74 research outputs found

    Resonant origin for density fluctuations deep within the Sun: helioseismology and magneto-gravity waves

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    We analyze helioseismic waves near the solar equator in the presence of magnetic fields deep within the solar radiative zone. We find that reasonable magnetic fields can significantly alter the shapes of the wave profiles for helioseismic g-modes. They can do so because the existence of density gradients allows g-modes to resonantly excite Alfven waves, causing mode energy to be funnelled along magnetic field lines, away from the solar equatorial plane. The resulting wave forms show comparatively sharp spikes in the density profile at radii where these resonances take place. We estimate how big these waves might be in the Sun, and perform a first search for observable consequences. We find the density excursions at the resonances to be too narrow to be ruled out by present-day analyses of p-wave helioseismic spectra, even if their amplitudes were to be larger than a few percent. (In contrast it has been shown in (Burgess et al. 2002) that such density excursions could affect solar neutrino fluxes in an important way.) Because solar p-waves are not strongly influenced by radiative-zone magnetic fields, standard analyses of helioseismic data should not be significantly altered. The influence of the magnetic field on the g-mode frequency spectrum could be used to probe sufficiently large radiative-zone magnetic fields should solar g-modes ever be definitively observed. Our results would have stronger implications if overstable solar g-modes should prove to have very large amplitudes, as has sometimes been argued.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; misprints correcte

    Uterine papillary serous and clear cell carcinomas predict for poorer survival compared to grade 3 endometrioid corpus cancers

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    To compare the survival of women with uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) and clear cell carcinoma (CC) to those with grade 3 endometrioid uterine carcinoma (G3EC). Demographic, pathologic, treatment, and survival information were obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program from 1988 to 2001. Data were analysed using Kaplan–Meier and Cox proportional hazards regression methods. Of 4180 women, 1473 had UPSC, 391 had CC, and 2316 had G3EC cancers. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma and CC patients were older (median age: 70 years and 68 vs 66 years, respectively; P<0.0001) and more likely to be black compared to G3EC (15 and 12% vs 7%; P<0.0001). A higher proportion of UPSC and CC patients had stage III–IV disease compared to G3EC patients (52 and 36% vs 29%; P<0.0001). Uterine papillary serous carcinoma, CC and G3EC patients represent 10, 3, and 15% of endometrial cancers but account for 39, 8, and 27% of cancer deaths, respectively. The 5-year disease-specific survivals for women with UPSC, CC and G3EC were 55, 68, and 77%, respectively (P<0.0001). The survival differences between UPSC, CC and G3EC persist after controlling for stage I–II (74, 82, and 86%; P<0.0001) and stage III–IV disease (33, 40, and 54; P<0.0001). On multivariate analysis, more favourable histology (G3EC), younger age, and earlier stage were independent predictors of improved survival. Women with UPSC and CC of the uterus have a significantly poorer prognosis compared to those with G3EC. These findings should be considered in the counselling, treating and designing of future trials for these high-risk patients

    Молекулярно-генетичні характеристики аденовірусів, як збудників гострих діарей у жителів півдня України

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    The etiological role of adenoviruses as causative agents of acute diarrhea in the southern region of Ukraine was studied. Adenovirus DNA was detected in 10.61±1.05 % of clinical stool samples. Serotypes of two gene groups: C and F were identified during genotyping and sequencing of genetic material of detected adenovirus isolates. Gene group F (HAdV41), proves their role in the occurrence of this infectious pathology. HAdV41 isolates had a significant advantage 75.0±15.31 % and had a pronounced genetic heterogeneity, showed similarities with serotypes circulating in previous years in different regions of the world: Sweden (1978), Japan (2003, 2006), South Africa (2009–2014), Iraq (2016). The obtained results allowed to establish the geographical origin of circulating adenoviruses, as well as to predict a further increase in the intensity of the epidemic process of adenoviral infections in southern Ukraine.Вивчали етіологічну роль аденовірусів, як збудників гострі діареї у жителів південного регіону України. ДНК аденовірусів виявлені в клінічних зразках стільця хворих у 10,61±1,05 % випадків. При генотипуванні та секвенуванні генетичного матеріалу виявлених ізолятів ідентифіковано серотипи двох геногруп: С та F. У 25,0±11,69 % хворих на гостру діарею у вигляді моноінфекції було виявлено аденовіруси геногрупи С: HAdV2 і HadV5, що поряд з серотипами геногрупи F (HAdV41), доводить їх роль у виникненні даної інфекційної патології. Ізоляти HAdV41 зустрічались із суттєвою перевагою 75,0±15,31 % та мали виражену генетичну гетерогенність, виявляючи подібність з серотипами, що циркулювали у попередні роки у різних регіонах світу: в Швеції (1978 р.), Японії (2003, 2006 рр.), Південній Африці (2009–2014 рр.), в Іраку (2016 р.). Отримані результати дозволили встановити географічне походження циркулюючих аденовірусів, прогнозувати подальше зростання інтенсивності епідемічного процесу аденовірусної інфекцій на півдні України

    The prognostic significance of tumour-stroma ratio in endometrial carcinoma.

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    Background: High tumour stromal content has been found to predict adverse clinical outcome in a range of epithelial tumours. The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic significance of tumour-stroma ratio (TSR) in endometrial adenocarcinomas and investigate its relationship with other clinicopathological parameters. Methods: Clinicopathological and 5-year follow-up data were obtained for a retrospective series of endometrial adenocarcinoma patients (n = 400). TSR was measured using a morphometric approach (point counting) on digitised histologic hysterectomy specimens. Inter-observer agreement was determined using Cohen’s Kappa statistic. TSR cut-offs were optimised using log-rank functions and prognostic significance of TSR on overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were determined using Cox Proportional Hazards regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier curves generated. Associations of TSR with other clinicopathological parameters were determined using non-parametric tests followed by Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Results: TSR as a continuous variable associated with worse OS (P = 0.034) in univariable Cox-regression analysis. Using the optimal cut-off TSR value of 1.3, TSR-high (i.e. low stroma) was associated with worse OS (HR = 2.51; 95 % CI = 1.22–5.12; P = 0.021) and DFS (HR = 2.19; 95 % CI = 1.15–4.17; P = 0.017) in univariable analysis. However, TSR did not have independent prognostic significance in multivariable analysis, when adjusted for known prognostic variables. A highly significant association was found between TSR and tumour grade (P < 0.001) and lymphovascular space invasion (P < 0.001), both of which had independent prognostic significance in this study population. Conclusions: Low tumour stromal content associates with both poor outcome and with other adverse prognostic indicators in endometrial cancer, although it is not independently prognostic. These findings contrast with studies on many - although not all - cancers and suggest that the biology of tumour-stroma interactions may differ amongst cancer types

    Biosynthesis of statins by Aspergillus terreus and Penicillium solitum

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    Statyny są związkami chemicznymi stosowanymi jako leki obniżające poziom cholesterolu we krwi. W pracy zbadano katalog cząsteczek typu statynowego produkowanych przez dwa szczepy grzybów strzępkowych w płynnym podłożu zawierającym sacharozę i ekstrakt drożdżowy. W hodowli Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542 wykryto monakolinę L i kwas mewinolinowy (lowastatynę), natomiast w hodowli Penicillium solitum CBS 288.36 zidentyfikowano metabolity ML-236C i ML-236A. Profil metaboliczny P. solitum w płynnej pożywce różnił się od profilu opisanego wcześniej dla hodowli na podłożu agarowym.Statins are chemical compounds used as cholesterol-lowering drugs. In this study, a catalogue of statin-type molecules produced by two strains of filamentous fungi in liquid media containing saccharose and yeast extract was investigated. Monacolin L and mevinolinic acid (lovastatin) were detected in the Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542 culture, while in the culture of Penicillium solitum CBS 288.36 the metabolites ML-236C and ML-236A were identified. The metabolic profile of P. solitum in the liquid culture was different from the profile described previously for agar-based cultures

    Bioinformatic analysis of the predicted (+)-geodin biosynthesis gene cluster of Aspergillus terreus

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    Klaster genów odpowiedzialny za biosyntezę (+)-geodyny u Aspergillus terreus został zidentyfikowany i opisany przy użyciu narzędzi bioinformatyki. Ustalono hipotetyczne funkcje produktów kodowanych przez geny klastra opisano je w kontekście proponowanego szlaku biosyntezy (+)-geodyny. Analiza pokazała, że metody in silico używane w analizie szlaków metabolicznych mogą dostarczyć cennych wskazówek dla badaczy, ale powinny być wspierane danymi eksperymentalnymi.The cluster of genes responsible for (+)-geodin biosynthesis in Aspergillus terreus was identified and described using the tools of bioinformatics. Hypothetical functions of proteins encoded by the cluster genes were established and discussed in the context of proposed (+)-gcodin biosynthesis pathway. The analysis showed that in silico methods employed in metabolic pathway analysis may provide useful guidelines for researchers, but should be always supported with experimental data