31 research outputs found

    Erasmus Language students in a British University – a case study

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    Students’ assessment of their academic experience is actively sought by Higher Education institutions, as evidenced in the National Student Survey introduced in 2005. Erasmus students, despite their growing numbers, tend to be excluded from these satisfaction surveys, even though they, too, are primary customers of a University. This study aims to present results from bespoke questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with a sample of Erasmus students studying languages in a British University. These methods allow us insight into the experience of these students and their assessment as a primary customer, with a focus on language learning and teaching, university facilities and student support. It investigates to what extent these factors influence their levels of satisfaction and what costs of adaptation if any, they encounter. Although excellent levels of satisfaction were found, some costs affect their experience. They relate to difficulties in adapting to a learning methodology based on a low number of hours and independent learning and to a guidance and support system seen as too stifling. The results portray this cohort’s British University as a well-equipped and well-meaning but ultimately overbearing institution, which may indicate that minimising costs can eliminate some sources of dissatisfaction

    First case of Anaplasma platys infection in a dog from Croatia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is known that <it>Anaplasma (A.) platys</it>, the causative agent of infectious canine cyclic thrombocytopenia, is endemic in countries of the Mediterranean basin. However, few reports are available from the Balkans. This case report describes a dog, which was imported from Croatia to Germany in May 2010. One month later the dog was presented to a local veterinarian in Germany due to intermittent/recurrent diarrhoea. Diagnostic tests were performed to identify infections caused by <it>Anaplasma </it>spp., <it>Ehrlichia </it>spp., <it>Hepatozoon canis, Babesia </it>spp., <it>Leishmania </it>spp., <it>Borrelia burgdorferi </it>and/or <it>Dirofilaria immitis</it>.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Haematological examination of a blood smear revealed basophilic inclusions in thrombocytes, which were confirmed as <it>A. platys </it>with a species-specific real-time PCR. Additionally, an infection with <it>Babesia (B.) vogeli </it>was also detected (PCR and serology). No specific antibodies against <it>Anaplasma </it>antigen were detectable. Although the dog showed no specific clinical signs, thrombocytopenia, anaemia and elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) were observed. Sequencing of a 1,348-bp partial ribosomal RNA gene revealed highest homology to <it>A. platys </it>sequences from Thailand, Japan and France.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>A. platys </it>was detected for first time in a dog imported from Croatia. As the dog was also co-infected by <it>B. vogeli</it>, unique serological and haematological findings were recorded. Thrombocytopenia, anaemia and elevated values of C-reactive protein were the laboratory test abnormalities observed in this case. <it>A. platys </it>infections should be considered in dogs coming from Croatia and adjacent regions.</p

    BDNF Methylation and Maternal Brain Activity in a Violence-Related Sample

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    It is known that increased circulating glucocorticoids in the wake of excessive, chronic, repetitive stress increases anxiety and impairs Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling. Recent studies of BDNF gene methylation in relation to maternal care have linked high BDNF methylation levels in the blood of adults to lower quality of received maternal care measured via self-report. Yet the specific mechanisms by which these phenomena occur remain to be established. The present study examines the link between methylation of the BDNF gene promoter region and patterns of neural activity that are associated with maternal response to stressful versus non-stressful child stimuli within a sample that includes mothers with interpersonal violence-related PTSD (IPV-PTSD). 46 mothers underwent fMRI. The contrast of neural activity when watching children-including their own-was then correlated to BDNF methylation. Consistent with the existing literature, the present study found that maternal BDNF methylation was associated with higher levels of maternal anxiety and greater childhood exposure to domestic violence. fMRI results showed a positive correlation of BDNF methylation with maternal brain activity in the anterior cingulate (ACC), and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), regions generally credited with a regulatory function toward brain areas that are generating emotions. Furthermore we found a negative correlation of BDNF methylation with the activity of the right hippocampus. Since our stimuli focus on stressful parenting conditions, these data suggest that the correlation between vmPFC/ACC activity and BDNF methylation may be linked to mothers who are at a disadvantage with respect to emotion regulation when facing stressful parenting situations. Overall, this study provides evidence that epigenetic signatures of stress-related genes can be linked to functional brain regions regulating parenting stress, thus advancing our understanding of mothers at risk for stress-related psychopathology

    Diretriz sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica – 2024

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a form of genetically caused heart muscle disease, characterized by the thickening of the ventricular walls. Diagnosis requires detection through imaging methods (Echocardiogram or Cardiac Magnetic Resonance) showing any segment of the left ventricular wall with a thickness &gt; 15 mm, without any other probable cause. Genetic analysis allows the identification of mutations in genes encoding different structures of the sarcomere responsible for the development of HCM in about 60% of cases, enabling screening of family members and genetic counseling, as an important part of patient and family management. Several concepts about HCM have recently been reviewed, including its prevalence of 1 in 250 individuals, hence not a rare but rather underdiagnosed disease. The vast majority of patients are asymptomatic. In symptomatic cases, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is the primary disorder responsible for symptoms, and its presence should be investigated in all cases. In those where resting echocardiogram or Valsalva maneuver does not detect significant intraventricular gradient (&gt; 30 mmHg), they should undergo stress echocardiography to detect LVOT obstruction. Patients with limiting symptoms and severe LVOT obstruction, refractory to beta-blockers and verapamil, should receive septal reduction therapies or use new drugs inhibiting cardiac myosin. Finally, appropriately identified patients at increased risk of sudden death may receive prophylactic measure with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation.La miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH) es una forma de enfermedad cardíaca de origen genético, caracterizada por el engrosamiento de las paredes ventriculares. El diagnóstico requiere la detección mediante métodos de imagen (Ecocardiograma o Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca) que muestren algún segmento de la pared ventricular izquierda con un grosor &gt; 15 mm, sin otra causa probable. El análisis genético permite identificar mutaciones en genes que codifican diferentes estructuras del sarcómero responsables del desarrollo de la MCH en aproximadamente el 60% de los casos, lo que permite el tamizaje de familiares y el asesoramiento genético, como parte importante del manejo de pacientes y familiares. Varios conceptos sobre la MCH han sido revisados recientemente, incluida su prevalencia de 1 entre 250 individuos, por lo tanto, no es una enfermedad rara, sino subdiagnosticada. La gran mayoría de los pacientes son asintomáticos. En los casos sintomáticos, la obstrucción del tracto de salida ventricular izquierdo (TSVI) es el trastorno principal responsable de los síntomas, y su presencia debe investigarse en todos los casos. En aquellos en los que el ecocardiograma en reposo o la maniobra de Valsalva no detecta un gradiente intraventricular significativo (&gt; 30 mmHg), deben someterse a ecocardiografía de esfuerzo para detectar la obstrucción del TSVI. Los pacientes con síntomas limitantes y obstrucción grave del TSVI, refractarios al uso de betabloqueantes y verapamilo, deben recibir terapias de reducción septal o usar nuevos medicamentos inhibidores de la miosina cardíaca. Finalmente, los pacientes adecuadamente identificados con un riesgo aumentado de muerte súbita pueden recibir medidas profilácticas con el implante de un cardioversor-desfibrilador implantable (CDI).A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é uma forma de doença do músculo cardíaco de causa genética, caracterizada pela hipertrofia das paredes ventriculares. O diagnóstico requer detecção por métodos de imagem (Ecocardiograma ou Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca) de qualquer segmento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo com espessura &gt; 15 mm, sem outra causa provável. A análise genética permite identificar mutações de genes codificantes de diferentes estruturas do sarcômero responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da CMH em cerca de 60% dos casos, permitindo o rastreio de familiares e aconselhamento genético, como parte importante do manejo dos pacientes e familiares. Vários conceitos sobre a CMH foram recentemente revistos, incluindo sua prevalência de 1 em 250 indivíduos, não sendo, portanto, uma doença rara, mas subdiagnosticada. A vasta maioria dos pacientes é assintomática. Naqueles sintomáticos, a obstrução do trato de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (OTSVE) é o principal distúrbio responsável pelos sintomas, devendo-se investigar a sua presença em todos os casos. Naqueles em que o ecocardiograma em repouso ou com Manobra de Valsalva não detecta gradiente intraventricular significativo (&gt; 30 mmHg), devem ser submetidos à ecocardiografia com esforço físico para detecção da OTSVE.&nbsp;&nbsp; Pacientes com sintomas limitantes e grave OTSVE, refratários ao uso de betabloqueadores e verapamil, devem receber terapias de redução septal ou uso de novas drogas inibidoras da miosina cardíaca. Por fim, os pacientes adequadamente identificados com risco aumentado de morta súbita podem receber medida profilática com implante de cardiodesfibrilador implantável (CDI)

    Small Is Big: Interactive Trumps Passive Information in Breaking Information Barriers and Impacting Behavioral Antecedents

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    <div><p>The wealth of information available on seemingly every topic creates a considerable challenge both for information providers trying to rise above the noise and discerning individuals trying to find relevant, trustworthy information. We approach this information problem by investigating how passive versus interactive information interventions can impact the antecedents of behavior change using the context of solar energy adoption, where persistent information gaps are known to reduce market potential. We use two experiments to investigate the impact of both passive and interactive approaches to information delivery on the antecedents (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in the Theory of Planned Behavior) of intentions and behavior, as well as their effect on intentions and behavior directly. The passive information randomized control trial delivered via Amazon Mechanical Turk tests the effectiveness of delivering the same content in a single message versus multiple shorter messages. The interactive information delivery uses an online (mobile and PC) trivia-style gamification platform. Both experiments use the same content and are carried out over a two-week time period. Our findings suggest that interactive, gamified information has greater impact than passive information, and that shorter multiple messages of passive information are more effective than a single passive message.</p></div

    Ringorang<sup>®</sup> screen shots.

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    <p>Screen shots of the Ringorang<sup><b>®</b></sup> question format a) clue, b) question, and c) insight.</p

    Passive information survey results.

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    <p>Pre- and post-survey means by cohort (standard deviation below), within cohort change in mean survey score (standard deviation below), and pairwise difference in the within cohort change between cohorts. For binomial variables the proportion responding ‘yes’ or the change in proportion of ‘yes’ responses. Index variables show Cronbach’s alpha in ().</p

    Experimental design of passive information experiment.

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    <p>Multiple and single message groups receive the same content, except that the former receives it in two smaller pieces. The “first half content” and “second half content” together are exactly the same as “all content” received by the single message cohort.</p