409 research outputs found

    Causation of Late Quaternary Rapid-increase Radiocarbon Anomalies

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    Brief (less than 100 years) rapid-increase anomalies in the Earth's atmospheric radiocarbon production have previously been attributed to either gamma photon radiation from supernovae or to cosmic ray particle radiation from exceptionally large solar flares. Analysis of distances and ages of nearby supernovae remnants, the probable gamma emissions, the predicted Earth incident radiation, and the terrestrial radiocarbon record indicates that supernova causation may be the case. Supernovae include Type Ia white dwarf explosions, Type Ib, c, and II core collapse events, and some types of gamma burst objects. All generate significant pulses of atmospheric radiocarbon depending on distances. Surveys of supernova remnants offer a nearly complete accounting for the past 50,000 years. There are 18 events less than or at 1.4 kilo-parsec distance, and brief radiocarbon anomalies with appropriate sizes occurred for each of the closest events. In calendar years before 1950, these are: Vela, 22 per mil del 14C at 12,760; S165, 20 per mil at 7431; Vela Junior, 13 per mil at 2765; HB9, 9 per mil at 5372; Boomerang, 11 per mil at 10,255; and Cygnus Loop (per mil change not calculated) at 14,722. Although uncertainties remain large, the agreements of prediction to observation support a possible causal connection

    Ancient Martian valley genesis and paleoclimatic inference: The present as a key to the past

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    I offer here the speculative genetic hypothesis that the flat-floored landforms represent episodically active, sediment-laden valley glaciers formed by localized geothermal melting of abundant interstitial ice (permafrost) in a fine-grained sedimentary terrain. Geothermal melting may also localize spring heads for the narrow deep, high-gradient valleys, or the collapse process itself may result in the generation of decanted, relatively sediment-poor overland water flows (some local evidence of fluid overtopping of the localized depressions exists). Whatever the generic mechanisms for the suite of valley landforms, perhaps the most interesting observation is simply their youth. In aggregate, the morphologies are similar to the ancient valley systems cited as evidence for a previously much denser atmosphere on Mars

    A Mars Pathfinder landing on a recently drained ephemeral sea: Cerberus Plains, 6 deg N, 188 deg W

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    Along a 500 km-wide belt extending between 202 deg and 180 deg W and lying astride the martian equator, moderately low-albedo, uncratered smooth plains exhibit low thermal inertia and potentially favorable conditions for the preservation of near-surface ice. The Cerberus Plains occupy a topographic trough as much as 2 km below the planetary datum, and the denser atmosphere at these altitudes would also favor long residence times for near-surface ice once emplaced. The plains have previously been interpreted as the result of young (late Amazonian) low viscosity lava flows or similarly youthful fluvial deposition. However, the plains are also included in maps of possibly extensive martian paleoseas or paleolakes. Ice emplaced as such seas dissipated could still be preserved under thin (a few tens of centimeters) sedimentary cover. In any case, and if a sea once existed, aqueous-born interstitial cementation, probably including hydrated iron oxides and sulfate minerals, would have been favored and is now susceptible to investigation by the Pathfinder alpha proton x-ray spectrometer and multispectral imager

    Monitoring water discharge and floodplain connectivity for the northern Andes utilizing satellite data: A tool for river planning and science-based decision-making

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    River discharge data and magnitudes of floods are often not readily available for decision makers of many developing nations, including Colombia. And this while flooding for these regions is often devastating, causing many fatalities and insurmountable damage to the most vulnerable communities. During the we season, in strong La Nina years, infrastructural damages of over $US 7.2 billion have occurred. Mitigation of such natural disasters lacks data-supported scientific approaches for evaluating river response to extreme climate events. Here, we propose a satellite-based technique to measure river discharge at selected sites for the main northern Andean River, the Magdalena. This method has the advantage of back calculating daily river discharges over a period of two decades, and thus making it possible to calculate return intervals of significant flood events. The study shows that satellite based river discharges well capture a) the inter-annual variability of river discharge; b) the natural seasonality of water discharge along the floodplains; and c) peak discharges that were observed during La Nina conditions between 2008 and 2011. The last is likely more accurate compared to ground-based gauging stations, as ground-based stations tend to overflow during large flood events and as such are hampered to accurately monitor peak discharges. Furthermore, we show that these derived discharges can form the base to study river-floodplain connectivity, providing environmental decision makers with a technique that makes it possible to better monitor river and ecosystem processes

    Rapid Response Flood Water Mapping

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    Since the beginning of operation of the MODIS instrument on the NASA Terra satellite at the end of 1999, an exceptionally useful sensor and public data stream have been available for many applications including the rapid and precise characterization of terrestrial surface water changes. One practical application of such capability is the near-real time mapping of river flood inundation. We have developed a surface water mapping methodology based on using only bands 1 (620-672 nm) and 2 (841-890 nm). These are the two bands at 250 m, and the use of only these bands maximizes the resulting map detail. In this regard, most water bodies are strong absorbers of incoming solar radiation at the band 2 wavelength: it could be used alone, via a thresholding procedure, to separate water (dark, low radiance or reflectance pixels) from land (much brighter pixels) (1, 2). Some previous water mapping procedures have in fact used such single band data from this and other sensors that include similar wavelength channels. Adding the second channel of data (band 1), however, allows a band ratio approach which permits sediment-laden water, often relatively light at band 2 wavelengths, to still be discriminated, and, as well, provides some removal of error by reducing the number of cloud shadow pixels that would otherwise be misclassified as water

    Evaluation of the satellite-based Global Flood Detection System for measuring river discharge: Influence of local factors

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    One of the main challenges for global hydrological modelling is the limited availability of observational data for calibration and model verification. This is particularly the case for real time applications. This problem could potentially be overcome if discharge measurements based on satellite data were sufficiently accurate to substitute for ground-based measurements. The aim of this study is to test the potentials and constraints of the remote sensing signal of the Global Flood Detection System for converting the flood detection signal into river discharge values. The study uses data for 322 river measurement locations in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Satellite discharge measurements were calibrated for these sites and a validation analysis with in situ discharge was performed. The locations with very good performance will be used in a future project where satellite discharge measurements are obtained on a daily basis to fill the gaps where real time ground observations are not available. These include several international river locations in Africa: Niger, Volta and Zambezi rivers. Analysis of the potential factors affecting the satellite signal was based on a classification decision tree (Random Forest) and showed that mean discharge, climatic region, land cover and upstream catchment area are the dominant variables which determine good or poor performance of the measurement sites. In general terms, higher skill scores were obtained for locations with one or more of the following characteristics: a river width higher than 1km; a large floodplain area and in flooded forest; with a potential flooded area greater than 40%; sparse vegetation, croplands or grasslands and closed to open and open forest; Leaf Area Index > 2; tropical climatic area; and without hydraulic infrastructures. Also, locations where river ice cover is seasonally present obtained higher skill scores. The work provides guidance on the best locations and limitations for estimating discharge values from these daily satellite signals.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Effectiveness of lifestyle-based weight loss interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aims: To provide a systematic review and meta-analysis of recent evidence on the effectiveness of lifestyle-based weight loss interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes

    River gauging at global scale using optical and passive microwave remote sensing

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    Recent discharge observations are lacking for most rivers globally. Discharge can be estimated from remotely sensed floodplain and channel inundation area, but there is currently no method that can be automatically extended to many rivers. We examined whether automated monitoring is feasible by statistically relating inundation estimates from moderate to coarse (>0.05°) resolution remote sensing to monthly station discharge records. Inundation extents were derived from optical MODIS data and passive microwave sensors, and compared to monthly discharge records from over 8000 gauging stations and satellite altimetry observations for 442 reaches of large rivers. An automated statistical method selected grid cells to construct “satellite gauging reaches” (SGRs). MODIS SGRs were generally more accurate than passive microwave SGRs, but there were complementary strengths. The rivers widely varied in size, regime, and morphology. As expected performance was low (R  0.6. The best results (R > 0.9) were obtained for large unregulated lowland rivers, particularly in tropical and boreal regions. Relatively poor results were obtained in arid regions, where flow pulses are few and recede rapidly, and in temperate regions, where many rivers are modified and contained. Provided discharge variations produce clear changes in inundated area and gauge records are available for part of the satellite record, SGRs can retrieve monthly river discharge values back to around 1998 and up to present