599 research outputs found

    Towards More Human-like AI Communication: A Review of Emergent Communication Research

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    In the recent shift towards human-centric AI, the need for machines to accurately use natural language has become increasingly important. While a common approach to achieve this is to train large language models, this method presents a form of learning misalignment where the model may not capture the underlying structure and reasoning humans employ in using natural language, potentially leading to unexpected or unreliable behavior. Emergent communication (Emecom) is a field of research that has seen a growing number of publications in recent years, aiming to develop artificial agents capable of using natural language in a way that goes beyond simple discriminative tasks and can effectively communicate and learn new concepts. In this review, we present Emecom under two aspects. Firstly, we delineate all the common proprieties we find across the literature and how they relate to human interactions. Secondly, we identify two subcategories and highlight their characteristics and open challenges. We encourage researchers to work together by demonstrating that different methods can be viewed as diverse solutions to a common problem and emphasize the importance of including diverse perspectives and expertise in the field. We believe a deeper understanding of human communication is crucial to developing machines that can accurately use natural language in human-machine interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Approaching the environmental threat in Art, Culture and Science : a transdisciplinary dialogue in a bio-acoustic sound experiment and line of beauty

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    The new geological era, the Anthropocene, is characterized by humanity being the prevailing geological force. With its activity, humankind is influencing the Earth System by changing natural processes and being responsible for the consequences of climate change. The uniqueness of this historical moment manifests itself in the witnessing of the becoming of an era, while still having the possibility to influence the outcome of the environmental crisis, which currently reached a tipping point. The encounter between the disciplines of art and science could represent a possibility of closing the knowledge gap concerning the influence of humankind over the Earth System. Therefore, transdisciplinary collaborations between art and science will be presented to illustrate through a different approach what the Earth System is and how it functions. A thorough investigation of the various narratives concerning the history of life, the understanding of nature, wilderness, the natural as well as the transdisciplinary practice and the Earth System is necessary. Furthermore, cutting across disciplines allows the possibility of taking action. The thesis analyzes to what extend transdisciplinarity between these two domains might be able to solve current environmental threats and influence the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Projects such as the bio-acoustic sound experiment between Dunn and Crutchfield and Line of Beauty between Lorenz and Pflugmacher, will illustrate the interaction. Dunn and Crutchfield experimented with sound to influence the behavior of bark beetles, which were infesting California´s forests. Susanne Lorenz explores together with biologist Stephan Pflugmacher the possibility of cleaning the river water of the Seseke through an installation. Both projects will be discussed as transdisciplinary attempts between art and science to come to terms with environmental threats.O Antropoceno, a nova era geológica, é caracterizado por a humanidade se assumir como a força geológica predominante que pela sua atividade está a influenciar o Sistema Terra, alterando os processos naturais e sendo responsável pelas consequências das alterações climáticas. A singularidade deste momento histórico encontra-se na observação da afirmação de uma época que embora ainda tem a possibilidade de influenciar o desfecho da crise ambiental que está a atingir um ponto de inflexão. O encontro entre as disciplinas da arte das ciências pode representar uma possibilidade de colmatar a lacuna de conhecimentos sobre a influência da humanidade no Sistema Terra. Assim sendo, as colaborações transdisciplinares entre a arte e a ciência serão apresentadas para ilustrar, com uma abordagem diferente, o funcionamento do Sistema Terra. Para tal è necessárias uma investigação. O encontro entre as disciplinas da arte e da ciência poderia representar uma possibilidade de colmatar a lacuna de conhecimentos sobre a influência da humanidade sobre o Sistema Terra. Por conseguinte, colaborações transdisciplinares entre arte e ciência serão apresentadas para ilustrar através de uma abordagem diferente o que é e como funciona o Sistema Terra. É necessária uma investigação aprofundada das várias narrativas relativas à história da vida, à compreensão da natureza, da natureza selvagem, da prática tanto natural como transdisciplinar assim como do Sistema Terra. O corte transversal de disciplinas permite a possibilidade de tomar medidas. A tese analisa até que ponto a transdisciplinaridade entre estes dois domínios poderá ser capaz de resolver as atuais ameaças ambientais e influenciar o Sistema Terra no Antropoceno. Esta interação entre as duas disciplinas será ilustrada através de dois projetos: a experiência sonora bio-acústica entre Dunn e Crutchfield e a Linha de Beleza entre Lorenz e Pflugmacher. Dunn e Crutchfield experimentaram usar som para influenciar o comportamento dos bark beetles que estavam a infestar as florestas da Califórnia. Susanne Lorenz explora juntamente com o biólogo Stephan Pflugmacher a possibilidade de limpar a água do rio Seseke através de uma instalação. Ambos os projetos serão discutidos com o objetivo de apresentar uma abordagem transdisciplinar entre a arte e a ciência para enfrentar as ameaças ambientais

    The plant endoplasmic reticulum: An organized chaos of tubules and sheets with multiple functions

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a fascinating organelle at the core of the secretory pathway. It is responsible for the synthesis of one third of the cellular proteome and, in plant cells, it produces receptors and transporters of hormones as well as the proteins responsible for the biosynthesis of critical components of a cellulosic cell wall. The ER structure resembles a spider-web network of interconnected tubules and cisternae that pervades the cell. The study of the dynamics and interaction of this organelles with other cellular structures such as the plasma membrane, the Golgi apparatus and the cytoskeleton, have been permitted by the implementation of fluorescent protein and advanced confocal imaging. In this review, we report on the findings that contributed toward the understanding of the ER morphology and function with the aid of fluorescent proteins, focusing on the contributions provided by pioneering work from the lab of the late Professor Chris Hawes

    News and Views into the SNARE Complexity in Arabidopsis

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    Secretory organelles are engaged in a continuous flux of membranes, which is believed to occur mostly via transport vesicles. Being critical in maintaining several cellular functions, transport vesicles are membrane-enclosed sacs that temporarily store and then deliver membrane lipids, protein, and polysaccharides. SNAREs have a crucial role in vesicle traffic by driving membrane fusion and conferring fidelity through the formation of specific SNARE complexes. Additionally, specific roles of SNAREs in growth and development implicate that they are versatile components for the life of a plant. Here, we summarize the recent progress on the understanding of the role of SNAREs and highlight some of the questions that are still unsolved

    RLupus:Cooperation through emergent communication in the Werewolf social deduction game

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    This paper focuses on the emergence of communication to support cooperation in environments modeled as social deduction games (SDG), that are games where players communicate freely to deduce each others' hidden intentions. We first state the problem by giving a general formalization of SDG and a possible solution framework based on reinforcement learning. Next, we focus on a specific SDG, known as The Werewolf, and study if and how various forms of communication influence the outcome of the game. Experimental results show that introducing a communication signal greatly increases the winning chances of a class of players. We also study the effect of the signal's length and range on the overall performance showing a non-linear relationship

    A trajetória de aprendizagem musical na percepção de egressos da Banda de Música do Colégio Militar de Brasília

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Música, 2016.Este trabalho de pesquisa de caráter qualitativo teve uma abordagem metodológica de estudo de entrevistas, com o objetivo geral de compreender a percepção de egressos sobre a contribuição da Banda de Música do Colégio Militar de Brasília (CMB) em sua respectiva atuação musical. O instrumento metodológico utilizado na coleta de dados para a pesquisa foi a entrevista semiestruturada. Foram entrevistados 05 (cinco) egressos da Banda de Música do CMB. A revisão de literatura está pautada em conceitos de autores que abrangem desde a historicização (origens, utilização, conceitos e emprego) de bandas de música no país, incluindo também a organização da sistemática educacional referente ao Colégio Militar de Brasília; e, incluem-se à fundamentação ainda argumentos sobre concepções de ensino (SWANWICK, 1993; 1994), construção da aprendizagem em bandas (CAMPOS, 2008 et al)e o ensino coletivo (CRUVINEL, 2008; TOURINHO, 2007) em que também se busca dialogar não só com a legislação pertinente, mas também com ideias, propostas e sugestões oriundas principalmente de indivíduos com vivências registradas naquele estabelecimento de ensino regular. Da análise dos resultados constrói-se um respectivo direcionamento à compreensão da percepção destes egressos em aspectos de vivência, aprendizagem e formação musical experienciados na instituição. Os resultados obtidos apontam para fatores positivos por meio do relato das experiências destes egressos - através dos quais é possível verificar aspectos diversificados de suas vivências - segundo seus discursos, obtidas como êxito em seu próprio favor (desenvolvimento de suas relações sociais e capacidade de aprendizagem e atuação em ambientes coletivos; formação de valores, e ainda o preparo intelectual e vocacional). Estas vivências apresentam-se como situações que transitam da própria experiência social dos indivíduos em questões próprias dos entrevistados.This work of qualitative research had a methodological approach to the study of interviews, with the general objective of understanding the students' perception about the contribution of the Music Band of the Military School of Brasília (CMB) in their musical performance. The methodological instrument used in gathering data for the survey was the semi-structured interview. Five (05) graduates of the CMB Music Band were interviewed. The literature review is based on concepts of authors ranging from the music bands historicizing (origins, usage, and employment concepts) in the country, including also the systematic educational organization from the Military School of Brasilia; and also include the statement of reasons arguments about conceptions of teaching (SWANWICK, 1993; 1994), construction of learning in bands (CAMPOS et al. 2008) and collective education (CRUVINEL, 2005, 2008; TOURINHO, 2005, 2007) in which it also seeks dialogue not only with the relevant legislation, but also with ideas, proposals and suggestions from mainly individuals with experiences recorded in that regular education establishment. Results show that the band had a positive experience in situations that move the social experience of these individuals in the humanities, intellectual and vocational issues - making up a complex range of quirky situations (diversified) to individual training of these graduates

    Uma verdade na biblioteca: uma análise literária e criminológica da busca pela verdade no processo penal

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    O Direito e a Literatura são dois temas que muitas vezes se interseccionam. Essa ligação é ainda mais fácil de ser feita entre Direito Penal, a Criminologia eo romance policial. Tanto o processo, quanto o romance, contam uma história em que o objetivo comum é encontrar a verdade. Por meio de uma análise da obra “​Um Corpo na Biblioteca ”,de Agatha Christie, da concepção de verdade pelo Direito e pela Literatura e da visão do criminoso de acordo com a Criminologia crítica e cultural, este artigo busca compreender a relação entre a busca pela verdade no Processo Penal e a investigação do crime no romance policial

    Clinical features and evolution of oral cancer : a study of 274 cases in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma has a low survival rate, 34 to 66% five-year survival after initial diagnosis, due to late diagnosis. Objetives: The aim of the present study was to examine the clinical features and evolution of oral cancer in the University of Buenos Aires. Study design: 274 patients with primary oral carcinoma, over the 1992- 2000 period were included in the study. Results: The survival rate of this population was 80% at 12 months, 60% at 24 months, 46% at 36 months, 40% at 48 months, and 39 % at 60 months (5 years). The tumor localizations with worse prognosis were floor of mouth and tongue, with survival rates of 19% and 27% respectively. Sixty-five percent of the oral carcinomas evaluated were diagnosed at advanced stages (III and IV). Conclusions: The patients under study exhibited the lowest survival rate described for oral cancer (34% five-year survival after initial diagnosis). The population included in this study can be considered representative of the Argentine population. This bad prognosis would be mainly due to the large number of oral cancer cases that were diagnosed at advanced stages