26 research outputs found

    An implicit scheme for solving the anisotropic diffusion of heat and cosmic rays in the RAMSES code

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    Astrophysical plasmas are subject to a tight connection between magnetic fields and the diffusion of particles, which leads to an anisotropic transport of energy. Under the fluid assumption, this effect can be reduced to an advection-diffusion equation augmenting the equations of magnetohydrodynamics. We introduce a new method for solving the anisotropic diffusion equation using an implicit finite-volume method with adaptive mesh refinement and adaptive time-stepping in the RAMSES code. We apply this numerical solver to the diffusion of cosmic ray energy, and diffusion of heat carried by electrons, which couple to the ion temperature. We test this new implementation against several numerical experiments and apply it to a simple supernova explosion with a uniform magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, A&

    Protostellar birth with ambipolar and ohmic diffusion

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    The transport of angular momentum is capital during the formation of low-mass stars; too little removal and rotation ensures stellar densities are never reached, too much and the absence of rotation means no protoplanetary disks can form. Magnetic diffusion is seen as a pathway to resolving this long-standing problem. We investigate the impact of including resistive MHD in simulations of the gravitational collapse of a 1 solar mass gas sphere, from molecular cloud densities to the formation of the protostellar seed; the second Larson core. We used the AMR code RAMSES to perform two 3D simulations of collapsing magnetised gas spheres, including self-gravity, radiative transfer, and a non-ideal gas equation of state to describe H2 dissociation which leads to the second collapse. The first run was carried out under the ideal MHD approximation, while ambipolar and ohmic diffusion was incorporated in the second calculation. In the ideal MHD simulation, the magnetic field dominates the energy budget everywhere inside and around the first core, fueling interchange instabilities and driving a low-velocity outflow. High magnetic braking removes essentially all angular momentum from the second core. On the other hand, ambipolar and ohmic diffusion create a barrier which prevents amplification of the magnetic field beyond 0.1 G in the first Larson core which is now fully thermally supported. A significant amount of rotation is preserved and a small Keplerian-like disk forms around the second core. When studying the radiative efficiency of the first and second core accretion shocks, we found that it can vary by several orders of magnitude over the 3D surface of the cores. Magnetic diffusion is a pre-requisite to star-formation; it enables the formation of protoplanetary disks in which planets will eventually form, and also plays a determinant role in the formation of the protostar itself.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Synthetic observations of first hydrostatic cores in collapsing low-mass dense cores II. Simulated ALMA dust emission maps

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    First hydrostatic cores are predicted by theories of star formation, but their existence has never been demonstrated convincingly by (sub)millimeter observations. Furthermore, the multiplicity at the early phases of the star formation process is poorly constrained. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we seek to provide predictions of ALMA dust continuum emission maps from early Class 0 objects. Second, we show to what extent ALMA will be able to probe the fragmentation scale in these objects. Following our previous paper (Commer\c{c}on et al. 2012, hereafter paper I), we post-process three state-of-the-art radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic 3D adaptive mesh refinement calculations to compute the emanating dust emission maps. We then produce synthetic ALMA observations of the dust thermal continuum from first hydrostatic cores. We present the first synthetic ALMA observations of dust continuum emission from first hydrostatic cores. We analyze the results given by the different bands and configurations and we discuss for which combinations of the two the first hydrostatic cores would most likely be observed. We also show that observing dust continuum emission with ALMA will help in identifying the physical processes occurring within collapsing dense cores. If the magnetic field is playing a role, the emission pattern will show evidence of a pseudo-disk and even of a magnetically driven outflow, which pure hydrodynamical calculations cannot reproduce. The capabilities of ALMA will enable us to make significant progress towards understanding fragmentation at the early Class 0 stage and discovering first hydrostatic cores.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Radiative, magnetic and numerical feedbacks on small-scale fragmentation

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    Radiative feedback and magnetic field are understood to have a strong impact on the protostellar collapse. We present high resolution numerical calculations of the collapse of a 1 M⊙ dense core in solid body rotation, including both radiative transfer and magnetic field. Using typical parameters for low-mass cores, we study thoroughly the effect of radiative transfer and magnetic field on the first core formation and fragmentation. We show that including the two aforementioned physical processes does not correspond to the simple picture of adding them separately. The interplay between the two is extremely strong, via the magnetic braking and the radiation from the accretion shoc

    Numerical Methods for Simulating Star Formation

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    We review the numerical techniques for ideal and non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) used in the context of star formation simulations. We outline the specific challenges offered by modeling star forming environments, which are dominated by supersonic and super-Alfvénic turbulence in a radiative, self-gravitating fluid. These conditions are rather unique in physics and engineering and pose particularly severe restrictions on the robustness and accuracy of numerical codes. One striking aspect is the formation of collapsing fluid elements leading to the formation of singularities that represent point-like objects, namely the proto-stars. Although a few studies have attempted to resolve the formation of the first and second Larson's cores, resolution limitations force us to use sink particle techniques, with sub-grid models to compute the accretion rates of mass, momentum and energy, as well as their ejection rate due to radiation and jets from the proto-stars. We discuss the most popular discretisation techniques used in the community, namely smoothed particle hydrodynamics, finite difference and finite volume methods, stressing the importance to maintain a divergence-free magnetic field. We discuss how to estimate the truncation error of a given numerical scheme, and its importance in setting the magnitude of the numerical diffusion. This can have a strong impact on the outcome of these MHD simulations, where both viscosity and resistivity are implemented at the grid scale. We then present various numerical techniques to model non-ideal MHD effects, such as Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion, as well as the Hall effect. These important physical ingredients are posing strong challenges in term of resolution and time stepping. For the latter, several strategies are discussed to overcome the limitations due to prohibitively small time steps. An important aspect of star formation simulations is the radiation field. We discuss the current state-of-the-art, with a variety of techniques offering pros and cons in different conditions. Finally, we present more advanced strategies to mitigate the adverse effect of finite numerical resolution, which are very popular in the context of supersonic, self-gravitating fluids, namely adaptive mesh refinement, moving meshes, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and high-order methods. Advances in these three directions are likely to trigger immense progress in the future of our field. We then illustrate the different aspects of this review by presenting recent results on supersonic MHD turbulence and magnetized collapse calculations

    Formation d'etoile : etude de l'effondrement des coeurs prestellaires

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    One of the priorities of contemporary astrophysics remains to understand the mechanisms which lead to star formation. In the dense cores where star formation occurs, temperature, pressure, etc... are such that it is impossible to reproduce them in the laboratory. Numerical calculations remain the only mean to study physical phenomena that are involved in the star formation process. The focus of this thesis has been on the numerical methods that are used in the star formation context to describe highly non-linear and multi-scale phenomena. In particular, I have concentrated my work on the first stages of the prestellar dense cores collapse. This work is divided in 4 linked part. In a first study, I use a 1D Lagrangean code in spherical symmetry (Audit et al. 2002) to compare three models that incorporate radiative transfer and matter-radiation interactions. This comparison was based on simple gravitational collapse calculations which lead to the first Larson core formation. It was found that the Flux Limited Diffusion model is appropriate for star formation calculations. I also took benefit from this first work to study the properties of the accretion shock on the first Larson core. We developed a semi-analytic model based on well-known assumptions, which reproduces the jump properties at the shock. The second study consisted in implementing the Flux Limited Diffusion model with the radiation-hydrodynamics equations in the RAMSES code (Teyssier 2002). After a first step of numerical tests that validate the scheme, we used RAMSES to perform the first multidimensional collapse calculations that combine magnetic field and radiative transfer effects at small scales with a high numerical resolution. Our results show that the radiative transfer has a significant impact on the fragmentation in the collapse of prestellar dense cores. I also present a comparison we made between the RAMSES code (Eulerian approach) and the SPH code DRAGON (Goodwin 2004, Langrangean approach). We studied the effect of the numerical resolution on the angular momentum conservation and on the fragmentation. We show that the two methods converge, provided that we use high numerical resolution criteria, which are much greater than the usual criteria found in the literature. The two methods then seem to be adapted to the study of tar formation.La comprehension des processus conduisant à la formation des étoiles est l'un des enjeux majeurs de l'astrophysique contemporaine. Au sein des nuages conduisant à la formation d'étoiles, les conditions de température, pression, etc... sont telles qu'il est impossible de les reproduire par l'expérience. C'est pourquoi la simulation numérique reste le seul moyen d'étudier les phénomènes physiques intervenant dans le processus de formation des étoiles et ainsi de vérifier la théorie. Ma thèse est axée autour des méthodes numériques utilisées dans le contexte de la formation d'étoiles, phénomène multi-échelles et hautement non-linéaire, nécessitant l'utilisation d'outils bien adaptés. Dans cette thèse autour de l'étude des premières phases de l'effondrement de coeurs denses préstellaires, mon travail s'est divisé en 4 parties liées. Dans une première étude, j'ai utilisé un code lagrangien 1D à symétrie sphérique (Audit et al. 2002) pour comparer plusieurs modèles traitant plus ou moins précisément le transfert radiatif et l'interaction matière-rayonnement. Cette comparaison est basée sur des calculs simples d'effondrement gravitationnel conduisant à la formation du premier coeur de Larson. J'ai aussi tiré bénéfice de ce premier travail pour étudier les propriétés du choc d'accrétion sur le premier coeur de Larson. Nous avons développé un modèle semi-analytique permettant de reproduire les propriétés de saut au choc en partant d'hypothèses bien connues. Ayant validé les méthodes utilisées précédemment, nous avons retenu l'approche de diffusion à flux limité que j'ai ensuite intégrée avec les équations de l'hydrodynamique radiative dans le code AMR RAMSES (Teyssier 2002). Après validation des schémas implémentés, nous avons utilisé RAMSES pour réaliser des effondrements multidimensionnels avec champ magnétique et transfert radiatif. Nous avons ainsi réalisé les premières simulations combinant les effets du champ magnétique et du transfert radiatif aux petites échelles avec une grande précision. Nos résultats montrent que le transfert radiatif à un impact significatif sur la fragmentation au cours de l'effondrement des coeurs denses préstellaires. Enfin, j'ai réalisé une comparaison du code RAMSES (approche eulérienne) et du code SPH DRAGON (Goodwin 2004, approche lagrangienne). Nous avons étudié l'impact de la résolution numérique sur la conservation du moment angulaire et la fragmentation. Nous avons montré qu'en utilisant des critères de résolution forts et bien supérieurs aux critères usuels de la littérature, les deux outils convergent et semblent donc bien adaptés à la formation d'étoiles

    Cosmic-ray propagation in the bi-stable interstellar medium

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    Context. Cosmic rays propagate through the galactic scales down to the smaller scales at which stars form. Cosmic rays are close to energy equipartition with the other components of the interstellar medium and can provide a support against gravity if pressure gradients develop. Aims. We study the propagation of cosmic rays within the turbulent and magnetised bi-stable interstellar gas. The conditions necessary for cosmic-ray trapping and cosmic-ray pressure gradient development are investigated. Methods. We derived an analytical value of the critical diffusion coefficient for cosmic-ray trapping within a turbulent medium, which follows the observed scaling relations. We then presented a numerical study using 3D simulations of the evolution of a mixture of interstellar gas and cosmic rays, in which turbulence is driven at varying scales by stochastic forcing within a box of 40 pc. We explored a large parameter space in which the cosmic-ray diffusion coefficient, the magnetisation, the driving scale, and the amplitude of the turbulence forcing, as well as the initial cosmic-ray energy density, vary. Results. We identify a clear transition in the interstellar dynamics for cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients below a critical value deduced from observed scaling relations. This critical diffusion depends on the characteristic length scale L of Dcrit ≃ 3.1 × 1023 cm2 s−1(L/1 pc)q+1, where the exponent q relates the turbulent velocity dispersion σ to the length scale as σ ~ Lq. Hence, in our simulations this transition occurs around Dcrit ≃ 1024–1025 cm2 s−1. The transition is recovered in all cases of our parameter study and is in very good agreement with our simple analytical estimate. In the trapped cosmic-ray regime, the induced cosmic-ray pressure gradients can modify the gas flow and provide a support against the thermal instability development. We discuss possible mechanisms that can significantly reduce the cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients within the interstellar medium. Conclusions. Cosmic-ray pressure gradients can develop and modify the evolution of thermally bi-stable gas for diffusion coefficients D0 ≤ 1025 cm2 s−1 or in regions where the cosmic-ray pressure exceeds the thermal one by more than a factor of ten. This study provides the basis for further works including more realistic cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients, as well as local cosmic-ray sources

    Shock-accelerated cosmic rays and streaming instability in the adaptive mesh refinement code Ramses

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    International audienceCosmic rays (CRs) are thought to play a dynamically important role in several key aspects of galaxy evolution, including the structure of the interstellar medium, the formation of galactic winds, and the non-thermal pressure support of halos. We introduce a numerical model solving for the CR streaming instability and acceleration of CRs at shocks with a fluid approach in the adaptive mesh refinement code ramses. CR streaming is solved with a diffusion approach and its anisotropic nature is naturally captured. We introduce a shock finder for the ramses code that automatically detects shock discontinuities in the flow. Shocks are the loci for CR injection, and their efficiency of CR acceleration is made dependent on the upstream magnetic obliquity according to the diffuse shock acceleration mechanism. We show that the shock finder accurately captures shock locations and estimates the shock Mach number for several problems. The obliquity-dependent injection of CRs in the Sedov solution leads to situations where the supernova bubble exhibits large polar caps (homogeneous background magnetic field), or a patchy structure of the CR distribution (inhomogeneous background magnetic field). Finally, we combine both accelerated CRs with streaming in a simple turbulent interstellar medium box, and show that the presence of CRs significantly modifies the structure of the ga