9 research outputs found

    El pie de un diabético

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    Paciente de 38 años de edad, con antecedentes personales de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 desde los 14 años e IRC en tratamiento en diálisis, que acude a nuestra unidad en mayo del 2005 por UPP en sacro de III grado (clasificación de la National pressure ulcer advisorypanel), y dehiscencia quirúrgica necrosada en pierna izquierda por safenectomía y ya ambas cicatrizada. El paciente tiene un largo historial clínico debido a su enfermedad metabólica y a la mala aceptación de la misma desde que era joven. En los informes se hacen varias referencias a este hecho: era fumador, no acudía a las revisiones con el endocrino, no se realizaba controles sistemáticos de lo niveles de glucemia, ni llevaba una dieta acorde con su enfermedad. Todos estos hechos favorecieron la aparición precoz de las consecuencias derivadas de la diabetes: vasculopatía de pequeños y de grandes vasos.Enfermerí

    Privacy handling in context dissemination

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    Pervasive environments are characterized by ubiquitous, mobile and embedded computing devices and wireless networking. The vision is an environment where the technology resides in the background ready to be used when it is needed. An essential part of such environments is context aware applications and context information. A context aware system exploits context information to provide relevant services or information to an entity, where relevancy depends on the entity\u92s task. As a user, the employment of such systems involves revealing a lot of personal data. Context information can divulge a lot of sensitive information which represents a threat to a person\u92s privacy. This master thesis looks into privacy handling in pervasive computing environments. The object is to propose a solution on how a user can control the extent of access to his or her context information. In order to identify the most important privacy concerns in the implementation of a context management system, privacy principles are looked into and privacy challenges in consequence of pervasive computing are evaluated. The different strategies for handling privacy are pointed out, such as legislation, self-regulation and technology. Among these, technology is further looked into, first through an evaluation of existing solutions and research projects, then through design an implementation of a possible solution. The principles which are identified to be most important to handle are a user\u92s awareness of data collection and the possibility to restrict this collection. In addition it is pointed out the importance of making the system convenient to use. The heterogeneity of different users\u92 privacy preferences implies that some kind of personalization of the system should be present. A design and an implementation are presented which propose a solution where a user can constrain the access to his or her personal data, based on other users\u92 identities, his or her present situation and the type of context information the other users want to receive. The system also includes functionality to abstract details away from the context information which is disseminated to other system users/entities

    «Når våre blir til mine og dine» : - en studie av sammenhengen mellom familiestruktur, barns atferdsproblemer og atferdsendring etter PMTO.

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    Bakgrunn: Det har skjedd store samfunnsendringer i hvordan familier er organisert. En omfattende forskning på familiestruktur viser at barn fra oppløste familier kommer dårligere ut på en rekke ulike mål. Et konsistent funn i denne forskningen er økt risiko for eksternaliserende (normbrytende og aggressiv) atferd blant de barna som lever i oppløste familier. Forskning deler ofte familiestruktur inn i to kategorier: intakte familier og oppløste familier. Vår studie studerer flere undergrupper av familiestruktur: aleneforeldre, gifte/samboende biologiske foreldre, separerte/skilte og stefamilier. Den ser på sammenhengen mellom struktur og eksternaliserende atferdsproblemer hos barn i en klinisk populasjon. Studien undersøker også om barn fra ulike familietyper har forskjellig utbytte av familiebehandlingen PMTO, og stiller spørsmålet om det er de med størst problembelastning som har mest utbytte av behandlingen. Metode: Denne kvantitative studien er et selvstendig forskningsprosjekt, hvor allerede innsamlede data er blitt stilt til rådighet av Atferdssenteret (Norsk senter for studier av problematferd og innovativ praksis AS). Studien analyserer både nivå av atferdsproblemer ved inntak, og atferdsendring fra pre- til posttest avhengig av familiestruktur ved variansanalyse (ANOVA). Analyse av atferdsendring uavhengig av familiestruktur ble gjennomført ved korrelasjonsanalyse. Resultater: Analysen viste signifikante forskjeller i atferdsproblemer mellom barn fra ulike familietyper. Barn fra stefamilier og skilte/separerte kommer høyere ut på problembelastning, enn gifte/samboende foreldre og alenefamilier. Barn av aleneforeldre viste noe uventet mindre atferdsproblemer enn barn fra andre strukturer. Analysen viste ingen systematiske forskjeller mellom gruppene i endring fra pre- til posttest. Resultatene viste samtidig en tendens til at de med høyest nivå av atferdsproblemer før behandling, profiterte best på PMTO. Konklusjon: Våre resultater viser at det også i en klinisk populasjon kan være ulikt nivå av atferdsproblemer hos barn avhengig av hvilken familiestruktur de lever i. Likevel finnes det ikke grunnlag i våre data for at familiestruktur modererer atferdsendring etter PMTO-behandling. Vi argumenterer for at PMTO evner å hjelpe de fleste familietyper, noe som indikerer at PMTO er en fleksibel metode. Våre resultater kan tolkes til støtte for ”konflikthypotesen”, og gir noen argumenter for at familiestruktur både kan ha en direkte og indirekte effekt på barns tilpasning. Andre aktuelle forklaringer og hypoteser blir også diskutert

    El pie de un diabético

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    Paciente de 38 años de edad, con antecedentes personales de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 desde los 14 años e IRC en tratamiento en diálisis, que acude a nuestra unidad en mayo del 2005 por UPP en sacro de III grado (clasificación de la National pressure ulcer advisorypanel), y dehiscencia quirúrgica necrosada en pierna izquierda por safenectomía y ya ambas cicatrizada. El paciente tiene un largo historial clínico debido a su enfermedad metabólica y a la mala aceptación de la misma desde que era joven. En los informes se hacen varias referencias a este hecho: era fumador, no acudía a las revisiones con el endocrino, no se realizaba controles sistemáticos de lo niveles de glucemia, ni llevaba una dieta acorde con su enfermedad. Todos estos hechos favorecieron la aparición precoz de las consecuencias derivadas de la diabetes: vasculopatía de pequeños y de grandes vasos.Enfermerí

    Genomic evidence of recent European introgression into North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon

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    Gene flow between wild and domestic populations has been repeatedly demonstrated across a diverse range of taxa. Ultimately, the genetic impacts of gene flow from domestic into wild populations depend both on the degree of domestication and the original source of the domesticated population. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, used in North American aquaculture are ostensibly of North American origin. However, evidence of European introgression into North American aquaculture salmon has accumulated in recent decades, even though the use of diploid European salmon has never been approved in Canada. The full extent of such introgression as well as the potential impacts on wild salmon in the Northwest Atlantic remains uncertain. Here, we extend previous work comparing North American and European wild salmon (n = 5799) using a 220 K SNP array to quantify levels of recent European introgression into samples of domestic salmon, aquaculture escapees, and wild salmon collected throughout Atlantic Canada. Analysis of North American farmed salmon (n = 403) and escapees (n = 289) displayed significantly elevated levels of European ancestry by comparison with wild individuals (p < 0.001). Of North American farmed salmon sampled between 2011 and 2018, ~17% had more than 10% European ancestry and several individuals exceeded 40% European ancestry. Samples of escaped farmed salmon similarly displayed elevated levels of European ancestry, with two individuals classified as 100% European. Analysis of juvenile salmon collected in rivers proximate to aquaculture locations also revealed evidence of elevated European ancestry and larger admixture tract in comparison to individuals collected at distance from aquaculture. Overall, our results demonstrate that even though diploid European salmon have never been approved for use in Canada, individuals of full and partial European ancestry have been in use over the last decade, and that some of these individuals have escaped and hybridized in the wild

    Genomic evidence of recent European introgression into North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon

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    Gene flow between wild and domestic populations has been repeatedly demonstrated across a diverse range of taxa. Ultimately, the genetic impacts of gene flow from domestic into wild populations depend both on the degree of domestication and the original source of the domesticated population. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, used in North American aquaculture are ostensibly of North American origin. However, evidence of European introgression into North American aquaculture salmon has accumulated in recent decades, even though the use of diploid European salmon has never been approved in Canada. The full extent of such introgression as well as the potential impacts on wild salmon in the Northwest Atlantic remains uncertain. Here, we extend previous work comparing North American and European wild salmon (n = 5799) using a 220 K SNP array to quantify levels of recent European introgression into samples of domestic salmon, aquaculture escapees, and wild salmon collected throughout Atlantic Canada. Analysis of North American farmed salmon (n = 403) and escapees (n = 289) displayed significantly elevated levels of European ancestry by comparison with wild individuals (p < 0.001). Of North American farmed salmon sampled between 2011 and 2018, ~17% had more than 10% European ancestry and several individuals exceeded 40% European ancestry. Samples of escaped farmed salmon similarly displayed elevated levels of European ancestry, with two individuals classified as 100% European. Analysis of juvenile salmon collected in rivers proximate to aquaculture locations also revealed evidence of elevated European ancestry and larger admixture tract in comparison to individuals collected at distance from aquaculture. Overall, our results demonstrate that even though diploid European salmon have never been approved for use in Canada, individuals of full and partial European ancestry have been in use over the last decade, and that some of these individuals have escaped and hybridized in the wild