1,004 research outputs found

    Determinants of wellbeing in university students: The role of residential status, stress, loneliness, resilience, and sense of coherence

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    Maintaining wellbeing in university students is a government priority, but robust evidence has been lacking. Higher wellbeing is associated with better mental and physical health, higher self-esteem, self-efficacy, and effective coping strategies. This study aimed to identify, through an online survey in 2018, key determinants of wellbeing amongst a sample of 574 (65.5% female) students across all levels of study at a university in the UK. Most respondents (526 (91.8%)) reported feeling unusually stressed or overwhelmed at university. Residential students reported higher loneliness and number of stressors than commuter students, and postgraduate students reported higher wellbeing, resilience, and sense of coherence, and lower perceived stress and loneliness. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that 71.8% of the variance in wellbeing was predicted by a model containing demographics (age/gender, level of study, number of stressors), psychosocial variables, and perceived stress, with perceived stress, sense of coherence, loneliness, and resilience the strongest predictors. The findings suggest that interventions designed to improve resilience and sense of coherence, and reduce loneliness and perceived stress are likely to be effective in enhancing wellbeing in a student populatio

    Leucine-enriched essential amino acid supplementation in mechanically ventilated trauma patients: a feasibility study

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    Background Critically ill patients lose up to 2% of muscle mass per day. We assessed the feasibility of administering a leucine-enriched essential amino acid (L-EAA) supplement to mechanically ventilated trauma patients with the aim of assessing the effect on skeletal muscle mass and function. Methods A randomised feasibility study was performed over six months in intensive care (ICU). Patients received 5 g L-EAA five times per day in addition to standard feed (L-EAA group) or standard feed only (control group) for up to 14 days. C-reactive protein, albumin, IL-6, IL-10, urinary 3-MH, nitrogen balance, protein turnover ([1-13C] leucine infusion), muscle depth change (ultrasound), functional change (Katz and Barthel indices) and muscle strength Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score to assess ICU Acquired Weakness were measured sequentially. Results Eight patients (9.5% of screened patients) were recruited over six months. L-EAA doses were provided on 91/124 (73%) occasions. Inflammatory and urinary marker data were collected; serial muscle depth measurements were lacking due to short length of stay. Protein turnover studies were performed on five occasions. MRC sum score could not be performed as patients were not able to respond to the screening questions. The Katz and Barthel indices did not change. L-EAA delivery was achievable, but meaningful functional and muscle mass outcome measures require careful consideration in the design of a future randomised controlled trial. Conclusion L-EAA was practical to provide, but we found significant barriers to recruitment and measurement of the chosen outcomes which would need to be addressed in the design of a future, large randomised controlled trial

    A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Drying: Mechanisms and Metrology

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    Lithium-ion battery manufacturing chain is extremely complex with many controllable parameters especially for the drying process. These processes affect the porous structure and properties of these electrode films and influence the final cell performance properties. However, there is limited available drying information and the dynamics are poorly understood due to the limitation of the existing metrology. There is an emerging need to develop new methodologies to understand the drying dynamics to achieve improved quality control of the electrode coatings. A comprehensive summary of the parameters and variables relevant to the wet electrode film drying process is presented, and its consequences/effects on the finished electrode/final cell properties are mapped. The development of the drying mechanism is critically discussed according to existing modeling studies. Then, the existing and potential metrology techniques, either in situ or ex situ in the drying process are reviewed. This work is intended to develop new perspectives on the application of advanced techniques to enable a more predictive approach to identify optimum lithium-ion battery manufacturing conditions, with a focus upon the critical drying process

    The Detection of Monoclinic Zirconia and Non-Uniform 3D Crystallographic Strain in a Re-Oxidized Ni-YSZ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode

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    The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anode is often composed of nickel (Ni) and yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The yttria is added in small quantities (e.g., 8 mol %) to maintain the crystallographic structure throughout the operating temperatures (e.g., room-temperature to >800 °C). The YSZ skeleton provides a constraining structural support that inhibits degradation mechanisms such as Ni agglomeration and thermal expansion miss-match between the anode and electrolyte layers. Within this structure, the Ni is deposited in the oxide form and then reduced during start-up; however, exposure to oxygen (e.g., during gasket failure) readily re-oxidizes the Ni back to NiO, impeding electrochemical performance and introducing complex structural stresses. In this work, we correlate lab-based X-ray computed tomography using zone plate focusing optics, with X-ray synchrotron diffraction computed tomography to explore the crystal structure of a partially re-oxidized Ni/NiO-YSZ electrode. These state-of-the-art techniques expose several novel findings: non-isotropic YSZ lattice distributions; the presence of monoclinic zirconia around the oxidation boundary; and metallic strain complications in the presence of variable yttria content. This work provides evidence that the reduction–oxidation processes may destabilize the YSZ structure, producing monoclinic zirconia and microscopic YSZ strain, which has implications upon the electrode’s mechanical integrity and thus lifetime of the SOFC

    Keeping it credible in cohort multiple Randomised Controlled Trials: the Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE 75+) study model of patient and public involvement and engagement

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    Background There is increasing guidance on how to make the most of the rich seam of data provided by large cohort studies, and growing recognition of the benefits of cohort multiple Randomised Controlled Trials (cmRCT) in health research. In contrast, there is a lack of discussion about patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in these large and complex research infrastructures. Methods Our aim was to create a structure to enable meaningful, sustainable public involvement within the cmRCT framework. We have established a core reference group of four key individuals with extensive links to other relevant local community structures and individuals. Results Using the CARE 75+ model we have engaged with a wide variety of patients and the public in a relatively short space of time. Activities have included scrutiny of protocols and assessment tools, and process evaluations; resulting in system efficiencies, increased recruitment and a more focused research agenda. Conclusions There is a need for strong public oversight and flexible models of PPIE in cmRCTs. The model of PPIE developed in the Community Ageing Research 75+ study presents one potential way to foster expertise and enable diversity

    Spatial quantification of dynamic inter and intra particle crystallographic heterogeneities within lithium ion electrodes

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    The performance of lithium ion electrodes is hindered by unfavorable chemical heterogeneities that pre-exist or develop during operation. Time-resolved spatial descriptions are needed to understand the link between such heterogeneities and a cell’s performance. Here, operando high-resolution X-ray diffraction-computed tomography is used to spatially and temporally quantify crystallographic heterogeneities within and between particles throughout both fresh and degraded Li_{x}Mn_{2)O_{4} electrodes. This imaging technique facilitates identification of stoichiometric differences between particles and stoichiometric gradients and phase heterogeneities within particles. Through radial quantification of phase fractions, the response of distinct particles to lithiation is found to vary; most particles contain localized regions that transition to rock salt LiMnO_{2} within the first cycle. Other particles contain monoclinic Li_{2}MnO_{3}near the surface and almost pure spinel Li_{x}Mn_{2}O_{4} near the core. Following 150 cycles, concentrations of LiMnO_{2} and Li_{2}MnO_{3} significantly increase and widely vary between particles

    Competing Interactions in DNA Assembly on Graphene

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    We study the patterns that short strands of single-stranded DNA form on the top graphene surface of graphite. We find that the DNA assembles into two distinct patterns, small spherical particles and elongated networks. Known interaction models based on DNA-graphene binding, hydrophobic interactions, or models based on the purine/pyrimidine nature of the bases do not explain our observed crossover in pattern formation. We argue that the observed assembly behavior is caused by a crossover in the competition between base-base pi stacking and base-graphene pi stacking and we infer a critical crossover energy of eV. The experiments therefore provide a projective measurement of the base-base interaction strength

    Exploring cycling induced crystallographic change in NMC with X-ray diffraction computed tomography

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    This study presents the application of X-ray diffraction computed tomography for the first time to analyze the crystal dimensions of LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 electrodes cycled to 4.2 and 4.7 V in full cells with graphite as negative electrodes at 1 μm spatial resolution to determine the change in unit cell dimensions as a result of electrochemical cycling. The nature of the technique permits the spatial localization of the diffraction information in 3D and mapping of heterogeneities from the electrode to the particle level. An overall decrease of 0.4% and 0.6% was observed for the unit cell volume after 100 cycles for the electrodes cycled to 4.2 and 4.7 V. Additionally, focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope cross-sections indicate extensive particle cracking as a function of upper cut-off voltage, further confirming that severe cycling stresses exacerbate degradation. Finally, the technique facilitates the detection of parts of the electrode that have inhomogeneous lattice parameters that deviate from the bulk of the sample, further highlighting the effectiveness of the technique as a diagnostic tool, bridging the gap between crystal structure and electrochemical performance

    Leucine-enriched essential amino acid supplementation in mechanically ventilated trauma patients: a feasibility study

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    Background: Critically ill patients lose up to 2% muscle mass per day. We assessed the feasibility of administering a leucine-enriched essential amino acid (L-EAA) supplement to mechanically ventilated trauma patients with the aim of assessing the effect on skeletal muscle mass and function. Methods: A randomised feasibility study was performed over 6 months in intensive care (ICU), patients received 5g L-EAA five times per day in addition to standard feed (L-EAA group) or standard feed only (control group) up to 14 days. CRP, albumin, IL-6, IL-10, urinary 3-MH, nitrogen balance, protein turnover ([1-13C] leucine infusion), muscle depth change (ultrasound), functional change (Katz & Barthel indices) and muscle strength Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score to assess ICU Acquired Weakness, were measured sequentially. Results: Eight patients (9.5% of screened patients) were recruited over 6 months. L-EAA doses were provided on 91/124 (73%) occasions. Inflammatory and urinary marker data were collected; serial muscle depth measurements were lacking due to short length of stay. Protein turnover studies were performed on five occasions. MRC-sum score could not be performed as patients were not able to respond to the screening questions. The Katz & Barthel indices did not change. L-EAA delivery was achievable, but meaningful functional and muscle mass outcome measures require careful consideration in the design of a future RCT. Conclusion: L-EAA was practical to provide, but we found significant barriers to recruitment and measurement of the chosen outcomes which would need to be addressed in the design of a future, large randomised controlled trial
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