18 research outputs found

    Principles of Regional Investment Aid – Meeting the Objectives of the Cohesion Policy in the EU

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    The changes stemming from the new regulations on the regional aid for the years 2014-2020 will set the trends in the utilisation of this type of public support in Poland. The maximum amount of this type of aid has been lowered in better developed regions as compared to the previous financial perspective. Simultaneously, due to different development levels of individual areas of the Mazowieckie region, the division into sub-regions has been introduced, excluding Warsaw, for the lowest allowed volume of support. Moreover, the so called incentive effect principle has been liberalised, and the privileged position of small and medium enterprises has been retained

    The use of e-marketing instruments in selected cultural institutions in Poland

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    Współczesne instytucje kultury funkcjonują w realiach rynkowych i podlegają takim samym mechanizmom jak podmioty komercyjne. W związku z tym muszą zabiegać o czas i uwagę swoich odbiorców wykorzystując do tego różne strategie marketingowe. Bardzo dużą rolę w ogólnej działalności marketingowej podmiotów kulturalnych grają narzędzia z zakresu marketingu online. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wykorzystania instrumentów e-marketingu w instytucjach kultury. Szczegółowej analizie poddano rodzaje stosowanych narzędzi w zależności od wielkości podmiotu kulturalnego. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą kwestionariuszy ankietowych oraz wywiadów bezpośrednich z przedstawicielami wybranych podmiotów kulturalnych. Praca składa się z czterech części. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono różne definicje kultury, a także samych instytucji kultury oraz opisano ich rolę i zasady działalności. W drugiej części opisane zostały wybrane definicje marketingu i jego rozwój na przestrzeni lat. Przedstawiono również specyfikę e-marketingu oraz jego wybranych narzędzi. W trzecim rozdziale poruszono kwestie roli e-marketingu w ogóle działalności wybranych instytucji kultury. Znalazło się tam również częściowe podsumowanie jego głównych zadań na tym polu. W części czwartej zawarta została pogłębiona analiza przeprowadzonych badań. Na ich podstawie udało się stwierdzić, że instytucje kultury na polskim rynku wykorzystują podobne narzędzia marketingu online niezależnie od swojej wielkości oraz grupy docelowej.Contemporary cultural institutions function in market reality and are subject to the same mechanisms as commercial entities. Therefore they need to strive for time and attention of their recipients using various marketing strategies. A very important role in the overall marketing activities of cultural entities play online marketing tools. The aim of the thesis is to present the usage of e-marketing instruments in cultural institutions. The types of used tools depending on the size of the cultural entity were analyzed in detail. The research was conducted using questionnaires and direct interviews with representatives of selected cultural entities. The thesis consist of four parts. First chapter presents various definitions of culture and the culture institutions themselves and describes their roles and operating principles. The second part concentrates on selected definitions of marketing and its development over the years. It also presents specification of e-marketing and its tools. The third chapter deals with the role of e-marketing in the overall activity of selected cultural institutions. There is also a partial summary of its main goals in this field. The fourth part contains an in-depth analysis of the carried out research. On that basis it was possible to conclude that cultural entities operating on a Polish market use similar online marketing tools, regardless of their size and target group

    Viral hepatitis C in Poland in the Silesian Province between 2005–2014

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    Introduction and objective. Viral hepatitis C remains one of the major health and social problems related to infectious diseases in Poland. The aim of the study was assessment of the registered changes in the incidence of HCV in the Silesian Province of western Poland during the last 10 years, including age, gender and place of residence. Materials and method. A retrospective analysis was performed of the HCV incidence between 2005–2014 in the Silesian Province. The crude and standardized incidence rates were calculated for males and females in each year. Subsequently, the territorial diversity of the epidemiological situation in the districts was assessed by calculating the average incidence rate over the entire study period. Results. Incidence rates calculated according to the case definition of 2005 ranged between 5.95/100000 in 2005 to 10.36/100000 in 2014. Analysis of the structure of the incidence showed that during the analyzed period, the majority of hepatitis C cases were related to males (52.5%) rather than females (47.5%), and hepatitis C was more prevalent in younger males (aged 20–49) and older females (aged over 50). After excluding the effect of age, the standardized rates were twice as low, compared to the crude incidence rates. Conclusions. An increase in the HCV incidence rate was observed in males and females. It is obvious that the detection of additional cases will entail the need to provide funding for the treatment of more patients, which should be included in the map of regional health needs in the coming years. Our study demonstrates the temporal and spatial variability of HCV incidence in the Silesian Province of Poland. The observed increase in the crude and standardized rates suggests that the current registry system of HCV in Poland is more effective now. The current situation is comparable with the data in other EU countries

    Expression of insulin-like growth factor family genes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Aim of the study : Despite significant progress in the pathology of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), diagnostic and predictive factors of major importance have not been discovered. Some hopes are associated with insulin-like growth factors. The aim of the study was to compare the expression of genes for insulin-like growth factor family in tumours and in tissue of kidneys without cancer. Material and methods : Fifty-two patients years with clear cell renal cell cancer were qualified to the study group; patients nephrectomised because of hydronephrosis were included in the control group. Expression of genes were evaluated by RT-PCR. Results : Expression of IGFR-1 gene in tumour accounts for about 60% of cases. The incidence is higher than in corresponding adjacent non-cancerous kidney tissues and higher (but with no statistical significance) than in kidney without cancer. Expression of IGFR-2 gene in tumours has not been established. The incidence of the expression in corresponding adjacent non-cancerous kidney tissues is small. Expression of this gene has been present in all specimens from kidneys without cancer. Expression of IGFBP-3 gene ascertained in all (except four) cases of ccRCC and in the majority of clippings from adjacent tissue. It was not found in kidneys from the control group. IGF-1, IGF-2, and IGFR-1 mRNA copy numbers in ccRCC were higher than in the material from the control grou