95 research outputs found

    Sistema sensor autònom sense fils de baix consum per a aplicacions industrials

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    The objective off this job is the design and development of a wireless low power weather station for installation in a marina. To do this, we will use the features of the latest microcontrollers from Microchip that have the XLP (Extreme Low Power) technology that reduces power consumption when the system goes into Sleep mode. The programming language will be C and using the programming style FSM (Finite State Machine) that makes the most efficient, easier to debug and helps the organization flow programming code. We chosen 5 sensor for the measurement of the parameters most common in a weather station: DHT22 ( humidity and temperature ) , BMP180 (pressure and temperature) , DS18B20 ( water temperature ) , anemometer ( wind speed ) and wind vane ( direction of the wind ) . For system power supply we will use a one battery recharged by a solar panel. The communication between the weather station and the PC will be via bluetooth technology and the graphical interface data reception is created with LabView. The project will be implemented in small phases fully functional, one for each sensor, performing simulations with Proteus tool and real tests of the sensors with the development board DM240313 equipped with PIC18F87K22 microcontroller. Upon completion of all phases, they will be unified in a common project by adding a wireless connection, implementing the low power mode of the microcontroller and creating a graphical monitoring interface with LabView

    Ecodiseño de una marquesina fotovoltaica para fomentar el uso de las energías renovables en empresas

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    In 2020, more and more companies are seeking to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the policies they implement.  In this regard, the promotion of the use of renewable energies stands out in several articles: goals number 7, 11 and 13, fundamentally. In addition, an increasing number of companies are seeking to provide benefits to their employees, beyond their salaries, through different initiatives, obtaining advantages such as increased productivity. It is in this context of SDGs and initiatives for employees that the market for the photovoltaic canopy proposed in this work is framed. It will be marketed to companies whose interest is to provide their employees with a place where they can leave their vehicles charging during the working day while also promoting the sustainability of the company itself. The canopy is strategically designed to facilitate its transport and installation, reducing its environmental impact in both phases. All the work is framed under the eco-design methodology, editing the materials and geometry to provide added value and reduce its environmental impact.En 2020 cada vez son más las empresas que buscan fomentar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibles (ODS) en las políticas que implantan.  En este sentido, destaca la promoción del uso de energías renovables en varios artículos: objetivos número 7, 11 y 13, fundamentalmente. Además, cada vez es mayor el número de empresas que buscan dar beneficios a sus empleados, más allá del sueldo, a través de distintas iniciativas obteniendo con ellas ventajas como un aumento en la productividad. Y es en este contexto de ODS y de iniciativas para los empleados, es el que se enmarca el mercado de la marquesina fotovoltaica que se plantea en este trabajo. El marketing de la misma se realizará a empresas cuyo interés sea proporcionar a sus empleados un lugar donde poder dejar sus vehículos cargando durante el día laboral fomentando, además, la sostenibilidad de la propia empresa. La marquesina se diseña estratégicamente para facilitar su transporte e instalación, reduciendo su impacto medioambiental en ambas fases. Todo el trabajo se encuadra bajo la metodología del ecodiseño, editando los materiales y la geometría para que aporten un valor añadido y reduzcan su impacto medioambiental

    Analysis of acoustic noise spectrum of domestic induction heating systems controlled by phase-accumulator modulators

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    In domestic induction heating (IH) applications, the modulation technique applied to the inverter has a high influence on the acoustic noise emissions. These noise emissions must be avoided since they may be audible and annoying to the final user. This paper analyzes the acoustic noise emissions that appear when a series half-bridge resonant inverter is operated with a phase-accumulator based modulator. This modulation technique has the advantage of operating in the frequency domain, and it is compared with the classical PWM modulator regarding the audible noise generated. The frequencies of the tones in the acoustic noise spectrum are theoretically calculated from the parameters of the phaseaccumulator based modulator. The SFM (Spectral Flatness Measure) is used to quantify the number of cases in which tones are generated by the modulation. Two techniques are applied to the phase-accumulator based modulator and their effect is tested. Theoretical results are experimentally verified

    Second Look After Retromuscular Repair With the Combination of Absorbable and Permanent Meshes.

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the macroscopic features and histologic details observed after retromuscular abdominal wall reconstruction with the combination of an absorbable mesh and a permanent mesh. Methods: We have considered all patients that underwent abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) with the combination of two meshes that required to be reoperated for any reason. Data was extracted from a prospective multicenter study from 2012 to 2019.Macroscopic evaluation of parietal adhesions and histological analysis were carried out in this group of patients. Results: Among 466 patients with AWR, we identified 26 patients that underwent a reoperation after abdominal wall reconstruction using absorbable and permanent mesh. In eight patients, the reoperation was related to abdominal wall issues: four patients were reoperated due to recurrence, three patients required an operation for chronic mesh infection and one patient for symptomatic bulging. A miscellanea of pathologies was the cause for reoperation in 18 patients. During the second surgical procedures made after a minimum of 3 months follow-up, a fibrous tissue between the permanent mesh covering and protecting the peritoneum was identified. This fibrous tissue facilitated blunt dissection between the permanent material and the peritoneum. Samples of this tissue were obtained for histological examination. No case of severe adhesions to the abdominal wall was seen. In four cases, the reoperation could be carried out laparoscopically with minimal adhesions from the previous procedure. Conclusions: The reoperations performed after the combination of absorbable and permanent meshes have shown that the absorbable mesh acts as a protective barrier and is replaced by a fibrous layer rich in collagen. In the cases requiring new hernia repair, the layer between peritoneum and permanent mesh could be dissected without special difficulty. Few intraperitoneal adhesions to the abdominal wall were observed, mainly filmy, easy to detach, facilitating reoperations.post-print6360 K

    Artefactos escénicos para arte urbano

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    El proyecto de innovación docente plantea logros académicos con compromiso social, dado el interés formativo en el estudiante, y el impacto en el artista callejero y en el usuario del espacio público escénico. El objetivo general es indagar la relación entre la creación artística y su utilidad social a través de artefactos modulares construidos en papel, desde el pliegue y la envoltura

    Modeling of Magnesium Intercalation into Chevrel Phase Mo6S8: Report on Improved Cell Design

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    A good understanding of the limiting processes in rechargeable magnesium batteries is key to develop novel high-capacity/high-voltage cathode materials. Thereby, the performance of magnesium-ion batteries can strongly depend on the morphology of the intercalation cathode. Moreover, high mass loadings are essential for commercialization. In this work the influence of different mass loadings are studied in addition to the impact of the particle size distribution of the active material. Therefore, a detailed continuum model is developed, which is able to describe the complex intercalation of magnesium into a Chevrel phase (CP) cathode. The model considers the thermodynamics, kinetics and interplay of the two energetically different intercalation sites of Mo6S8, which results from its unique crystal structure, as well as the impact of the desolvation on the electrochemical reactions and possible ion agglomeration. Ideal combinations of mass loading and electrolyte concentration as well as the desired CP particle size are determined for the state-of-the-art magnesium tetrakis(hexafluoroisopropyloxy)borate Mg[B(hfip)4]2 electrolyte

    A genetic approach reveals different modes of action of prefoldins

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    [EN] The prefoldin complex (PFDc) was identified in humans as a co-chaperone of the cytosolic chaperonin T-COMPLEX PROTEIN RING COMPLEX (TRiC)/CHAPERONIN CONTAINING TCP-1 (CCT). PFDc is conserved in eukaryotes and is composed of subunits PFD1-6, and PFDc-TRiC/CCT folds actin and tubulins. PFDs also participate in a wide range of cellular processes, both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, and their malfunction causes developmental alterations and disease in animals and altered growth and environmental responses in yeast and plants. Genetic analyses in yeast indicate that not all of their functions require the canonical complex. The lack of systematic genetic analyses in plants and animals, however, makes it difficult to discern whether PFDs participate in a process as the canonical complex or in alternative configurations, which is necessary to understand their mode of action. To tackle this question, and on the premise that the canonical complex cannot be formed if one subunit is missing, we generated an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant deficient in the six PFDs and compared various growth and environmental responses with those of the individual mutants. In this way, we demonstrate that the PFDc is required for seed germination, to delay flowering, or to respond to high salt stress or low temperature, whereas at least two PFDs redundantly attenuate the response to osmotic stress. A coexpression analysis of differentially expressed genes in the sextuple mutant identified several transcription factors, including ABA INSENSITIVE 5 (ABI5) and PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 4, acting downstream of PFDs. Furthermore, the transcriptomic analysis allowed assigning additional roles for PFDs, for instance, in response to higher temperature.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and "Agencia Estatal de Investigacion"/FEDER/European Union (BIO2013-43184-P to D.A. and M.A.B., and BIO2016-79133-P and PID2019-109925GB-I00 to D.A.). N.B.-T., A.S.-M., and A.P.-A. were recipient of Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BES-2014-068868), EU MSCA-IF (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016746396) and Ministerio de Educacion (FPU17/05186) fellowships, respectively.Esteve-Bruna, D.; Blanco-Touriñán, N.; Serrano-Mislata, A.; Esquinas-Ariza, RM.; Resentini, F.; Forment Millet, JJ.; Carrasco-López, C.... (2021). A genetic approach reveals different modes of action of prefoldins. Plant Physiology. 187(3):1534-1550. https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab348S15341550187