134 research outputs found

    The Feminist Hollywood

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    Writings and art examining feature films thought to represent feminist values, the evolution of female Disney characters, and female musicians who challenge the patriarchal music industry.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/feminist_zines/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Assessment of mechanical properties of isolated bovine intervertebral discs from multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging

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    BACKGROUND: The treatment planning of spine pathologies requires information on the rigidity and permeability of the intervertebral discs (IVDs). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers great potential as a sensitive and non-invasive technique for describing the mechanical properties of IVDs. However, the literature reported small correlation coefficients between mechanical properties and MRI parameters. Our hypothesis is that the compressive modulus and the permeability of the IVD can be predicted by a linear combination of MRI parameters. METHODS: Sixty IVDs were harvested from bovine tails, and randomly separated in four groups (in-situ, digested-6h, digested-18h, digested-24h). Multi-parametric MRI acquisitions were used to quantify the relaxation times T1 and T2, the magnetization transfer ratio MTR, the apparent diffusion coefficient ADC and the fractional anisotropy FA. Unconfined compression, confined compression and direct permeability measurements were performed to quantify the compressive moduli and the hydraulic permeabilities. Differences between groups were evaluated from a one way ANOVA. Multi linear regressions were performed between dependent mechanical properties and independent MRI parameters to verify our hypothesis. A principal component analysis was used to convert the set of possibly correlated variables into a set of linearly uncorrelated variables. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering was performed on the 3 principal components. RESULTS: Multilinear regressions showed that 45 to 80% of the Young’s modulus E, the aggregate modulus in absence of deformation H(A0), the radial permeability k(r) and the axial permeability in absence of deformation k(0) can be explained by the MRI parameters within both the nucleus pulposus and the annulus pulposus. The principal component analysis reduced our variables to two principal components with a cumulative variability of 52-65%, which increased to 70-82% when considering the third principal component. The dendograms showed a natural division into four clusters for the nucleus pulposus and into three or four clusters for the annulus fibrosus. CONCLUSIONS: The compressive moduli and the permeabilities of isolated IVDs can be assessed mostly by MT and diffusion sequences. However, the relationships have to be improved with the inclusion of MRI parameters more sensitive to IVD degeneration. Before the use of this technique to quantify the mechanical properties of IVDs in vivo on patients suffering from various diseases, the relationships have to be defined for each degeneration state of the tissue that mimics the pathology. Our MRI protocol associated to principal component analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering are promising tools to classify the degenerated intervertebral discs and further find biomarkers and predictive factors of the evolution of the pathologies

    Completing the picture: Importance of considering participatory mapping for REDD+ measurement, Reporting and verification (MRV)

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    Remote sensing has been widely used for mapping land cover and is considered key to monitoring changes in forest areas in the REDD+ Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system. But Remote Sensing as a desk study cannot capture the whole picture; it also requires ground checking. Therefore, complementing remote sensing analysis using participatory mapping can help provide information for an initial forest cover assessment, gain better understanding of how local land use might affect changes, and provide a way to engage local communities in REDD+. Our study looked at the potential of participatory mapping in providing complementary information for remotely sensed maps. The research sites were located in different ecological and socio-economic contexts in the provinces of Papua, West Kalimantan and Central Java, Indonesia. Twenty-one maps of land cover and land use were drawn with local community participation during focus group discussions in seven villages. These maps, covering a total of 270,000ha, were used to add information to maps developed using remote sensing, adding 39 land covers to the eight from our initial desk assessment. They also provided additional information on drivers of land use and land cover change, resource areas, territory claims and land status, which we were able to correlate to understand changes in forest cover. Incorporating participatory mapping in the REDD+ MRV protocol would help with initial remotely sensed land classifications, stratify an area for ground checks and measurement plots, and add other valuable social data not visible at the RS scale. Ultimately, it would provide a forum for local communities to discuss REDD+ activities and develop a better understanding of REDD+. (Résumé d'auteur

    Assessment of mechanical properties of muscles from multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging

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    ABSTRACT: We hypothesized that a relationship existed between the mechanical properties and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters of muscles, as already demonstrated in cartilaginous tissues. The aim was to develop an indirect evaluation tool of the mechanical properties of degenerated muscles. Leg and arm muscles of adult rabbits were dissected, and tested 12 hours post mortem, in a state of rigor mortis, or 72 hours post mortem, in a state of post-rigor mortis. The tests consisted of a multi-parametric MRI acquisition followed by a uniaxial tensile test until failure. The statistical analysis consisted of multiple linear regressions and principal component analysis. Significant differences existed between the rigor mortis and post-rigor mortis groups for E but not for the MRI parameters. 78%, 60% or 33% of the Young’s modulus could be explained by the MRI parameters in the post-rigor mortis group, rigor mortis group or both groups respectively. These relationships were confirmed by the principal component analysis. The proposed multi-parametric MRI protocol associated to principal component analysis is a promising tool for the indirect evaluation of muscle mechanical properties and should be useful to find biomarkers and predictive factors of the evolution of the pathologies

    Deuterated Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Reduce Oxidative Stress and Extend the Lifespan of C. elegans

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    Chemically reinforced essential fatty acids (FAs) promise to fight numerous age-related diseases including Alzheimer’s, Friedreich’s ataxia and other neurological conditions. The reinforcement is achieved by substituting the atoms of hydrogen at the bis-allylic methylene of these essential FAs with the isotope deuterium. This substitution leads to a significantly slower oxidation due to the kinetic isotope effect, inhibiting membrane damage. The approach has the advantage of preventing the harmful accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by inhibiting the propagation of lipid peroxidation while antioxidants potentially neutralize beneficial oxidative species. Here, we developed a model system to mimic the human dietary requirement of omega-3 in Caenorhabditis elegans to study the role of deuterated polyunsaturated fatty acids (D-PUFAs). Deuterated trilinolenin [D-TG(54:9)] was sufficient to prevent the accumulation of lipid peroxides and to reduce the accumulation or ROS. Moreover, D-TG(54:9) significantly extended the lifespan of worms under normal and oxidative stress conditions. These findings demonstrate that D-PUFAs can be used as a food supplement to decelerate the aging process, resulting in extended lifespan

    Isostasie postglaciaire différentielle au lac-Saint-Jean (Québec) et implications sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine

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    Cette étude présente d’abord le pourtour complet du maximum marin (mer de Laflamme) au Lac-Saint-Jean (Québec) et la position du premier rivage lacustre développé pendant la remontée isostatique postglaciaire qui se poursuit toujours. Suit une discussion de l’origine possible des eaux salines diluées, localement présentes au Lac-Saint-Jean : eau marine postglaciaire, eaux sous glaciaires et vieilles eaux profondes du Bouclier canadien. This study describes first the complete outline of the highest marine level in the Lac-Saint-Jean area (Québec) as well as the position of the first shoreline of the fresh water lake that replaced the Laflamme sea during the last post glacial uplift (still ongoing). Then, the possible origin of the dilute salty waters found here and there in the Lac-Saint-Jean area is discussed: post glacial sea water, sub-glacial waters and deep Canadian Shield old waters

    The role of spatial frequencies for facial pain categorization

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    Studies on low-level visual information underlying pain categorization have led to inconsistent findings. Some show an advantage for low spatial frequency information (SFs) and others a preponderance of mid SFs. This study aims to clarify this gap in knowledge since these results have different theoretical and practical implications, such as how far away an observer can be in order to categorize pain. This study addresses this question by using two complementary methods: a data-driven method without a priori expectations about the most useful SFs for pain recognition and a more ecological method that simulates the distance of stimuli presentation. We reveal a broad range of important SFs for pain recognition starting from low to relatively high SFs and showed that performance is optimal in a short to medium distance (1.2–4.8 m) but declines significantly when mid SFs are no longer available. This study reconciles previous results that show an advantage of LSFs over HSFs when using arbitrary cutoffs, but above all reveal the prominent role of mid-SFs for pain recognition across two complementary experimental tasks
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