2,055 research outputs found

    Parasitismo de cría del Tordo Renegrido <i>Molothrus bonariensis</i> sobre <i>Agelaius ruficapillus</i>, en el este de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Brood Parasitism of the Shiny Cowbird, <i>Molothrus bonariensis</i> on Chestnut-Capped Blackbird <i>Agelaius ruficapillus</i>, In Eastern Buenos Aires Province, Information about brood parasitism of the Shiny Cowbird on the Chestnutcapped Blackbird in E Argentina is very scarce. Data of 29 active nests of this blackbird from 3 localities of E Buenos Aires province (Bernal, Hudson and General Lavalle), were studied. Ten of these nests were parasitized (34.5 %), suggesting a considerable incidence of parasitism and adverse effect over the Chestnut-capped Blackbird brood was detected through a lower number of host eggs and chicks in parasitized nests. A revision of available data is presented and results are compared with those from other authors

    An Algorithm to Enumerate Grid Signed Permutation Classes

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm that enumerates a certain class of signed permutations, referred to as grid signed permutation classes. In the case of permutations, the corresponding grid classes are of interest because they are equivalent to the permutation classes that can be enumerated by polynomials. Furthermore, we apply our results to genome rearrangements and establish that the number of signed permutations with fixed prefix reversal and reversal distance is given by polynomials that can be computed by our algorithm.Comment: Corrected typos and extended some explanations. Final version included in the Proceedings of The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC 202

    Parasitismo de cría del Tordo Renegrido Molothrus bonariensis sobre Agelaius ruficapillus, en el este de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Brood Parasitism of the Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis on Chestnut-Capped Blackbird Agelaius ruficapillus, In Eastern Buenos Aires Province, Information about brood parasitism of the Shiny Cowbird on the Chestnutcapped Blackbird in E Argentina is very scarce. Data of 29 active nests of this blackbird from 3 localities of E Buenos Aires province (Bernal, Hudson and General Lavalle), were studied. Ten of these nests were parasitized (34.5 %), suggesting a considerable incidence of parasitism and adverse effect over the Chestnut-capped Blackbird brood was detected through a lower number of host eggs and chicks in parasitized nests. A revision of available data is presented and results are compared with those from other authors

    Fuzzy inference system for the identification of over-the-counter (otc) drugs.

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    This document shows the details of the implementation of a fuzzy inference system, for the identification of four over-the-counter drugs (Naproxen, Calcium Carbonate, Muvett and Winadol), by using a Raman Spectroscopy, which output is the characterization of the substance. Data obtained from Raman Spectroscopy are modeled with Matlab®- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

    Density, habitat use, and opportunities for conservation of shorebirds in rice fields in southeastern South America

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    Worldwide, shorebirds are a major component of rice field avian biodiversity. Rice fields in Argentina and southern Brazil hold large numbers of shorebirds and have been recognized as important areas for migrating or wintering species. To develop successful shorebird conservation strategies, we need to understand geographic variation in shorebird abundance in rice fields as well as how bird use of rice fields varies over the rice growing cycle. We surveyed shorebirds in November and December in the main rice cultivation regions of interior Argentina and coastal Brazil to estimate shorebird densities using distance sampling and to evaluate densities of individual species at different stages of the rice cycle. We detected >7,000 shorebirds in rice fields, including a variety of Nearctic migrants. Density of resident species was generally low and showed no differences between countries. Densities of migratory taxa were higher and varied between Brazil and Argentina. Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) and Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) were the most common species in Argentina, but White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) and American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) were the most common species in Brazil. Pectoral Sandpiper density was nearly 8 times higher in Argentina than in Brazil; densities of the White-rumped Sandpiper and American Golden-Plover were 33 and 25 times higher in Brazil than in Argentina. Shorebird density was highest in lightly flooded paddies with rice height 7000 aves playeras en los campos de arroz, incluyendo una variedad de migrantes neárticos. La densidad de las especies residentes fue generalmente baja y no mostró diferencias entre países. Las densidades de los taxa migratorios fueron mayores y variaron entre Brasil y Argentina. Calidris melanotos y Tringa flavipes fueron las especies más comunes en Argentina, mientras que Calidris fuscicollis y Pluvialis dominica fueron las especies más comunes en Brasil. La densidad de C. melanotos fue casi ocho veces mayor en Argentina que en Brasil; las densidades de C. fuscicollis y P. dominica fueron 33 y 25 veces mayores en Brasil que en Argentina. La densidad de aves playeras fue mayor en los arrozales someramente inundados con alturas de arroz < 20 cm. Nuestros resultados confirman la importancia de los arrozales para las aves playeras en el sudeste de América del Sur y enfatizan la necesidad de evaluaciones detalladas para asegurar que las prácticas de manejo de los agroquímicos y del agua son amigables con la biodiversidad.Instituto de Recursos BiológicosFil: Dias, Rafael Antunes. Universidade Católica de Pelotas. Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação; BrasilFil: Blanco, Daniel E. Fundación Humedales/Wetlands International; ArgentinaFil: Goijman, Andrea Paula. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Zaccagnini, Maria Elena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; Argentin

    Effectiveness of different disinfection techniques of the root canal in the elimination of a multi-species biofilm

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different root canal disinfection techniques in the elimination of a multi-species biofilm from inside the root canal. Fifty mandibular first premolars were used in the present study, standardized to 11mm of root length, and instrumented with a reciprocation system Reciproc, (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany) to a #50. Longitudinally sectioned halves of the roots were obtained and washed with NaOCl 4%, EDTA 17% and 5% sodium thiosulfate, and sterilized by autoclaving for 15 minutes at 121°C. A multi-species biofilm broth was developed with three strains of bacteria under laboratory conditions: Enterococcus faecalis ATTC 29212, Eikenella corrodens ATTC 23834, Streptococcus anginosus ATTC 33397. Roots were autoclaved and transferred to the broth for 4 days and then were subjected to either disinfection with sodium hypochlorite 4% and XP-endo Finisher (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) or chlorhexidine 2% with and without activation with XP-endo Finisher (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland). The evaluations of the biofilm elimination showed results that indicate that the 4% sodium hypochlorite group with positive pressure irrigation presented significant differences with the group that had irrigation with sodium hypochlorite activated with XP-endo Finisher and the chlorhexidine groups to 2% (P<0.05). Chlorhexidine 2% activated with the XP-endo Finisher does not exert elimination or improved cleaning effect on the multi-species biofilm. Activation of sodium hypochlorite 4% improved the elimination of the multi-species biofilm

    Immunoreactivity of the 14F7 Mab Raised against N-Glycolyl GM3 Ganglioside in Epithelial Malignant Tumors from Digestive System

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    The limited expression of N-Glycolyl GM3 (NeuGcGM3) ganglioside in human normal tissues, as well as its presence in melanoma and breast carcinoma using 14F7 Mab (anti-NeuGcGM3), has been previously reported. In this work we evaluated for the first time the 14F7 Mab immunorecognition in some digestive system tumors. Immunohistochemical assays were made with 14F7, followed by anti-mouse biotinylated antibody and ABC/HRP system in normal and pathological human tissues were made. No immunoreaction was evidenced in normal tissues. The reactivity of 14F7 was detected in all adenocarcinomas of the stomach (12/12), colon (12/12), and pancreas (11/11). A finely granular immunorecognition in esophageal tumors (5/15), epidermoid carcinoma of the rectum (5/7), and basaloid carcinoma (4/5) of the latter as well as in hepatocellular carcinoma (13/14) was also observed. Our results are in agreement with the assumption that NeuGcGM3 ganglioside may be considered as target for passive and active immunotherapy in digestive system malignancies expressing this molecule

    Clinical value of diascopy and other non-invasive techniques on differential diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations: a systematic review

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    Objectives: To determine the diagnostic value of diascopy and other non-invasive clinical aids on recent differential diagnosis algorithms of oral mucosal pigmentations affecting subjects of any age. Material and Methods: Data Sources: this systematic review was conducted by searching PubMed, Scopus, Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source and the Cochrane Library (2000-2015); Study Selection: two reviewers independently selected all types of English articles describing differential diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations and checked the references of finally included papers; Data Extraction: one reviewer performed the data extraction and quality assessment based on previously defined fields while the other reviewer checked their validity. Results: Data Synthesis: eight narrative reviews and one single case report met the inclusion criteria. Diascopy was used on six algorithms (66.67%) and X-ray was included once (11.11%; 44.44% with text mentions); these were considered helpful tools in the diagnosis of intravascular and exogenous pigmentations, respectively. Surface rubbing was described once in the text (11.11%). Conclusions: Diascopy was the most applied method followed by X-ray and surface rubbing. The limited scope of these procedures only makes them useful when a positive result is obtained, turning biopsy into the most recommended technique when diagnosis cannot be established on clinical grounds alon

    A decomposition-based uncertainty quantification approach for environmental impacts of aviation technology and operation

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    As a measure to manage the climate impact of aviation, significant enhancements to aviation technologies and operations are necessary. When assessing these enhancements and their respective impacts on the climate, it is important that we also quantify the associated uncertainties. This is important to support an effective decision and policymaking process. However, such quantification of uncertainty is challenging, especially in a complex system that comprises multiple interacting components. The uncertainty quantification task can quickly become computationally intractable and cumbersome for one individual or group to manage. Recognizing the challenge of quantifying uncertainty in multicomponent systems, we utilize a divide-and-conquer approach, inspired by the decomposition-based approaches used in multidisciplinary analysis and optimization. Specifically, we perform uncertainty analysis and global sensitivity analysis of our multicomponent aviation system in a decomposition-based manner. In this work, we demonstrate how to handle a high-dimensional multicomponent interface using sensitivity-based dimension reduction and a novel importance sampling method. Our results demonstrate that the decomposition-based uncertainty quantification approach can effectively quantify the uncertainty of a feed-forward multicomponent system for which the component models are housed in different locations and owned by different groups. Keywords: Aviation Environmental Impact; Decomposition; Global Sensitivity Analysis; Uncertainty Quantificatio