32 research outputs found

    First Measurement of the Ti (e,e′) X Cross Section at Jefferson Lab

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    To probe CP violation in the leptonic sector using GeV energy neutrino beams in current and future experiments using argon detectors, precise models of the complex underlying neutrino and antineutrino interactions are needed. The E12-14-012 experiment at Jefferson Lab Hall A was designed to perform a combined analysis of inclusive and exclusive electron scatterings on both argon (N=22) and titanium (Z=22) nuclei using GeV-energy electron beams. The measurement on titanium nucleus provides essential information to understand the neutrino scattering on argon, large contribution to which comes from scattering off neutrons. Here we report the first experimental study of electron-titanium scattering as double-differential cross section at beam energy E=2.222 GeV and electron-scattering angle θ=15.541^{∘}, measured over a broad range of energy transfer, spanning the kinematical regions in which quasielastic scattering and delta production are the dominant reaction mechanisms. The data provide valuable new information needed to develop accurate theoretical models of the electromagnetic and weak cross sections of these complex nuclei in the kinematic regime of interest to neutrino experiments.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Grant PHY-1352106

    First Measurement of the Ti(e,e′)X(e,e^\prime){\rm X} Cross Section at Jefferson Lab

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    To probe CP violation in the leptonic sector using GeV energy neutrino beams in current and future experiments using argon detectors, precise models of the complex underlying neutrino and antineutrino interactions are needed. The E12-14-012 experiment at Jefferson Lab Hall A was designed to perform a combined analysis of inclusive and exclusive electron scatterings on both argon (N=22N = 22) and titanium (Z=22Z = 22) nuclei using GeV energy electron beams. The measurement on titanium nucleus provides essential information to understand the neutrino scattering on argon, large contribution to which comes from scattering off neutrons. Here we report the first experimental study of electron-titanium scattering as double differential cross section at beam energy E=2.222E=2.222 GeV and electron scattering angle θ=15.541\theta = 15.541 deg, measured over a broad range of energy transfer, spanning the kinematical regions in which quasielastic scattering and delta production are the dominant reaction mechanisms. The data provide valuable new information needed to develop accurate theoretical models of the electromagnetic and weak cross sections of these complex nuclei in the kinematic regime of interest to neutrino experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Version published in Physical Review

    Measurement of the Ar(e,e′^\prime p) and Ti(e,e′^\prime p) cross sections in Jefferson Lab Hall A

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    The E12-14-012 experiment, performed in Jefferson Lab Hall A, has collected exclusive electron-scattering data (e,e′^\primep) in parallel kinematics using natural argon and natural titanium targets. Here, we report the first results of the analysis of the data set corresponding to beam energy of 2,222 MeV, electron scattering angle 21.5 deg, and proton emission angle -50 deg. The differential cross sections, measured with ∼\sim4% uncertainty, have been studied as a function of missing energy and missing momentum, and compared to the results of Monte Carlo simulations, obtained from a model based on the Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (submitted to PRC

    Measurement of the Cross Sections for Inclusive Electron Scattering in the E12-14-012 Experiment at Jefferson Lab

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    The E12-14-012 experiment performed at Jefferson Lab Hall A has collected inclusive electron-scattering data for different targets at the kinematics corresponding to beam energy 2.222 GeV and scattering angle 15.54°. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the collected data and compare the double-differential cross sections for inclusive scattering of electrons, extracted using solid targets (aluminum, carbon, and titanium) and a closed argon-gas cell. The data extend over broad range of energy transfer, where quasielastic interaction, Δ-resonance excitation, and inelastic scattering yield contributions to the cross section. The double-differential cross sections are reported with high precision (∼3%) for all targets over the covered kinematic range

    Determination of the Titanium Spectral Function From (e, e\u27p) Data

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    The E12-14-012 experiment, performed in Jefferson Lab Hall A, has measured the (e,e′p) cross section in parallel kinematics using a natural titanium target. In this paper, we report the analysis of the dataset obtained in different kinematics for our solid natural titanium target. Data were obtained in a range of missing momentum and missing energy between 15 ≲ pm ≲ 250  MeV/c and 12 ≲ Em ≲ 80  MeV, respectively, and using an electron beam energy of 2.2 GeV. We measured the reduced cross section with ∼7% accuracy as a function of both missing momentum and missing energy. Our Monte Carlo simulation, including both a model spectral function and the effects of final-state interactions, satisfactorily reproduces the data

    First measurement of proton\u27s charge form factor at very low Q(2) with initial state radiation

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    We report on a new experimental method based on initial-state radiation (ISR) in e-p scattering, which exploits the radiative tail of the elastic peak to study the properties of electromagnetic processes and to extract the proton charge form factor (G(E)(P)) at extremely small Q(2). The ISR technique was implemented in an experiment at the three-spectrometer facility of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). This led to a precise validation of radiative corrections far away from elastic line and provided first measurements of G(E)(P) for 0.001 \u3c= Q(2) \u3c= 0.004 (GeV/c)(2). (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Form Factors and Two-Photon Exchange in High-Energy Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We present new precision measurements of the elastic electron-proton scattering cross section for momentum transfer (Q2) up to 15.75 (GeV/c)2. Combined with existing data, these provide an improved extraction of the proton magnetic form factor at high Q2 and double the range over which a longitudinal or transverse separation of the cross section can be performed. The difference between our results and polarization data agrees with that observed at lower Q2 and attributed to hard two-photon exchange (TPE) effects, extending to 8 (GeV/c)2 the range of Q2 for which a discrepancy is established at \u3e95% confidence. We use the discrepancy to quantify the size of TPE contributions needed to explain the cross section at high Q2

    Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Cross Section at High Bjorken xB

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    We report high-precision measurements of the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) cross section at high values of the Bjorken variable xB. DVCS is sensitive to the generalized parton distributions of the nucleon, which provide a three-dimensional description of its internal constituents. Using the exact analytic expression of the DVCS cross section for all possible polarization states of the initial and final electron and nucleon, and final state photon, we present the first experimental extraction of all four helicity-conserving Compton form factors (CFFs) of the nucleon as a function of xB, while systematically including helicity flip amplitudes. In particular, the high accuracy of the present data demonstrates sensitivity to some very poorly known CFFs

    Deep Exclusive Electroproduction of π^{0} at High Q^{2} in the Quark Valence Regime

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    We report measurements of the exclusive neutral pion electroproduction cross section off protons at large values of x_{B} (0.36, 0.48, and 0.60) and Q^{2} (3.1 to 8.4  GeV^{2}) obtained from Jefferson Lab Hall A experiment E12-06-014. The corresponding structure functions dσ_{T}/dt+εdσ_{L}/dt, dσ_{TT}/dt, dσ_{LT}/dt, and dσ_{LT^{\u27}}/dt are extracted as a function of the proton momentum transfer t-t_{min}. The results suggest the amplitude for transversely polarized virtual photons continues to dominate the cross section throughout this kinematic range. The data are well described by calculations based on transversity generalized parton distributions coupled to a helicity flip distribution amplitude of the pion, thus providing a unique way to probe the structure of the nucleon

    Measurement of the α\alpha-particle monopole transition form factor challenges theory: a low-energy puzzle for nuclear forces?

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    We perform a systematic study of the α\alpha-particle excitation from its ground state 01+0_1^+ to the 02+0_2^+ resonance. The so-called monopole transition form factor is investigated via an electron scattering experiment in a broad Q2Q^2-range (from 0.50.5 to 5.05.0 fm−2^{-2}). The precision of the new data dramatically superseeds that of older sets of data, each covering only a portion of the Q2Q^2-range. The new data allow the determination of two coefficients in a low-momentum expansion leading to a new puzzle. By confronting experiment to state-of-the-art theoretical calculations we observe that modern nuclear forces, including those derived within chiral effective field theory which are well tested on a variety of observables, fail to reproduce the excitation of the α\alpha-particle