608 research outputs found

    Adsorption: adsorption isotherms

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    Adsorpcija je jedan od važnijih fizikalnih i kemijskih procesa zbog svoje široke primjene u raznim područjima, a ponajviše u industriji i ekologiji. Iz tog razloga poznavanje njenih svojstava i točna i precizna interpretacija dobivenih rezultata je ključna za čovjeka i ekosustav. Adsorpcijske izoterme su važan dio analize tih podataka. Linearizacijom tih jednadžbi jednostavno i brzo se može pretpostaviti mehanizam nekog procesa. Ukoliko linearizacija ne ispunjava taj zadatak poseže se za drugim metodama kao što je nelinearna regresija. Zbog različitosti u adsorpcijskim procesima postoji mnogo izotermi, a najpopularnije među autorima su Freundlichova i Langmuirova. Briga o zaštiti okoliša je globalno porasla tijekom godina. Iako je adsorpcija stara tehnika za razdvajanje čestica i dalje je popularna i korištena u svim dijelovima svijeta. To duguje jednostavnosti uporabe, niskoj cijeni, otpornosti na toksine, visokoj učinkovitosti i ekološkoj prihvatljivosti. Njena veoma bitna primjena je u svrhu dobivanja pitke vode koja je još uvijek glavni problem u zemljama trećeg svijeta, a danas i šire

    Interpretable Distribution-Invariant Fairness Measures for Continuous Scores

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    Measures of algorithmic fairness are usually discussed in the context of binary decisions. We extend the approach to continuous scores. So far, ROC-based measures have mainly been suggested for this purpose. Other existing methods depend heavily on the distribution of scores, are unsuitable for ranking tasks, or their effect sizes are not interpretable. Here, we propose a distributionally invariant version of fairness measures for continuous scores with a reasonable interpretation based on the Wasserstein distance. Our measures are easily computable and well suited for quantifying and interpreting the strength of group disparities as well as for comparing biases across different models, datasets, or time points. We derive a link between the different families of existing fairness measures for scores and show that the proposed distributionally invariant fairness measures outperform ROC-based fairness measures because they are more explicit and can quantify significant biases that ROC-based fairness measures miss. Finally, we demonstrate their effectiveness through experiments on the most commonly used fairness benchmark datasets

    Semantic Shopping: A Literature Study

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    The digitalization of the economy and society overall has a significant impact on customers’ shopping behavior. After being conditioned by experiences in entertainment or simple Internet search, customers increasingly expect that a smart shopping assistant understands his/her shopping intentions and transfers these to shopping recommendations. Thus, the emerging opportunity in this context is to facilitate an intention-based shopping experience similar to the way semantic search engines provide responses to enquiries. In order to progress this new area, we differentiate alternative types of shopping intentions to provide the first set of conversation patterns. Grounded in the Speech Act Theory and a structured literature review, semantic shopping is defined and different types of shopping intentions are deduced

    Mastering Omni-Channel Retailing Challenges with Industry 4.0 Concepts

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    Omni-Channel Management is an important trend, which allows retailers to improve customer experiences. Notwithstanding, entirely seamless integration of all channels, for example, in terms of customer or pricing data or consistent product offerings, is still a challenging endeavor. Technological developments, such as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), lead to innovation opportunities in the production industry. As there are intersections between I4.0 and Omni-Channel retailing, we propose that prominent Omni-Channel retailing challenges can be overcome by integrating knowledge from both research domains. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate, which I4.0 concepts are utilized in scientific literature to overcome challenges and how these concepts can be transferred to Omni-Channel Management. To make this knowledge tangible for retailers, this article deduces opportunities on the application of I4.0 concepts in Omni-Channel retailing. The results show that especially IoT networks offer numerous deployment options and even Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Factories provide related potentials

    Smart Service Systems in Manufacturing: An Investigation of Theory and Practice

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    The digitalization has put forward numerous devices dubbed as ‘smart’. This development can be observed throughout the entire value chain and across industries with fundamental implications on the co-creation of value. In order to structure this phenomenon, the service science discipline conceptualized so-called smart service systems. This article transfers the theoretical conceptualization into the domain of manufacturing. To assess the state of research on smart services in manufacturing, a structured literature review is performed. As the transfer from a general conceptualization into a concrete domain calls for a more practice-oriented approach, we support our literature study through in-depth interviews with a leading automation technology provider. By interpreting the domain as a smart service system, five barriers to adoption in practice are identified and discussed regarding their implications for research

    A Procedure Model for Integrating Retailers into Digital Platforms

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    The integration into digital platforms is a vital countermeasure for retailers to counter rising customer expectations, emerging competition, and rapid technological developments. To break down the behemoth of integration projects into smaller steps, we synthesized a procedure model incorporating requirements from scientific literature and practice. We applied design science research to derive a well-structured and scientifically sound artifact that was evaluated in eleven interviews with practitioners. Our analysis revealed that integrating retailers into digital platforms can be standardized for different types and depths following specific guidelines outlined in the proposed procedure model of this work. Furthermore, the integration shows many similarities to other domains, especially when considering small- and medium-sized organisations. However, there are some peculiarities for retailers that could rationalize a distinct view on the integration

    Clickable report tags for identification of modified peptides by mass spectrometry

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    The identification and quantification of modified peptides are critical for the functional characterization of post-translational protein modifications (PTMs) to elucidate their biological function. Nowadays, quantitative mass spectrometry coupled with various bioinformatic pipelines has been successfully used for the determination of a wide range of PTMs. However, direct characterization of low abundant protein PTMs in bottom-up proteomic workflow remains challenging. Here, we present the synthesis and evaluation of tandem mass spectrometry tags (TMT) which are introduced via click-chemistry into peptides bearing alkyne handles. The fragmentation properties of the two mass tags were validated and used for screening in a model system and analysis of AMPylated proteins. The presented tags provide a valuable tool for diagnostic peak generation to increase confidence in the identification of modified peptides and potentially for direct peptide-PTM quantification from various experimental conditions

    Videoleitfaden aus dem Teilprojekt „Kompetenzen der Wahrnehmung, Interpretation, Antizipation von Unterrichtsprozessen sowie der Generierung von Handlungsstrategien mittels Videoanalyse erwerben” des Forschungsprojekts „Know how to teach (K2teach) - Grundlegende Handlungskompetenzen für eine adaptive Unterrichtspraxis im Studium erwerben”

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    Lehrpersonen müssen im Unterricht die wichtigen Merkmale einer Situation schnell erkennen, um angemessen darauf reagieren zu können. Dies umfasst neben der Situationsdiagnose auch das Antizipieren von möglichen Handlungsverläufen, um geeignete Handlungsstrategien identifizieren zu können. Diese Kompetenzen werden auch als professionelle Wahrnehmung bezeichnet. Studien belegen, dass die Kompetenzen der professionellen Wahrnehmung durch die Analyse von Unterrichtsaufnahmen bereits in der universitären Lehramtsausbildung gefördert werden können. Um Studierende beim Aufbau dieser Kompetenzen zu unterstützen, wer- den im K2teach-Projekt Unterrichtsaufnahmen für die Bereiche Didaktik der Biologie, Politikdidaktik und Allgemeine Grundschulpädagogik erstellt. Um eine ressourcenorientierte und nachhaltige Produktion zu gewährleisten, werden die Dreharbeiten mit studentischen MitarbeiterInnen realisiert. Der vorliegende Leitfaden dokumentiert die Schritte dieser Produktion. Er soll ferner als Unterstützung für die Durchführung ähnlicher Projekte dienen

    Structure of the ribosome post-recycling complex probed by chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry

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    Ribosome recycling orchestrated by the ATP binding cassette (ABC) protein ABCE1 can be considered as the final-or the first-step within the cyclic process of protein synthesis, connecting translation termination and mRNA surveillance with re-initiation. An ATP-dependent tweezer-like motion of the nucleotide-binding domains in ABCE1 transfers mechanical energy to the ribosome and tears the ribosome subunits apart. The post-recycling complex (PRC) then re-initiates mRNA translation. Here, we probed the so far unknown architecture of the 1-MDa PRC (40S/30S.ABCE1) by chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry (XL-MS). Our study reveals ABCE1 bound to the translational factor-binding (GTPase) site with multiple cross-link contacts of the helix-loop-helix motif to the S24e ribosomal protein. Cross-linking of the FeS cluster domain to the ribosomal protein S12 substantiates an extreme lever-arm movement of the FeS cluster domain during ribosome recycling. We were thus able to reconstitute and structurally analyse a key complex in the translational cycle, resembling the link between translation initiation and ribosome recycling