165 research outputs found

    Egurrezko eraikin baten piezen mekanizatuaren diseinu eta fabrikazio prozesuaren hobekuntza

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    Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburua egurrezko eraikin baten piezen mekanizatuaren diseinu eta fabrikazio prozesua optimizatzean datza. Horretarako, piezen diseinua egin da CADWORK plataformaren bitartez. Jarraian, hauen ekoizpenean erabiliko den materiala, prozesua aurrera eramango duen makina eta erreminta egokiak aukeratu dira. Ondoren, prozesuen ebaketa parametroak lortu dira katalogoetako eta makinako datuak erabiliz. Azkenik, prozesu orrian informazio hau irudikatu da eta prozesu osoko denborak eta kostuak kalkulatu dira. (euskera)El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es optimizar el proceso de diseño y fabricación del mecanizado de las piezas de un edificio de madera. Para ello se ha realizado el diseño de las piezas a través de la plataforma CADWORK. A continuación se ha seleccionado el material que se va a utilizar en su fabricación, la maquinaria y herramientas adecuadas para llevar a cabo el proceso. Después, se han obtenido los parámetros de corte de los procesos utilizando los datos de catálogo y máquina. Finalmente, en la hoja de proceso se ha representado la siguiente información y se han calculado los tiempos y costes de todo el proceso. (español)The aim of this Final Degree Work is to optimize the design and manufacturing process of machining the parts of a wooden building. For this purpose the design of the parts has been carried out through the CADWORK platform. The material to be used in its manufacture, the right machinery and tools to carry out the process has been selected below. The process cutting parameters were then obtained using the catalog and machine data. Finally, the following information has been represented in the process sheet and the times and costs of the entire process have been calculated. (English

    The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level

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    This article provides an overview of the dissemination work carried out in META-NET from 2010 until 2015; we describe its impact on the regional, national and international level, mainly with regard to politics and the funding situation for LT topics. The article documents the initiative's work throughout Europe in order to boost progress and innovation in our field.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Regulation of ASIC channels by a stomatin/STOML3 complex located in a mobile vesicle pool in sensory neurons

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    A complex of stomatin-family proteins and acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel (ASIC) family members participate in sensory transduction in invertebrates and vertebrates. Here, we have examined the role of the stomatin-family protein stomatin-like protein-3 (STOML3) in this process. We demonstrate that STOML3 interacts with stomatin and ASIC subunits and that this occurs in a highly mobile vesicle pool in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and Chinese hamster ovary cells. We identify a hydrophobic region in the N-terminus of STOML3 that is required for vesicular localization of STOML3 and regulates physical and functional interaction with ASICs. We further characterize STOML3-containing vesicles in DRG neurons and show that they are Rab11-positive, but not part of the early-endosomal, lysosomal or Rab14-dependent biosynthetic compartment. Moreover, uncoupling of vesicles from microtubules leads to incorporation of STOML3 into the plasma membrane and increased acid-gated currents. Thus, STOML3 defines a vesicle pool in which it associates with molecules that have critical roles in sensory transduction. We suggest that the molecular features of this vesicular pool may be characteristic of a ‘transducosome’ in sensory neurons

    Sustainability strategy and plans beyond the end of the project

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    The central objective of the Metanet4u project is to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services, encompassing both datasets and software tools, for speech and language processing, and supports a new generation of exchange facilities for them.Preprin

    Awareness, mobilisation and dissemination actions

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    The central objective of the Metanet4u project is to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services, encompassing both datasets and software tools, for speech and language processing, and supports a new generation of exchange facilities for them.Peer ReviewedPreprint2.

    Report on second selection of resources, revising selection in D2.1

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    The central objective of the Metanet4u project is to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services, encompassing both datasets and software tools, for speech and language processing, and supports a new generation of exchange facilities for them.Peer ReviewedPreprin
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