321 research outputs found

    Nanosecond spin lifetimes in bottom-up fabricated bilayer graphene spin-valves with atomic layer deposited Al2_2O3_3 spin injection and detection barriers

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    We present spin transport studies on bi- and trilayer graphene non-local spin-valves which have been fabricated by a bottom-up fabrication method. By this technique, spin injection electrodes are first deposited onto Si++^{++}/SiO2_2 substrates with subsequent mechanical transfer of a graphene/hBN heterostructure. We showed previously that this technique allows for nanosecond spin lifetimes at room temperature combined with carrier mobilities which exceed 20,000 cm2^2/(Vs). Despite strongly enhanced spin and charge transport properties, the MgO injection barriers in these devices exhibit conducting pinholes which still limit the measured spin lifetimes. We demonstrate that these pinholes can be partially diminished by an oxygen treatment of a trilayer graphene device which is seen by a strong increase of the contact resistance area products of the Co/MgO electrodes. At the same time, the spin lifetime increases from 1 ns to 2 ns. We believe that the pinholes partially result from the directional growth in molecular beam epitaxy. For a second set of devices, we therefore used atomic layer deposition of Al2_2O3_3 which offers the possibility to isotropically deposit more homogeneous barriers. While the contacts of the as-fabricated bilayer graphene devices are non-conductive, we can partially break the oxide barriers by voltage pulses. Thereafter, the devices also exhibit nanosecond spin lifetimes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Identifying suitable substrates for high-quality graphene-based heterostructures

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    We report on a scanning confocal Raman spectroscopy study investigating the strain-uniformity and the overall strain and doping of high-quality chemical vapour deposited (CVD) graphene-based heterostuctures on a large number of different substrate materials, including hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), transition metal dichalcogenides, silicon, different oxides and nitrides, as well as polymers. By applying a hBN-assisted, contamination free, dry transfer process for CVD graphene, high-quality heterostructures with low doping densities and low strain variations are assembled. The Raman spectra of these pristine heterostructures are sensitive to substrate-induced doping and strain variations and are thus used to probe the suitability of the substrate material for potential high-quality graphene devices. We find that the flatness of the substrate material is a key figure for gaining, or preserving high-quality graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Copper radionuclides for theranostic applications: towards standardisation of their nuclear data. A mini-review

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    Copper has several clinically relevant radioisotopes and versatile coordination chemistry, allowing attachment of its radionuclides to biological molecules. This characteristic makes it suitable for applications in molecular imaging or radionuclide targeted therapy. Of particular interest in nuclear medicine today is the theranostic approach. This brief review considers five radionuclides of copper. These are Cu-60, Cu-61, Cu-62, Cu-64, and Cu-67. The first four are positron emitters for imaging, and the last one Cu-67 is a β–-emitting radionuclide suitable for targeted therapy. The emphasis here is on theory-aided evaluation of available experimental data with a view to establishing standardised cross-section database for production of the relevant radionuclide in high purity. Evaluated cross section data of the positron emitters have been already extensively reported; so here they are only briefly reviewed. More attention is given to the data of the 68Zn(p,2p)67Cu intermediate energy reaction which is rather commonly used for production of 67Cu

    Cyclotrons Operated for Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy in the German Speaking D-A-CH Countries: An Update on Current Status and Trends

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    Background: Cyclotrons form a central infrastructure and are a resource of medical radionuclides for the development of new radiotracers as well as the production and supply of clinically established radiopharmaceuticals for patient care in nuclear medicine. Aim: To provide an updated overview of the number and characteristics of cyclotrons that are currently in use within radiopharmaceutical sciences and for the development of radiopharmaceuticals to be used for patient care in Nuclear Medicine in Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH). Methods: Publicly available information on the cyclotron infrastructure was (i) consolidated and updated, (ii) supplemented by selective desktop research and, last but not least, (iii) validated by members of the committee of the academic “Working Group Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy” (AGRR), consisting of radiochemists and radiopharmacists of the D-A-CH countries and belonging to the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN), as well as the Radiopharmaceuticals Committee of the DGN. Results: In total, 42 cyclotrons were identified that are currently being operated for medical radionuclide production for imaging and therapy in Nuclear Medicine clinics, 32 of them in Germany, 4 in Austria and 6 in Switzerland. Two thirds of the cyclotrons reported (67%) are operated by universities, university hospitals or research institutions close to a university hospital, less by/in cooperation with industrial partners (29%) or a non-academic clinic/ PET-center (5%). Most of the cyclotrons (88%) are running with up to 18 MeV proton beams, which is sufficient for the production of the currently most common cyclotron-based radionuclides for PET imaging. Discussion: The data presented provide an academically-updated overview of the medical cyclotrons operated for the production of radiopharmaceuticals and their use in Nuclear Medicine in the D-A-CH countries. In this context, we discuss current developments and trends with a view to the cyclotron infrastructure in these countries, with a specific focus on organizational aspects

    Excitatory-inhibitory balance within EEG microstates and resting-state fMRI networks: assessed via simultaneous trimodal PET-MR-EEG imaging

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    The symbiosis of neuronal activities and glucose energy metabolism is reflected in the generation of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals. However, their association with the balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition (E/I-B), which is closely related to the activities of glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the receptor availability (RA) of GABAA and mGluR5, remains unexplored. This research investigates these associations during the resting state (RS) condition using simultaneously recorded PET/MR/EEG (trimodal) data. The trimodal data were acquired from three studies using different radio-tracers such as, [11C]ABP688 (ABP) (N = 9), [11C]Flumazenil (FMZ) (N = 10) and 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) (N = 10) targeted to study the mGluR5, GABAA receptors and glucose metabolism respectively. Glucose metabolism and neuroreceptor binding availability (non-displaceable binding potential (BPND)) of GABAA and mGluR5 were found to be significantly higher and closely linked within core resting-state networks (RSNs). The neuronal generators of EEG microstates and the fMRI measures were most tightly associated with the BPND of GABAA relative to mGluR5 BPND and the glucose metabolism, emphasising a predominance of inhibitory processes within in the core RSNs at rest. Changes in the neuroreceptors leading to an altered coupling with glucose metabolism may render the RSNs vulnerable to psychiatric conditions. The paradigm employed here will likely help identify the precise neurobiological mechanisms behind these alterations in fMRI functional connectivity and EEG oscillations, potentially benefitting individualised healthcare treatment measures

    Impact of tau and amyloid burden on glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's disease.

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    In a multimodal PET imaging approach, we determined the differential contribution of neurofibrillary tangles (measured with [18F]AV-1451) and beta-amyloid burden (measured with [11C]PiB) on degree of neurodegeneration (i.e., glucose metabolism measured with [18F]FDG-PET) in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Across brain regions, we observed an interactive effect of beta-amyloid burden and tau deposition on glucose metabolism which was most pronounced in the parietal lobe. Elevated beta-amyloid burden was associated with a stronger influence of tau accumulation on glucose metabolism. Our data provide the first in vivo insights into the differential contribution of Aβ and tau to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease

    mGluR5 receptor availability is associated with lower levels of negative symptoms and better cognition in male patients with chronic schizophrenia

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    Consistent findings postulate disturbed glutamatergic function (more specifically a hypofunction of the ionotropic NMDA receptors) as an important pathophysiologic mechanism in schizophrenia. However, the role of the metabotropic glutamatergic receptors type 5 (mGluR5) in this disease remains unclear. In this study, we investigated their significance (using [11 C]ABP688) for psychopathology and cognition in male patients with chronic schizophrenia and healthy controls. In the patient group, lower mGluR5 binding potential (BPND ) values in the left temporal cortex and caudate were associated with higher general symptom levels (negative and depressive symptoms), lower levels of global functioning and worse cognitive performance. At the same time, in both groups, mGluR5 BPND were significantly lower in smokers (F[27,1] = 15.500; p = .001), but without significant differences between the groups. Our findings provide support for the concept that the impaired function of mGluR5 underlies the symptoms of schizophrenia. They further supply a new perspective on the complex relationship between tobacco addiction and schizophrenia by identifying glutamatergic neurotransmission-in particularly mGluR5-as a possible connection to a shared vulnerability. Keywords: chronic schizophrenia; cognition; mGluR5 receptor; negative symptoms; positron emission tomography

    Early Detection of Erlotinib Treatment Response in NSCLC by 3′-Deoxy-3′-[18F]-Fluoro-L-Thymidine ([18F]FLT) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

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    Background: Inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has shown clinical success in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Somatic mutations of EGFR were found in lung adenocarcinoma that lead to exquisite dependency on EGFR signaling; thus patients with EGFR-mutant tumors are at high chance of response to EGFR inhibitors. However, imaging approaches affording early identification of tumor response in EGFR-dependent carcinomas have so far been lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed a systematic comparison of 3′-Deoxy-3′-[18F^{18}F]-fluoro-L-thymidine ([18F^{18}F]FLT) and 2-[18F^{18}F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([18F^{18}F]FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) for their potential to identify response to EGFR inhibitors in a model of EGFR-dependent lung cancer early after treatment initiation. While erlotinib-sensitive tumors exhibited a striking and reproducible decrease in [18F^{18}F]FLT uptake after only two days of treatment, [18F^{18}F]FDG PET based imaging revealed no consistent reduction in tumor glucose uptake. In sensitive tumors, a decrease in [18F^{18}F]FLT PET but not [18F^{18}F]FDG PET uptake correlated with cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis. The reduction in [18F^{18}F]FLT PET signal at day 2 translated into dramatic tumor shrinkage four days later. Furthermore, the specificity of our results is confirmed by the complete lack of [18F^{18}F]FLT PET response of tumors expressing the T790M erlotinib resistance mutation of EGFR. Conclusions: [18F^{18}F]FLT PET enables robust identification of erlotinib response in EGFR-dependent tumors at a very early stage. [18F^{18}F]FLT PET imaging may represent an appropriate method for early prediction of response to EGFR TKI treatment in patients with NSCLC