841 research outputs found

    Toxicidade do inseticida Organofosforado Abate® em alevinos de Poecilia reticulata.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2011-04-09T19:01:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 7FINALIZADOv5n23a01361.pdf: 365343 bytes, checksum: 0b87260ac17945400ce7ade7dc2de29c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-26201

    An engineering insight into the relationship of selective cytoskeletal impairment and biomechanics of HeLa cells

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    It is widely accepted that the pathological state of cells is characterized by a modification of mechanical properties, affecting cellular shape and viscoelasticity as well as adhesion behaviour and motility. Thus, assessing these parameters could represent an interesting tool to monitor disease development and progression, but also the effects of drug treatments. Since biomechanical properties of cells are strongly related to cytoskeletal architecture, in this work we extensively studied the effects of selective impairments of actin microfilaments and microtubules on HeLa cells through force-deformation curves and stress relaxation tests with atomic force microscopy. Confocal microscopy was also used to display the effects of the used drugs on the cytoskeletal structure. In synergy with the aforementioned methods, stress relaxation data were used to assess the storage and loss moduli, as a complementary way to describe the influence of cytoskeletal components on cellular viscoelasticity. Our results indicate that F-actin and microtubules play a complementary role in the cell stiffness and viscoelasticity, and both are fundamental for the adhesion properties. Our data support also the application of biomechanics as a tool to study diseases and their treatments

    Microbial assisted phytodepuration for water reclamation: Environmental benefits and threats

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    Climate changes push for water reuse as a priority to counteract water scarcity and minimize water footprint especially in agriculture, one of the highest water consuming human activities. Phytodepuration is indicated as a promising technology for water reclamation, also in the light of its economic and ecological sustainability, and the use of specific bacterial inocula for microbial assisted phytodepuration has been proposed as a further advance for its implementation. Here we provided an overview on the selection and use of plant growth promoting bacteria in Constructed Wetland (CW) systems, showing their advantages in terms of plant growth support and pollutant degradation abilities. Moreover, CWs are also proposed for the removal of emerging organic pollutants like antibiotics from urban wastewaters. We focused on this issue, still debated in the literature, revealing the necessity to deepen the knowledge on the antibiotic resistance spread into the environment in relation to treated wastewater release and reuse. In addition, given the presence in the plant system of microhabitats (e.g. rhizosphere) that are hot spot for Horizontal Gene Transfer, we highlighted the importance of gene exchange to understand if these events can promote the diffusion of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic resistant bacteria, possibly entering in the food production chain when treated wastewater is used for irrigation. Ideally, this new knowledge will lead to improve the design of phytodepuration systems to maximize the quality and safety of the treated effluents in compliance with the 'One Health' concept

    Adubação NPK do algodoeiro adensado de safrinha no cerrado de Goiás.

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    Esse estudo foi realizado com dois experimentos de campo conduzidos na safra 2009/10 com o objetivo de definir doses e níveis de adubação NPK para o algodão de safrinha adensado, nas condições do Cerrado de Goiás. O primeiro experimento constou de um fatorial NPK 3x3x3+3 resultante da combinação de três doses de nitrogênio (40, 80 e 120 kg/ha de N), três doses de fósforo (30, 60 e 90 kg/ha de P2O5) e três doses de potássio (40, 80 e 120 kg/ha de K2O), mais três tratamentos adicionais (0-0-0 N-P-K, 60-60-60 N-P-K, e 60-0-60 N-P-K). O outro experimento foi disposto no campo em esquema fatorial 4x4: 4 densidades de plantas (8, 10, 12 e 14 plantas por metro) e 4 níveis de adubação NPK (50, 75, 100 e 125 % da adubação recomendada para a cultura de algodão safra). Utilizou-se delineamento de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. Concluiu-se que: 1) Não há influência de população de plantas na resposta da cultura à adubação; e 2) A adubação de manutenção com 60 a 90 kg/ha de N, 60 kg/ha de P2O5 e 60 kg/ha de K2O garantem produtividade de até 3.500 kg/ha de algodão em caroço, em solos com a fertilidade corrigida

    Novel PCB-degrading Rhodococcus strains able to promote plant growth for assisted rhizoremediation of historically polluted soils

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    Extended soil contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) represents a global environmental issue that can hardly be addressed with the conventional remediation treatments. Rhizoremediation is a sustainable alternative, exploiting plants to stimulate in situ the degradative bacterial communities naturally occurring in historically polluted areas. This approach can be enhanced by the use of bacterial strains that combine PCB degradation potential with the ability to promote plant and root development. With this aim, we established a collection of aerobic bacteria isolated from the soil of the highly PCB-polluted site \u201cSIN Brescia-Caffaro\u201d (Italy) biostimulated by the plant Phalaris arundinacea. The strains, selected on biphenyl and plant secondary metabolites provided as unique carbon source, were largely dominated by Actinobacteria and a significant number showed traits of interest for remediation, harbouring genes homologous to bphA, involved in the PCB oxidation pathway, and displaying 2,3-catechol dioxygenase activity and emulsification properties. Several strains also showed the potential to alleviate plant stress through 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxyl-ate deaminase activity. In particular, we identified three Rhodococcus strains able to degrade in vitro several PCB congeners and to promote lateral root emergence in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana in vivo. In addition, these strains showed the capacity to colonize the root system and to increase the plant biomass in PCB contaminated soil, making them ideal candidates to sustain microbial-assisted PCB rhizoremediation through a bioaugmentation approach

    Resposta do algodoeiro à adubação fosfatada comparando fertilizante de liberação lenta com fertilizante convencional.

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    A baixa recuperação pelas culturas do fósforo (P) aplicado nas adubações tem despertado o interesse por produtos que anunciam o aumento da eficiência de fertilizantes convencionais. Esse estudo foi realizado em condições de campo na safra 2008/2009, em área de Latossolo Vermelho argiloso com teor médio de P, no município de Perolândia, Goiás. O objetivo foi comparar fertilizante fosfatado revestido com polímero de liberação lenta com fertilizante fosfatado convencional para a adubação do algodoeiro. O experimento foi constituído por 9 tratamentos resultantes da combinação de duas fontes (MAP e MAP recoberto com polímero de liberação lenta) e quatro doses de fósforo (40, 80, 120 e 160 kg/ha de P2O5), além de um tratamento testemunha (sem fósforo). Os tratamentos foram dispostos no campo em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, utilizando-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. No primeiro ano de avaliação, o fertilizante fosfatado revestido com polímero de liberação lenta apresentou desempenho semelhante ao fertilizante fosfatado convencional na adubação do algodoeiro cultivado em solo argiloso com 5 mg/dm3 de P. Independente das fontes usadas, houve resposta em produtividade de algodão em caroço até a dose de 115 kg/ha de P2O5

    Dry matter decomposition of cover crops in no-tillage cotton system.

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    No-tillage cotton systems require soil coverage with cover crop residue for a longer time due to the late cycle of cotton. However, decomposition rates may vary between cover crops, and the adjustment of models to describe it is critical to no-tillage cotton management. Two non-linear regression models, exponential (EM) and Michaelis-Menten (MM), were adjusted to dry matter decomposition of cover crops in a cotton no-tillage system, in Brazil. Three field trials were performed in 2012 for the cover crops Urochloa ruziziensis (brachiaria), Pennisetum glaucum (pearl millet), and Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea). Samples of cover crop were collected at 20, 50, 70, 110, 140, and 170 days after sowing upland cotton to measure dry matter decomposition. MM showed better adjustment than EM for all cover crops. The estimations of half-life parameters were different between the cover crops, suggesting that each cover crop has its own rate of decomposition. For pearl millet, brachiaria, and pigeon pea, the half-life estimation by exponential model was over the MM in 9, 12, and 12 days

    Espécies vegetais de cobertura do solo para o sistema de semeadura direta do algodoeiro.

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    Basic magnetic properties of magnetoactive elastomers of mixed content

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    The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the polymer composites that belong to a class of magnetoactive elastomers with mixed magnetic content (MAEs-MC) are presented. The fundamental distinction of such composites from ordinary magnetoactive elastomers is that the magnetic filler of MAEs-MC comprises both magnetically soft (MS) particles of size 3–5 µm and magnetically hard (MH) particles whose size is an order of magnitude greater. Since MH particles of the magnetic filler are mixed into a composition in a non-magnetised state, this can ensure preparation of samples with fairly homogeneous distribution of the filler. The 'initiation' process of a synthesised MAE-MC is done by its magnetisation in a strong magnetic field that imparts to the sample unique magnetic and mechanical properties. In this work, it is shown that the presence of MS particles around larger MH particles, firstly, causes an augmentation of magnetic moments, which the MH particles acquire during initiation, and secondly, enhances the magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetisation of MAEs-MC. These magnetic parameters are evaluated on the basis of the macroscopic magnetostatics from the experimental data of spatial scanning of the field over the space around MAEs-MC made in the shape of a spheroid. A set of samples with a fixed MH and varying MS volume contents that are initiated in two different fields, is used. The developed mesoscopic model of magnetic interactions between the MH and MS phases is able to explain the experimentally observed dependencies of the magnetic parameters on the concentration of the MS phase. The problem is solved numerically under the assumption that the elastic matrix of MAEs-MC is rigid, i.e. the mutual displacements of the particles are negligible. The model helps to elucidate the interaction of the magnetic phases and to establish that the MS phase plays thereby a dual role. On the one hand, the MS phase screens out the field acting inside MH particles, and on the other hand, it forms mesoscopic magnetic bridges between adjoining MH particles, which in turn enhance their field. The combined interplay of these contributions defines the resulting material properties of MAEs-MC on the macroscopic scale