26 research outputs found

    Smoking behaviors in Kosova: results of Steps survey

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    INTRODUCTION: Tobacco use continues to be the leading global cause of preventable death. Most of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries, and this trend is expected to widen further over the next several decades. The overall objective of the study is to describe and analyse the smoking behaviours of adults in Kosova. ----- METHODS: According to the STEPs methodology, 6,400 respondents, aged 15 - 64 years, are selected randomly within each sex and 10-year age-group. Out of 6,400 participants, 6,117 were selected, which is approximately 95.6%. ----- RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking was higher among males (37.4%) compared with females (19.7%). In all age groups, the prevalence of smoking was higher among males compared with females. Regarding the age group of 15 - 24 years, the prevalence of smoking was 16.0%, but in the age group of 25 - 34 years, it nearly doubled to the rate of 31.9%. We have a smaller increase in the age group of 35 - 44 years, and after the age of 45, it falls gradually. ----- CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of smoking in Kosova is high compared with other countries in Eastern Europe. In future decades, Kosova will face a high probability of an increased burden of smoking-related diseases

    Predictive factors for patient satisfaction in public and private hospitals in Kosovo

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to assess predictive factors for patient satisfaction with healthcare services as a measure of the quality of hospital care in public and private hospitals in Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during 2015-2016 including a representative sample of 2585 patients older than 18 years [1010 (48.6%) males and 1069 (51.4%) females from public hospitals; and 240 (47.4%) males and 266 (52.6%) females from private hospitals]. Patient satisfaction dimensions such as satisfaction with medical care, nursing care, organization, and overall impression were the main variables measured. A risk-adjusted multivariate analysis was applied. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis revealed as independent significant predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from public hospitals the following factors: age, length of stay in hospital in days, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and buying medications for hospital treatment. These five independent significant predictors accounted for 7.3% of the change in the total patients’ satisfaction (stepwise method - R2 = 0.073). Conversely, there were only four predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from private hospitals: length of stay in hospital in days, number of hospitalizations in the last 12 months, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization exceeds received services. Only the variables “length of hospital stay” together with “cost of hospitalization exceeds received services” as independent predictors, explained 5.3% of the variability of total satisfaction. Conclusion: Structural and qualitative characteristics of hospitals have a significant impact on patients’ satisfaction. Age, length of stay, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and the cost of hospitalization in public hospitals and length of stay, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization in private hospitals are useful predictors for total satisfaction of patients in Kosovo

    Predictive factors for patient satisfaction in public and private hospitals in Kosovo

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to assess predictive factors for patient satisfaction with healthcare services as a measure of the quality of hospital care in public and private hospitals in Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during 2015-2016 including a representative sample of 2585 patients older than 18 years [1010 (48.6%) males and 1069 (51.4%) females from public hospitals; and 240 (47.4%) males and 266 (52.6%) females from private hospitals]. Patient satisfaction dimensions such as satisfaction with medical care, nursing care, organization, and overall impression were the main variables measured. A risk-adjusted multivariate analysis was applied. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis revealed as independent significant predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from public hospitals the following factors: age, length of stay in hospital in days, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and buying medications for hospital treatment. These five independent significant predictors accounted for 7.3% of the change in the total patients’ satisfaction (stepwise method - R2 = 0.073). Conversely, there were only four predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from private hospitals: length of stay in hospital in days, number of hospitalizations in the last 12 months, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization exceeds received services. Only the variables “length of hospital stay” together with “cost of hospitalization exceeds received services” as independent predictors, explained 5.3% of the variability of total satisfaction. Conclusion: Structural and qualitative characteristics of hospitals have a significant impact on patients’ satisfaction. Age, length of stay, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and the cost of hospitalization in public hospitals and length of stay, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization in private hospitals are useful predictors for total satisfaction of patients in Kosovo

    Self-assessment of essential public health operations in Kosovo

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    Aim: The National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo (NIPHK) considered the challenge of assessing the availability and performance of critical public health services in Kosovo. To this end, support was requested from the World Health Organization (WHO) European Regional Office, through the WHO office in Pristina, for an action-oriented process. The systematic process of the self-assessment of public health operations aimed to generate sufficient empirical evidence to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s health services and functions to provide recommendations for future public health actions in Kosovo.Methods: The NIPHK team followed the systematic self-assessment methodology of the Essential Public Health Operations (EPHO) model that the WHO’s regional office for Europe developed. The appraisal was conducted throughout 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 and involved a broad spectrum of public health actors. It also followed a participatory, interdisciplinary, and inter-sectoral approach. It was developed in three phases: preparation and collection of information, analysis and interpretation of the data, and critical recommendations for the Kosovo health authorities’ consideration. Results: The assessment resulted in an overall score of 48% sufficiency for the set of public health operations (core and enablers). The most in need of development were EPHO 6, which is related to governance (only 20% of what is needed in this dimension as a whole), followed by EPHO 3, which considers vital aspects of health protection (35%), and EPHO 10, which is related to research capacities (40%). Based on the EPHO assessment results, the specialized teams developed a set of priority recommendations to strengthen the implementation of the EPHOs in Kosovo.Conclusion: The self-assessment revealed that, despite ongoing initiatives and measures to strengthen public health, the application of EPHOs has much room for improvement. We believe that decision-makers can use this method and the findings that it reveals to implement the most effective interventions to protect and promote the population’s health. In addition, the methodology and experience can be used for educational and training purposes

    Early childhood caries in preschool children of Kosovo - a serious public health problem

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Even though it has been widely studied, early childhood caries (ECC) remains a serious public health problem, especially in countries where there is no national program of oral health assessment and no genuine primary oral health care, such as in Kosovo. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of ECC and analyze caries risk factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The subjects were 1,008 preschool children, selected by stratified random cluster sampling, in the municipality of Prishtina, capital of Kosovo. Data were collected through clinical examination and interviews. Dmft data were recorded according to WHO criteria. Bacterial examination (CRT bacteria test) and plaque test of Greene-Vermillion were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean dmft of preschool children was found to be 5.8. The prevalence of ECC was 17.36%, with a mean dmft of 11 ± 3.6. Streptococcus mutans prevalence in ECC children was 98%. A significant correlation between dmft and S mutans counts (≄10<sup>5 </sup>CFU/mL saliva) was demonstrated. A correlation was also found between daily sweets consumption and dmft in children with ECC (<it>P </it>< 0.001). Comparing the dmft of ECC children and duration of bottle feeding showed a statistical correlation (<it>P </it>< 0.001). The mean plaque test was 1.52. None of the examined children had ever used fluoride.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of ECC was high among preschool children in the municipality of Kosovo. We recommend increasing parents' knowledge of proper feeding habits and oral health practices, and increasing preschool children's accessibility to dental services.</p

    Tregu i Sigurimeve në Kosovë

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    Vet fjala Sigurim në gjuhë të ndryshme përveq rëndësis së saj ekonomike , juridike ose teknike ka rëndësi edhe më të gjerë rëndësi të përgjithëshme e cila sipas kuptimit etimologjik shënon konceptin e sigurimit besimit në diqka , mbrojtjes , siguri , garanci. Për të menjanuar apo paksuar rreziqet apo kërcnimet shoqëria ka marrë një varg masash , që nga krijimi I fondeve të përbashkëta të ushqimeve apo sigurimit të jetës deri në krijimin e shoqërive aksionare të përbashkëta të specializuara të cilat ndajnë ndërmjet e tyre , rrezikun e humbjës , dëmtimit dhe pasigurisë në tërësi. Nisur nga këto sigurimet mund të përkufizohen si : institucione ekonomike që paksojnë riskun , duke vënë nën menaxhim një grup objektesh ku humbja rastësore e përgjithëshme , bëhet e parashikueshme brenda disa kufijëve të caktuarë. Pasi që tregu i sigurimeve në botë është një treg me ndikim në zhvillimin e ekonomisë, do ta bëj një studim që të mund të vërehen të metat dhe përparësitë e kompanive të sigurimeve në Kosovë