38 research outputs found

    Beschäftigungssituation von Teilnehmern an AFG-finanzierter beruflicher Weiterbildung (The employment situation of participants in further vocational training financed under the Employment Promotion Act)

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    "Of the German participants in full-time further vocational training supported under the Employment Promotion Act who had completed their further vocational training in the third quar-ter of 1993, 50.7% in the old Federal states and 43.1% in the new Federal states (i.e. the states of the former GDR) were in employment covered by the social security system on 31.3.1994 (i.e. on average 7 1 /2 months later). 31.1% in the old Federal states and 44.6% in the new states were drawing unemployment benefit or unemployment assistance. The results are based on a special study on the basis of the participation and employment statistics of the Federal Employment Services. There are considerable divergences from this total average value according to the new and old Federal states and according to the Employment Service Regions, according to full-time and part-time training measures, according to women and men, according to the type of training measure and the individual characteristics of the participants. The full-time training measures of refresher training and retraining, which make up the lion's share of further vocational training with regard to both the actual figures and the amount of financial investment, were subjected to a more detailed - also multivariate - statistical analysis. The results are discussed in connection with the peculiarities of further vocational training which is sponsored under the Employment Promotion Act." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Weiterbildung, Absolventen, Erwerbsquote, Teilnehmerstruktur, Arbeitslosigkeit, berufliche Reintegration, Geschlechterverteilung, regionale Verteilung, Umschulung, Absolventen

    Statistische Explorationen im Vorfeld der Eingliederungsbilanz : Monitoring der Verbleibsquote (Statistical explorations in the run-up to the employment status : monitoring the destination rate)

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    "In the decree on the integration balance it is proposed, with regard to the balances to be drawn up, to use the first two report years, 1998 and 1999, above all to gather experience. In 1999 for the first time the integration balances planned in accordance with §11 of the Social Code Volume III begin in earnest. The following article deals with the problems that have to be solved in association with this, which have to be dealt with for the monitoring under the headwords 'establishing comparability' and 'order of standing of the employment offices' as well as 'competition between the employment offices'. In this respect first experiences are announced. The Federal Employment Service has developed a new procedure in which statistics are presented in table form. Here it is shown that it will not be possible to carry out an adequate analysis on the basis of the tables. In order to establish the comparability demanded in the law, as a trial older individual data on the employment status of participants in further vocational training is consulted, aggregated for the employment office areas and subjected to a multiple regression analysis. The procedure and the results obtained with the specific data suggest that the procedure could be suitable for the analyses to be dealt with in the context of the integration balance. Only on the basis of the real data, which will be available in the late summer of this year, will it become clear to what extent the procedure will prove itself when the real thing happens and to what extent the attempt succeeds to use it to provide a basis for the competition between the employment offices which is desired by the legislator." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Eingliederungsbilanz, Monitoring, Wirkungsforschung, beruflicher Verbleib, regionaler Vergleich, Weiterbildungsförderung - Erfolgskontrolle, statistische Methode, Arbeitslose

    Regionale Mobilität von Erwerbspersonen : Bedingungen regionaler Mobilität und Seßhaftigkeit

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    "Daten über die Binnenwanderungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zeigen einen ständigen Rückgang während der letzten 20 Jahre. Dieser ist besonders deutlich bei Umzügen von Erwerbspersonen über die Grenzen der Bundesländer. 1981 wurden im Vergleich zum Jahr 1961 nur noch 57% dieser, zum größeren Teil wohl arbeitsplatzbezogenen Wanderungen, bezogen auf 1000 Einwohner, registriert. Ergebnisse von IAB-Untersuchungen verschiedener Jahre und von Untersuchungen anderer Institutionen lassen erkennen, daß der Ortswechsel, weil damit für den einzelnen monetäre aber auch soziale Kosten entstehen, im Zusammenhang mit der Suche eine Arbeitsplatzes eher als 'ultima ratio' angesehen wird. ... Umfragen bei Arbeitslosen und bei Erwerbstätigen zeigen, daß die Bereitschaft zu einem Umzug im Zusammenhang mit der Arbeitsaufnahme unter mehreren anderen Möglichkeiten erst an letzter Stelle steht. Aber auch die Erwartung der Bevölkerung an den Arbeitslosen, zur Aufnahme einer Arbeit zu einem solchen Schritt bereit zu sein, ist nur sehr wenig ausgeprägt. Dennoch kann die arbeitsplatzorientierte Wanderung als ein individuell genützes Mittel des Ausgleichs von Ungleichgewichten am Arbeitsmarkt angesehen werden. ... Eine 'Mobilitätspolitik', die eine Verstärkung von Anreizen zur regionalen Mobilität für den einzelnen Arbeitnehmer oder eine Verstärkung des Mobilitätsdrucks auf ihn ins Auge faßte, kann - solange überall der Hauptanreiz zur regionalen Mobilität, nämlich der freie Arbeitsplatz, fehlt - keinen vertretbaren Erfolg haben." (Autorenreferat)regionale Mobilität - Determinanten, Erwerbsbevölkerung, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Abbruch der Erstausbildung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation (Premature termination of initial training in occupational rehabilitation)

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    "In order to be able possibly to influence the occurrence of premature termination by means of appropriate and timely measures, it is necessary among other things to have a knowledge of the type of terminations occurring and of the conditions which can lead to a trainee dropping out of a training course. This necessitates, in addition to theoretical clarifications and empirical studies of the phenomenology of the occurrence of premature terminations, also statistical analyses of cases of premature termination of initial training in occupational rehabilitation. Thus in the general planning of the study, two types of study were designed: differentiating studies on the cause-related analysis of premature terminations of training and on the development of an appropriate methodical instrument, as well as orientation studies on the analysis of data from the 'statistics on occupational rehabilitation from the Federal Employment Service' (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit) (Reha statistics St 37). The contents of this article deal with the results of the orientation study. It concerns the analysis of the following issues: the proportion of young people who dropped out of initial vocational training which commenced in 1991 (drop-out rate); distribution of the drop-outs over the period of the vocational training; ratio of drop-outs occurring in the first year of training; differences in the occurrence of dropping out of training in the first year of training for the years 1991 to 1994; differences between the old and new federal states in these years; connection between cases of dropping out of training and features of the rehabilitation statistics. With the drop-out rate a distinction is made between 'gross drop-out rate' and 'net drop-out rate'. For the evaluation of the relevant data from the rehabilitation statistics both descriptive and multivariate statistical procedures were used. However, as the results reveal, definite statements can only be obtained with regard to some of the subjects or questions. This leads to the assumption discussed from various points of view, that at the level of orientation studies it is hardly possible to obtain systematic statements regarding the conditions, main emphasis, unusual features or peculiarities of the termination of the training course. Thus to begin with differentiating studies should be favoured in particular for reasons connected with establishing criteria which have sufficient reliability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Abbrecher, Jugendliche, Ausbildungsabbrecher - Quote, Ausbildungsabbruch - Determinanten, regionaler Vergleich, Westdeutschland, Ostdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Konzepte und Probleme der Evaluation aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik am Beispiel Fortbildung und Umschulung

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    "In einer Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirkungsforschung wird versucht, den Fundus vorliegender Erkenntnisse einer kritischen Zwischenbilanz zu unterziehen. Dabei werden zunächst die gesellschaftlichen und gesetzlichen Ausgangsbedingungen, die theoretischen Implikationen und vor allem die methodischen Probleme der Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen zur Evaluation aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik beleuchtet. In diesem Kontext sind die in ihren wesentlichen Hauptlinien dargestellten Ergebnisse denn auch weniger an Sachaussagen orientiert als vielmehr an der Verdeutlichung der jeweiligen Problemlage. Aus diesem Hintergrund werden Erfordernisse sowie erste Ansätze einer konzeptionellen Neubesinnung skizziert und unter Einbezug alternativer Überlegungen erörtert." (Autorenreferat)Wirkungsforschung - Konzeption, Weiterbildung - Erfolgskontrolle, Umschulung - Erfolgskontrolle, beruflicher Verbleib

    New LpL_p Affine Isoperimetric Inequalities

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    We prove new LpL_p affine isoperimetric inequalities for all p[,1) p \in [-\infty,1). We establish, for all pnp\neq -n, a duality formula which shows that LpL_p affine surface area of a convex body KK equals Ln2pL_\frac{n^2}{p} affine surface area of the polar body KK^\circ

    An integrated approach to pathogen transmission via environmental reservoirs

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    To mitigate the effects of zoonotic diseases on human and animal populations, it is critical to understand what factors alter transmission dynamics. Here we assess the risk of exposure to lethal concentrations of the anthrax bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, for grazing animals in a natural system over time through different transmission mechanisms. We follow pathogen concentrations at anthrax carcass sites and waterholes for five years and estimate infection risk as a function of grass, soil or water intake, age of carcass sites, and the exposure required for a lethal infection. Grazing, not drinking, seems the dominant transmission route, and transmission is more probable from grazing at carcass sites 1–2 years of age. Unlike most studies of virulent pathogens that are conducted under controlled conditions for extrapolation to real situations, we evaluate exposure risk under field conditions to estimate the probability of a lethal dose, showing that not all reservoirs with detectable pathogens are significant transmission pathways

    Assessment of microRNA-related SNP effects in the 3′ untranslated region of the IL22RA2 risk locus in multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract Recent large-scale association studies have identified over 100 MS risk loci. One of these MS risk variants is single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs17066096, located 14 kb downstream of IL22RA2. IL22RA2 represents a compelling MS candidate gene due to the role of IL-22 in autoimmunity; however, rs17066096 does not map into any known functional element. We assessed whether rs17066096 or a nearby proxy SNP may exert pathogenic effects by affecting microRNA-to-mRNA binding and thus IL22RA2 expression using comprehensive in silico predictions, in vitro reporter assays, and genotyping experiments in 6,722 individuals. In silico screening identified two predicted microRNA binding sites in the 3′UTR of IL22RA2 (for hsa-miR-2278 and hsamiR-411-5p) encompassing a SNP (rs28366) in moderate linkage disequilibrium with rs17066096 (r 2 =0.4). The binding of both microRNAs to the IL22RA2 3′UTR was confirmed in vitro, but their binding affinities were not significantly affected by rs28366. Association analyses revealed significant Electronic supplementary material The online version of this articl

    Arbeitslosigkeit nach Massnahmen der beruflichen Weiterbildung niedriger als erwartet ein aktuelles Diskussionspapier (neue Bundeslaender)

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