128 research outputs found

    Impacts des insecticides agricoles sur les abeilles, les pollinisateurs et la biodiversité

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    International audienc

    An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 1: new molecules, metabolism, fate, and transport

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    With the exponential number of published data on neonicotinoids and fipronil during the last decade, an updated review of literature has been conducted in three parts. The present part focuses on gaps of knowledge that have been addressed after publication of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides in 2015. More specifically, new data on the mode of action and metabolism of neonicotinoids and fipronil, and their toxicity to invertebrates and vertebrates, were obtained. We included the newly detected synergistic effects and/or interactions of these systemic insecticides with other insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, adjuvants, honeybee viruses, and parasites of honeybees. New studies have also investigated the contamination of all environmental compartments (air and dust, soil, water, sediments, and plants) as well as bees and apicultural products, food and beverages, and the exposure of invertebrates and vertebrates to such contaminants. Finally, we review new publications on remediation of neonicotinoids and fipronil, especially in water systems. Conclusions of the previous WIA in 2015 are reinforced; neonicotinoids and fipronil represent a major threat worldwide for biodiversity, ecosystems, and all the services the latter provide

    An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 3: alternatives to systemic insecticides

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    International audience; Over-reliance on pesticides for pest control is inflicting serious damage to the environmental services that underpin agricultural productivity. The widespread use of systemic insecticides, neonicotinoids, and the phenylpyrazole fipronil in particular is assessed here in terms of their actual use in pest management, effects on crop yields, and the development of pest resistance to these compounds in many crops after two decades of usage. Resistance can only be overcome in the longterm by implementing methods that are not exclusively based on synthetic pesticides. A diverse range of pest management tactics is already available, all of which can achieve efficient pest control below the economic injury level while maintaining the productivity of the crops. A novel insurance method against crop failure is shown here as an example of alternative methods that can protect farmer's crops and their livelihoods without having to use insecticides. Finally, some concluding remarks about the need for a new framework for a truly sustainable agriculture that relies mainly on natural ecosystem services instead of chemicals are included; this reinforcing the previous WIA conclusions (van der Sluijs et al. Environ Sci Pollut Res 22:148-154, 2015)

    An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 2: impacts on organisms and ecosystems

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    New information on the lethal and sublethal effects of neonicotinoids and fipronil on organisms is presented in this review, complementing the previous WIA in 2015. The high toxicity of these systemic insecticides to invertebrates has been confirmed and expanded to include more species and compounds. Most of the recent research has focused on bees and the sublethal and ecological impacts these insecticides have on pollinators. Toxic effects on other invertebrate taxa also covered predatory and parasitoid natural enemies and aquatic arthropods. Little, while not much new information has been gathered on soil organisms. The impact on marine coastal ecosystems is still largely uncharted. The chronic lethality of neonicotinoids to insects and crustaceans, and the strengthened evidence that these chemicals also impair the immune system and reproduction, highlights the dangers of this particular insecticidal classneonicotinoids and fipronil. , withContinued large scale – mostly prophylactic – use of these persistent organochlorine pesticides has the potential to greatly decreasecompletely eliminate populations of arthropods in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Sublethal effects on fish, reptiles, frogs, birds and mammals are also reported, showing a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of these insecticides in vertebrates, and their deleterious impacts on growth, reproduction and neurobehaviour of most of the species tested. This review concludes with a summary of impacts on the ecosystem services and functioning, particularly on pollination, soil biota and aquatic invertebrate communities, thus reinforcing the previous WIA conclusions (van der Sluijs et al. 2015)

    Table ronde : Pesticides et impacts sur l’abeille

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    National audienc

    Mise à jour de l’évaluation mondiale intégrée sur les insecticides systémiques néonicotinoïdes. Un cas d’école emblématique

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    National audienceAvec le nombre toujours croissant de publications ces dernières années sur le sujet, une mise à jour [1] de notre évaluation de 2015 [2] est présentée. Cette mise à jour donne une image compréhensive des impacts de tels pesticides sur l’ensemble des écosystèmes, dont les pollinisateurs tout particulièrement. Les relations de cause à effets sont démontrées.La contamination généralisée de tous les compartiments de l’environnement apparaît critique (air, sols, eau, plantes) [1]. Les effets induits concernent divers groupes taxonomiques, dont les invertébrés terrestres et aquatiques en premiers [3]. Par effets directs ou en cascade, les impacts atteignent aujourd’hui les vertébrés comme les amphibiens et les oiseaux. De plus en plus de données alertent également sur les effets sur les mammifères et la santé publique. L’équilibre des écosystèmes est rompu et la nécessité d’appliquer les alternatives agronomiques est impérative et urgente [4].Cet exemple de faillite des processus d’homologation, suivi d’une vingtaine d’année de dégâts avant que des décisions de retrait ne soient prises, montre toute l’importance de l’abeille comme indicateur de problèmes environnementaux à l’échelle planétaire.L’effondrement de la biodiversité est de gravité égale aux dérèglements climatiques, et l’abeille est au cœur du diagnostic et des solutions pour la biodiversité et pour notre santé.Références :1. Giorio C, Anton Safer A, Sánchez-Bayo F, Tapparo A, Lentola A, Girolami V, Bijleveld van Lexmond M, Bonmatin J-M, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2017. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-017-0394-32. Van der Sluijs JP, Amaral-Rogers V, Belzunces LP, Bonmatin JM et al., Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2015.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-014-3229-53. Pisa L, Goulson D, Yan EC, Gibbons D, Sánchez-Bayo F, Mitchell E, van der Sluijs J, MacQuarrie C, Giorio C, Long EY, McField M, Bijleveld van Lexmond M, Bonmatin JM, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2017.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-017-0341-34. Furlan L, Pozzebon A, Duso C, Simon-Delso N, Sánchez-Bayo F, Bijleveld van Lexmond M, Bonmatin JM, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2018. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11356-017-1052-

    To bee or not to bee, l’exemple édifiant des insecticides néonicotinoïdes

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    International audienceTravaillant sur les pesticides neurotoxiques depuis plus de 20 ans, d’années en années, en tirant le fil des découvertes successives, le constat est devenu alarmant. Tout a commencé en 1995 lorsque les apiculteurs ont sonné les premières alertes : les abeilles disparaissaient.Aujourd’hui, le désastre est devenu mondial. Il concerne tout l’environnement (sols, plantes, eaux, air), la pyramide de biodiversité et notre santé. D’abord, sans abeilles, pas de pollinisation. Et sans pollinisation, ni fleurs ni cultures. L’ensemble des pollinisateurs de la planète s’effondre, à commencer par les abeilles (mellifères et sauvages) et les papillons. Sur le banc des accusés se trouvent des insecticidesneurotoxiques. Les nouveaux insecticides néonicotinoïdes sont responsables, preuves scientifiques à l’appui, de dégâts sur l’ensemble de la biodiversité, des services écosystémiques, de la chaîne alimentaire et sur notre santé. Tous les indicateurs sont au rouge. Il est urgent d’agir vraiment