 0.5 times Earth's insolation, straddling the 6.7 Earth insolation that Mercury receives from the Sun. This makes these two of the cooler planets yet discovered by TESS, even on their 5.08 and 5.43 day orbits. Together, they span the small-planet radius valley, providing useful laboratories for exploring volatile evolution around M dwarfs. Their relatively nearby distances (62.23 ± 0.21 pc and 38.11 ± 0.23 pc, respectively) make them potentially feasible targets for future radial velocity follow-up and atmospheric characterization, although such observations may require substantial investments of time on large telescopes