1,592 research outputs found

    Environmental And Genetic Risk Factors For Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia In Neonates

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    We hypothesized that early intubation would decrease the hazard of BPD and BPD/death in premature infants regardless of need for reintubation. Specific aims included assessing rates of BPD and BPD/death in infants first extubated between day of life (DOL)1-3 versus 4-7, 8+ and impact of re-intubation. We included infants with gestational age ≀28weeks, birth weight ≀1000g, and intubation on DOL1. Proportional hazards regression modeled time to BPD and BPD/death, adjusting for potential confounders. Of 262 infants, 101 (38.55%), 41 (15.65%) and 120 (45.80%) were extubated between DOL1-3, 4-7, and 8+, respectively. Extubation between DOL4-7 versus DOL1-3 was associated with an increased hazard of developing BPD (HR 1.7; 95%CI 1.0-2.8; p\u3c0.05). Extubation on DOL 8+ was associated with a significantly increased hazard compared to extubation between DOL1-3 (16.9; 10.5-27.1; \u3c0.0001) or DOL4-7 (10.0; 6.1-16.3; \u3c 0.0001). Similar results were noted with BPD/death. Re-intubation did not affect BPD and BPD/death. Delaying extubation beyond the first 3 and 7 days was associated with an increased risk of BPD and BPD/death. Re-intubation did not impact outcomes

    Huggormsbett hos hund i Sverige

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    Every year many dogs in Sweden are bitten by the adder, a venomous snake (Vipera berus). Despite the fact that adder bites are so common in dogs there have been few investigations made that study the effects of treatment with glucocorticoids, a drug that is commonly used. We have carried out a literature study concerning adder bites in dogs and a prospective study where case history, clinical signs and treatment have been recorded in dogs that were presented at two veterinary hospitals after a confirmed or suspected adder bite. Fifty three dogs were included in the study out of which 22 were treated with glucocorticoids. In our study, the group of dogs treated with glucocorticoids was compared with the group of dogs that did not receive glucocorticoid treatment by the owner or on arrival at the clinic. Clinical signs including general condition and local swelling were recorded at four occasions during an observation period of about three weeks. There were 21 males and 32 females and the most common breeds were German shepherd and Labrador retriever. The mean age was four years. Seventy four % of the dogs arrived to the veterinary hospital within three hours after the adder bite. Seventeen % of the dogs had been treated with glucocorticoids before arrival at the veterinary hospital. On arrival at the veterinary hospital 73 % of the dogs had some degree of disturbed general condition. Envenomations occurred most commonly in the head and nose (77 %). Twenty eight % of the dogs were treated with glucocorticoids by the veterinarian at arrival to the veterinary hospital. Sixty eight % of the dogs were treated with analgesics and 19 % of the dogs were treated with antibiotics. All of the dogs were treated with fluids. No deaths occurred during the observation period. All the dogs hade some degree of swelling over the area of the adder bite on arrival at the veterinary hospital and this swelling had a tendency to increase over the first 24 hours. As concerns glucocorticoid treatment there was no significant difference in development of swelling or general condition between groups. However, there was a trend that the proportions of dogs with a higher degree of local swelling at presentation were larger in the groups that were treated with glucocorticoids compared to the untreated group of dogs.Varje Ă„r blir mĂ„nga hundar i Sverige bitna av huggormen – Vipera berus. Trots att huggormsbett Ă€r sĂ„ vanligt hos hund finns fĂ„ undersökningar som studerat effekterna av behandling med glukokortikoider som Ă€r vanligt förekommande. Vi har genomfört en litteraturstudie avseende huggormsbett hos hund samt en prospektiv studie dĂ€r anamnes, klinisk status samt typ av behandling registrerats pĂ„ hundar som anlĂ€nt till djursjukhus efter konstaterat eller misstĂ€nkt huggormsbett. Vi har bland dessa hundar jĂ€mfört en glukokortikoidbehandlad grupp och en icke glukokortikoidbehandlad grupp hundar avseende allmĂ€ntillstĂ„nd och svullnad i bettomrĂ„det under en observationsperiod pĂ„ ca tre veckor. Femtiotre hundar ingick i studien, 21 hanar och 32 tikar. De vanligaste raserna var SchĂ€fer och Labrador Retriever. MedelĂ„ldern var fyra Ă„r. Sjuttiofyra % av hundarna anlĂ€nde till djursjukhus inom 3 timmar efter huggormsbettet. Sjutton % av hundarna hade behandlats med glukokortikoider innan ankomst till djursjukhuset. Vid ankomst till djursjukhus hade 73 % av hundarna nĂ„gon grad av pĂ„verkat allmĂ€ntillstĂ„nd. Den vanligaste lokalisationen för bettet var huvud/nos (77 %). TjugoĂ„tta % av hundarna behandlades med glukokortikoider av veterinĂ€r vid ankomst till djursjukhus. SextioĂ„tta % av hundarna gavs smĂ€rtlindrande behandling i form av opioider och 19 % av hundarna behandlades med antibiotika. Samtliga hundar behandlades med nĂ„gon form av vĂ€tsketerapi. Inga dödsfall intrĂ€ffade under observationsperioden. Samtliga hundar hade nĂ„gon grad av svullnad i omrĂ„det för huggormsbettet vid ankomst till djursjukhuset. Denna svullnad tenderade att öka under de första 24 timmarna efter bettet. Vid statistisk bearbetning av materialet kunde vi inte upptĂ€cka nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad i utveckling av svullnad eller pĂ„verkan pĂ„ allmĂ€ntillstĂ„ndet mellan grupperna avseende glukokortikoidbehandling. Vi kunde dock se en trend mot att andelen hundar med högre grad av svullnad i omrĂ„det för huggormsbettet vid ankomst var större i gruppen som behandlades med glukokortikoider Ă€n gruppen hundar som inte behandlades med glukokortikoider

    Luzernesilage aus spezieller Nutzung und technologischer Aufbereitung in der ökologischen GeflĂŒgel- und SchweinefĂŒtterung

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    In dem durchgefĂŒhrten Forschungsprojekt wurde die Eignung von Luzernesilage aus „spezieller Nutzung“ und „technologischer Aufbereitung“ fĂŒr den Einsatz in der ökologischen GeflĂŒgel- und SchweinefĂŒtterung geprĂŒft. Silagewerbung und -qualitĂ€t Innerhalb der kleinkörnigen Futterleguminosen weisen Luzerne und Weißklee das höchste Potential hinsichtlich Protein- und AminosĂ€ureausstattung (Lysin, Methionin) sowie deren Ertrag pro ha auf. Bei Beachtung der „speziellen Nutzung“ kann fĂŒr Luzerne ein Proteingehalt von nahezu 300 g mit 18 g Lysin und 5 g Methionin (jeweils pro kg TS) erreicht werden. Ein solches Ausgangsmaterial ist verlustarm zu konservieren, wenn die GrundsĂ€tze des Silierens konsequent angewendet werden. Ein zusĂ€tzliches Extrudieren des Anwelkgutes verbessert den Siliererfolg nicht. FĂŒtterungsversuche mit Luzernesilage - MasthĂŒhner nehmen hohe Mengen dieser Luzernesilagen auf (Aufzucht 10-20 %, Mast 30 %, jeweils bezogen auf die tĂ€gliche TS-Aufnahme). Hierbei ist allerdings zu beachten, dass spezielle Kraftfuttermischungen, die den NĂ€hrstoff- und ME-Gehalt der Silage berĂŒcksichtigen („ErgĂ€nzer“), vorgelegt werden. - Legehennen verzehren ebenfalls nennenswerte Tagesmengen an Luzernesilage (15 - 20 % bezogen auf die tĂ€gliche TS-Aufnahme). Diese kann auch bei der Legehenne zur Versorgung mit den essentiellen AminosĂ€uren Lysin und Methionin beitragen. DarĂŒber hinaus fördert ein attraktives Silageangebot das Tierwohl (BeschĂ€ftigung, Vermeidung von Federpicken) und die Tiergesundheit (Darm, Fußballen). Sowohl bei den mit Luzernesilage gefĂŒtterten Legehennen als auch den MasthĂŒhnern sind in den Produkten Ei und Fleisch gegenĂŒber, den nur mit Kraftfutter versorgten Vergleichstieren, erhöhte Gehalte an Omega 3-FettsĂ€uren festzustellen. - Mastschweine verzehren mit zunehmender Mastdauer hohe Tagesmengen an Luzernsilage (Anfangsmast 20 %, Mittelmast 40 %, Endmast 50 % der tĂ€glichen TS-Aufnahme). Damit können ca. 1 dt Kraftfutter pro Mastschwein eingespart werden. In der Endmast lĂ€sst sich die Eiweißversorgung der Tiere vollstĂ€ndig ĂŒber die Luzernesilage realisieren. Das zusĂ€tzliche Extrudieren der Luzerne zeigt in allen FĂŒtterungsversuchen keine Vorteile fĂŒr die tierische Leistung

    Zum Stand der ergÀnzenden Hilfen zur Erziehung

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    Seit einigen Jahren wird in der Schweiz zunehmend die Bezeichnung «ErgĂ€nzende Hilfen zur Erziehung» als Sammelbegriff fĂŒr ambulante und (teil-)stationĂ€re Leistungen fĂŒr vulnerable Kinder, Jugendliche und deren Familien verwendet. Der Begriff erscheint auch in kantonalen Gesetzesinitiativen und Entwicklungsprojekten. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird hier den Fragen nachgegangen: Inwieweit und wie haben sich die ergĂ€nzenden Hilfen zur Erziehung mittlerweile etabliert? Tragen die kantonalen Initiativen und Entwicklungen dazu bei, Strukturprobleme der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe abzuschwĂ€chen

    Northern Bobwhite Nest Site Selection in Field Borders

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    Field borders are used to supplement early successional habitat critical for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) nesting that is lost to modern intensive agricultural practices. The suitability of field border habitat for nesting may be affected by microhabitat characteristics at the site and patch scale and placement relative to various land-cover types at the landscape scale. We sought to determine whether bobwhite select nest locations at site, patch, and landscape scales. We collected microhabitat data (stem density, percent cover, and ground composition) and distance to land-cover type data (woody edge, crop, ditch, and road) from 26 bobwhite nests and 26 control sites in field borders in North Carolina, USA, during 2010 and 2011. We modeled nest site selection by comparing nests with random locations using conditional logistic regression at the site scale and logistic regression at the combined patch–landscape scale. We performed model selection using the small sample Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). The top site-scale model showed that bobwhite selected for the presence of woody cover and avoided open soil at the nest. There was no clear top model at the combined patch–landscape level. In an agriculture-dominated landscape, managers should focus on microhabitat characteristics of field borders to improve suitability for bobwhite nesting

    Northern Bobwhite Nest Site Selection in Field Borders

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    Field borders are used to supplement early successional habitat critical for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) nesting that is lost to modern intensive agricultural practices. The suitability of field border habitat for nesting may be affected by microhabitat characteristics at the site and patch scale and placement relative to various land-cover types at the landscape scale. We sought to determine whether bobwhite select nest locations at site, patch, and landscape scales. We collected microhabitat data (stem density, percent cover, and ground composition) and distance to land-cover type data (woody edge, crop, ditch, and road) from 26 bobwhite nests and 26 control sites in field borders in North Carolina, USA, during 2010 and 2011. We modeled nest site selection by comparing nests with random locations using conditional logistic regression at the site scale and logistic regression at the combined patch–landscape scale. We performed model selection using the small sample Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). The top site-scale model showed that bobwhite selected for the presence of woody cover and avoided open soil at the nest. There was no clear top model at the combined patch–landscape level. In an agriculture-dominated landscape, managers should focus on microhabitat characteristics of field borders to improve suitability for bobwhite nesting

    What is the Effect of Opioid Use During Pregnancy on Infant Health and Wellbeing at Birth?

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    The opioid epidemic has severe consequences for pregnant women and their infants. Opioid use during pregnancy increases the risk of numerous poor outcomes at birth, including Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), preterm birth, and low birth weight. Opioid use during pregnancy can also lead to child protective services reports and foster care entry. This brief summarizes the findings from a recent study that used linked administrative data from Wisconsin from 2010-2019 and child protective service reports to evaluate the effects of exposure to prescription and illicit opioids during pregnancy on infant health and wellbeing at birth
