2,228 research outputs found

    Immigrant wage assimilation profiles in Portugal: a longitudinal analysis for 2002-2017

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    Using a longitudinal dataset matching workers and firms based in Portugal, this work projectanalysesthe wage assimilation patternsbetween immigrant and native workers in the Portuguese labour market for the2002-2017period. Updating in partan existing study, the results dictatethat the wage gapsbetween average immigrants and natives remain as experience in the Portuguese labour market increases.Within skill levels, the wage differences’ evolutiondependson the levels of immigrants’ pre-immigration experienceand their education level upon arrival.When decomposing immigrants bynationality groups, immigrants from the EU15, CEEC and China presentthe most contrasting results

    Personality assessment based on biosignals during a decision-making task

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    Due to the emergence of novel acquisition devices and signal processing techniques, the study of electrophysiology and its applications has assumed an important role on the Biomedical Engineering community. Recently, research on this area has expanded to several domains, with the psychophysiology being a proeminent one, more specifically in the field of personality psychology. In this thesis, participants were asked to perform a wildly known decision-making task, the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), and their biosignals were recorded during this performance with the objective of determining whether changes in biosignals could be related to personality. This project was composed by 71 participants and their biosignals were used to extract meaningful features that together could create a predictive model of personality. For this, all biosignals were processed prior to the feature extraction step and the features were extracted from the entire signals, recorded during the performance of the IGT, and also dividing the task in five blocks. After the extraction, a machine learning algorithm was used to compute the best predictive models for the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality dimensions and for the Maximization and Regret scales, using each biosignal individually and in the end all features from all biosignals. The results showed that the predictive models which use features from all biosignals perform better than the models which use only one biosignal. The Openness to Experience, Agreeableness and Maximization scales are well predicted with features from Electrocardiogram (ECG), the Agreeableness, Maximization and Extraversion scales with Electrodermal Activity (EDA) features and the Extraversion and Openness to Experience scales with features from Blood Volume Pulse (BVP). The hypothesis that personality traits is more expressed in the start of IGT was confirmed since the highest number of features is extracted from the Block 1 of the IGT. The results should be further validated for other populations

    Distal radius fractures - how important is it to restore anatomy?

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    Objetivo: Medidas objetivas como os parâmetros radiológicos são as mais usadas para avaliar o resultado do tratamento cirúrgico da fratura do rádio distal, mas a questão que permanece é se estes se relacionam ou não com a função percecionada pelos doentes. Nós avaliamos retrospetivamente parâmetros radiológicos pré-operatórios e de follow-up em pacientes com fratura do rádio distal, de forma a avaliar se é necessário restaurar a anatomia do punho ao comparar esses mesmos resultados radiológicos do tratamento cirúrgico com o resultado funcional percecionado pelos doentes, medido através do DASH score. Mais ainda, pretendíamos identificar variáveis associadas com a redução anatómica da fratura e com o resultado funcional percecionado pelo doente. Métodos: As medidas foram efetuadas retrospetivamente em radiografias pré-operatórias e de follow-up em 77 pacientes após fratura distal do rádio, e comparadas com intervalos de valores normais padronizados. As medidas incluídas foram a altura radial, a inclinação radial, a inclinação volar e variância cubital. O score DASH foi usado para quantificar os resultados percecionados pelos doentes após a cirurgia da fratura do rádio distal. Resultados: Não foi encontrada relação estatisticamente significativa entre o score DASH e atingir medidas radiológicas normais. Também não se correlaciona com a idade, tempo de espera até à cirurgia, classificação da fratura ou técnica cirúrgica. Conclusões: Redução anatómica da fratura do rádio distal tratada cirurgicamente não é necessária para atingir boa função geral percecionada pelo doente. Nível de evidência: Nível III, estudo comparativo retrospetivoPurpose: Objective measures such as radiological parameters are the most used to evaluate distal radius fracture (DRF) surgical treatment outcome but the question of whether or not these correlate with patient perceived function remains. We retrospectively evaluated pre-operative and follow-up radiological parameters in patients with distal radius fracture, in order to assess if it is necessary to restore anatomy of the wrist by comparing said radiological outcomes of surgical treatment with patient-perceived functional outcome, measured by the DASH score. Furthermore, we aimed to identify variables associated with fracture anatomical reduction and patient perceived functional outcome Methods: Measurements were retrospectively performed on preoperative and follow up radiographs of 77 patients following distal radius fracture and compared with standardized normal value intervals. These included radial height, radial inclination, volar tilt and ulnar variance. The DASH score was used to quantify patient-perceived outcome following DRF surgery. Results: No statistically significant relation was found between the DASH score and achieving normal radiological measurements. It also did not correlate with age, time waiting for surgery, fracture classification or surgery technique. Conclusions: We found that anatomical reduction of surgically treated distal radius fracture measured by radiological outcomes is not necessary to achieve good overall function perceived by the patient. Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective comparative stud

    Comparison of two diets with modified human milk regarding growth and bone mineralization of very low birth weight infants

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficácia e tolerabilidade de duas dietas à base de leite humano (LH) acrescido de fórmula láctea (PreNan®) ou complemento nutricional especial (FM 85®) na promoção do crescimento pôndero-estatural, mineralização óssea e tempo de hospitalização de recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso (RNMBP). MÉTODO: Foram constituídos, por sorteio, dois grupos de crianças acompanhadas a partir do 15º dia de vida, até atingir o peso de alta (2000±20g): Grupo A, 14 RNMBP receberam LH+FM 85® (5g/100mL LH); Grupo B, 11 RNMBP receberam LH+PreNan® 19% em volumes iguais. Foram avaliados: peso, comprimento, perímetro cefálico e prega cutânea tricipital média esquerda, calculando-se os incrementos de peso e o tempo para atingir 2000g. Foram dosados: cálcio, fósforo, magnésio e creatinina séricos e urinários e fosfatase alcalina sérica, calculando-se as taxas de reabsorção tubular de fósforo (%TPR). A mineralização óssea foi avaliada por meio de técnicas radiológicas padronizadas. RESULTADOS: 11 RNMBP de cada grupo completaram o estudo. Ambas as dietas foram bem toleradas e os índices antropométricos e dosagens séricas iniciais não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. Os incrementos de peso do Grupo B foram superiores aos do Grupo A e a fosfatase alcalina sérica do Grupo A foi maior que do Grupo B no final da observação. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto à %TPR; mineralização óssea e tempo de hospitalização. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as dietas foram bem toleradas. O leite humano enriquecido com PreNan® 19% volume a volume (v/v) se mostrou mais eficiente em relação ao ganho de peso e ao metabolismo ósseo em comparação ao leite humano acrescido de FM 85®.OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of two diets based on human milk (HM) added with PreNan® or FM 85® on physical growth, bone mineralization and duration of hospitalization. METHODS: Two groups of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants were studied: Group A, 14 infants fed with HM+FM 85® (5g/100mL HM) and Group B, 11 infants fed with HM+PreNan® 19% volume to volume (v/v), from the 15th day of life up to 2000g of weight. The parameters measured were: weight, length, head circumference; mean left triciptal skinfold thickness; calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and creatinine (serum and urine) and alkaline phosphatase (serum) at the beginning and at the end of the observation. The tubular phosphorus reabsorption rate (%TPR) was calculated and bone mineralization was assessed by X-ray. RESULTS: 11 infants of each group completed the study. There were no differences between the two groups at the beginning of the study. Weight gain per day (g/d) or per kg per day (g/kg/d) was significantly higher in Group B, and duration of hospitalization was shorter. Serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels did not differ between groups, but alkaline phosphatase levels were higher in Group A at the end of the study. Groups were similar regarding bone mineralization and %TPR. CONCLUSIONS: Both diets were well tolerated. In terms of weight gain and bone metabolism, supplementation of HM with PreNan® 19% v/v was slightly but significantly better than with FM 85®

    Diageo: Asia leading the premiumization of spirits?

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    The present report analyzes the alcoholic beverage industry by region, the market players, and specifically how Diageoplcis positioned and investing in each one. In 2020,the world face dun precedent challenges with the coronavirus pandemic, thus, the alcoholic drinks market, had to adapt to this new reality. Furthermore, it was analyzed how the company will generate value in the future

    Maturity model to position and orient organizations through the process automation implementation

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsNowadays, companies are seeking for processes done with a zero error rate enhancing their service quality, while the demand for costs reduction and speed is also increasing. For these reasons, the value of Artificial Intelligence is raising, namely in the area of optimization and processes automation. These concepts lead to a hot topic: Hyperautomation, which aims to achieve an environment where machines are working together with each other or alongside human employees. However, it is not clear what does the introduction of intelligence means in processes. Previous studies have defined maturity models regarding Business Process Management or Industry 4.0, but there is a gap in this topic for the automation area. The Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) was applied to build a Maturity Model that can help position and orient organizations through the process automation implementation. The model aims to be a framework where the companies can rely to be successful in the journey of automating and optimizing business processes not only by understanding their position but also finding the actions needed to improve. Thus, the Maturity Model incorporates a taxonomy to classify each level as well as a description of what each level represents. Additionally, the proposed Maturity Model provides an evaluation framework

    Communication in People with Self-Care Deficit

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    Abstract: The main objective of this descriptive article is to present an analysis about the importance of communication in the intervention among individuals with self - care deficits, especially in the elderly population. Self-care behavior encompasses domains such as cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioral, if any of these are compromised, it can translate into a deficit in self-care. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, becomes a powerful tool at the level of the established relationship between the patient and the psychomotricist, as this can translate into greater motivation and a change in attitude, which is as important as a good performance of technical procedures

    Gamma Ray Sterilization Study on a Perna perna Mussel Reference Material

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    In this study the most suitable gamma ray dose for the sterilization of a new Perna perna mussel reference material was investigated. Different gamma ray doses were applied and microbiological loads of irradiated subsamples and a non-irradiated control subsample were studied. A 0.90 kGy decimal reduction value was estimated at the microbiological load test conditions and it was concluded that a 5 kGy dose is suitable for the sterilization of the mussel reference material
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