69 research outputs found

    Pretilost kod djece

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    Tema, pretilost kod djece, odabrana je zbog toga Å”to se posljednjih godina povećao broj pretile djece u Hrvatskoj. Pretilost postaje sve značajniji javno-zdravstveni problem upravo zbog porasta pretilosti već u dječjoj i adolescentnoj dobi. U mnogim zemljama pretilost kod djece doseže epidemijske razmjere koji su krenuli osamdesetih godina proÅ”log stoljeća. U borbi protiv pretilosti trebale bi se provoditi mjere prevencije već kod trudnica, obuhvaćajući cijelu obitelj. Tu najveći doprinos mogu dati medicinske sestre u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi. One prve uočavaju problem pretilosti kod djece, te su sposobne provoditi mjere unapređenja zdravlja djece i savjetovanja roditelja. Uloga medicinske sestre u programu za prevenciju pretilosti je da pomognu djeci i mladima, roditeljima, prosvjetnim djelatnicima, te sportskim trenerima u edukaciji i promidžbi zdravih prehrambenih navika i zdravog načina života. Potrebno je roditelje educirati o važnosti pripreme redovitih dnevnih obroka koji su energetski i nutritivno prilagođeni uzrastu i potrebama djece. Naglasak je na pravilnom izboru i dostupnosti zdravih namirnica i vode, a ograničiti uzimanje brze hrane, slatkiÅ”a, te sokova. Za procjenu pretilosti izračunava se ITM (indeks tjelesne mase), a dobiva se dijeljenjem tjelesne težine (TT) u kilogramima s kvadratom tjelesne visine (TV) u metrima. Kod djece se vrijednost ITM-a uspoređuje sa centilnim krivuljama. ITM između 90-97 centile ukazuje na prekomjernu težinu, a ukoliko je ITM iznad 97 centile govorimo o pretilosti

    Testing The ā€˜Black Swan Effectā€™ on Croatian Stock Market Between 2000 and 2013

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    We tested the economic activity and stock exchange of Croatia as a new country of EU in order to investigate the ā€˜Black Swan effectā€™ from 2000 to 2013. The empirical findings obtained in application of OLS methodology and Chow breaking point test provide evidence and show that resignation of the Croatian ex Prime Minister lead country successfully to EU, but were also ā€˜The Black Swanā€™ event, being unpredictable and having huge impact on political and economic environment in Croatia obtained through CROBEX, Croatian stock exchange indices. Authors conclude that the resignation was connected to one of the first significant cases of corruption in Croatia which has got the negative impact on the economic development of the country in general, dealing at the same time with global recession

    Love as an Linguistic and Emocional Concept

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    Ovaj se rad bavi konceptom ljubavi čiju analizu podupire teorija jezika i emocija. Metoda koja je primijenjena jest tekstualna analiza teorija koje podupiru ideje i zaključke te lingvistička analiza tj. primjena korpusne lingvistike u analizi leksema ā€žljubavā€œ. Ovakav pristup pretpostavlja viÅ”edimenzionalnost spomenutog koncepta te nužnost mnogih teorija u razumijevanju utjecaja jezika na misli i ponaÅ”anje. Tri su pristupa oko kojih se centrira ova analiza: neurobioloÅ”ki (procesi u tijelu i umu), kulturoloÅ”ki (jezično definiranje emocija unutar kulture) i psiholoÅ”ki (općenito poimanje koncepta te zaključci). Cilj je rada bolje razumjeti i uputiti na nužnu povezanost tri navedena pristupa analizi leksema ā€žljubavā€œ te neodvojivost uma, tijela, jezika i emocija

    Dialogism in a Ceoss-Cultural Communication. Case Study: Erasmus+

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    In the modern times, we are increasingly confronted with members of other nations and cultures. It is logical to reconsider our approach since we meet each other at all levels of life - business, academic, leisure, etc. There are differences, which sometimes seem insurmountable, in the communication of different nations and cultures, but the following quote sums up the general idea of what this thesis is about and how I think those differences can actually be surmounted: ā€œEverywhere and with every step, on each or without any occasion, with or without reason, it is necessary to ridicule the most firmly accepted judgements and to state paradoxes. And then - one will see what happensā€ (Bauman, 1991:82). For example, words by itself do not have an intention so firstly we can think about how we use them in each context. A sea can be: fish habitat, death for sailors, place for leisure and swimming, salt container, national border, metaphor for something abundant, food source, a subject of inspiration, and so on, but on the base line, a ā€œseaā€ by itself as a word is nothing more than a signifier for natural salty water mass on Earth. Therefore my question is why and how does communication happens beyond words? Before we say anything, we are also forming thoughts through dialogue. When we engage in a dialogue, be it with a person, a form of a literature or something else, it is always a dialogue of more factors than we are aware of ā€“ in general, of multiple texts within the contexts. We communicate in concepts and images, thus we should examine the human brain as software, whereas interaction is based on social settings. Knowing that someone is of another culture, we approach them as an operating system that we do not understand (know nothing about) and its settings can be absolutely different from ours. Thankfully, we are all capable of learning different ways of communication, we only need volition

    Dialogism in a Ceoss-Cultural Communication. Case Study: Erasmus+

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    In the modern times, we are increasingly confronted with members of other nations and cultures. It is logical to reconsider our approach since we meet each other at all levels of life - business, academic, leisure, etc. There are differences, which sometimes seem insurmountable, in the communication of different nations and cultures, but the following quote sums up the general idea of what this thesis is about and how I think those differences can actually be surmounted: ā€œEverywhere and with every step, on each or without any occasion, with or without reason, it is necessary to ridicule the most firmly accepted judgements and to state paradoxes. And then - one will see what happensā€ (Bauman, 1991:82). For example, words by itself do not have an intention so firstly we can think about how we use them in each context. A sea can be: fish habitat, death for sailors, place for leisure and swimming, salt container, national border, metaphor for something abundant, food source, a subject of inspiration, and so on, but on the base line, a ā€œseaā€ by itself as a word is nothing more than a signifier for natural salty water mass on Earth. Therefore my question is why and how does communication happens beyond words? Before we say anything, we are also forming thoughts through dialogue. When we engage in a dialogue, be it with a person, a form of a literature or something else, it is always a dialogue of more factors than we are aware of ā€“ in general, of multiple texts within the contexts. We communicate in concepts and images, thus we should examine the human brain as software, whereas interaction is based on social settings. Knowing that someone is of another culture, we approach them as an operating system that we do not understand (know nothing about) and its settings can be absolutely different from ours. Thankfully, we are all capable of learning different ways of communication, we only need volition

    Elementi koji utječu na povećanje i smanjenje osnovice prijave poreza na dobit za 2016. godinu : zavrÅ”ni rad

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    Prilikom prijave poreza na dobit zakonski su definirane stavke koje utječu na povećanje i smanjenje porezne osnovice. Primjenjuju se zakonske odrednice kroz Zakon o porezu na dobit, Pravilnik o porezu na dobit, Zakon o državnoj potpori za obrazovanje i izobrazbu, Pravilnik o državnoj potpori za istraživačko-razvojne projekte i druge povezane zakone poput Zakona o PDV-u i Zakona o poticanju maloga gospodrastva. Teorijski pristup poprima novu dimenziju kada se na stvarnom primjeru i dokumentima može uočiti računovodstvena praksa. Moglo bi se reći da je za razumijevanje, ponekad nejasnih, zakonskih i teorijskih definicija ključno učenje na praktičnom primjeru. U teoriji se kaže da svako poduzeće mora ako ostvaruje dobit platiti porez na dobit. Na primjeru prijave poreza na dobit poduzeće "A" ima uplaćene predujmove te je porezna obveza nakon uvećanja i smanjena porezne osnovice tj. nakon odbitka olakÅ”ica, oslobođenja i poticaja razlika za povrat. Također je vidljivo kod utjecaja na obračunati porez na dobit da je poduzeće "B" reinvestiralo dobit s kojom smanjuje poreznu osnovicu, ali smanjuje i buduće akontacije poreza na dobit. UÅ”tedjet će na plaćanju obveze poreza na dobit, a uvećaje temeljni kapital koji služi za obnovu i razvoj poduzeća kroz povećanja likvidnost poduzeća te omogućava, sukladno zakonu, ulaganje u nove investicije. Moglo bi se reći da je poreznom obvezniku u konačnici u interesu da smanji opterećenje kad je riječ o bilo kakvim davanjima prema državi.When the income tax returns were legally defined items that affect the increase and decrease tax base. Apply legal provisions in the Law on corporate income tax, the Ordinance on income tax, Law on state aid for education and training, Rules on state aid for research and development projects and other related laws such as the Law on VAT and the Law on the promotion of small economy. Theoretical access takes on a new dimension when the real case and documents can be spotted accounting practice. It could be said that the understanding, sometimes vague, legal and theoretical definition of key learning practical example. The theory says that every company has to make profit if you pay income tax. For example, the income tax returns "A" company has paid advances and the tax liability after enlargement and reduced tax base, ie. after deduction of reliefs, exemptions and incentives for the return of the difference. It is also evident at the impact on the profit tax that company "B" reinvest profits with which reduces the tax base, but reduces the future of the advance income tax. It will save the payment of income tax liability, and enlarge the share capital of which is used for the reconstruction and development of the company through an increase in the liquidity of the company and allows, according to the law, new investments. You could say that the taxpayer is ultimately in their interest to reduce the burden when it comes to any benefits to the state

    Obese Patients in Medical Intensive Care Unit: Influence of Counseling on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Parameters

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    A case series of 12 obese patients admitted to medical intensive care unit (ICU) due to life-threatening diseases and the influence of weight loss on cardiovascular parameters is presented. We assessed body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, pulse, and laboratory values on admission. At discharge from ICU patients were counseled on how to lose weight. They were examined one and six months later. Statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease of body weight (median at the beginning of a treatment 134 kg, after six months 127.5 kg), BMI (median 41.5 kg/m2 at the beginning of a treatment; 38.9 kg/m2 after six months), systolic blood pressure (medians 145 mmHg and 130 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (medians 95 mmHg and 85 mmHg) and pulse (medians 104 beats per minute, 78 beats per minute) was found. The reduction of the waist circumference was not significant. One patient died due to severe acute pancreatitis. Patients reported feeling much better after losing weight

    Elementi koji utječu na povećanje i smanjenje osnovice prijave poreza na dobit za 2016. godinu : zavrÅ”ni rad

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    Prilikom prijave poreza na dobit zakonski su definirane stavke koje utječu na povećanje i smanjenje porezne osnovice. Primjenjuju se zakonske odrednice kroz Zakon o porezu na dobit, Pravilnik o porezu na dobit, Zakon o državnoj potpori za obrazovanje i izobrazbu, Pravilnik o državnoj potpori za istraživačko-razvojne projekte i druge povezane zakone poput Zakona o PDV-u i Zakona o poticanju maloga gospodrastva. Teorijski pristup poprima novu dimenziju kada se na stvarnom primjeru i dokumentima može uočiti računovodstvena praksa. Moglo bi se reći da je za razumijevanje, ponekad nejasnih, zakonskih i teorijskih definicija ključno učenje na praktičnom primjeru. U teoriji se kaže da svako poduzeće mora ako ostvaruje dobit platiti porez na dobit. Na primjeru prijave poreza na dobit poduzeće "A" ima uplaćene predujmove te je porezna obveza nakon uvećanja i smanjena porezne osnovice tj. nakon odbitka olakÅ”ica, oslobođenja i poticaja razlika za povrat. Također je vidljivo kod utjecaja na obračunati porez na dobit da je poduzeće "B" reinvestiralo dobit s kojom smanjuje poreznu osnovicu, ali smanjuje i buduće akontacije poreza na dobit. UÅ”tedjet će na plaćanju obveze poreza na dobit, a uvećaje temeljni kapital koji služi za obnovu i razvoj poduzeća kroz povećanja likvidnost poduzeća te omogućava, sukladno zakonu, ulaganje u nove investicije. Moglo bi se reći da je poreznom obvezniku u konačnici u interesu da smanji opterećenje kad je riječ o bilo kakvim davanjima prema državi.When the income tax returns were legally defined items that affect the increase and decrease tax base. Apply legal provisions in the Law on corporate income tax, the Ordinance on income tax, Law on state aid for education and training, Rules on state aid for research and development projects and other related laws such as the Law on VAT and the Law on the promotion of small economy. Theoretical access takes on a new dimension when the real case and documents can be spotted accounting practice. It could be said that the understanding, sometimes vague, legal and theoretical definition of key learning practical example. The theory says that every company has to make profit if you pay income tax. For example, the income tax returns "A" company has paid advances and the tax liability after enlargement and reduced tax base, ie. after deduction of reliefs, exemptions and incentives for the return of the difference. It is also evident at the impact on the profit tax that company "B" reinvest profits with which reduces the tax base, but reduces the future of the advance income tax. It will save the payment of income tax liability, and enlarge the share capital of which is used for the reconstruction and development of the company through an increase in the liquidity of the company and allows, according to the law, new investments. You could say that the taxpayer is ultimately in their interest to reduce the burden when it comes to any benefits to the state


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    Background: PTSD been recognized as a major problem in public health and has attracted an ever-growing scientific, epistemological and clinical interest. On the other side, PTSD is one of the most controversial diagnosis in psychiatry as well as in medicine in general. Method: We have made an overview of available literature on PTSD to identify what is our real knowledge about PTSD with all dilemmas, controversies and challenges. Results: We have various options as to how to evaluate, explain and describe PTSD and other trauma-related mental and somatic disorders. In this paper we compiled an extensive set of facts and meta-facts in order to to understand the real nature of traumatic stress, negative life events and PTSD. Conclusion: Conflict between various concepts of PTSD and our current knowledge will probably bring with itself a new scientific paradigm with new diagnostic phenotypes and refining the old ones
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