39 research outputs found

    Simple noise estimates and pseudoproxies for the last 21 000 years

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    Climate reconstructions are means to extract the signal from uncertain paleo-observations, so-called proxies. It is essential to evaluate these reconstructions to understand and quantify their uncertainties. Similarly, comparing climate simulations and proxies requires approaches to bridge the temporal and spatial differences between both and to address their specific uncertainties. One way to achieve these two goals is so-called pseudoproxies. These are surrogate proxy records within the virtual reality of a climate simulation. They in turn depend on an understanding of the uncertainties of the real proxies including the noise characteristics disturbing the original environmental signal. Common pseudoproxy approaches so far concentrate on data with high temporal resolution over the last approximately 2000 years. Here we provide a simple but flexible noise model for potentially low-resolution sedimentary climate proxies for temperature on millennial timescales, the code for calculating a set of pseudoproxies from a simulation, and one example of pseudoproxies. The noise model considers the influence of other environmental variables, a dependence on the climate state, a bias due to changing seasonality, modifications of the archive (for example bioturbation), potential sampling variability, and a measurement error. Model, code, and data allow us to develop new ways of comparing simulation data with proxies on long timescales. Code and data are available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBEHX (Bothe et al., 2018)

    Recombination at local aluminum-alloyed silicon solar cell base contacts by dynamic infrared lifetime mapping

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    The application of local aluminum (Al)-alloyed contacts to the p-type base of silicon solar cells reduces minority charge carrier recombination due to the formation of a local back surface field (LBSF). We study the recombination properties and formation of base contacts, which are realized by local laser ablation of a dielectric stack (laser contact opening - LCO) and subsequent full area screen printing of Al paste. Based on charge carrier lifetime measurements using the camera-based and calibration-free dynamic infrared lifetime mapping (ILM) technique, we determine contact recombination velocities at the contacts as low as Scont = 65 cm/s on 200 Ωcm float-zone silicon (FZ-Si) and corresponding reverse saturation current densities of J0,cont = 900 fA/cm2 on 1.5 Ωcm FZ-Si. As a result we show that local contact geometries with point contact radii r > 100 Όm and line contact widths a > 80 Όm are appropriate for lowest contact recombination employing local Al alloyed contacts. Furthermore, complete and high quality laser ablation of the dielectric stack is necessary for the formation of a sufficiently thick LBSF

    Ubiquitin activation is essential for schizont maturation in Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage development

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    Ubiquitylation is a common post translational modification of eukaryotic proteins and in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) overall ubiquitylation increases in the transition from intracellular schizont to extracellular merozoite stages in the asexual blood stage cycle. Here, we identify specific ubiquitylation sites of protein substrates in three intraerythrocytic parasite stages and extracellular merozoites; a total of 1464 sites in 546 proteins were identified (data available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD014998). 469 ubiquitylated proteins were identified in merozoites compared with only 160 in the preceding intracellular schizont stage, suggesting a large increase in protein ubiquitylation associated with merozoite maturation. Following merozoite invasion of erythrocytes, few ubiquitylated proteins were detected in the first intracellular ring stage but as parasites matured through trophozoite to schizont stages the apparent extent of ubiquitylation increased. We identified commonly used ubiquitylation motifs and groups of ubiquitylated proteins in specific areas of cellular function, for example merozoite pellicle proteins involved in erythrocyte invasion, exported proteins, and histones. To investigate the importance of ubiquitylation we screened ubiquitin pathway inhibitors in a parasite growth assay and identified the ubiquitin activating enzyme (UBA1 or E1) inhibitor MLN7243 (TAK-243) to be particularly effective. This small molecule was shown to be a potent inhibitor of recombinant PfUBA1, and a structural homology model of MLN7243 bound to the parasite enzyme highlights avenues for the development of P. falciparum specific inhibitors. We created a genetically modified parasite with a rapamycin-inducible functional deletion of uba1; addition of either MLN7243 or rapamycin to the recombinant parasite line resulted in the same phenotype, with parasite development blocked at the schizont stage. Nuclear division and formation of intracellular structures was interrupted. These results indicate that the intracellular target of MLN7243 is UBA1, and this activity is essential for the final differentiation of schizonts to merozoites

    Hypericin and pseudohypericin concentrations of a valuable medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum L. are enhanced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s-wort, Hypericaceae) is a valuable medicinal plant species cultivated for pharmaceutical purposes. Although the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of H. perforatum have been well studied, no data are available concerning the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on this important herb. A laboratory experiment was therefore conducted in order to test three AMF inocula on H. perforatum with a view to show whether AMF could influence plant vitality (biomass and photosynthetic activity) and the production of the most valuable secondary metabolites, namely anthraquinone derivatives (hypericin and pseudohypericin) as well as the prenylated phloroglucinol—hyperforin. The following treatments were prepared: (1) control—sterile soil without AMF inoculation, (2) Rhizophagus intraradices (syn. Glomus intraradices), (3) Funneliformis mosseae (syn. Glomus mosseae), and (4) an AMF Mix which contained: Funneliformis constrictum (syn. Glomus constrictum), Funneliformis geosporum (syn. Glomus geosporum), F. mosseae, and R. intraradices. The application of R. intraradices inoculum resulted in the highest mycorrhizal colonization, whereas the lowest values of mycorrhizal parameters were detected in the AMF Mix. There were no statistically significant differences in H. perforatum shoot mass in any of the treatments. However, we found AMF species specificity in the stimulation of H. perforatum photosynthetic activity and the production of secondary metabolites. Inoculation with the AMF Mix resulted in higher photosynthetic performance index (PItotal) values in comparison to all the other treatments. The plants inoculated with R. intraradices and the AMF Mix were characterized by a higher concentration of hypericin and pseudohypericin in the shoots. However, no differences in the content of these metabolites were detected after the application of F. mosseae. In the case of hyperforin, no significant differences were found between the control plants and those inoculated with any of the AMF applied. The enhanced content of anthraquinone derivatives and, at the same time, better plant vitality suggest that the improved production of these metabolites was a result of the positive effect of the applied AMF strains on H. perforatum. This could be due to improved mineral nutrition or to AMF-induced changes in the phytohormonal balance. Our results are promising from the biotechnological point of view, i.e. the future inoculation of H. perforatum with AMF in order to improve the quality of medicinal plant raw material obtained from cultivation

    Fragment-based design of p97-ligands: Identification of starting points for the development of protein-protein-interaction inhibitors targeting the SHP-binding site of the AAA+ ATPase p97

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    Die AAA+ ATPase p97 ist ein essenzielles Protein, das an einer Vielzahl zellulĂ€rer Prozesse beteiligt ist und eine SchlĂŒsselrolle in der Protein-Homöostase spielt. Die funktionale DiversitĂ€t von p97 beruht auf der Interaktion zahlreicher unterschiedlicher Kofaktoren, die vorwiegend an die N-DomĂ€ne von p97 binden. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung in der Regulierung diverser physiologischer und pathologischer Prozesse stellt p97 eine interessante Zielstruktur fĂŒr die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe dar, die insbesondere in der Krebstherapie von Bedeutung sein könnte. Bekannte p97-Inhibitoren greifen vor allem die ATPase-Funktion des Proteins an. Ein neuer pharmakologischer Ansatz stellt die Inhibierung der Kofaktorbindung an die N-DomĂ€ne dar. Ein solcher Protein-Protein-Interaktionsinhibitor wĂ€re nicht nur von therapeutischem Interesse, sondern hĂ€tte auch einen besonderen Nutzen fĂŒr die EntschlĂŒsselung molekularer und zellulĂ€rer Funktionen von p97-Kofaktoren. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein fragmentbasierter Ansatz fĂŒr die Identifizierung von chemischen Startstrukturen fĂŒr die Entwicklung eines Protein-Protein- Interaktionsinhibitors verfolgt. Als Zielstruktur wurde die SHP-Bindestelle in der N-DomĂ€ne gewĂ€hlt. Die Identifizierung von Liganden erfolgte sowohl durch computergestĂŒtzte Methoden (insbesondere virtuelles Screening und Molekulardynamik-Simulationen) als auch experimentell durch biophysikalische Techniken (wie Biolayer-Interferometrie, Röntgenstrukturanalyse und ligandbasierte NMR-Techniken). Die Grundlage des computerbasierten Designs stellte eine Analyse der bekannten Kristallstrukturen der p97-Komplexe mit den SHP-Motiven der Kofaktoren UFD1 und Derlin-1 dar. DarĂŒber hinaus dienten Molekulardynamik-Simulationen der Analyse der Wassereigenschaften innerhalb der SHP-Bindestelle. Darauf aufbauend wurden verschiedene Pharmakophormodelle entwickelt, die die Grundlage des im Anschluss durchgefĂŒhrten virtuellen Screenings und Dockings bildeten. Anhand der Ergebnisse von Molekulardynamik-Simulationen wurden zehn Verbindungen fĂŒr die experimentelle Validierung ausgewĂ€hlt. Hiervon konnten zwei Fragmente in STD-NMR- und Biolayer-Interferometrie-Experimenten als Liganden bestĂ€tigt werden. In einem parallel durchgefĂŒhrten biophysikalischen Fragmentscreening mittels Biolayer-Interferometrie wurden unter mehr als 650 Verbindungen 22 identifiziert, die an die N-DomĂ€ne binden. 15 dieser Fragmente wurden durch einen orthogonalen STD-NMR-Assay bestĂ€tigt. FĂŒnf dieser Verbindungen zeigten AffinitĂ€ten mit KD-Werten kleiner 500ÎŒMund gĂŒnstigen Ligandeffizienzen. Des Weiteren konnte die Bindungskinetik und AffinitĂ€t des in der Literatur als p97-Inhibitor berichteten Naturstoffes Xanthohumol bestimmt und eine Bindung an die N-DomĂ€ne bestĂ€tigt werden. Zur Identifizierung möglicher Bindestellen dieser fĂŒnf Fragmente wurden mixed-solvent Molekulardynamik-Simulationen durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese ergaben, dass alle Verbindungen die SHP-Bindestelle in der N-DomĂ€ne adressieren. Die Regionen fielen mit hot spots der Kofaktorwechselwirkungen zusammen und stellen somit mögliche Ankerpunkte fĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung dar. FĂŒr zwei Fragmente konnten die postulierten Bindestellen mittels Röntgenstrukturanalyse bzw. STD-NMR-Messungen an p97-Alanin-Mutanten bestĂ€tigt werden. Die erhaltene Röntgenstruktur ist die erste p97-Struktur, die ein gebundenes Fragment an der N-DomĂ€ne zeigt.The AAA+ATPase p97 is an essential protein involved in numerous cellular pro-cesses and plays a key role in multiple aspects of protein homeostasis. Its functio-nal diversity is mediated through the interaction with a large number of distinctcofactors binding to the N-domain of p97. Due to its significant role in regulatinga variety of physiological responses, p97 has emerged as a potential therapeu-tic target. A small molecule inhibiting the cofactor binding would be importantto dissect the molecular and cellular functions of p97 cofactors, thus helping tounravel their specific role in controlling p97 activity. Such compounds may alsoopen routes to new cancer therapies.In this work, a fragment-based approach was pursued for the identification ofchemical starting points for the development of a protein-protein interaction in-hibitor addressing the SHP binding site. Therefore, computer-assisted methods,such as virtual screenings and molecular dynamics simulations, as well as bio-physical techniques including biolayer interferometry, X-ray crystallography, andligand-based NMR techniques, were applied.The computer-based design started with an analysis of the known p97 crystalstructures in complex with the SHP motifs of cofactors UFD1 and Derlin-1. In ad-dition, molecular dynamics simulations were used to analyze the water proper-ties within the SHP binding site. Based on these results, pharmacophore modelswere developed and utilized in the subsequent virtual screening and dockingprocess. With the help of molecular dynamics simulations, ten compounds wereselected for experimental validation. Two of these were confirmed as ligands inSTD-NMR and biolayer interferometry experiments.In parallel, a biophysical fragment screening of over 650 compounds was perfor-med using the biolayer interferometry method. This led to the identification of22 compounds binding to the N-domain. Fifteen of these fragments were con-firmed in an orthogonal STD-NMR assay. Five compounds showed affinities withKDvalues below 500 ÎŒM and favourable ligand efficiencies for further optimiza-tion. Furthermore, the binding kinetics and affinity of xanthohumol, a naturalproduct reported in the literature as a p97 inhibitor, were determined and bin-ding to the N-domain was confirmed. xToidentify possible binding sites of these five fragments, mixed solvent mole-cular dynamics simulations were performed. These revealed that all compoundsaddress the SHP binding site in the N-domain. The regions coincide with hotspots of the cofactor binding and, thus, represent potential anchor points for aprotein-protein interaction inhibitor. For two fragments, the postulated bindingsites were confirmed by X-ray crystallography and STD-NMR measurements onp97 alanine mutants, respectively. The X-ray structure obtained is the first p97structure showing a fragment bound to the N-domain

    Sensory processing in the infrared pathway of the western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox

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    Inconsistencies between observed, reconstructed, and simulated precipitation indices for England since the year 1650 CE

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    These are supplementary materials for Bothe, O., Wagner, S., and Zorita, E.: Inconsistencies between observed, reconstructed, and simulated precipitation over the British Isles during the last 350 years, Clim. Past Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2018-27, in review, 2018