178 research outputs found

    Whole genome sequence analysis indicates recent diversification of mammal-associated Campylobacter fetus and implicates a genetic factor associated with H2S production

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    cknowledgements We like to thank Emma Yee (U.S. Department of Agriculture) for the generation of sequence data, we thank James Bono (U.S. Department of Agriculture) for the generation of PacBio RS reads and thank Dr. Brian Brooks and Dr. John Devenish (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing C. fetus strains and for critical review of this manuscript. Funding Publication charges for this article have been funded by Utrecht University, the Netherlands.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Campylobacter fetus Subspecies Contain Conserved Type IV Secretion Systems on Multiple Genomic Islands and Plasmids

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    Acknowledgments We like to thank Dr. John Devenish and Dr. Brian Brooks (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing strains. We thank Nathaniel Simon and Mary Chapman for the generation of Illumina MiSeq reads and we thank James Bono for the generation of PacBio RS reads. Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Genotyping of Chlamydophila psittaci in Human Samples

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    Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) psittaci genotypes A, B, C, and a new genotype most similar to the 6BC type strain were found in 10 humans with psittacosis by outer membrane protein A gene sequencing. Genotypes B (n = 3) and C (n = 1) are endemic in nonpsittacine European birds. These birds may represent an important part of the zoonotic reservoir

    High Production of LukMF' in Staphylococcus aureus Field Strains Is Associated with Clinical Bovine Mastitis

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    Staphylococcus aureus, a major cause of bovine mastitis, produces a wide range of immune-evasion molecules. The bi-component leukocidin LukMF' is a potent killer of bovine neutrophils in vitro. Since the role of LukMF' in development of bovine mastitis has not been studied in natural infections, we aimed to clarify whether presence of the lukM-lukF' genes and production levels of LukMF' are associated with clinical severity of the disease. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from mastitis milk samples (38 clinical and 17 subclinical cases) from 33 different farms. The lukM-lukF' genes were present in 96% of the isolates. Remarkably, 22% of the lukM-lukF'-positive S. aureus isolates displayed a 10-fold higher in vitro LukMF' production than the average of the lower-producing ones. These high producing isolates were cultured significantly more frequently from clinical than subclinical mastitis cases. Also, the detection of LukM protein in milk samples was significantly associated with clinical mastitis and high production in vitro. The high producing LukMF' strains all belonged to the same genetic lineage, spa-type t543. Analysis of their global toxin gene regulators revealed a point mutation in the Repressor of toxins (rot) gene which results in a non-functional start codon, preventing translation of rot. This mutation was only identified in high LukMF' producing isolates and not in low LukMF' producing isolates. Since rot suppresses the expression of various toxins including leukocidins, this mutation is a possible explanation for increased LukMF' production. Identification of high LukMF' producing strains is of clinical relevance and can potentially be used as a prognostic marker for severity of mastitis

    Living in Cold Blood: Arcobacter, Campylobacter, and Helicobacter in Reptiles

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    Species of the Epsilonproteobacteria genera Arcobacter, Campylobacter, and Helicobacter are commonly associated with vertebrate hosts and some are considered significant pathogens. Vertebrate-associated Epsilonproteobacteria are often considered to be largely confined to endothermic mammals and birds. Recent studies have shown that ectothermic reptiles display a distinct and largely unique Epsilonproteobacteria community, including taxa which can cause disease in humans. Several Arcobacter taxa are widespread amongst reptiles and often show a broad host range. Reptiles carry a large diversity of unique and novel Helicobacter taxa, which apparently evolved in an ectothermic host. Some species, such as Campylobacter fetus, display a distinct intraspecies host dichotomy, with genetically divergent lineages occurring either in mammals or reptiles. These taxa can provide valuable insights in host adaptation and co-evolution between symbiont and host. Here, we present an overview of the biodiversity, ecology, epidemiology, and evolution of reptile-associated Epsilonproteobacteria from a broader vertebrate host perspective

    Формування індивідуального стилю у творчості народних майстрів художньої обробки дерева (на прикладі різьбярських династій Шкрібляків та Корпанюків)

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    У статті розглянуто творчість видатних різьбярських династій Шкрібляків та Корпанюків з позиції формування власного стилю в кожного з майстрів та їхнього впливу на зародження Косівської школи художньої обробки дерева. Особливу увагу приділено тим технічним і технологічним новаціям, які застосовували у своїх творах різьбярі, та тим композиційним прийомам, які вирізняли їхні вироби з-поміж інших.В статье рассматривается творчество выдающихся династий резчиков Шкрибляков и Корпанюков с точки зрения формирования собственного стиля у каждого из мастеров и их влияния на зарождение Косовской школы художественной обработки дерева. Особое внимание уделяется тем техническим и технологическим новациям, которые использовали резчики в своих произведениях, и композиционным приёмам, выделяющим их изделия среди прочих.There is an observation of creative work of the illustrious Shkribliak and K orpaniuk houses of carvers from a position of formation of a master’s individual style and proceeding from each master’s impact on the K osiv artistic carving school’s origin. The author pays a specific attention to the technical and technological innovations which are put into practice by a carver as well as to the composition wethods which differ carver’s wares from the rest

    Характеристика структурних змін в яєчку при хронічній гіпертермії

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    Воздействие хронической гипертермии на яички экспериментальных животных приводит к изменению микроциркуляторного русла в виде венозного полнокровия и интерстициального отека. Появляются морфологические признаки замедления процессов сперматогенеза, которые сопровождаются изменениями структур извитых семенных канальцев.Laboratory animal testes influenced by chronic hyperthermia show changes in hemomicrocirculation bed structure manifested as venous hyperemia and interstitial edema. Morphological signs of spermatogenesis slowdown accompanied by changes in convoluted somniferous tubules are observed

    Comparative Genomics of Campylobacter fetus from Reptiles and Mammals Reveals Divergent Evolution in Host-Associated Lineages

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    Acknowledgments The authors like to thank Brian Brooks and John Devenish (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing strains and valuable suggestions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Association of Staphylococcus aureus genotypes with milk or colonization of extramammary sites in Dutch dairy cattle indicates strain variation in reservoirs for intramammary infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a major mastitis pathogen with a detrimental impact on udder health in dairy cattle. Although S. aureus is generally classified as a contagious mastitis pathogen, control measures aimed at preventing contagious transmission are not always effective. Previous studies showed that various extramammary sites can be colonized with S. aureus and could be a reservoir for S. aureus intramammary infections (IMI). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of S. aureus extramammary site colonization in Dutch dairy cattle and to compare the spa genotypes of S. aureus isolates from IMI to spa genotypes of isolates from extramammary sites. Six herds were visited and from cows with a composite milk somatic cell count ≥200,000 cells/mL quarter milk samples and swabs from various extramammary sites (hock, groin, udder cleft, nares, and feces) were taken. Extramammary site samples were processed by a two-step high salt selective culture and presence of S. aureus was confirmed by femA PCR. S. aureus isolates from milk and extramammary sites were compared by spa typing. The cow level colonization varied from 0% to 73%, and the prevalence of IMI in the sampled cows varied from 0% to 61% between herds. The extramammary site with the highest prevalence of colonization was the hock (23%) and the lowest prevalence of colonization was found for the nares (5%) and feces (5%). Spa typing of S. aureus isolates from either extramammary sites or milk showed that in most herds there were one or two predominant S. aureus spa genotypes present. Different S. aureus spa genotypes could be categorized into three groups based on the distribution between milk or extramammary sites: i) predominantly milk associated, ii) associated with both milk and extramammary sites, and iii) associated with extramammary sites. In conclusion, we showed that the prevalence of extramammary site colonization differed significantly between herds and extramammary sites and that specific S. aureus spa genotypes were associated with milk (IMI) or extramammary site colonization. Extramammary S. aureus reservoirs could be a source for IMI that cannot be eradicated by intervention measures aimed at contagious mastitis pathogens