13 research outputs found


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    The measurement of power output (PO) during cycling has led some manufacturers to develop mobile power meters. However, such devices have to provide a valid, sensitive and reproducible PO. This study aimed to determine the validity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the Stages and Garmin Vector during both laboratory and field cycling tests. The results demonstrate that the Stages and the Garmin Vector systems appear to be reproducible. However, the validity and the sensitivity of the two systems must be treated with some caution

    Positions sur le vélo et performance en cyclisme

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    The studies conducted during this PhD research showed that optimizing the position of the cyclist on the bicycle is a key factor influencing cycling performance. Our research focused on four main axes: the design and validation of measurement tools, the study of the aerodynamic position, the study of the seated position and the study of the standing position.All the results showed that the performance capacity of cyclists can be improved in aerodynamic position by increasing the ratio between the mechanical power (PO) and the drag area (ACd). Comfort is also a significant factor in time trial (TT) performance as it determines the ability of the cyclist to maintain position over time. Our works show that comfort can be improved via orthopaedic correction in cyclists affected by lower limb length inequality (LLLI) in the TT position, related to a reduction in pelvis movements. The orthopaedic correction also induces an increase in gross efficiency (+5.7%). Thus, this improvement in comfort could increase the PO and/or the amount of time the aerodynamic position can be maintained during a TT. Therefore, cyclists affected by LLLI should compensate LLLI with individualised foot orthotics to improve their TT performance. In a preliminary study, we also showed that there is a relationship between head movements and ACd. Therefore, cyclists should minimise these movements to minimise their ACd and maximise their performance. Aerodynamic position must be evaluated in real cycling locomotion, whether for the evaluation of A or ACd. We have developed two applications that are a real asset for the dynamic evaluation of aerodynamic drag (Ra) as they make the data analysis more accessible to coaches. Finally, although we have initiated a new method to assess ACd in the aerodynamic position by combining 3D scanning and computational fluid dynamics simulation, this method is also recommended for individualisation of cycling equipment.The seated cycling position can also be optimised by increasing the cyclists’ force effectiveness (FE), regardless of practice level or gender. This increase in FE is mainly due to a decrease in resistive force (Fres) during the upstroke phase of pedalling. Nevertheless, the cyclist should not pull on the pedal to generate propulsive torque because this strategy is counterproductive from an energy point of view. It would be interesting to extend our first study, which was set up in a laboratory, to the field to analyse the biomechanical adaptations of cyclists to the real conditions of locomotion. The differences observed in the laboratory, on level ground and over an uphill grade suggest that cyclists adjust their pedalling technique according to the conditions under which they are performing.Finally, studies of the standing cycling position show that cyclists increase their mechanical cost (MC) (+4.3% in the laboratory vs. +19% in the field) compared to the seated position; however, oxygen consumption was similar between the two positions. These mechanical losses (13 W in the laboratory vs. 49 W in the field) in the standing position are mainly due to increased rolling resistance coefficient (Crr), induced by the lateral sways of the bicycle and therefore torsion of the tyres. Because the observed mechanical losses are higher in the field than on the treadmill, other factors could contribute to this difference, such as Ra (~10 W), the equipment used by cyclists, the Crr of the road surface and the technique adopted. Also, the standing position induces an increase in MC to maintain constant speed when faced with uphill slope variations. Cyclists are therefore strongly recommended to reduce the increase of the MC in standing position compared to the seated position. This reduction in mechanical losses can be achieved by decreasing lateral sways and Ra.Les Ă©tudes conduites au cours de ce travail de thĂšse ont montrĂ© que l’optimisation de la position du cycliste sur son vĂ©lo Ă©tait un Ă©lĂ©ment dĂ©terminant de la performance. Nos recherches ont portĂ© sur quatre axes principaux : la conception et la validation d’outils de mesure, l’étude de la position aĂ©rodynamique, l’étude de la position assise et enfin l’étude de la position danseuse.L’ensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que la capacitĂ© de performance du cycliste peut ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©e en position aĂ©rodynamique en augmentant le ratio entre la puissance mĂ©canique (PmĂ©ca) et la surface frontale effective (SCx). Le confort reprĂ©sente Ă©galement un des principaux facteurs de la performance en contre‑la‑montre (CLM) puisqu’il dĂ©termine l’aptitude du cycliste Ă  maintenir sa position au cours du temps. Nos travaux montrent une amĂ©lioration du confort avec des semelles orthopĂ©diques, chez les cyclistes affectĂ©s par une inĂ©galitĂ© de longueur des membres infĂ©rieurs (ILMI), liĂ©e Ă  une rĂ©duction des mouvements du bassin. Une correction orthopĂ©dique induit Ă©galement une augmentation du rendement Ă©nergĂ©tique (+5,7 %). Ainsi, les cyclistes affectĂ©s par une ILMI sont recommandĂ©s de la compenser avec des semelles orthopĂ©diques individualisĂ©es de façon Ă  amĂ©liorer leur performance en CLM. Lors d’une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire, nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© la relation entre les mouvements de la tĂȘte et le SCx, c’est pourquoi les cyclistes doivent rĂ©duire au maximum ces mouvements afin de minimiser leur SCx et ainsi maximiser leur performance. L’évaluation de la position aĂ©rodynamique doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e en conditions rĂ©elles de locomotion, que ce soit pour l’évaluation de S ou de SCx. Le dĂ©veloppement de nos deux applications est donc un rĂ©el atout pour l’évaluation de la traĂźnĂ©e aĂ©rodynamique (Ra) de maniĂšre individualisĂ©e dans les prochaines annĂ©es puisqu’elles rendent le traitement plus accessible aux entraĂźneurs. Enfin, bien que nous ayons initiĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d’évaluation de la position aĂ©rodynamique en associant numĂ©risation 3D et modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique de la mĂ©canique des fluides, cette mĂ©thode serait plutĂŽt recommandĂ©e pour l’individualisation de l’équipement.La position assise peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre optimisĂ©e en augmentant l’indice d’efficacitĂ© mĂ©canique (IEM) du cycliste, quel que soit le niveau et le sexe. Cette augmentation de l’IEM passe principalement par une diminution de la force rĂ©sistante (Fres) dans la phase de montĂ©e de la pĂ©dale. MalgrĂ© tout, le cycliste ne doit pas tirer sur la pĂ©dale pour gĂ©nĂ©rer un couple propulsif car cette stratĂ©gie est contre-productive d’un point de vue Ă©nergĂ©tique. Il serait intĂ©ressant d’étendre notre premiĂšre Ă©tude, Ă©tablie en laboratoire, sur le terrain pour analyser les adaptations biomĂ©caniques du pĂ©dalage des cyclistes aux conditions rencontrĂ©es sur le terrain. Les diffĂ©rences observĂ©es en laboratoire, sur terrain plat et en montĂ©e laissent penser que les cyclistes adaptent leur pĂ©dalage selon les conditions dans lesquelles ils Ă©voluent.Enfin, les travaux menĂ©s sur la position danseuse montrent que les cyclistes augmentent leur coĂ»t mĂ©canique (CM) (+4,3 % en laboratoire vs. +19 % sur le terrain) par rapport Ă  la position assise alors que la consommation d’oxygĂšne reste stable entre les deux positions. Ces pertes mĂ©caniques en position danseuse sont principalement dues Ă  l’augmentation du coefficient de roulement (Cr) due aux oscillations latĂ©rales du vĂ©lo et donc Ă  la torsion des pneus. Puisque les pertes mĂ©caniques sont plus Ă©levĂ©es sur le terrain que sur tapis roulant, d’autres facteurs semblent contribuer Ă  cette diffĂ©rence comme la Ra (~10 W), le matĂ©riel utilisĂ© par les cyclistes, le Cr de la route et la technique adoptĂ©e. Aussi, la position danseuse induit une augmentation du CM pour maintenir la vitesse de dĂ©placement face aux variations de pente en montĂ©e. Les cyclistes sont donc fortement recommandĂ©s de rĂ©duire l’augmentation du CM en position danseuse comparĂ©e Ă  la position assise

    Positions on the bicycle and cycling performance

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    Les Ă©tudes conduites au cours de ce travail de thĂšse ont montrĂ© que l’optimisation de la position du cycliste sur son vĂ©lo Ă©tait un Ă©lĂ©ment dĂ©terminant de la performance. Nos recherches ont portĂ© sur quatre axes principaux : la conception et la validation d’outils de mesure, l’étude de la position aĂ©rodynamique, l’étude de la position assise et enfin l’étude de la position danseuse.L’ensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que la capacitĂ© de performance du cycliste peut ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©e en position aĂ©rodynamique en augmentant le ratio entre la puissance mĂ©canique (PmĂ©ca) et la surface frontale effective (SCx). Le confort reprĂ©sente Ă©galement un des principaux facteurs de la performance en contre‑la‑montre (CLM) puisqu’il dĂ©termine l’aptitude du cycliste Ă  maintenir sa position au cours du temps. Nos travaux montrent une amĂ©lioration du confort avec des semelles orthopĂ©diques, chez les cyclistes affectĂ©s par une inĂ©galitĂ© de longueur des membres infĂ©rieurs (ILMI), liĂ©e Ă  une rĂ©duction des mouvements du bassin. Une correction orthopĂ©dique induit Ă©galement une augmentation du rendement Ă©nergĂ©tique (+5,7 %). Ainsi, les cyclistes affectĂ©s par une ILMI sont recommandĂ©s de la compenser avec des semelles orthopĂ©diques individualisĂ©es de façon Ă  amĂ©liorer leur performance en CLM. Lors d’une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire, nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© la relation entre les mouvements de la tĂȘte et le SCx, c’est pourquoi les cyclistes doivent rĂ©duire au maximum ces mouvements afin de minimiser leur SCx et ainsi maximiser leur performance. L’évaluation de la position aĂ©rodynamique doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e en conditions rĂ©elles de locomotion, que ce soit pour l’évaluation de S ou de SCx. Le dĂ©veloppement de nos deux applications est donc un rĂ©el atout pour l’évaluation de la traĂźnĂ©e aĂ©rodynamique (Ra) de maniĂšre individualisĂ©e dans les prochaines annĂ©es puisqu’elles rendent le traitement plus accessible aux entraĂźneurs. Enfin, bien que nous ayons initiĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d’évaluation de la position aĂ©rodynamique en associant numĂ©risation 3D et modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique de la mĂ©canique des fluides, cette mĂ©thode serait plutĂŽt recommandĂ©e pour l’individualisation de l’équipement.La position assise peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre optimisĂ©e en augmentant l’indice d’efficacitĂ© mĂ©canique (IEM) du cycliste, quel que soit le niveau et le sexe. Cette augmentation de l’IEM passe principalement par une diminution de la force rĂ©sistante (Fres) dans la phase de montĂ©e de la pĂ©dale. MalgrĂ© tout, le cycliste ne doit pas tirer sur la pĂ©dale pour gĂ©nĂ©rer un couple propulsif car cette stratĂ©gie est contre-productive d’un point de vue Ă©nergĂ©tique. Il serait intĂ©ressant d’étendre notre premiĂšre Ă©tude, Ă©tablie en laboratoire, sur le terrain pour analyser les adaptations biomĂ©caniques du pĂ©dalage des cyclistes aux conditions rencontrĂ©es sur le terrain. Les diffĂ©rences observĂ©es en laboratoire, sur terrain plat et en montĂ©e laissent penser que les cyclistes adaptent leur pĂ©dalage selon les conditions dans lesquelles ils Ă©voluent.Enfin, les travaux menĂ©s sur la position danseuse montrent que les cyclistes augmentent leur coĂ»t mĂ©canique (CM) (+4,3 % en laboratoire vs. +19 % sur le terrain) par rapport Ă  la position assise alors que la consommation d’oxygĂšne reste stable entre les deux positions. Ces pertes mĂ©caniques en position danseuse sont principalement dues Ă  l’augmentation du coefficient de roulement (Cr) due aux oscillations latĂ©rales du vĂ©lo et donc Ă  la torsion des pneus. Puisque les pertes mĂ©caniques sont plus Ă©levĂ©es sur le terrain que sur tapis roulant, d’autres facteurs semblent contribuer Ă  cette diffĂ©rence comme la Ra (~10 W), le matĂ©riel utilisĂ© par les cyclistes, le Cr de la route et la technique adoptĂ©e. Aussi, la position danseuse induit une augmentation du CM pour maintenir la vitesse de dĂ©placement face aux variations de pente en montĂ©e. Les cyclistes sont donc fortement recommandĂ©s de rĂ©duire l’augmentation du CM en position danseuse comparĂ©e Ă  la position assise.The studies conducted during this PhD research showed that optimizing the position of the cyclist on the bicycle is a key factor influencing cycling performance. Our research focused on four main axes: the design and validation of measurement tools, the study of the aerodynamic position, the study of the seated position and the study of the standing position.All the results showed that the performance capacity of cyclists can be improved in aerodynamic position by increasing the ratio between the mechanical power (PO) and the drag area (ACd). Comfort is also a significant factor in time trial (TT) performance as it determines the ability of the cyclist to maintain position over time. Our works show that comfort can be improved via orthopaedic correction in cyclists affected by lower limb length inequality (LLLI) in the TT position, related to a reduction in pelvis movements. The orthopaedic correction also induces an increase in gross efficiency (+5.7%). Thus, this improvement in comfort could increase the PO and/or the amount of time the aerodynamic position can be maintained during a TT. Therefore, cyclists affected by LLLI should compensate LLLI with individualised foot orthotics to improve their TT performance. In a preliminary study, we also showed that there is a relationship between head movements and ACd. Therefore, cyclists should minimise these movements to minimise their ACd and maximise their performance. Aerodynamic position must be evaluated in real cycling locomotion, whether for the evaluation of A or ACd. We have developed two applications that are a real asset for the dynamic evaluation of aerodynamic drag (Ra) as they make the data analysis more accessible to coaches. Finally, although we have initiated a new method to assess ACd in the aerodynamic position by combining 3D scanning and computational fluid dynamics simulation, this method is also recommended for individualisation of cycling equipment.The seated cycling position can also be optimised by increasing the cyclists’ force effectiveness (FE), regardless of practice level or gender. This increase in FE is mainly due to a decrease in resistive force (Fres) during the upstroke phase of pedalling. Nevertheless, the cyclist should not pull on the pedal to generate propulsive torque because this strategy is counterproductive from an energy point of view. It would be interesting to extend our first study, which was set up in a laboratory, to the field to analyse the biomechanical adaptations of cyclists to the real conditions of locomotion. The differences observed in the laboratory, on level ground and over an uphill grade suggest that cyclists adjust their pedalling technique according to the conditions under which they are performing.Finally, studies of the standing cycling position show that cyclists increase their mechanical cost (MC) (+4.3% in the laboratory vs. +19% in the field) compared to the seated position; however, oxygen consumption was similar between the two positions. These mechanical losses (13 W in the laboratory vs. 49 W in the field) in the standing position are mainly due to increased rolling resistance coefficient (Crr), induced by the lateral sways of the bicycle and therefore torsion of the tyres. Because the observed mechanical losses are higher in the field than on the treadmill, other factors could contribute to this difference, such as Ra (~10 W), the equipment used by cyclists, the Crr of the road surface and the technique adopted. Also, the standing position induces an increase in MC to maintain constant speed when faced with uphill slope variations. Cyclists are therefore strongly recommended to reduce the increase of the MC in standing position compared to the seated position. This reduction in mechanical losses can be achieved by decreasing lateral sways and Ra

    Validity and reliability of the 3D motion analyzer in comparison with the Vicon device for biomechanical pedalling analysis

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    International audienceThe present work aimed to assess the validity and reliability of the 3D motion analyzer (Shimano Dynamics Lab, Sittard, Netherland) during laboratory cycling tests in comparison with the Vicon device (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd. Oxford, UK). Three cyclists were required to complete one laboratory cycling test at three different pedalling cadence and at a constant power output. Kinematic measurements were collected simultaneously from 3D motion analyzer and Vicon devices and performed five times for each pedalling cadence. The two systems showed a high reliability with excellent intraclass correlation coefficients for most kinematic variables. Moreover, this system was considered as valid by considering the error due to the initial markers placement. Experts and scientists should use the Vicon system for the purpose of research whereas the 3D motion analyzer could be used for bike fitting

    Preliminary study: A new method to assess the effective frontal area of cyclists

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    International audienceThe present work aimed to assess the effective frontal area (AC d , m 2) of a cyclist using both 3D scanning and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and compare the results with wind tunnel and field measurements. One elite cyclist was recruited to complete a 3D scanning, a wind tunnel test and a field test. The 3D scanning was analyzed using CFD simulation to determine the AC d of the cyclist. The CFD AC d was compared to those measured in both wind tunnel and field tests. The 3D scanning method provides useful data for cycling science and TT position or equipment optimization, by using iterative approach. Indeed, the AC d obtained after CFD simulation was in accordance with those obtained in both wind tunnel and field testing sessions. Resolution, scanning time and post processing are compatible with an extensive use in real conditions and with a larger number of cyclists

    Validity, Sensitivity, Reproducibility and Robustness of the Powertap, Stages and Garmin Vector Power Meters in Comparison With the SRM Device

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    International audienceA large number of power meters were produced on the market for nearly 20 years and according to user requirements. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the validity, sensitivity, reproducibility and robustness of the Powertap (PWT), Stages (STG) and Garmin Vector (VCT) power meters in comparison with the SRM device. Methods: A national-level male competitive cyclist was required to complete three laboratory cycling tests that included a sub-maximal incremental test, a sub-maximal 30-min continuous test and a sprint test. Two additional tests were performed: the first on vibration exposures in the laboratory and the second in the field. Results: The VCT provided a significantly lower 5 s power output (PO) during the sprint test with a low gear ratio compared with the POSRM (-36.9%). The POSTG was significantly lower than the POSRM within the heavy exercise intensity zone (zone 2, -5.1%) and the low part of the severe intensity zone (zone 3, -4.9%). The POVCT was significantly lower than the POSRM only within zone 2 (-4.5%). The POSTG was significantly lower in standing position than in the seated position (-4.4%). The reproducibility of the PWT, STG and VCT was similar to that of the SRM system. The POSTG and POVCT were significantly decreased from a vibration frequency of 48 Hz and 52 Hz, respectively. Conclusions: The PWT, STG and the VCT systems appear to be reproducible, but the validity, sensitivity and robustness of the STG and VCT systems should be treated with some caution according to the conditions of measurement

    Caveats and Recommendations to Assess the Validity and Reliability of Cycling Power Meters: A Systematic Scoping Review

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    International audienceA large number of power meters have become commercially available during the last decades to provide power output (PO) measurement. Some of these power meters were evaluated for validity in the literature. This study aimed to perform a review of the available literature on the validity of cycling power meters. PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Google Scholar have been explored with PRISMA methodology. A total of 74 studies have been extracted for the reviewing process. Validity is a general quality of the measurement determined by the assessment of different metrological properties: Accuracy, sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility, and robustness. Accuracy was most often studied from the metrological property (74 studies). Reproducibility was the second most studied (40 studies) property. Finally, repeatability, sensitivity, and robustness were considerably less studied with only 7, 5, and 5 studies, respectively. The SRM power meter is the most used as a gold standard in the studies. Moreover, the number of participants was very different among them, from 0 (when using a calibration rig) to 56 participants. The PO tested was up to 1700 W, whereas the pedalling cadence ranged between 40 and 180 rpm, including submaximal and maximal exercises. Other exercise conditions were tested, such as torque, position, temperature, and vibrations. This review provides some caveats and recommendations when testing the validity of a cycling power meter, including all of the metrological properties (accuracy, sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility, and robustness) and some exercise conditions (PO range, sprint, pedalling cadence, torque, position, participant, temperature, vibration, and field test

    Influence of standing position on mechanical and energy costs in uphill cycling

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    International audienceThis study was designed to examine the influence of standing position (vs. seated) during uphill cycling on both mechanical cost (MC) and energy cost (EC) in elite cyclists. For the study, thirteen elite cyclists (VO2max: 71.4 ± 8.0 ml·min−1·kg−1) performed, in a randomised order, three sets of exercises. Each set comprised 2 min of exercise, alternating every 30 s between seated and standing postures, using different slopes and intensity levels on a motorised treadmill. MC was calculated from the measurement of power output and speed, whereas EC was calculated from the measurement of oxygen consumption and speed. MC was significantly higher (+4.3%, p < 0.001) in standing position compared to seated position when all slopes and intensities were considered. However, EC was not significantly affected by the change in position. The standing position also induced a significant increase in rolling resistance power (p < 0.001), rolling resistance coefficient (p < 0.001) and lateral sways (p < 0.001). The significant increase in MC observed in standing position was due to a higher rolling resistance induced by bicycle sways and a shift forward of the centre of mass compared to seated position. This result should lead bicycle tire manufacturers to reduce the increase in rolling resistance between the two positions. Considering the relationship observed between the MC and bicycle sways, cyclists would be well advised to decrease the bicycle sways in order to reduce the MC of locomotion

    Preliminary study : the effect of biomechanical foot orthotics in bilateral pedalling asymmetry in three cyclists affected by an anatomic asymmetry

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    International audienceThe optimization of the cyclist's position aims to increase performance and may prevent injuries. To find the optimum posture, taking into account anthropometry of the cyclist is essential [1] because an anatomic asymmetry (short leg) could alter the cyclist's balance causing a decrease of power output for one of the two lower limbs. Bilateral pedalling asymmetry may amplify the risk of premature fatigue and injuries [2]. Biomechanical foot orthotics (FO) are used to reduce injuries [3] and to increase performance [4] improving left/right balance between the two legs. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of the installation of a new FO (just after the laying) on a bilateral pedalling asymmetry in cyclist affected by an anatomic asymmetry (short leg)