241 research outputs found

    Quantitative PCR Profiling of Escherichia coli in Livestock Feces Reveals Increased Population Resilience Relative to Culturable Counts under Temperature Extremes

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    The relationship between culturable counts (CFU) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) cell equivalent counts ofEscherichia coliin dairy feces exposed to different environmental conditions and temperature extremes was investigated. Fecal samples were collected in summer and winter from dairy cowpats held under two treatments: field-exposed versus polytunnel-protected. A significant correlation in quantifiedE. coliwas recorded between the qPCR and culture-based methods (r= 0.82). Evaluation of the persistence profiles ofE. coliover time revealed no significant difference in theE. colinumbers determined as either CFU or gene copies during the summer for the field-exposed cowpats, whereas significantly higher counts were observed by qPCR for the polytunnel-protected cowpats, which were exposed to higher ambient temperatures. In winter, the qPCR returned significantly higher counts ofE. colifor the field-exposed cowpats, thus representing a reversal of the findings from the summer sampling campaign. Results from this study suggest that with increasing time post-defecation and with the onset of challenging environmental conditions, such as extremes in temperature, culture-based counts begin to underestimate the true resilience of viableE. colipopulations in livestock feces. This is important not only in the long term as the Earth changes in response to climate-change drivers but also in the short term during spells of extremely cold or hot weather

    What do we know about blended learning to inform police education? A rapid evidence assessment

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    This paper presents the findings of a rapid review of evidence on what works in blended learning in adult education which was undertaken to support the evidence informed introduction of blended learning in police education nationally across all police forces in England and Wales. Following a systematic search, screening, and quality assessment process, 42 studies, including 10 systematic reviews, were included in the final synthesis. Findings suggest that blended learning is at least as good as, if not more effective than, only face-to-face, or only online learning methods. The research evidence highlights the importance of bespoke design to suit learner needs and the type of content to be delivered, as well as the importance of providing appropriate support to both instructors and learners to engage with blended methods. Based on the findings, a toolkit is provided to guide police educators in designing and delivering curricula using blended methods

    Prosodic awareness and children’s multisyllabic word reading

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    Prosody awareness (the rhythmic patterning of speech) accounts for unique variance in reading development. However, studies have thus far focused on early-readers and utilised literacy measures which fail to distinguish between monosyllabic and multisyllabic words. The current study investigated the factors that are specifically associated with multisyllabic word reading in a sample of fifty children aged between 7- and 8-years. Prosodic awareness was the strongest predictor of multisyllabic word reading accuracy, after controlling for phoneme awareness, morphological awareness, vocabulary, and short-term memory. Children also made surprisingly few phonemic errors while, in contrast, errors of stress assignment were commonplace. Prosodic awareness was also the strongest predictor of stress placement errors, although this finding was not significant. Prosodic skills may play an increasingly important role in literacy performance as children encounter more complex reading materials. Once phoneme-level skills are mastered, prosodic awareness is arguably the strongest predictor of single word reading

    Crossmodal classification of mu rhythm activity during action observation and execution suggests specificity to somatosensory features of actions.

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    The alpha mu rhythm (8-13 Hz) has been considered to reflect mirror neuron activity due to the fact that it is attenuated by both action observation and action execution. The putative link between mirror neuron system activity and the mu rhythm has been used to study the involvement of the mirror system in a wide range of socio-cognitive processes and clinical disorders. However, previous research has failed to convincingly demonstrate the specificity of the mu rhythm, meaning that it is unclear whether the mu rhythm reflects mirror neuron activity. It also remains unclear if mu rhythm suppression during action observation reflects the processing of motor or tactile information. In an attempt to assess the validity of the mu rhythm as a measure of mirror neuron activity, we used crossmodal pattern classification to assess the specificity of EEG mu rhythm response to action varying in terms of action type (whole-hand or precision grip), concurrent tactile stimulation (stimulation or no stimulation), or object use (transitive or intransitive actions) in twenty human participants. The main results reveal that above-chance crossmodal classification of mu rhythm activity was obtained in the central channels for tactile stimulation and action transitivity but not for action type. Furthermore, traditional univariate analyses applied to the same data were insensitive to differences between conditions. By calling into question the relationship between mirror system activity and the mu rhythm, these results have important implications for the use and interpretation of mu rhythm activity

    Attitudes to Three Weight Maintenance Strategies:A Qualitative Study

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    Weight loss maintenance can be difficult and ultimately unsuccessful, due to psychological, behavioural, social, and physiological influences. The present study investigated three strategies with the potential to improve weight maintenance success: daily weighing, missing an occasional meal, habitually changing high energy foods. The principal aim was to gain an understanding of attitudes to these strategies in participants who had recent experience of weight loss attempts, with or without maintenance. This was a qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews, with 20 participants aged 18–67 (twelve females), analysed using thematic analysis. Most participants disliked daily weighing and missing an occasional meal for long-term maintenance and were concerned about potential negative effects on mental health. All participants had experience of habitual changes to high energy foods and regarded this strategy as obvious and straightforward. Replacement of high energy foods was favoured over elimination. Participants preferred strategies that felt flexible, “normal” and intuitive and disliked those that were thought to have a negative impact on mental health. Further investigation is needed on whether concerns regarding mental health are well founded and, if not, how the strategies can be made more acceptable and useful

    Metabarcoding Insights Into the Trophic Behavior and Identity of Intertidal Benthic Foraminifera

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    Foraminifera are ubiquitous marine protists with an important role in the benthic carbon cycle. However, morphological observations often fail to resolve their exact taxonomic placement and there is a lack of field studies on their particular trophic preferences. Here, we propose the application of metabarcoding as a tool for the elucidation of the in situ feeding behavior of benthic foraminifera, while also allowing the correct taxonomic assignment of the feeder, using the V9 region of the 18S (small subunit; SSU) rRNA gene. Living foraminiferal specimens were collected from two intertidal mudflats of the Wadden Sea and DNA was extracted from foraminiferal individuals and from the surrounding sediments. Molecular analysis allowed us to confirm that our foraminiferal specimens belong to three genetic types: Ammonia sp. T6, Elphidium sp. S5 and Haynesina sp. S16. Foraminiferal intracellular eukaryote communities reflected to an extent those of the surrounding sediments but at different relative abundances. Unlike sediment eukaryote communities, which were largely determined by the sampling site, foraminiferal intracellular eukaryote communities were driven by foraminiferal species, followed by sediment depth. Our data suggests that Ammonia sp. T6 can predate on metazoan classes, whereas Elphidium sp. S5 and Haynesina sp. S16 are more likely to ingest diatoms. These observations, alongside the use of metabarcoding in similar ecological studies, significantly contribute to our overall understanding of the ecological roles of these protists in intertidal benthic environments and their position and function in the benthic food webs.Peer reviewe

    Atypical emotion recognition from bodies is associated with perceptual difficulties in healthy aging.

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    A range of processes are required for recognizing others’ affective states. It is particularly important that we process the perceptual cues providing information about these states. These experiments tested the hypothesis that difficulties with affective state identification in older adults (OAs) arise, at least partly, from deficits in perceptual processing. To this end we presented “point light display” whole body stimuli to healthy OAs and comparison younger adults (YAs) in 3 signal detection experiments. We examined the ability of OAs to recognize visual bodily information—posture and kinematics—and whether impaired recognition of affective states can be explained by deficits in processing these cues. OAs exhibited reduced sensitivity to postural cues (Experiment 1) but not to kinematic cues (Experiment 2) in affectively neutral stimuli. Importantly, they also exhibited reduced sensitivity only to affective states conveyed predominantly through posture (Experiment 3) —that is, the cue they were impaired in perceiving. These findings highlight how affective state identification difficulties in OAs may arise from problems in perceptual processing and demonstrate more widely how it is essential to consider the contribution of perceptual processes to emotion recognition. (APA PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved

    Interaction takes two: typical adults exhibit mind-blindness towards those with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Recent work suggests that we are better at interpreting the movements of others who move like us, and that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) move in a quantifiably different way from typical individuals. Therefore, ‘social impairments’ exhibited by individuals with ASD may, at least in part, represent a failure by typical individuals to infer the correct mental states from the movements of those with ASD. To examine this possibility, individuals with ASD and typical adults manually directed two triangles to generate animations depicting mental state interactions. Kinematic analysis of the generated animations demonstrated that the participants with ASD moved atypically, specifically with increased jerk compared to the typical participants. In confirmation of our primary hypothesis, typical individuals were better able to identify the mental state portrayed in the animations produced by typical, relative to autistic individuals. The participants with ASD did not show this ‘same group’ advantage, demonstrating comparable performance for the two sets of animations. These findings have significant implications for clinical assessment and intervention in ASD, and potentially other populations with atypical movement

    Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation

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    The control of neurological networks supporting social cognition is crucially important for social interaction. In particular, the control of imitation is directly linked to interaction quality, with impairments associated with disorders characterized by social difficulties. Previous work suggests inferior frontal cortex (IFC) and the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) are involved in controlling imitation, but the functional roles of these areas remain unclear. Here, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was used to enhance cortical excitability at IFC and the TPJ prior to the completion of three tasks: 1) a naturalistic social interaction during which increased imitation is known to improve rapport, 2) a choice reaction time task in which imitation needs to be inhibited for successful performance, and 3) a non-imitative control task. Relative to sham stimulation, stimulating IFC improved the context-dependent control of imitation – participants imitated more during the social interaction and less during the imitation inhibition task. In contrast, stimulating the TPJ reduced imitation in the inhibition task without affecting imitation during social interaction. Neither stimulation site affected the non-imitative control task. These data support a model in which IFC modulates imitation directly according to task demands, whereas TPJ controls task-appropriate shifts in attention towards representation of the self or the other, indirectly impacting upon imitation

    Cyanobacterial endobionts within a major marine, planktonic, calcifier (Globigerina bulloides, Foraminifera) revealed by 16S rRNA metabarcoding

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    We investigated the possibility of bacterial symbiosis in Globigerina bulloides, a palaeoceanographically important, planktonic foraminifer. This marine protist is commonly used in micropalaeontological investigations of climatically sensitive subpolar and temperate water masses as well as wind-driven upwelling regions of the world's oceans. G. bulloides is unusual because it lacks the protist algal symbionts that are often found in other spinose species. In addition, it has a large offset in its stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions compared to other planktonic foraminifer species, and also that predicted from seawater equilibrium. This is suggestive of novel differences in ecology and life history of G. bulloides, making it a good candidate for investigating the potential for bacterial symbiosis as a contributory factor influencing shell calcification. Such information is essential to evaluate fully the potential response of G. bulloides to ocean acidification and climate change. To investigate possible ecological interactions between G. bulloides and marine bacteria, 18S rRNA gene sequencing, fluorescence microscopy, 16SrRNA gene metabarcoding and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on individual specimens ofG. bulloides(type IId) collected from two locations in the California Current. Intracellular DNA extracted from fiveG. bulloidesspecimens was subjected to 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding and, remarkably, 37–87 % of all 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered were assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus. This finding was supported by TEM observations of intact Synechococcus cells in both the cytoplasm and vacuoles of G. bulloides. Their concentrations were up to 4 orders of magnitude greater inside the foraminifera than those reported for the California Current water column and approximately 5 % of the intracellular Synechococcus cells observed were undergoing cell division. This suggests that Synechococcus is an endobiont of G. bulloides type IId, which is the first report of a bacterial endobiont in the planktonic foraminifera. We consider the potential roles of Synechococcus and G. bulloides within the relationship and the need to determine how widespread the association is within the widely distributed G. bulloides morphospecies. The possible influence of Synechococcus respiration on G. bulloides shell geochemistry is also explored
