239 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of Privatization

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    This paper provides an empirical analysis of the role of political institutions in privatization. The empirical testing relies on a new political database with continuous and time-varying measures of the political-institutional setting, and of the partisan orientation of the executive. Using panel data for 21 industrialized countries in the 1977-1999 period, first we show the likelihood and the extent of privatization to be strongly and positively associated with majoritarian political systems. On the contrary, in consensual democracies privatization seems delayed by a “war of attrition” among different political actors. Second, we identify a partisan determinant of the choice of the privatization method. As theory predicts, right wing executives with re-election concerns design privatization to spread share ownership among domestic voters.Political institutions, Partisan politics, Privatization

    Resonant translational, breathing and twisting modes of pinned transverse magnetic domain walls

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    We study translational, breathing and twisting resonant modes of transverse magnetic domain walls pinned at notches in ferromagnetic nanostrips. We demonstrate that a mode's sensitivity to notches depends strongly on the characteristics of that particular resonance. For example, the frequencies of modes involving lateral motion of the wall are the ones which are most sensitive to changes in the notch intrusion depth (especially at the narrower, more strongly confined end of the domain wall). In contrast, the breathing mode, whose dynamics are concentrated away from the notches is relatively insensitive to changes in the notches' sizes. We also demonstrate a sharp drop in the translational mode's frequency towards zero when approaching depinning which is found, using a harmonic oscillator model, to be consistent with a reduction in the local slope of the notch-induced confining potential at its edge.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, additional data and analysi

    TOUGH2Viewer tutorial

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    TOUGH2Viewer is a Java program capable of displaying unstructured (Voronoi complying) grids, locally refined and structured grids (complying with the MESHMAKER iTOUGH2 format). In particular, TOUGH2Viewer allows to navigate through a 3D grid compatible with the iTOUGH2 data file format and see: (1) the thermodynamic variables and the material (namely, petrophysical properties) of each block; (2) maps of isovalues (2D) of all thermodynamic variables; (3) isosurfaces (3D) of all thermodynamic variables; (4) flows of mass and heat between blocks; (5) spatial profiles of thermodynamic variables, of a selected set of blocks, long a Cartesian directions; (6) time plot of thermodynamic variables of a selected block. All commands to manage a 3D visualization (zooming, pan, rotations) are CAD complying

    Reservoir computing with the frequency, phase and amplitude of spin-torque nano-oscillators

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    Spin-torque nano-oscillators can emulate neurons at the nanoscale. Recent works show that the non-linearity of their oscillation amplitude can be leveraged to achieve waveform classification for an input signal encoded in the amplitude of the input voltage. Here we show that the frequency and the phase of the oscillator can also be used to recognize waveforms. For this purpose, we phase-lock the oscillator to the input waveform, which carries information in its modulated frequency. In this way we considerably decrease amplitude, phase and frequency noise. We show that this method allows classifying sine and square waveforms with an accuracy above 99% when decoding the output from the oscillator amplitude, phase or frequency. We find that recognition rates are directly related to the noise and non-linearity of each variable. These results prove that spin-torque nano-oscillators offer an interesting platform to implement different computing schemes leveraging their rich dynamical features

    Robust Algorithms for the Analysis of Fast-Field-Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dispersion Curves

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    Fast-Field-Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry is a powerful, non-destructive magnetic resonance technique that enables, among other things, the investigation of slow molecular dynamics at low magnetic field intensities. FFC-NMR relaxometry measurements provide insight into molecular motion across various timescales within a single experiment. This study focuses on a model-free approach, representing the NMRD profile R1 as a linear combination of Lorentzian functions, thereby addressing the challenges of fitting data within an ill-conditioned linear least-squares framework. Tackling this problem, we present a comprehensive review and experimental validation of three regularization approaches to implement the model-free approach to analyzing NMRD profiles. These include (1) MF-UPen, utilizing locally adapted L2 regularization; (2) MF-L1, based on L1 penalties; and (3) a hybrid approach combining locally adapted L2 and global L1 penalties. Each method’s regularization parameters are determined automatically according to the Balancing and Uniform Penalty principles. Our contributions include the implementation and experimental validation of the MF-UPen and MF-MUPen algorithms, and the development of a “dispersion analysis” technique to assess the existence range of the estimated parameters. The objective of this work is to delineate the variance in fit quality and correlation time distribution yielded by each algorithm, thus broadening the set of software tools for the analysis of sample structures in FFC-NMR studies. The findings underline the efficacy and applicability of these algorithms in the analysis of NMRD profiles from samples representing different potential scenarios

    Halyomorpha halys in Emilia, prime risposte dal monitoraggio

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    OSSERVAZIONI IN CAMPO CONDOTTE NEL 2013-2014. Dopo la sua comparsa in Italia, accertata nel 2012, Ăš stato attivato nella zona di ritrovamento un programma di monitoraggio teso a studiare l’insetto e il suo comportamento nell’ambiente. La specie desta maggiori preoccupazioni nel settore frutticolo, dove il danno rappresentato dalle tipiche deformazioni puĂČ giungere al 100

    Non-hermiticity in spintronics: oscillation death in coupled spintronic nano-oscillators through emerging exceptional points

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    The emergence of exceptional points (EPs) in the parameter space of a non-hermitian (2D) eigenvalue problem is studied in a general sense in mathematical physics, and has in the last decade successively reached the scope of experiments. In coupled systems, it gives rise to unique physical phenomena, which enable novel approaches for the development of seminal types of highly sensitive sensors. Here, we demonstrate at room temperature the emergence of EPs in coupled spintronic nanoscale oscillators and hence exploit the system's non-hermiticity. We describe the observation of amplitude death of self-oscillations and other complex dynamics, and develop a linearized non-hermitian model of the coupled spintronic system, which properly describes the main experimental features. Interestingly, these spintronic nanoscale oscillators are deployment-ready in different applicational technologies, such as field, current or rotation sensors, radiofrequeny and wireless devices and, more recently, novel neuromorphic hardware solutions. Their unique and versatile properties, notably their large nonlinear behavior, open up unprecedented perspectives in experiments as well as in theory on the physics of exceptional points. Furthermore, the exploitation of EPs in spintronics devises a new paradigm for ultrasensitive nanoscale sensors and the implementation of complex dynamics in the framework of non-conventional computing

    Generation of coherent spin-wave modes in Yttrium Iron Garnet microdiscs by spin-orbit torque

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    Spin-orbit effects [1-4] have the potential of radically changing the field of spintronics by allowing transfer of spin angular momentum to a whole new class of materials. In a seminal letter to Nature [5], Kajiwara et al. showed that by depositing Platinum (Pt, a normal metal) on top of a 1.3 Ό\mum thick Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG, a magnetic insulator), one could effectively transfer spin angular momentum through the interface between these two different materials. The outstanding feature was the detection of auto-oscillation of the YIG when enough dc current was passed in the Pt. This finding has created a great excitement in the community for two reasons: first, one could control electronically the damping of insulators, which can offer improved properties compared to metals, and here YIG has the lowest damping known in nature; second, the damping compensation could be achieved on very large objects, a particularly relevant point for the field of magnonics [6,7] whose aim is to use spin-waves as carriers of information. However, the degree of coherence of the observed auto-oscillations has not been addressed in ref. [5]. In this work, we emphasize the key role of quasi-degenerate spin-wave modes, which increase the threshold current. This requires to reduce both the thickness and lateral size in order to reach full damping compensation [8] , and we show clear evidence of coherent spin-orbit torque induced auto-oscillation in micron-sized YIG discs of thickness 20 nm
