25 research outputs found

    Farming different species in RAS in Nordic countries: Current status and future perspectives

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    Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) have gained increasing interest in recent years as a means to intensify fish production while at the same time minimize the environmental impact. Considerable hands-on experience has accumulated within the Nordic countries over the last 20-30 years in designing, building, and operating intensive land-based RAS for different species. This study compiles and assesses published literature along with un-published hands-on experiences with rearing different species in RAS in the Nordic countries, including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), European eel (Anguilla anguilla), pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), sturgeon (order Acipenseriformes), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and European lobster (Homarus gammarus). High capital costs are one of the biggest challenges to sustainable RAS calling for large scale intensive productions to reduce investment -and operation costs. Consistent with this, production of Atlantic salmon smolts in indoor RAS and rainbow trout in outdoor Model-Trout-Farms (MTFs) have been the commercially most successful productions so far. Aside from end-of-pipe treatment including sludge handling and efficient nitrogen removal, much of the RAS technology applied is well known and is, as such, more or less ready to apply for culturing a variety of species. Successful production of “new” species in RAS therefore largely comes down to identifying the biological requirements of that specific species, and designing the RAS to fulfill and support the specific requirements. Well established brood-stocks and continuous supply of offspring is furthermore a prerequisite for successful RAS production of most species. Successful operations of less intensive RAS such as aquaponic systems appear to be feasible primarily when culturing more exotic species targeted for selected customer

    Recent growth trends and challenges in the Norwegian aquaculture industry Tendencias recientes de crecimiento y desafíos de la industria acuícola en Noruega

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    Over the last 20 years, the Norwegian production of salmon and rainbow trout has increased by about 10% per year and will exceed 1 million MT in 2010. All on-growing after stocking in sea takes place in open cages in the fjords and along the coast, and the average cage volume has increased by about 300 times since the 1980's. Out of a total number of 4,000 cages more than 1,200 cages hold 20,000-60,000 m³. In 2005, the term 'maximum allowable biomass (MAB)' was introduced and limits the highest annual production to 65 tons per 1,000 m³ licensed volume. Generally, the increasing volume and deeper cages have made the control of the fish stock more challenging. Sea lice attacks, especially in South Norway, have represented a major problem over the last three years. Reduced growth, increased mortality and lice treatment leads to significant losses and extra costs for the industry. Some recent reports indicate that increased use of wrasses in the cages improved the situation in the summer 2010 compared to the previous year. Extensive vaccinating and strict regulations regarding handling, etc. usually result in effective protection against diseases, but still there may occur regional outbreaks of serious diseases, such as pancreas disease (PD) and infectious salmon anaemia (ISA). Attacks of sea lice and escape of salmon and trout from fish farms are considered to be among the main reasons for the strongly reduced wild stocks of sea trout and a reduced return of salmon spawners in the fjords and along the coast of southwest Norway.Durante los últimos 20 anos, la producción de salmón y trucha arcoiris en Noruega se ha incrementado en un 10% al ano y sobrepasará 1 millón de toneladas para el 2010. Todo el proceso de "engorda" ocurre en balsas-jaulas emplazadas en los fiordos y zonas costeras. El volumen promedio de una balsa-jaula se ha incrementado en un 300% desde sus inicios en 1980. En un universo de 4,000 balsas-jaulas se tiene que más de 1.200 encierran un volumen de entre 20.000-60.000 m³. En el 2005, el término de "máxima biomasa permisible" o en inglés maximum allowable biomass (MAB) fue acunado y cuantita-tivamente limita la producción a un máximo anual de 65 tons métricas por cada 1.000 m³ de volumen de agua concesionado. Por lo general, el incremento del volumen y profundidad de las balsas-jaulas ha traído como consecuencia una mayor dificultad en el control y manipulación de los peces. Los ataques del piojo de mar o sea lice (en inglés), localizados especialmente en el Sur de Noruega, representan en los últimos tres anos uno de los principales problemas. Reducciones en el crecimiento, incremento en las mortalidades, y tratamientos para controlar la pulga de mar lideran las pérdidas económicas en la industria de acuicultura. Algunas publicaciones recientes indican que se ha incrementado el uso de tratamientos por medios biológicos utilizando wrasses que se alimentan de ectoparásitos en las balsas-jaulas mejorando la situación en el verano del 2010 en comparación al ano anterior. La vacunación masiva y una legislación estricta en relación a la manipulación de los peces, etc., han resultado usualmente en una protección efectiva en contra de las enfermedades, sin embargo aún persisten focos regionales de enfermedades muy serias, tales como la enfermedad del páncreas (pancreas disease, PD) y la anemia infecciosa del salmón (infectious salmon anaemia, ISA). Los ataques del piojo de mar, así como el escape de salmones y truchas desde los centros de cultivo de peces son considerados entre las principales razones de la fuerte disminución de la población natural de reproductores en los fiordos y en la zona costera del sur de Noruega


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    Felleskjøpet ved Norsk Bioakva A.S

    Revidert Havbruksplan for Kvitsøy

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    Kvitsøy kommune engasjerte IRIS sommeren 2013 for å utarbeide en revidert utgave av Havbruksplan for Kvitsøy av 200 I. I løpet av denne perioden har det vært en betydelig utvikling innen havbruksnæringa i Norge som har bidratt til ekspansjon av tradisjonelt oppdrett av laksefisk og økt kunnskaper om mulig oppdrett av andre fiskearter og skalldyr. Det blir også lagt vekt på at næringa skal bli mer miljøvennlig og bærekraftig, og at velferden til oppdrettsfisken blir opprettholdt.Kvitsøy kommun

    Miljøkonsekvenser av reguleringsframlegg for Fv 776, Tysværvåg

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    Statens vegvesen har framlagt forslag til ny rcguleringsplan for Fv 776 Herviksveien mellom Troppene og Sandvik, Tysværvåg i Tysvær kommune. Fylkesmannen i Rogaland, miljøvernavdelingen, krever i den forhindelse ytterligere dokumentasjoner/vurderinger av vegtiltakets kosekvenser for vannforhold i forbindelse med fremlegging av reguleringsplanen. I tillegg har Rogalandsforskning gjennomført en vurdering av forhold knyttet opp mot biologisk mangfold langs andre deler av veitraseen. Det er gjennomført befaringer og intervjuer i området, men det er ikke foretatt noen form for målinger.Statens vegvesen, region ves

    Forundersøkelse Ressurssenter for landbasert oppdrett

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    Rapporten omtaler en forstudie for vurdering av opprettelse av et ressurssenter for landbasert produksjon av fisk og andre akvatiske-marine organismer i RogalandBiomarin Veks

    Forundersøkelse Ressurssenter for landbasert oppdrett

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    Rapporten omtaler en forstudie for vurdering av opprettelse av et ressurssenter for landbasert produksjon av fisk og andre akvatiske-marine organismer i Rogalan