138 research outputs found

    Controlling ang checking system

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    Obsahem této práce je návrh, zhotovení a odzkoušení modulu se spínáním 4 nezávislých spotřebičů. Spínání může být řízeno automaticky podle měřené teploty a času nebo manuálně. Součástí zařízení je i měření spotřeby. V závěru je uvedeno zhodnocení a získané poznatky či problémy při realizaci modulu.This bachelor thesis focuses on the design, fabrication and testing module 4 independent switching appliances. Switching can be controlled automatically according to the ambient temperature and time, or manually. The equipment includes the measurement of power. In the conclusion, the evaluation and lessons learned or problems in the implementation of module.


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    The theoretical aspects and benefits of Anesthesia Information Management Systems (AIMS) are well described in literature already. However, certain existing systems are much less researched with most studies concentrating on the USA. In our study, we sent a link to a Google questionnaire to 403 European hospitals and to 382 European authors who have published in the last five years in a renowned anesthesiologic journal. We have not researched AIMS usage in the Czech Republic, as we have covered this topic in our previous study. We asked responders for information on their AIMS (name, vendor, length of use) or to explain why they do not use one. We received 14 responses from the hospitals and 38 responses directly from the authors. With the return rate of 8 per cent we evaluated our study in qualitative terms. Among the 23 respondents that use AIMS there are 12 different systems including two self-developed systems. A number of these systems have not previously been mentioned in the literature. Most use their systems longer than five years but only three respondents are implementing AIMS at the moment. Both these findings show slower progress in this field than in the USA. Typical reasons given from non-users were financial constraints and inability to recognize benefits of AIMS. Incompatibilities with other medical software and medical devices in use were also mentioned. The heterogeneity of AIMS used and perceived barriers corroborate our previous study from the Czech Republic

    Geophysics for underground engineering

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    The growth of underground engineering brought a need for the use of geophysical methods for research of underground constructions rather different in approach compared to that of civil engineering. These changes relate to surface measurement on the one hand and the development of new specialised methods used for underground work on the other. The results of a complete documentation of mining work, the application of the resistivity methods used underground and also the use of 3D electrical resistivity tomography, are all presented here

    Studium struktury a interakcí lidských lymfocytárních receptorů

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    Přirozené zabíječské (Natural killer, NK) buňky jsou důležitou složkou imunitního systému poskytující dohled nad viry infikovanými, stresem transformovanými nebo rakovinnými buňkami. Receptory NKR-P1 a jejich přirozené ligandy z genové rodiny clec2 představují alternativní "missing-self" NK buněčný systém rozpoznávání, založený na interakci vysoce příbuzných receptorů podobných C-lektinům. Lidské NKR-P1 bylo objeveno před vice než dvaceti lety, přesto stále zůstává jediným lidským orthologem této receptorové rodiny početné především u hlodavců. Po navázání na svůj přirozený ligand LLT1 receptor NKR-P1 může předávat inhibiční nebo kostimulační signály. Pro svou potenciální roli v imunitním úniku nádorů a autoimunitě jsou zajímavými cíli výzkumu, přesto je povaha jejich interakce stále nejasná. Abychom objasnili strukturní povahu jejich interakce, vyvinuli jsme obecně použitelnou metodu pro rekombinantní expresi lidského NKR-P1 a LLT1 a jejich homologů založenou na transfekci buněčné linie HEK293S GnTI- . Popsali jsme stabilizující mutaci His176Cys umožňující přípravu vysoce stabilního rozpustného receptoru LLT1. Připravený receptor LLT1 a lidské NKR-P1 jsme vykrystalizovali v různých glykosylačních stavech jednak samostatně a také v jejich komplexu. Struktury LLT1 i NKR-P1 obsahují klasické...Natural killer (NK) cells are an essential part of immune system, providing self-surveillance of virally infected, stress transformed or cancerous cells. NKR-P1 receptors and their ligands from clec2 gene family represent an alternate missing-self recognition system of NK cells based on interaction of highly related C-type lectin-like receptors. Human NKR-P1 has been described more than twenty years ago but still remains the sole human orthologue of this receptor family, particularly numerous in rodents. On binding to its cognate ligand LLT1, NKR-P1 can relay inhibitory or co-stimulatory signals. Although being interesting targets for their potential role in tumor immune evasion and autoimmunity, nature of their interaction is still unclear. To elucidate the architecture of their interaction, we developed a generally applicable method for recombinant expression of human NKR-P1 and LLT1 and their homologues based on transfection of HEK293S GnTI- cells. Further, we described a stabilizing mutation His176Cys, that enables for expression of highly stable and soluble LLT1. Finally, we have crystallized LLT1 and human NKR-P1 in different glycosylation states both as individuals and in complex. While both structures of LLT1 and NKR-P1 follow the classical C-type lectin-like superfamily fold, contrary to...Katedra biochemieDepartment of BiochemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult


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    The article introduces the Czech historiographical work called the Czech Historical Atlas and presents its analysis in terms of its concept, structure, and technical layout. The primary focus is on the atlas content and its subdivision into thematic and logical sections or the semiological structure of the used space. Last but not least, the cartographic and technical aspects of the atlas format are also analysed, including, for example, the analysis of used scales or cartographic projections. The findings are presented through a series of visuals and interpreted in the context of the thematic concept of the atlas. The authors’ aim is to present the currently not much addressed structural analysis of a cartographic atlas, which allows revealing the potential for the innovation of an original cartographic work

    Proměna prostorové organizace rodinných příslušníků v moderní společnosti

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    Příspěvek vznikl v rámci projektu UJEP-SGS-2023-53-004-2

    Long-Term Outcomes of Rheohaemapheresis in the Treatment of Dry Form of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Purpose. Determining long-term effects of rheohaemapheresis on the dry form of age-related macular degeneration. Methods. This study evaluates 19 patients, average age of 67.6 years, treated with rheohaemapheresis and 18 patients, average age of 72.8 years, comprising the control group. Minimum follow up period was 3.5 years. Each treated patient received a series of 8 sessions of rheohaemapheresis of 1.5 plasma volumes within 10 weeks. We measured the drusenoid pigment epithelium detachment (DPED), best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), electroretinography (ERG), and rheological parameters. Results. In the treatment group, the baseline BCVA was 0.74 (0.36–1.0) 95% CI and BCVA after 3.5 years was 0.79 (0.41–1.0) 95% CI (P=0.726). In the control group, the baseline BCVA was 0.71 (0.15–1.0) 95% CI and BCVA after 3.5 years decreased to 0.7 (0.32–0.87) 95% CI (P=0.031). Baseline DPED was 6.78 ± 3.79 mm2; after 3.5 years, it decreased to 4.13 ± 3.84 mm2 (P<0.001). In the control group, the baseline DPED was 4.09 ± 3.48 mm2; after 3.5 years, it increased to 6.69 ± 4.2 mm2 (P=0.001). We noted increasing levels of positive wave peaking at 50 milliseconds (P50) after treatment (P=0.022) and a stable amplitude of photopic responses of treated patients. Conclusion. Over the long term, rheohaemapheresis reduced the DPED, improved the function of photoreceptors, and prevented the decline of BCVA

    Levels and risks of antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients, hospices and retirement homes

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    Background Contamination of the indoor environment by antineoplastic drugs (ADs) is known to pose health risks to the exposed staff in hospitals or pharmacies. ADs may also contaminate households of the patients receiving chemotherapy, but the exposure levels and potential risks to family members have not been studied. The objective was to provide an in-depth research of surface contamination by ADs inside homes focusing on the households of oncology patients, hospices, and retirement houses. Methods The study was carried out in 17 patient households, 2 hospices, and 3 retirement homes. Surfaces were sampled using a standardized approach and the wipe samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS for 11 organic ADs and by ICP-MS/MS for total Pt as a marker of Pt-based ADs. Results The main study included repeated samplings of surfaces (floors, desktops) in households of 17 ambulant oncology patients receiving different chemotherapies with cyclophosphamide (CP), platinum-based drugs (Pt), doxorubicin (DOX), 5-fluorouracil (FU) and others. Patients treated with chemotherapy were found to serve as a source of contamination for their households, representing thus a risk to sensitive family members such as children or elderly people. Carcinogenic CP was commonly found at relatively high concentrations, especially during the first 6 days after the chemotherapy (maximum 511 pg/cm(2)). Sweat seems to be a major medium for the spread of the contamination, and high and long-time persisting CP levels (traces still found after 6 months post-chemotherapy) were found on various desktops including kitchen dining tables. The pilot studies in hospices and retirement homes indicated rather lower exposure risks of the personnel but pointed to potential long-lasting contamination by Pt or some other persistent ADs such as ifosfamide (IF). Conclusions This is one of the first studies investigating the contamination by ADs in indoor environments outside of hospitals or pharmacies. Peak concentrations of the carcinogenic CP in households were comparable to those observed in hospitals, but the temporal exposures are likely to cause lower risks to family members and caregivers compared to the long-time occupationally exposed health care personnel. The information guidance flier with practical recommendations was prepared improving thus information as well as prevention of eventual risks for family members