25 research outputs found

    Calibration of the modulation transfer function of surface profilometers with binary pseudo-random test standards: expanding the application range

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    A modulation transfer function (MTF) calibration method based on binary pseudo-random (BPR) gratings and arrays [Proc. SPIE 7077-7 (2007), Opt. Eng. 47, 073602 (2008)] has been proven to be an effective MTF calibration method for a number of interferometric microscopes and a scatterometer [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A616, 172 (2010)]. Here we report on a further expansion of the application range of the method. We describe the MTF calibration of a 6 inch phase shifting Fizeau interferometer. Beyond providing a direct measurement of the interferometer's MTF, tests with a BPR array surface have revealed an asymmetry in the instrument's data processing algorithm that fundamentally limits its bandwidth. Moreover, the tests have illustrated the effects of the instrument's detrending and filtering procedures on power spectral density measurements. The details of the development of a BPR test sample suitable for calibration of scanning and transmission electron microscopes are also presented. Such a test sample is realized as a multilayer structure with the layer thicknesses of two materials corresponding to BPR sequence. The investigations confirm the universal character of the method that makes it applicable to a large variety of metrology instrumentation with spatial wavelength bandwidths from a few nanometers to hundreds of millimeters

    Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming

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    Numerous studies have examined the effects of gender diversity in groups on creative performance, and no clear effect has been identified. Findings depend on situational cues making gender diversity more or less salient in groups. A large-scale study on two cohorts (N = 2,261) was conducted among business students to examine the impact of the gender diversity in small groups on divergent thinking in an idea-generation task performed by synchronous electronic brainstorming. Participants were automatically randomized in three- or four-member groups to generate ideas during 10 min on a gendered or neutral task. Then, five categories of groups where the proportion of men/women in groups varied from three/four men to three/four women were compared to examine creative performance on three divergent thinking measures (fluency, flexibility, and originality). A Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (mGLMM) showed greater fluency in all-women groups than in other groups (except mixed-gender groups composed of two men and two women), and more specifically “solo” groups composed of a single woman/man among a majority of men/women. For flexibility and originality, the superiority of all-women groups was found only in comparison to “solo” groups composed of a single woman. As gender differences are more salient in “solo” groups than in other groups faultlines may appear in groups, leading to a deleterious impact on creative performance

    Troissereux, Oise (Picardie), “25-27 rue de Calais - tranche 3”. Une occupation mĂ©rovingienne et carolingienne : rapport de fouilles

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    L’opĂ©ration a permis de dĂ©tecter quatre phases d’occupation qui s’étendent de la Protohistoire ancienne Ă  l’époque mĂ©diĂ©vale.Il s’agit tout d’abord d’un modeste ensemble de fosses isolĂ©es et rĂ©parties en deux points du site datĂ©es de l’ñge du Bronze.Ensuite, se dessine un large fossĂ© linĂ©aire qui traverse le site d’est en ouest et se poursuit en dehors de l’emprise. Il n’a livrĂ© aucun reste mobilier mais les recoupements stratigraphiques montrent son antĂ©rioritĂ© par rapport Ă  la premiĂšre phase du haut Moyen Âge. Le comblement indique une utilisation vouĂ©e au drainage ou Ă  l’apport d’eau d’un point situĂ© dans le fond du vallon sec jusqu’au ThĂ©rain. Il est reliĂ© Ă  une autre portion de fossĂ© orientĂ©e nord-sud d’époque indĂ©terminĂ©e mais probablement contemporaine de par leur relation.Enfin, l’ensemble de la parcelle est densĂ©ment investie entre la seconde moitiĂ© du VIIe et le IXe siĂšcle. L’occupation est matĂ©rialisĂ©e par de nombreux types de structures : des fours, des fonds de cabane, des trous de poteau, des silos, des puits, une sĂ©pulture et diverses fosses aux fonctions variĂ©es. Trois principaux secteurs de concentration de structures se dessinent : un secteur mĂ©dian sud oĂč se concentrent de nombreux bĂątiments sur poteaux et de grandes fosses, un secteur oriental surtout marquĂ© par la prĂ©sence de fours domestiques et une derniĂšre zone situĂ©e Ă  proximitĂ© de l’angle nord-est constituĂ©e de fosses et de trous de poteaux. L’ensemble est accompagnĂ© de structures rĂ©parties de maniĂšre plus lĂąche en pĂ©riphĂ©rie de ces diffĂ©rents espaces.L’habitat principal situĂ© dans la zone mĂ©diane s’accompagne de deux autres unitĂ©s d’occupation. L’une d’entre elle a pu abriter une habitation de deuxiĂšme rang ou un groupement d’annexes, dans tous les cas la carte de rĂ©partition du mobilier atteste de sa position secondaire.Le type de structures rencontrĂ©es et l’organisation du site atteste d’une occupation vouĂ©e aux activitĂ©s agro-pastorales. Comme d’autres Ă©tablissements de la mĂȘme pĂ©riode, cette unitĂ© agricole regroupe Ă©galement un secteur d’activitĂ© plus spĂ©cifique et artisanal avec le secteur des fours culinaires.MĂȘme si cette unitĂ© a bien pu ĂȘtre mise en Ă©vidence, l’ensemble de l’occupation de cette pĂ©riode n’a sans doute pas Ă©tĂ© entiĂšrement dĂ©couverte. Il est fort probable que d’autres groupements se rĂ©partissent ailleurs dans cette vallĂ©e. D’ailleurs, plusieurs indices en tĂ©moignent au regard des rĂ©sultats des diagnostics de 2011 et 2013. Il en est de mĂȘme au sud comme le souligne la prĂ©sence de mobilier dans les niveaux tourbeux. La prĂ©sence de l’eau Ă©tant l’un des Ă©lĂ©ments primordiaux dans le choix d’implantation du site, il est fort probable que les berges du cours d’eau aient Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement investies.Le site de Troissereux fait probablement partie intĂ©grante d’un groupe de plusieurs unitĂ©s rĂ©parties de maniĂšre plus lĂąche. Il est abandonnĂ© au cours de la pĂ©riode carolingienne. L’exemple de Troissereux permet d’apporter sa contribution aux dĂ©bats sur la formation des villages au cour du haut Moyen Âge

    The prognostic value of erythrocyte polyamine in the post-nephrectomy stratification of renal cell carcinoma specific mortality.

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    International audiencePURPOSE: The polyamines spermine and spermidine are ubiquitous polycationic structures which are essential for cell proliferation and differentiation. Circulating polyamines, spermine and spermidine, represent valuable prognostic markers in prostate cancer, acute leukemia and supratentorial malignant glioma. We tested whether spermine and spermidine could improve the prognostic ability of several established predictors of cancer specific mortality after partial or radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Testing was performed on 399 patients with stages T(1-4), N(0-2), M(0-1) renal cell carcinoma who were treated with radical or partial nephrectomy at a single institution between 1990 and 2007. Univariable and multivariable Cox regression models tested the prognostic ability of spermine and spermidine levels in cancer specific mortality predictions. Covariates consisted of TNM stage, Fuhrman grade, tumor size and symptom classification. Harrell's concordance index (c-index) quantified accuracy and 200 bootstrap resamples were used to correct for overfit bias. RESULTS: The 5-year cancer specific mortality-free survival of patients with spermine levels 3 or less, 3.1 to 8, 8.1 to 13 and greater than 13 nmol/8x10(9) erythrocytes was 88.8%, 75.8%, 40.2% and 21.8%, respectively. Similarly the 5-year cancer specific mortality-free survival of patients with spermidine levels 12 or less, 12.1 to 15, 15.1 to 21 and greater than 21 nmol/8x10(9) erythrocytes was 79.0%, 56.6%, 53.2% and 27.4%, respectively. On multivariable analyses addressing cancer specific mortality after surgery spermine (p = 0.007) and spermidine (p = 0.04) achieved independent predictor status. Consideration of spermine and spermidine also improved the accuracy of established cancer specific mortality predictors by 2.2% (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Spermine and spermidine may significantly improve the prognostic value of established cancer specific mortality predictors after partial or radical nephrectomy for all stages of renal cell carcinoma. Independent external validation of our findings is required