77 research outputs found

    Comparison of Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) Proteins of Chianina and Holstein Cattle Breed Milk Samples Through Proteomics Methods

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    Identification of proteins involved in milk production is important to understand the biology of lactation. Many studies have advanced the understanding of mammary function and milk secretion, but the critical molecular mechanisms implicated in milk fat secretion is still incomplete. Milk Fat Globules are secreted from the apical surface of the mammary cells, surrounded by a thin membrane bilayer, the Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM), formed by proteins which have been suggested to be holesterolemia-lowering factors, inhibitors of cancer cell growth, vitamin binders, bactericidal, suppressors of multiple sclerosis. Using a proteomic approach, we compared MFGM from milk samples of individuals belonging to two different cattle breeds, Chianina and Holstein,representative of selection for milk and meat traits, respectively. We were able to isolate some of the major MFGM proteins in the examined samples and to identify differences between the protein fractions of the two breeds. We detected differences in the amount of proteins linked to mammary gland development and lipid droplets formation, as well as host defence mechanisms. We have shown that proteomics is a suitable, unbiased method for the study of milk fractions proteins and a powerful tool in nutritional genomics

    Missense mutations of NCPAG gene affect calving ease in Piedmontese cattle: preliminary evidences

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    A previous genome scan on 323 Piedmontese individuals identified a cluster of 13 SNPs significantly associated with direct calving ease and centred on the three genes LAP3, LCORL and NCAPG in chromosome 6. We investigated missense mutations affecting calving ease in Piedmontese cattle in the identified region using sequences from the whole exome in eight Piedmontese individuals chosen from the extremes of the direct calving ease estimated breeding values distribution for this trait. The present study has not found missense variants in LAP3 and LCORL, while two were identified on NCAPG by three different variant calling methods. Other gene candidates in the same region harbour missense mutations, such as PPM1K, PKD2, SPP1 and MEPE, but both SIFT analysis and chi-square test on frequency of alleles make us hypothesise that NCAPG is the single gene responsible for the trait variation. The two SNPs on NCAPG are in complete linkage disequilibrium in our samples; therefore, further investigations are needed in order to discriminate their role

    Transcriptomic analysis of two sheep breeds during lactation, using a new custom microarray platform

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    We aim at understanding the genomic influence on milk quality and synthesis by comparing two sheep breeds using sheep-specific microarray technology. From sheep ESTs deposited at NCBI we generated a chip carrying about 22,000 non-redundant features in quadruplicate, achieving very good technical outcomes. Oligos were in situ generated on chip using the Combimatrix equipment. We analysed the mammary transcriptome in individuals of two sheep breeds at two lactation stages, to identify genes controlling milk production and metabolic pathways in which these genes are involved. With |FC|>1.4, and p-value≤0.05, 142 and 14 genes resulted differentially expressed in stages 01 and 02, respectively

    Cytogenetic characterization of the genome of mealybug Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Coccoidea)

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    Summary Mealybugs although being agriculturally harmful insects have been very poorly studied by modern cytogenetics techniques, and no cytotaxonomic criteria to distinguish between closely related species is available yet. In the mealybug Planococcus citri (2n=10) male and female individuals are both diploid, however in males, at the stage of blastula, the haploid chromosome set of paternal origin becomes heterochromatic, even though its complete inertia has been considered questionable. Here we present data on the cytogenetic characterization of the chromosomes of Planococcus citri. We report on (i) the fluorescence karyotype (D287/170), which to our knowledge is the first banded karyotype of a mealybug to be described; (ii) the chromosome localization of constitutive heterochromatin; (iii) the chromosome localization of rDNA sites; (iv) NORs activity. Our data also show, for the first time, that in the heterochromatic chromosome set ribosomal genes are still active

    Analisis Penggunaan Google Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Mahasiswa S-1 Angkatan 2013-2014 Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    The goal of this study to analyzes influence esay to use Google, usefulness Google, and use Google towards bachelor degree performence. The sample in this study is university student bachelor degree on 2013-2014 level at Administration Business Department, Administration Scients Faculty in Brawijaya University. They are 164 university students using questionnaire as the instrument of this research. The result showed that easy of use Google has positif significant towards usefulness Google, esay of use Google has positif significance towards use Google, usefulness Google has positif significant towards use Google, use Google has positif significant toward university students\u27 performance. Further showed that use Google that used by university student. The used of Goggle is considered easy and useful, in implementation. This research showed a high assessment is easy and usefull Google on its use towards university student\u27s performence

    The Natural Compound Climacostol as a Prodrug Strategy Based on pH Activation for Efficient Delivery of Cytotoxic Small Agents

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    We synthesized and characterized MOMO as a new small molecule analog of the cytotoxic natural product climacostol efficiently activated in mild extracellular acidosis. The synthesis of MOMO had a key step in the Wittig olefination for the construction of the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkenyl moiety of climacostol. The possibility of obtaining the target (Z)-alkenyl MOMO derivative in very good yield and without presence of the less active (E)-diastereomer was favored from the methoxymethyl ether (MOM)-protecting group of hydroxyl functions in aromatic ring of climacostol aldehyde intermediate. Of interest, the easy removal of MOM-protecting group in a weakly acidic environment allowed us to obtain a great quantity of climacostol in biologically active (Z)-configuration. Results obtained in free-living ciliates that share the same micro-environment of the climacostol natural producer Climacostomum virens demonstrated that MOMO is well-tolerated in a physiological environment, while its cytotoxicity is rapidly and efficiently triggered at pH 6.3. In addition, the cytostatic vs. cytotoxic effects of acidified-MOMO can be modulated in a dose-dependent manner. In mouse melanoma cells, MOMO displayed a marked pH-sensitivity since its cytotoxic and apoptotic effects become evident only in mild extracellular acidosis. Data also suggested MOMO being preferentially activated in the unique extra-acidic microenvironment that characterizes tumoural cells. Finally, the use of the model organism Drosophila melanogaster fed with an acidic diet supported the efficient activity and oral delivery of MOMOmolecule in vivo.MOMO affected oviposition ofmating adults and larvae eclosion. Reduced survival of flies was due to lethality during the larval stages while emerging larvae retained their ability to develop into adults. Interestingly, the gut of eclosed larvae exhibited an extended damage (cell death by apoptosis) and the brain tissue was also affected (reduced mitosis), demonstrating that orally activated MOMO efficiently targets different tissues of the developing fly. These results provided a proof-of-concept study on the pHdependence of MOMO effects. In this respect, MOM-protection emerges as a potential prodrug strategy which deserves to be further investigated for the generation of efficient pH-sensitive small organic molecules as pharmacologically active cytotoxic compounds

    A Tool for Sheep Product Quality: Custom Microarrays from Public Databases

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    Milk and dairy products are an essential food and an economic resource in many countries. Milk component synthesis and secretion by the mammary gland involve expression of a large number of genes whose nutritional regulation remains poorly defined. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the genomic influence on milk quality and synthesis by comparing two sheep breeds with different milking attitude (Sarda and Gentile di Puglia) using sheep-specific microarray technology. From sheep ESTs deposited at NCBI, we have generated the first annotated microarray developed for sheep with a coverage of most of the genome