341 research outputs found

    Between a Rock and a Historic Place: Preservation in Postindustrial Urban Planning

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    Long-term population loss is recognized as a major challenge in older industrial cities throughout the Rust Belt, marked by widespread vacant and abandoned properties. Policies and programs at every conceivable level are attempting to address how to rightsize cities: how to transform them into physically smaller places with a higher quality of life. Yet historic preservation is rarely included. This thesis asserts that preservation can contribute an essential perspective to reshaping cities by helping articulate their unique identity—an integral part of cities\u27 efforts to redefine themselves for brighter futures, retain population, improve the quality of life, and attract new businesses and residents. It attempts to articulate a role for the field in rightsizing by outlining its absence in the literature review, recognizing programs in other fields that build on existing resources, and recommending an approach to reshaping cities that explicitly draws on preservation. The thesis explores how city planners, preservationists, and community development organizations in seven older industrial cities are using preservation to inform strategic demolition, targeted reinvestment, and broad planning efforts. Case studies include code enforcement in Cincinnati, investment in stable neighborhoods in Cleveland, homeownership programs in Detroit, land banking in Flint/Genesee County and Cuyahoga County, historic resource surveys in Philadelphia, preservation advocacy in Saginaw, and proactive municipally-led preservation in Syracuse. Finally, the thesis proposes an expanded role for preservation in making all cities stronger, more viable places to live and work

    Letter From Samuel Reading Bertron to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, January 31, 1913

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    The document is a typed letter from Samuel Bertron to the Assistant Secretary of State concerning Huntington-Wilson\u27s resignation.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/fmhw_other/1229/thumbnail.jp

    Biodeterioration of cementitious materials in biogas digester

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    In biogas production plants, concrete structures suffer chemical and biological attacks during the anaerobic digestion process. The attack on concrete may be linked to the effects of (i) organic acids; (ii) ammonium and CO2 co-produced by the microorganisms’ metabolisms; and (iii) the bacteria’s ability to form biofilms on the concrete surface. In a context of biogas industry expansion, the mechanisms of concrete deterioration need to be better understood in order to propose innovative, efficient solutions. This study aims, firstly, to characterise the evolution of the biochemical composition of the biodegradable wastes during digestion so as to identify the compounds that are aggressive for concrete. Secondly, it aims to evaluate the mechanisms of concrete deterioration in anaerobic digesters. CEM I paste specimens were immersed in synthetic inoculated biowaste in anaerobic digestion conditions. The liquid fractions were analysed chemically. The alteration mechanisms of the cementitious matrices were investigated using XRD and SEM analyses. The maximal total concentration of organic acids was 65 mmol/L in the liquid fraction during the digestion process. The pH evolution showed two phases: acidification in the first few days and then a slow increase to pH 7–8. In only 4 weeks, an abundant biofilm developed on the cement paste surface. Biodeterioration leads to calcium leaching and carbonation of the cement past

    De la parodie dans l'art des années 1960 à nos jours

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    The word parody has been coined during classical antiquity and has since been considered mostly as a literary genre or figure. Nevertheless, numerous plastic artists are making use of its forms, processes and connotations. During the 1960s decade, the advent of consumerism and its effects on the work of art duplicability gave a new rise to parody. Reproducibility allowed the transformation of history of arts into a vast repertoire in which one may draw to create from and thus, offered a fertile ground for parodic creation. This study focuses on understanding why and how such a wide range of artists are taking advantage of parody for personal or contextual ends from the 1960s to nowadays. The first part of this study is articulated around the precise definition of the term and a chronological view of the parodic art since the middle of the 19th century, from the Salons caricaturaux to postmodernism including historical avant- gardes. The notions of playfulness, comic and satiric will be discussed in the second part, in order to grasp the multiple shades of parody. The third and last part is devoted to the specular aspect of parody that leads to a questioning of the artistic institutions and aims to unveil the artistic practices themselves. Across these pages, parody appears as an ambivalent process, oscillating between mauvais genre and sophistication, childishness and elitism, barrenness and creative rebirth, destitution and admiration, outrage and tribute.Si la parodie est loin d'être une pratique nouvelle, la première occurrence connue du terme remontant à l'Antiquité, elle a été jusqu'alors principalement envisagée comme un genre ou comme une figure littéraires. Et pourtant ses formes, ses connotations et ses procédés sont exploités par de nombreux artistes plasticiens. Dans les années 1960, l'avènement de la société de consommation et ses effets sur la reproductibilité de l'œuvre d'art donnent à la parodie un essor nouveau. Transformant l'histoire de l'art en un répertoire accessible dans lequel puiser à loisir pour créer à partir de, la reproductibilité offre des conditions idéales au jeu parodique. Comprendre comment et pourquoi des artistes d'horizons fort divers, des années 1960 à nos jours, se saisissent de la parodie, à des fins aussi bien personnelles que contextuelles, est l'objet de cette étude. État des lieux de la notion, la première partie s'attache à définir le terme et se penche sur les parodies réalisées depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, des Salons caricaturaux au postmodernisme en passant par les avant-gardes historiques. La deuxième partie se construit autour du ludique, du comique et du satirique, compris comme autant de couleurs et de régimes. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à la part réflexive de la parodie. Art sur l'art, cette dernière participe à une mise en cause institutionnelle et aspire à la dénudation du faire artistique lui-même. Tout au long de cette étude, la parodie apparaît comme une pratique essentiellement ambivalente, entre mauvais genre et pratique cultivée, gaminerie et jeu élitiste, dégénérescence de l'art et sursaut de créativité, destitution et aveu d'admiration, outrage et hommage

    Bacterial Biofilm Characterization and Microscopic Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of a Photocatalytic Coating Protecting Building Material

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    se of photocatalytic paint-like coatings may be a way to protect building materials from microbial colonization. Numerous studies have shown the antimicrobial efficiency of TiO 2 photocatalysis on various microorganisms. However, few have focused on easy-to-apply solutions and on photocatalysis under low irradiance. This paper focuses on (a) the antibacterial properties of a semi-transparent coating formulated using TiO 2 particles and (b) the microscopic investigations of bacterial biofilm development on TiO 2 -coated building materials under accelerated growth conditions. Results showed significant antibacterial activity after few hours of testing. The efficiency seemed limited by the confinement of the TiO 2 particles inside the coating binder. However, a pre-irradiation with UV light can improve efficiency. In addition, a significant effect against the formation of a bacterial biofilm was also observed. The epifluorescence approach, in which fluorescence is produced by reflect rather than transmitted light, could be applied in further studies of microbial growth on coatings and building material

    Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Front: Helping Ukrainians Win the War and the Peace by Having Their Backs against Oligarchy

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    Remarkably, while fighting for their lives against Russian invasion, Ukrainians continue to wage their long internal battle against oligarchy and corruption. Ukraine is midway through this generational struggle, which began on the streets of the Maidan in Kyiv nearly a decade ago. In 2014, after deposing a kleptocratic president whose campaigns were bankrolled by agents of the Kremlin, Ukrainians got to work transforming this post-Soviet oligarchy into a modern European state under the rule of law.Continuing to uproot oligarchy—a critical part of winning the war, rebuilding the country, and preparing for EU accession—will require heavy domestic and foreign support. Anti-corruption must be central in that support. This issue drove Ukrainians into the streets a decade ago. It has topped voters' minds in every Ukrainian election since, helped trigger the largest war in Europe since WWII, and is now motivating Ukrainians to win even at enormous cost. Transparency and accountability mechanisms are essential to reassuring Western taxpayers that their wartime aid to Ukraine is safeguarded. They must also be key conditions of the ambitious reconstruction and European modernization that will inspire freedom's cause globally. Countering corruption is as strategically vital today as the policy of containing communism was in the Cold War

    Pères modèles, fils indignes

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    Dans sa contribution aux actes du colloque Dire la parodie (1989), l’historien d’art Georges Roque convoque l’image d’une filiation pour qualifier la relation qui unit le parodiste à l’artiste parodié : « Rejeter le père. Le rejeter pour mieux l’imiter. Combien de jeunes écrivains, peintres et musiciens ne se seront pas essayés à la parodie pour régler leur compte avec leur père symbolique, rivalisant avec lui, moquant son style pour mieux forger le leur. » L’ambivalence constitutive de la pa..

    Dynamic cratering of graphite : experimental results and simulations

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    The cratering process in brittle materials under hypervelocity impact (HVI) is of major relevance for debris shielding in spacecraft or high-power laser applications. Amongst other materials, carbon is of particular interest since it is widely used as elementary component in composite materials. In this paper we study a porous polycrystalline graphite under HVI and laser impact, both leading to strong debris ejection and cratering. First, we report new experimental data for normal impacts at 4100 and 4200 m s-1 of a 500-μm-diameter steel sphere on a thick sample of graphite. In a second step, dynamic loadings have been performed with a high-power nanosecond laser facility. High-resolution X-ray tomographies and observations with a scanning electron microscope have been performed in order to visualize the crater shape and the subsurface cracks. These two post-mortem diagnostics also provide evidence that, in the case of HVI tests, the fragmented steel sphere was buried into the graphite target below the crater surface. The current study aims to propose an interpretation of the results, including projectile trapping. In spite of their efficiency to capture overall trends in crater size and shape, semi-empirical scaling laws do not usually predict these phenomena. Hence, to offer better insight into the processes leading to this observation, the need for a computational damage model is argued. After discussing energy partitioning in order to identify the dominant physical mechanisms occurring in our experiments, we propose a simple damage model for porous and brittle materials. Compaction and fracture phenomena are included in the model. A failure criterion relying on Weibull theory is used to relate material tensile strength to deformation rate and damage. These constitutive relations have been implemented in an Eulerian hydrocode in order to compute numerical simulations and confront them with experiments. In this paper, we propose a simple fitting procedure of the unknown Weibull parameters based on HVI results. Good agreement is found with experimental observations of crater shapes and dimensions, as well as debris velocity. The projectile inclusion below the crater is also reproduced by the model and a mechanism is proposed for the trapping process. At least two sets of Weibull parameters can be used to match the results. Finally, we show that laser experiment simulations may discriminate in favor of one set of parameters

    Interactions between hydrated cement paste and organic acids: Thermodynamic data and speciation modeling

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    International audienceInteractions of short-chain organic acids with hydrated cement phases affect structure durability in the agro-food and nuclear waste industries but can also be used to modify cement properties. Most previous studies have been experimental, performed at fixed concentrations and pH, without quantitatively discriminating among polyacidity effects, or complexation and salt precipitation processes. This paper addresses such issues by thermodynamic equilibrium calculations for acetic, citric, oxalic, succinic acids and a simplified hydrated CEM-I. The thermodynamic constants collected from the literature allow the speciation to be modelled over a wide range of pH and concentrations. Citric and oxalic had a stronger chelating effect than acetic acid, while succinic acid was intermediate. Similarly, Ca-citrate and Ca-oxalate salts were more insoluble than Ca-acetate and Ca-succinate salts. Regarding aluminium complexation, hydroxyls, sulphates, and acid competition was highlighted. The exploration of acid mixtures showed the preponderant effect of oxalate and citrate over acetate and succinate

    Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta po Bankartově operaci

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    Author: Désirée Ginger Bertron-Simpson Title: Case Study of Physiotherapy: Treatment of a patient after Arthroscopic Bankart Repair. Objectives: This thesis is divided in two general parts. The first one consists of overviewing the shoulder anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics. The patient's diagnosis is also presented, including the underwent surgery. The second part presents the case study, with respective examinations provided, treatments and results after providing all the therapies. Clinical findings: The patient is a 16 years old female rugby athlete, 5 weeks after undergoing an Arthroscopic Bankart repair, performed on the 18th of December 2019 on her right shoulder. Her range of motion is limited in all directions with slight muscle atrophy around her right deltoid area, movement pattern in abduction is altered, constant hypertonicity on the upper trapezius area, bilaterally. Methods: All examination and treatment are based of the knowledge I have acquired in the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of Charles University, in Prague. These include postural examination, ARoM and PRoM, muscle length and strength test, PIR, joint mobilization, soft tissue techniques, and physical activity programs adapted the patient's need. The goals of the therapies are to control existing range of...Název: Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta po Bankartově operaci. Cíle: Tato práce je rozdělena do dvou obecných částí. První sestává z přehledu anatomie ramene, kineziologie a biomechaniky. Je také uvedena diagnóza pacienta, včetně podstoupeného chirurgického zákroku. Druhá část představuje případovou studii s příslušnými vyšetřeními, léčbami a výsledky po poskytnutí všech terapií. Klinické nálezy: Pacientka je 16 letá ragbyová atletka, 5 týdnů po provedení artroskopické opravy Bankartu, provedená 18. prosince 2019 na jejím pravém rameni. Její rozsah pohybu je omezen ve všech směrech s mírnou svalovou atrofií kolem její pravé deltoidní oblasti, pohybový vzorec v abdukci je změněn, konstantní hypertonicita v horní oblasti trapézového svalu, bilaterálně. Metody: Všechny vyšetření a léčba jsou založeny na znalostech, které jsem získal na Fakultě sportu a tělesné výchovy Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Patří mezi ně posturální vyšetření, ARoM a PRoM, zkouška délky a síly svalů, PIR, mobilizace kloubů, techniky měkkých tkání a programy fyzické aktivity přizpůsobené potřebám pacienta. Cílem terapií je kontrolovat existující rozsah pohybu a znovu získat sílu svalů, aby se zabránilo další nestabilitě ramene. Výsledky: Pacient podstoupil sedm terapií, kde bylo zaznamenáno výrazné zlepšení lopatkových...FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor